
Nov 2, 2015
These 2 1/2 years has been a struggle atlas for my dick. I think there were some different factors playing into it. I took steroids 1-2 years before the injury and diagnosis and i had low low testosterone after this point which cased me to have lower libido. Thats what got me searching on the internet, and then i found MOS and P.E. I started doing the beginner stretches 3x30 sec left, right straight, up, down ect ect. I would do those everyday and would take me about 10 minutes totally stretching and after about 2weeks to a month i saw huge gains from about 5 1/2 stretched to about 6 1/4 inches stretched. My Dick was getting really big and felt really good, i could basically get erections whenever i wanted. I then started watching more �naked people movies� and doing jelqs, at this point i was getting really sore with all the stress on my dick. I have to note that before this P.E i never had sex and really didn't masterbate a lot so i think my penis was very weak compared to other people starting out. Long story short I was jelqing and just had the urge to masturbate to �naked people movies� and was squeezing to hard on the jelq so more of a masturbating / jelq which was not good. I think it was possibly that plus i was using this vlc tugger on my leg and it was not doing very well for me i started noticing less EQ and i think an injury happened bc the vlc tugger suction cup on my head of my Dick did not fit right had something to do with it. Anyway I started noticing pain in my head pretty bad at this point it went downhill and i started having a lot of pain when i had erections. I noticed inflammation on the top left near my head on the left side of my shaft. I still tried to stretch ect but pain just continued. 1 month later I woke up to my longer dick curved to the left when i had morning wood probably about 30 degrees. I pretty much freaked out. I went to the doctor and he felt my Dick and told me i had plaque in my head of my penis and that i had peyronies disease. Since then its been about 21/2 years of non stop pain and inflammation. I tried everything from jelqing to stretching it out and it all just made it worse to massage. Some guys can stretch ect and it not bother it, but my case is a little weird.

Right now i have a couple of scars i feel like are forming / have formed. I don't think they are calcified yet so i still have hope of getting my dick stronger and getting this thing straight, having tons of libido and gaining my size back. During this time i developed different injuries on each side, i don't have much of a curve about 15-20 degrees sometimes its straight... but i have lost about an 1 inch in erect length all of libido.

I really want you guys to help me tweak my routine I'm going to be starting on, its going to be composed of 1. exercising ( cardio/ weights) 2. Supplements to help get my EQ back or libido at all (mainly its lost because of the plaques clogging up the blood flow :O) 3. Diet, what i eat really affects the inflammatory response and I've been eating lots of ginger daily. 4. My P.E routine ****** this will be incredibly modified due to the sensitivity my penis has. I really want you guys to be put in my shoes and be able to understand what I'm going through. I try stretch and it gets bothered, i can't jelq fully as this will make me turtle up / pain start coming back.

I have the bathmate which i won't be using , but i will for a warmup my dick inside. I made up my mind i will be doing something everyday for a year whether i feel like it or not pain or not ill do something. Whether its Kegals, light massaging, a modified jelq where i use my index finger and thumb to stroke the top of my penis and the bottom at the same motion going to my head, because the sides get irritated thats where the plaque is. And anything else you guy can help me with. I started this mindset 2 days ago and have so far done :

Day 1: 3 sets: Stretch 20 sec straight down, and 20 sec to the down right
Stretch 20 sec straight out , straight out to the right
stretch 20 sec straight up , straight up to the right
- only did 1 set all those but to the left ^ due to scarring on my right side.
I also have done my set of kegals for yesterday and today - 20 quick reps 1 sec squeeze 1 sec rest 2 sets / 10 reps 4 secs squeeze , 6 secs rest 2 sets.

thanks guys this is for everyone who thinks they have it worse/ bad EQ / or small dick at least it works. Im going to get mine to work and grow / heal at the same time.
Thank you guys, i know you guys will come together to help me succeed. I also have to say I'm doing this for my wife one day, not to abuse my Dick on �naked people movies� or whatever else. I believe The Lord will heal me and can but i need to be diligent and have discipline. Thanks for bearing with me
- Comeback kid.

Routine: Month 1: Day 1 - 30 :
Downward stretch: 20 seconds - 4 sets
Downward stretch to the right: 20 seconds - 4 sets
Straight out stretch: 20 seconds- 2 sets
Straight out stretch to the right: 20 seconds- 2 sets

--------Completed month 1---------
(after one month, My Eq has not gotten any better, i believe my penis has gained elasticity and maybe has gained some size) Will be measuring on month 2 for an accurate measurements.

