MikeShlort;525763 said:
So how does this work exactly? Do black guys just attract complete sluts with no self respect, or do women not expect you to treat them like humans so you don't have to go about the usual social protocol? Most girls I've ever met are concerned with weeding out guys who are just trying to use them for sex. Yet I always see and hear of black guys with a "roster" of sluts at their disposal. Are these just the scrap bin women who are so hard up for dick and affection they are okay with being used, or am I just missing out on some unwritten rule where black guys don't have to treat women like humans and they will still get to use them for sex? So many questions.

Very general statement don't you think?
I'm a black guy and at any given time I can be sleeping with 2-3 girls none of them are sluts. I'm honest with each of them and they continue to see me. Women are attracted to confident men maybe black guys appear to be more confident idk. I also know guys like to appear macho when talking to other guys that's when the "roster" or stable talk come into play but that doesn't mean they treat women like trash. I'm sure every guy up here talks to their guy friends differently than they do to girlfriends it's just how guys are
Where do I meet these girls who are okay with being 1 of 3 girls a guy is fucking? All I seem to meet is girls who want a boyfriend. Any clues you can give me? Look for lower back tattoos?
MikeShlort;525771 said:
Where do I meet these girls who are okay with being 1 of 3 girls a guy is fucking? All I seem to meet is girls who want a boyfriend. Any clues you can give me? Look for lower back tattoos?


I keep things in the friendship realm of course women will try to get you into a relationship especially if you're a nice guy. I've been through a lot so I let it known up front that I'm not looking to settle down so when it starts to feel too much like a relationship I give them options to either not see me or to keep things the way they are. More times than not they want to keep you around and that buys you more time out of the relationship zone.
Oh, so you basically trick them. I have this problem, I think it's because I'm a fag, but when I'm face to face with a woman, I feel badly and the last thing I want to do is lead them on. In theory though, I'd love to just use them for sexual release. Maybe I should take a class in how to front, because I'm the world's worst liar.
How do you feel when a girl you are fucking is also fucking another guy(s)?
MikeShlort;525763 said:
So how does this work exactly? Do black guys just attract complete sluts with no self respect, or do women not expect you to treat them like humans so you don't have to go about the usual social protocol? Most girls I've ever met are concerned with weeding out guys who are just trying to use them for sex. Yet I always see and hear of black guys with a "roster" of sluts at their disposal. Are these just the scrap bin women who are so hard up for dick and affection they are okay with being used, or am I just missing out on some unwritten rule where black guys don't have to treat women like humans and they will still get to use them for sex? So many questions.

Well this is how it works, Women out number men in like 10 to 1 in most major city around the world, They aren't sluts there is just not enough men to go around, If all men are taken they only have a few options -- Be Gay, sleep with someone else man, or live in a house full of cats, lol. As long as you treat all of them nice and your attractive, smart, can lay it down in bed and can hold a convo, most women don't mind because it is hard enough for the to find a good man in the slim pickings it is.

there is your lesson for today
I'm not selfish I encourage them to explore other options just because I don't want a relationship doesn't mean they shouldn't try to find one or spend time with someone else... I know I'm a weirdo
Oh lets not forget the male gay factor which up the rate to like 12 to1 women out numbering men. in places like ATL, women out number men like 18 to 1.
boogieman;525781 said:
there is your lesson for today

I'm glad I could be enlightened on the finer points of life by a guy with a cartoon �naked people movies� black cock worship avatar.
18:1? Hmm I think I've figured this out. All the girls from rural areas must move to the city leaving all the guys behind and that's the reason its 18:1 the other way where I am?
MikeShlort;525784 said:
I'm glad I could be enlightened on the finer points of life by a guy with a cartoon �naked people movies� black cock worship avatar.
Well sorry I dont have an avatar of cum on floor, I leave mine on women.
If you let women know what the deal is up front and not lie they usually will respect you for it, and be cool with things, If not they say no and you move on until you find the one. Mine A Ivy League professor, two nurses and an actress none stupid, all of them no history also, Polygamy only became illegal in the mid 1900s, throughout the bible, native american tribes Muslims and still places today, man have more then one wife. the numbers and history doesn't lie>
rebel2011;525788 said:
18:1? Hmm I think I've figured this out. All the girls from rural areas must move to the city leaving all the guys behind and that's the reason its 18:1 the other way where I am?

Rural women love them big city boys. lol
MikeShlort;525784 said:
I'm glad I could be enlightened on the finer points of life by a guy with a cartoon �naked people movies� black cock worship avatar.

Its also not a black or white thing, I knew plenty of White guys when I lived in Dubai that had at least 4 girlfriends( Thai, Philippina, white and black girls). I knew one guy that had 4 living with him.
boogieman;525853 said:
Well sorry I dont have an avatar of cum on floor, I leave mine on women.

It's sweat. After putting in a hard effort for a manual stretch workout. I have to work hard; nothing is handed to me.
All these career women and you're still worried about your penis size and fascinated with huge cock �naked people movies�. I have this theory that guys who sleep around with different women have a deep seated fear that they aren't "enough" to keep one good woman. Reject them first before you can be rejected. It's such a great defense mechanism.
MikeShlort;525889 said:
All these career women and you're still worried about your penis size and fascinated with huge cock �naked people movies�. I have this theory that guys who sleep around with different women have a deep seated fear that they aren't "enough" to keep one good woman. Reject them first before you can be rejected. It's such a great defense mechanism.

Not a good theory sometimes you just don't find the one for you, I have been married and me and my ex wife are still super close, as far as sex with my women they are pleased, I just want to be better, if you dont work to improve you are wasting your time here in this world, You should improve yourself until you die. and I have been with these same women for an average of 3 yrs a piece, If i meet one that has all of their qualities in one, I am off the market again.
Or I guess some people are so Narcissistic they believe they are owed perfection.
MightyJohnson;526192 said:
I think I fall into this category LOL

So do I. I was just trolling him to learn more about the human condition. I agree with most of what he said.
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