I don't like to do any kind of girth workout (jelqing, bending, etc) before a date because your dick may become to fatigued to get a good erection. However, stretching works great for me. It seems that I get the best erections an hour or two after a 30-45 minute stretch workout. You should try it Vaseline_Knight.
RazedNegative said:
What exactly is B.T.B.??

Here there is plenty more on �other PE site� i dont think its been discussed much here it will increase the blood vessels supplying blood to the penis better longer harder erections:) and also help move plaque.

Bib said:
Guys, I am still sick as hell. Have taken a good bit of benedryl, so everything is lovely. Keep that in mind as you read this.

Especially for older guys, I think this is a big concern, not only in quality of erections, but also ability to grow. IT DOES NOT MATTER HOW MUCH TISSUE DEVELOPMENT YOU HAVE IF THERE IS NOT AN INCREASED BLOOD FLOW TO FILL IT.

Blood vessels are great inventions. Large ones supply smaller ones which supply smaller ones etc. The vessels supplying the penis are generally fairly large and are adequate for the normal size. If the size increases the size of the blood vessels must also increase. Not just the vessels within the visible penis, but those within the body also. For best results, they must also be kept free of obstructions.

I always jelqed behind the balls using thumb and forefinger. Using the body to trap the top side of the penis, I pushed the blood forward with the fingers. I have written before about my supposed plaque dislodging and resulting increases in blood flow and gains. I also think this is one of the biggest reasons horse squeezes are effective. Expanding the inner blood vessels supplying the penis.

Jelqing and horses equals exterior angioplasty. I'm going back to bed
RazedNegative said:
What exactly is B.T.B.??

Behind The Balls

The portion of the shaft between your anus and ballsack. You cannot encircle the shaft there, but you can jelq it using your thumb and forefinger together, pressed hard against your body with your inner penis in between them.

I have thought about this in the past, and I thought of using some of that wooden "massage devices" as a jelq device. You know, the kind with balls that roll when you move them over you body. One with only 2 balls, to replace the fingers, may do the trick.
Once again, just when I thought I was some kind of creative genius when it came to NPenis Enlargement, I find that I've been beaten to the punch!

I do a variation of the ***...actually thought I invented the whole damn thing, and I was "perfecting" it before springing it upon my enraptured audience, too late!...but with mine it's a mostly "hands off" operation.

What I do is this; after a good warm-up and a typical jelq/ULI session I grab a kitchen chair and a half inflated football (American style) and get ready to pump. Me, not the ball.

Now, the footbal has to be rigid, but not too hard because; A) you need it to stay in place, and, B) you want to exercise yer cock, not mash it, and, C) you guessed it; you're gonna be sittin' on it.

I get my good ol' �naked people movies� goin for some extra stimulation and I sit with the chair backwards. (For whatever reason, this helps pump blood to the area via tightening the abs, it lets you rock back farther and helps with balance.)
Anyways, I'm in the chair, on the football, watchin' �naked people movies� and kegeling blood into my cock as hard as I can as I'm leaning back, then, when I don't think I can pump any more blood into my cock, I hold the kegel and then slowly rock forward. This forces blood into the entire length of my cock and produces some considerable pressure...that's why I go slow. I've only just started about a week ago or so, but the soreness I feel tells me I'm onto something.
There are lotsa variations you can do with this and one added extra is the workout it gives to the abs, the lower back and all those other pelvic muscles.
Ol' lady sure likes the results too.

What got me started on this is one day I was thinkin' about the girth gains I've been making recently. And I realized that most, if not all, of my gains were all in the external penis. Well, what the hell was I gonna do to keep my cock from looking like a gawdamm popsicle? (Y'know; little stick, big dick.) And this is what I came up with.

Hey, if anybody tries this, lemme know how well it works for ya. Good luck.
IXL said:
I don't like to do any kind of girth workout (jelqing, bending, etc) before a date because your dick may become to fatigued to get a good erection. However, stretching works great for me. It seems that I get the best erections an hour or two after a 30-45 minute stretch workout. You should try it Vaseline_Knight.

I agree with this.

Also do some.. manual clamped kegels (using your hand as the clamp) for like a few sets and seconds, and then stretch again, but not too many clamped kegels.

If I'm understanding you correctly then the solution to the problem is either a sustained bigger flaccid state or more blood flow all day so girth is there on demand.

The bigger sustained flaccid is easy enough, if that's your goal, with the proper exercises.

More blood flow is gonna be either more frequent or much longer jelq sessions. Then time becomes an issue. Four sessions lasting 20min each would work but you're still gonna have shrinkage.

You know erect levels are what counts. If you know you're gonna be put in a situation where your flaccid cock is gonna be shown to the masses, or a young female LMAO , then go to the bathroom and do some stretches and some Uli's. They work wonders real quick and it will last long enough for the foreplay to take over.

That's my two cents...change anyone?

Chi said:
Behind The Balls

The portion of the shaft between your anus and ballsack. You cannot encircle the shaft there, but you can jelq it using your thumb and forefinger together, pressed hard against your body with your inner penis in between them.

I have thought about this in the past, and I thought of using some of that wooden "massage devices" as a jelq device. You know, the kind with balls that roll when you move them over you body. One with only 2 balls, to replace the fingers, may do the trick.

Sounds good i hope somebody comes up with something.
Once again, just when I thought I was some kind of creative genius when it came to NPenis Enlargement, I find that I've been beaten to the punch!

