Hey bigdex. With injecting into the just the tunica, Im assuming that one would need to find a way for the peptide to spread through out the whole tunica that surrounds the CCs and the CS. I don't think just one injection would do this. Im thinking muliple injection around different points of the penis would need to be done but penetrating into the skin onl so TB-500 can work it's magic on the entire tunica starting from outer layer.
Here's a link talking all about TB-500.
Im already injecting 200 mcgs of tb-500 a day into the CCs but I may increase up to 400 to 600 a day since this peptide enduces increased healing time, anti scarring, increases angiogensis and cell proliferation, not to mention increases tissue elasticity at the cellular level.
TB-500 may even be better then IGF AND MGF since TB-500 initiates angiogensis which is the growth of new blood vessels and endothelial cells in skelital muscle, smooth muscle and tendons and ligaments. The penis is primarily composed of endothelial cells which then makes up smooth muscle and spongy erectile tissue. Create more endothelial cells and you create more tissue mass thus growing a larger penis.
Im not sure if TB-500 can be taken orally because the peptide is extremely sensitive and can be destroyed with ease. Even light can destroy the peptide which is why it's supposed to be stored in a dark cold place at 30 to 38 degrees if you want it to last for 8 days. Even when reconstiuting the peptide for injection it can be destroyed just by spraying the sterile water directly on it or if the peptide is has been shook around. The digestive system from what I've studied would destroy the peptide upon contact.
After reconstituting TB-500 it's so sensitive that it will only stay good for 8 days in the refridgerator. It has to be preloaded in syringes and stored in the freezer until you're ready to use that particular dosage. I load up 50 syringes of TB-500 at 100 mcgs each and keep all of them in the freezer so they will last for months and not just 8 days if stored in the fridge. As for a topical I was thinking about DMSO but Im not sure if TB-500 is to large of a molecule to be carried through the skin with DMSO. I know with DMSO that IGF, MGF, and VEGF cannot be carried through the skin since there molecular structure is way to big. Im hoping TB-500 isn't the same case.
If DMSO can carry TB-500 through the skin then we may have something here. If not then a superior carrier has to be found that can carry larger molecules like TB-500 and other peptides through the skin. If we can find a superior solvent that's capable of carrying Penis EnlargementPTIDES through the skin deep into tissues then we wouldn't have any need for injections anymore which would be great because injections suck. I have to get my self siked up each time before injecting my unit and some injections are painful then others.