Month 2: Day 30-60: ----Current----
Warmup: either 5 minutes in the bathtub or do some testical massage/ Kegal work.
Kegals: Will do them Monday, Wednesday, and Friday day 30-60.
Downward stretch: 30 seconds - 4 sets
Downward stretch to the right: 30 seconds - 4 sets
Straight out stretch: 30 seconds- 2 sets
Straight out stretch to the right: 30 seconds- 2 sets

At night will grab my dick with thumb and index and stroke it 100 times,
This will get my penis used to something touching it and hopefully working on getting it hard during those 100 light strokes.
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welcome man. take things gradually but do them frequently so as to get into the habit of PE.

but first be careful of that pain. is there a timetable for that pain or plaque to subside? and how did that plaque form exactly? u mentioned it was a mix of the tugger and masturbation? can u elaborate a bit on that like possible details of what may have caused it, just trying to understand
Ahh thanks for the comment. Yes pain usually last between 1 year to 2 years with peyronies disease. The plaque forms from the injury, Its an inflammatory disease and somehow it happened to me. I am in year 2 ish. Im not quite sure how it all happened and what exactly caused it but basically i injured my penis and it started this inflammatory condition called peyronies which causes plaques to form and then turn into scar tissue.
Day 2: I did my Kegal routine: 1 set of 20 fast reps 1 sec on 1 sec off. 1 set of 10 reps of 4 sec slow squeeze with 6 sec rest. I then preceded to put coconut oil on my shaft to get ready for my modified jelqs. Modified jelq: Index and thumb start at the top and bottom of my penis and slowly go up to the head 2-3 secs ( i have scar tissue on the left and right side of my penis this is why because it gets irritated) but i did 50 reps for the 1st set. 2nd set: i did only about 50 reps. Done for the day penis started bending to the left a little couldn't take much more small amount of pain.

Workout routine: 20 minutes of body weight squats pushups abs and pull-ups.
Day 3: I did my Kegal routine: 2 set today of ( 20 fast reps 1 sec on 1 sec off. 1 set of 10 reps of 4 sec slow squeeze with 6 sec rest.) Stretch day today: penis felt more spongy today as in better hanging after all the exercise below. I only did 1 set today of the following: 20 seconds stretch down, 20 sec stretch down to the right, 20 sec straight out, 20 straight out to the right , 20 sec straight out and up , 20 sec straight out up and to the right. Little pain at the end, weird feeling on the left side of my penis going into my body probably that scar tissue / being stretched out. Did some ball stretches warmed down with heated water in bathmate. I also did about 50 of my modified jelqs afterwards: Index and thumb start at the top and bottom of my penis and slowly go up to the head 2-3 secs ( i have scar tissue on the left and right side of my penis this is why because it gets irritated). We will see how my penis looks / feels in the morning. Cheers.

workout routine: 20 minutes: 3 sets: 40 reps body weight squats, 15 slow pushups (wide, regular, diamond), 6-8 pull-ups, and 30 reps flutter kicks for abs.

Played 1 hour of Basketball. Only supplements today were: Vitamin D, and 1 drop of liquid iodine.
Day 4: Another stretch day, had to work all day so could not heat penis up before the workout.
Helicopter warmups 3 sets - 10 clockwise , 10 counter clockwise.. not pulling very hard just getting my penis warmed up a bit before the stretching. 2 sets: 15 seconds stretch down, 15 sec stretch down to the right, 15 sec straight out, 15 straight out to the right , 15 sec straight out and up , 15 sec straight out up and to the right. Penis started getting more blood in it, was feeling more elastic today. Hoping these exercises cause my penis to start becoming elastic again since this scar tissue makes it less elastic. Really hoping for my EQ to go up as well with the exercises, been praying lately for healing. Im not getting any morning wood yet or really and erections throughout the day just yet. However this is only day 4.

Kegal Routine:2 set today of ( 20 fast reps 1 sec on 1 sec off. 1 set of 10 reps of 4 sec slow squeeze with 6 sec rest.)

Workout: again another workout in the park. This was a recovery day. I did about 5 minutes jumping rope, 40 pull-ups , 110 air squats , 60 pushups , and i did some neck training, and forearm training.
Mlathem;752876 said:
Day 4: Another stretch day, had to work all day so could not heat penis up before the workout.
Helicopter warmups 3 sets - 10 clockwise , 10 counter clockwise.. not pulling very hard just getting my penis warmed up a bit before the stretching. 2 sets: 15 seconds stretch down, 15 sec stretch down to the right, 15 sec straight out, 15 straight out to the right , 15 sec straight out and up , 15 sec straight out up and to the right. Penis started getting more blood in it, was feeling more elastic today. Hoping these exercises cause my penis to start becoming elastic again since this scar tissue makes it less elastic. Really hoping for my EQ to go up as well with the exercises, been praying lately for healing. Im not getting any morning wood yet or really and erections throughout the day just yet. However this is only day 4.