I do a variation of the ***...actually thought I invented the whole damn thing, and I was "perfecting" it before springing it upon my enraptured audience, too late!...but with mine it's a mostly "hands off" operation.

What I do is this; after a good warm-up and a typical jelq/ULI session I grab a kitchen chair and a half inflated football (American style) and get ready to pump. Me, not the ball.

Now, the footbal has to be rigid, but not too hard because; A) you need it to stay in place, and, B) you want to exercise yer cock, not mash it, and, C) you guessed it; you're gonna be sittin' on it.

I get my good ol' �naked people movies� goin for some extra stimulation and I sit with the chair backwards. (For whatever reason, this helps pump blood to the area via tightening the abs, it lets you rock back farther and helps with balance.)
Anyways, I'm in the chair, on the football, watchin' �naked people movies� and kegeling blood into my cock as hard as I can as I'm leaning back, then, when I don't think I can pump any more blood into my cock, I hold the kegel and then slowly rock forward. This forces blood into the entire length of my cock and produces some considerable pressure...that's why I go slow. I've only just started about a week ago or so, but the soreness I feel tells me I'm onto something.
There are lotsa variations you can do with this and one added extra is the workout it gives to the abs, the lower back and all those other pelvic muscles.
Ol' lady sure likes the results too.

What got me started on this is one day I was thinkin' about the girth gains I've been making recently. And I realized that most, if not all, of my gains were all in the external penis. Well, what the hell was I gonna do to keep my cock from looking like a gawdamm popsicle? (Y'know; little stick, big dick.) And this is what I came up with.

Hey, if anybody tries this, lemme know how well it works for ya. Good luck.

lol does not sound very easy to do.
Actually, with just a little practice they're stoopid simple. The biggest problem I've got is keeping my enthusiasm in check...it's really, really easy to over pressurize this way...and who the hell wants a dick blow-out, huh?
What I find satisfying is the fact that I'm exercising every last molecule in my dick and overall it feels stronger, more "capable", readier for growth and my flaccid is coming along nocely; the "turtling" doesn't happen anywhere near as often any longer.

I'm pretty confident this is my best path to go from grower to shower.
bIgjOe said:
Pumping works ok, but by the time you get it to a significant enough size to make a difference your erection will be much weaker, very hard to get like 95%. Someone in the pumpers forum actually said you need a cockring for this very reason in order to be effective. So it can work, but not in a great way, plus I noticed that most if not all of the pump will be gone by morning, esp. if you've been getting off all night so it would probably be bad to spend the whole night with her. Manuals will only hold significant pump for a few hours, maybe most of the night.

I agree w/you to a point, BJ. But if you only do 2 short, high-pressure, 5 min sets, you don't get that nasty bloat and you can still get 100% erections. Plus your cock still loks like your cock, just bigger and more vascular. I suggested this because I was under the impression that he just needed a quick size boost before sex, not permanent or 3 day enlargement. The cockring suggestion was not so much for getting or keeping a hardon. It is just to sustain the maximum amount of pump until he gets where he is going, then he has the option of taking it off.
amazing posts.. i dont have time right now to state my opinion, but will be back shortly to do just that..

*** = Behind the balls.

Okay what I would advise is to pump and clamp using this routine.

20 min pump
10 min clamp
10 min pump
15 min clamp

Its worked kick arse for me in the past and gets my girth well into the 7 inch uniform and 8 inches base.

You say clamping isnt really for you as it knackers the erection, well skip that and replace the clamp portion with wet jelqs ... jelq at a high erection [80%] for the time indicated.

I would also add a few horse sqeezes and Ulis into the mix as they are real good at working before sex.

Do this routine at least 2 hours before sex so that some of the fluid goes down, depending on how intense you went in the pump that is.

Also if you have Cialis or generic stuff of the same nature than get some of that and take that near the time of sex and you will notice great results with that and the routine I mentioned.

If you can, than perhaps buy a cock ring and use that during sex aswell, never done this myself YET but I have heard it works very well.
I still feel somebodies got to come up with something more friendly for B.T.B something in the same light as the jelqdevice i really think B.T.B is important but needs to be made more intense and easier to do to get the wanted effect.
Hey...ya don't NEED a football, I just had one hangin' 'round. Try a rolled up beach towel or even, say, a bicycle seat if you've got a stationary bike. Anything like that. The whole idea behind what I was talkin' about is filling yer cock with as much blood as possible and then squeeeezing that blood from the very root into the rest of your cock. The only actual real problem is keepin' yer balls outta the way as you rock.
pyro said:
Before sex, I would say jelqing and a hot bath is all you need. The hot shower helps the blood flow and makes you look bigger. My 2 cents

Clamping hurts erections, especially if thats all you do..I did clamping only for like a week and it was hard to get a boner.

How many jelqs?

Assuming.. your in your gfs bathroom, and shes waiting for you to get out to fuck>

I got say.. max. 10min..

100 jelqs?

it takes me over 10mins to do 100 quality jelqs.. so maybe.. 50 quality jelqs before sex?


100 light jelqs?

or 50 light quality jelqs?
pyro said:
From experience I would not do anything much right before sex.. I would do it days prior to you having sex..pulling and tugging on your dick to much will give you erection difficulties when having sex and thats a horrible feeling.

True true.. im gonna fuck wednesday night so ive been working it hardcore
some seriously interesting posts in this thread.
I agree with you Pyro. Clamping kills errection quality. I find if i dont jelq during my clamp routines after a while i cant get that hard..
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