SO happy there is so much interest in this thread, I really hope it works for all men who use it. It is amazing how simple the technique is, it reminds me of the Smokers Toothpaste fix for PPP. Sometimes the simplest things are overlooked.
WonderingHere;604821 said:
Some part of the normal area may actually became a little bit lighter. Or some part of the normal area got a little bit more red. The little difference is irrelevant though.

The underside with the bruising seems to be the part that got most etching. Just a few minutes with wet paper, and I can still feel that the shaft had a rough treatment (and got some small red dots)! Because of this I`d recommend retin-a instead, but I will mix more water with the ACV and give it a try for a time.

Have you actually put retin-a on your penis? It removes the top layers of skin. Sounds a bit dangerous to be putting on my member.
acromegaly;604873 said:

I would not say a break but a different approach. Using the Girth program (SRT 5x5x3) method brings incredible expansion with none of the problems associated with longer sessions. Overpumping will always cause discoloration so taking a progressive approach is smarter and this approach will not cause discoloration or other skin ailments.
dmoney101;604892 said:
Have you actually put retin-a on your penis? It removes the top layers of skin. Sounds a bit dangerous to be putting on my member.

Yes I have used retin-a several days. After the first or second time, a thin layer went off, and that helped a lot for the discolorisation.

From there on I have used retin-a during the days and nights, and used ACV 4 times once each day. I have also used DMSO for the bruising. Maybe it is best to just stick to one solution for a period.
There has been new layers that has falled off, it could have been the cream/liquid itself, or maybe some of the skin. The color has not improved any since Wednesday I would say.

How have you been able to let the ACV stay on the shaft all day and all night? You use a cotton or paper?
I saturated my skin in it, so it stuck for quite some time. One method for removing skin tags is to soak a cotton ball with it, then tape or band-aid it to the spot and let it sit. I tried that, but since it was on my dick it didn't stick plus I had the wrong tape. Would you mind trying just the retin-a for a week and reporting results? My mom has a huge thing of it and it takes just a tiny drop, so I might try it.
I can try with only retin-a for a week. When I use that, the skin looks humid, best and lightest. If I have used ACV once or twice one day, and not added retin-a otherwise on the day, the skin gets dry and then, also some darker. Like more orange.
This is probably common. It could be that DMSO and retin-a may dry up the skin some too, I don`t have overview of everything.

It`s too early to say, but I have used different solutions for the underside bruising: DMSO, retin-a, and ACV. That has gone from dark brown to just pink/red. It is not completely healed as I can see some of the broken blood-vessel/dark blue beyond it.

Waterproof tape usually stays on it, if you use several tapes.

From what I have read earliger in this tread, I thought you were finished with getting it back to normal with ACV? Aren`t you?
Important thought:
As the skin is more dry, does this mean that the skin will grow new cells/tissue?? But there is still discoloration beneath it. And the new tissue will have normal color, but isn`t it also a point to make the skin peel off layers of the skin? So is there 2 things that should be done for getting the normal color back?
The orange tint could also be the vinegar itself staining your skin temporarily. As you lose layers of skin, I would imagine the new skin would be more natural looking. That's why tattoos start to lose their clarity after time.
WonderingHere;605797 said:
Important thought:
As the skin is more dry, does this mean that the skin will grow new cells/tissue?? But there is still discoloration beneath it. And the new tissue will have normal color, but isn`t it also a point to make the skin peel off layers of the skin? So is there 2 things that should be done for getting the normal color back?

The layers of skin that are being removed would happen naturally on their own whether you use a chemical peal or not. I think the Apple Cider penetrates the skin and goes to a lower layer of skin, where the discoloration is, and changes the color there. As the additional layers of skin naturally exfoliate the newer, lighter color is exposed.
doublelongdaddy;605848 said:
The layers of skin that are being removed would happen naturally on their own whether you use a chemical peal or not. I think the Apple Cider penetrates the skin and goes to a lower layer of skin, where the discoloration is, and changes the color there. As the additional layers of skin naturally exfoliate the newer, lighter color is exposed.