Kegal Routine:2 set today of ( 20 fast reps 1 sec on 1 sec off. 1 set of 10 reps of 4 sec slow squeeze with 6 sec rest.)

Workout: again another workout in the park. This was a recovery day. I did about 5 minutes jumping rope, 40 pull-ups , 110 air squats , 60 pushups , and i did some neck training, and forearm training.

Looking good on all fronts. I will join you i prayer for your healing. I also like that you are taking on your body too, the two-fold gains in body and penis and tremendous when done along each other. Just loosing your fat pad can add serious visual length. Plus having a great body and a big dick is a great thing for your confidence.
doublelongdaddy;752883 said:
Looking good on all fronts. I will join you i prayer for your healing. I also like that you are taking on your body too, the two-fold gains in body and penis and tremendous when done along each other. Just loosing your fat pad can add serious visual length. Plus having a great body and a big dick is a great thing for your confidence.

Thank you i need it brother. I will continue to update.
Day 5: woke up no morning wood today :( (waiting for the day my eq goes up).
Stretch day: 2 sets: 20 seconds stretch down, 20 sec stretch down to the right, 20 sec straight out, 20 straight out to the right , 20 sec straight out and up , 20 sec straight out up and to the right.

2 sets of helicopters: 6 clockwise, 6 counter clockwise.

****after the workout my penis feels really spongy and more loose, i could probably stretch it out farther right now if I tried then when i started ( not going to to prevent injury).
This ^^^ to me is a really good sign guys! Lets be praying this continues and I can start getting some erections thoughout the day or morning wood.
It sounding like its going great man glad to see your posting so often, out of curiosity have you considered a SizeGenetics device? It may be beneficial to you as it provides tension throughout the day which may help to break up the plaque slowly but consistently as well as doubling as a ads.
Don't fret on what you do or do not have when it comes to EQ as the phycological effect can be more potent then the physical reaction in other words your own mind can become your worst enemy when it comes to EQ the more you worry the worse it will be, embrace the changes that are happening they are possitive and with time your eq will be where you want it. How often are you doing your kegel exercises? Do you use an app like Stamena (IOS) or Kegel Trainer(android) they will start you slow on kegels but will change each time you go into it becoming harder and harder as well as reminding you daily.
Sinthious;752917 said:
It sounding like its going great man glad to see your posting so often, out of curiosity have you considered a SizeGenetics device? It may be beneficial to you as it provides tension throughout the day which may help to break up the plaque slowly but consistently as well as doubling as a ads.
Don't fret on what you do or do not have when it comes to EQ as the phycological effect can be more potent then the physical reaction in other words your own mind can become your worst enemy when it comes to EQ the more you worry the worse it will be, embrace the changes that are happening they are possitive and with time your eq will be where you want it. How often are you doing your kegel exercises? Do you use an app like Stamena (IOS) or Kegel Trainer(android) they will start you slow on kegels but will change each time you go into it becoming harder and harder as well as reminding you daily.

Hey buddy glad to see you again. Yea I'm not worried about the EQ, just waiting for it to come back :). I actually had more blood flow today in my penis So something has been changing. I will be posting every single day for a year if i can get to my computer. Im serious about getting better. Im doing my Kegals everyday. I need to look at the stamina app, i have one called kpfe and xiib both are chinese i think. I have tried the sizegentics and i actually re-injured myself because i left it on too long without checking it and it slipped and was pulling from my head of the penis, and i have my plaque inside the head of the penis. It got real irritated for awhile. I mean i would like to use the sizegentics or some stretcher device, but maybe will wait it out once my penis gets stronger. Right now it is very weak and very susceptible to injury/ getting inflamed if that makes any sense. I think with me taking it easy, stretches , modified jelqs and kegals, as well as my diet and workout routine i am setting myself up for success. All i do know is, if i don't start now it will only get worse. Cheers mate thanks for the help.

On another note do you have a good kegal routine you follow?
5th day continued recap: Update on how today went, super motivated to keep going to fight this thing. My penis had more blood flow today not really any pain for inflammation from doing the exercises. I also was more elastic today, and even tonight I sat down on the toilet and my penis was hanging better all the dents were filled in( while i was flaccid) but after a minute or 2 it went back to curving a little bit and shrinking up but hey we getting somewhere. On to the next day :)
6th day: Its 1 am so hyped because I'm not having lots of pain doing these exercises and seeing significant more blood flow!!! I just did 40-50 modified jelqs after a 2 minute testical warmup, i got about 50-60 % erect :) so seeing some more EQ. Going to go to bed then doing some stretching later today.

