So we are all working very hard to make our penis bigger but a lot of men may not understand just how important it is to make it stronger in the same process. Much focus goes into enlarging the penis while some may neglect the importance of strengthening the pelvic floor muscles, increasing the blood flow to the penis and keeping erections hard and solid as they gain size.
First we should note that the penis is at its biggest when erection quality is at its highest. When we have the strongest erections we also enjoy bigger erections. Some wonder why [words=]penis enlargement pills[/words] bring size gains when they first start taking them, the reason is the pills have ingredients to help you achieve the hardest, fullest erections you someone who has weak erections taking the pills seems like an instant gains. In many ways it is, but it is not because the pills are actually making your penis grow, it is because the pills are helping you achieve the best erections you can and they also stimulate better blood flow so you end up with a bigger penis. (Remember this, it is important and we will get back to this)
As you exercise, using penis enlargement exercises or penis enlargement equipment you start to realize gains through forced, expansion. As you stretch you penis you are deforming the tissue to be permanently longer. Or as you jelq the penis you are enlarging the penis into deforming by bringing more blood into the penis and forcing expansion. As you pump, hang, extend or any other form of physical Penis Enlargement, you are forcing the penis into elongation and expansion through the manipulation of the blood or by stretching the tissue under light to heavy loads. There are many forms of penis enlargement but we can break them down into a few groups and when viewed this way you can see the importance of a program that follows a specific formula, a certain order and a trajectory for the fastest, safest method.
As we gain we need to become stronger to facilitate the new, larger size of the erection.
You can not get around this! The biggest penis you can have at this moment is an erection that is 100% erect. Anything less than 100% will be smaller, thinner, shorter. So now that we have established that we need to look at what happen when we enlarge the penis.
So you decide you want to add two inches of length and an inch of girth. Fair enough, that is a doable I have seem many thousands of times. So you start at 5" x 4.5" and you gain to 7" x 5.5" but you have not done anything to strengthen the penis you could end up with poor erection quality! What is the point of having a bigger penis if you can't get it up? There is none! Again, As we gain we need to become stronger to facilitate the new, larger size of the erection.
What is the ultimate way to incredible Erection Strength? That will be the topic of this thread. I have to say that it is a combination of strength training, proper supplementation and edging/ballooning exercise. I think we have seen a lot of information going around the forums on this topic. Lets try to put together a thread that really breaks it down! I will keep this in the main forum for ultimate exposure.
So we are all working very hard to make our penis bigger but a lot of men may not understand just how important it is to make it stronger in the same process. Much focus goes into enlarging the penis while some may neglect the importance of strengthening the pelvic floor muscles, increasing the blood flow to the penis and keeping erections hard and solid as they gain size.
First we should note that the penis is at its biggest when erection quality is at its highest. When we have the strongest erections we also enjoy bigger erections. Some wonder why [words=]penis enlargement pills[/words] bring size gains when they first start taking them, the reason is the pills have ingredients to help you achieve the hardest, fullest erections you someone who has weak erections taking the pills seems like an instant gains. In many ways it is, but it is not because the pills are actually making your penis grow, it is because the pills are helping you achieve the best erections you can and they also stimulate better blood flow so you end up with a bigger penis. (Remember this, it is important and we will get back to this)
As you exercise, using penis enlargement exercises or penis enlargement equipment you start to realize gains through forced, expansion. As you stretch you penis you are deforming the tissue to be permanently longer. Or as you jelq the penis you are enlarging the penis into deforming by bringing more blood into the penis and forcing expansion. As you pump, hang, extend or any other form of physical Penis Enlargement, you are forcing the penis into elongation and expansion through the manipulation of the blood or by stretching the tissue under light to heavy loads. There are many forms of penis enlargement but we can break them down into a few groups and when viewed this way you can see the importance of a program that follows a specific formula, a certain order and a trajectory for the fastest, safest method.
As we gain we need to become stronger to facilitate the new, larger size of the erection.
You can not get around this! The biggest penis you can have at this moment is an erection that is 100% erect. Anything less than 100% will be smaller, thinner, shorter. So now that we have established that we need to look at what happen when we enlarge the penis.
So you decide you want to add two inches of length and an inch of girth. Fair enough, that is a doable I have seem many thousands of times. So you start at 5" x 4.5" and you gain to 7" x 5.5" but you have not done anything to strengthen the penis you could end up with poor erection quality! What is the point of having a bigger penis if you can't get it up? There is none! Again, As we gain we need to become stronger to facilitate the new, larger size of the erection.
What is the ultimate way to incredible Erection Strength? That will be the topic of this thread. I have to say that it is a combination of strength training, proper supplementation and edging/ballooning exercise. I think we have seen a lot of information going around the forums on this topic. Lets try to put together a thread that really breaks it down! I will keep this in the main forum for ultimate exposure.