Retin-A is really strong though. It can pretty much peel the acne off your skin lol. So I could see it being really effective for fixing discoloration.
for those of you who are more into the organic cider vinegar is available that way, too. it's been a natural remedy for a myriad of purposes. I know there are people who will mix a tablespoon of ACV with water or other healthy drinks, and it helps settle stomach issues, and can even help lower blood pressure.
Bragg Organic Apple Cider Vinegar 32 fl oz Liquid - Swanson Health Products

just something to consider.
Yes drinking it has a ton of health benefits. I was taking tablespoons of it to decalcify my pineal gland, but the taste was just too much for me lol
doublelongdaddy;605108 said:
I would not say a break but a different approach. Using the 5x5x3 method brings incredible expansion with none of the problems associated with longer sessions. Overpumping will always cause discoloration so taking a progressive approach is smarter and this approach will not cause discoloration or other skin ailments.
Stop being racists guys, nothing wrong with black dicks
acromegaly;606062 said:
Stop being racists guys, nothing wrong with black dicks

Hey there are plenty of brown dicks too, not to mention the yellow joints.:)
So how many peelings and layers is necessary for normal color is back?? Any idea?

It seems like it needs to be a mix of peelings and new growth of skin.

So, as new skin is growing upon the old deeper skin, which, lets say still have discoloration, will the new skin then completely camuflage the deeper discolored skin?? If not, then deeper peelings is necessary then I assume?? Which also may mean that you are peeling off new grown layer(s) of skin. And that seems??

It appears that it is necessary with several peelings. It also depends of how tick/many layers the growth of the new skin becomes too.
The answer would depend on how bad your bruising and discoloration is. Obviously it would take much more for someone who's been clamping every day for 5 years than it would for someone who's been doing PE for a month.
dmoney101;606160 said:
The answer would depend on how bad your bruising and discoloration is. Obviously it would take much more for someone who's been clamping every day for 5 years than it would for someone who's been doing PE for a month.

Correct. Some bruising is very deep and started at the area of blood flow into the lowest layers of skin, this usually happens to those who consistently over pump and it does take the longest to correct as you would need to wait for 7 layers of skin to go before that layer is gone. I think that the Apple Cider is working more of a bleaching agent and it penetrates to a certain level of effectiveness. It is way to early to know for sure but in time, with more data, we can get a better understanding.
I did hanging for about 5 months, because of pain I had a 3 weeks break in Jan. Returning to the the higher weights again the pain got back again, some due to old bruising.
I also did 2,5 months hanging with BIB last summer, but that didn`t give me any discoloration. Sometimes it gave some pain, maybe some bruising, but doubt it.

After I have used retin-a for an hour or more, the discolored area is almost the same as the area not affected. After some hours break from the cream, the discolored area turns more light brown/red. If I have used ACV (which I`m trying without now), the treated area turns quite dry too.
Despite the discolorisation I have now, relatively I`m quite pleased with it. But, I`d like to have more improvement. The retin-a doesn`t seem to give so much peelings anymore. Is that the main functioning from it?
I can see some unclear irregular blue area left from the bruising, but is a big improvement from before.

I also think that Apple Cider may work more like a bleaching, it could be peeling too.

I will try to use retin-a as a first layer, and put DMSO over the whole area (not just the bruising). It is supposed to penetrate through the skin, so maybe it can bring the retin-a more easylie in it. I`m not sure if DMSO makes more peeling.

There could have been more clarity about certain principles taking place for returning discolored area to more normal color.

Reading my experience; is there any actions I`m missing to make better effect for me? Or do I have to be more patient?
WonderingHere;606351 said:
I did hanging for about 5 months, because of pain I had a 3 weeks break in Jan. Returning to the the higher weights again the pain got back again, some due to old bruising.
I also did 2,5 months hanging with BIB last summer, but that didn`t give me any discoloration. Sometimes it gave some pain, maybe some bruising, but doubt it.

After I have used retin-a for an hour or more, the discolored area is almost the same as the area not affected. After some hours break from the cream, the discolored area turns more light brown/red. If I have used ACV (which I`m trying without now), the treated area turns quite dry too.
Despite the discolorisation I have now, relatively I`m quite pleased with it. But, I`d like to have more improvement. The retin-a doesn`t seem to give so much peelings anymore. Is that the main functioning from it?
I can see some unclear irregular blue area left from the bruising, but is a big improvement from before.

I also think that Apple Cider may work more like a bleaching, it could be peeling too.

I will try to use retin-a as a first layer, and put DMSO over the whole area (not just the bruising). It is supposed to penetrate through the skin, so maybe it can bring the retin-a more easylie in it. I`m not sure if DMSO makes more peeling.

There could have been more clarity about certain principles taking place for returning discolored area to more normal color.

Reading my experience; is there any actions I`m missing to make better effect for me? Or do I have to be more patient?

Sounds like you have done your research and are one of the men who will determine the effectiveness of these treatments. It takes time to get enough data to make absolute treatments and we have only been studying this for a short time. I would think within a years time we will have some definite solutions.
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