comeback kid out.
Mlathem;752934 said:
Hey buddy glad to see you again. Yea I'm not worried about the EQ, just waiting for it to come back :). I actually had more blood flow today in my penis So something has been changing. I will be posting every single day for a year if i can get to my computer. Im serious about getting better. Im doing my Kegals everyday. I need to look at the stamina app, i have one called kpfe and xiib both are chinese i think. I have tried the sizegentics and i actually re-injured myself because i left it on too long without checking it and it slipped and was pulling from my head of the penis, and i have my plaque inside the head of the penis. It got real irritated for awhile. I mean i would like to use the sizegentics or some stretcher device, but maybe will wait it out once my penis gets stronger. Right now it is very weak and very susceptible to injury/ getting inflamed if that makes any sense. I think with me taking it easy, stretches , modified jelqs and kegals, as well as my diet and workout routine i am setting myself up for success. All i do know is, if i don't start now it will only get worse. Cheers mate thanks for the help.

On another note do you have a good kegal routine you follow?

Ah yeah i can understand the hesitation of using the sg if its causing more injury/pain, if im understanding correctly your plaque runs on the left side into the glans? Your making progress and thats the most important thing i have seen that each post you seems more hopeful and having positive changes i hope things keep in line with this pattern for you!

I modified the newbie routine to fit myself as i found if i did it everyday i didnt have the strength to get it up when i needed it too so i do them every other day at 100 quick squeezes, 50 5 sec holds with a 2 sec break in between followed hup by a 1 min hold and occasionally 50 more quick squeezes to get the tension out.
Sinthious;752967 said:
Ah yeah i can understand the hesitation of using the sg if its causing more injury/pain, if im understanding correctly your plaque runs on the left side into the glans? Your making progress and thats the most important thing i have seen that each post you seems more hopeful and having positive changes i hope things keep in line with this pattern for you!

I modified the newbie routine to fit myself as i found if i did it everyday i didnt have the strength to get it up when i needed it too so i do them every other day at 100 quick squeezes, 50 5 sec holds with a 2 sec break in between followed hup by a 1 min hold and occasionally 50 more quick squeezes to get the tension out.

Hey brother! Yea i am excited, i just had lost hope in a cure and was discouraged every time i tried stretching ect after the injury because it caused more pain. Now though it seems the inflammatory stage has gone down some to allow me to stretch. I mean don't get me wrong it still hurts sometimes but not on fire like it used to be. Yea it runs all the way on the left side ( it took time for it to develop, but yea theres some major plaque in my head of my penis/ glans.)

I might try this newbie routine kegal exercises have you noticed a big difference since doing them?
6th day: stretching, had time to do it in the car this morning at 9:00 am. 2 sets: 20 sec straight down to the right, 20 secs straight down, 20 secs straight out, 20 secs out to the right, 20 secs straight up, 20 secs straight up and to the right. 3 sets of helicopters: 7 counter clockwise, 7 clockwise. workout done.
Mlathem;752980 said:
Hey brother! Yea i am excited, i just had lost hope in a cure and was discouraged every time i tried stretching ect after the injury because it caused more pain. Now though it seems the inflammatory stage has gone down some to allow me to stretch. I mean don't get me wrong it still hurts sometimes but not on fire like it used to be. Yea it runs all the way on the left side ( it took time for it to develop, but yea theres some major plaque in my head of my penis/ glans.)

I might try this newbie routine kegal exercises have you noticed a big difference since doing them?

I can understand why you would be discouraged for so long if thats what you were encountering.. I am glad that you are now able to make progress though and i know it will continue!
Yes I can tell a huge difference since starting them, my eq has improved a lot as well as my control/stamina when i need it most. I still feel i could improve but im not pushing it so much that I am not functional that night.
Day 7: I tried uploading a video of me doing my stretching routine. Stretch Day: had time to do it in the car this morning at 12:00 am. 3 sets today (1 more set than yesterday): 20 sec straight down to the right, 20 secs straight down, 20 secs straight out, 20 secs out to the right, 20 secs straight up, 20 secs straight up and to the right. 4 sets of helicopters: 7 counter clockwise, 7 clockwise. workout done.
Oh yea it was super discouraging. God brought me to where I am now, to learn from the past and to learn from this circumstance. Thats great you EQ has improved how long have you been doing kegaling? I really want to strengthen my pelvic floor as well and at least balance it out. I think it is really unbalanced right now and weak so i want to strengthen it as well :).
Sinthious;752987 said:
I can understand why you would be discouraged for so long if thats what you were encountering.. I am glad that you are now able to make progress though and i know it will continue!
Yes I can tell a huge difference since starting them, my eq has improved a lot as well as my control/stamina when i need it most. I still feel i could improve but im not pushing it so much that I am not functional that night.
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