I have been trying to keep my head down and just work on my Penis Enlargement and 4skin restoration without measuring or worrying every time I do a routine if I am gaining or not, but today, I just couldn't help myself and I did a quick measure of my BPenis EnlargementL.

Guess what?

I have gained about .25" in length!

Yay for me!

I know that doesn't sound like alot, but it is one-fourth of the way to my goal of 8X6. I am pretty happy, but I think it is better not to measure all the time because it can be discouraging...the gains come so slowly.

I started with a measurement of 5.5 Long X5.25 girth. I am now at 7.25" long X 6" girth.

All I do is about half a [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-newbie-forum/1597-dlds-first-routine-i-gained-2-inches-with-this-routine-full-tutorial.html]newbie routine[/words] a couple, three times a day. Just whenever I have 15- 20 minutes free to sit in the loo and tug on my trout.

As far as the foreskin restoration is coming...I am really rather pleased with that too. I still have no rollover, but the skin is getting looser and looser, and I have now begun to masturbate by pulling my skin up over the glans like a natural born male. I never could do that before because I was circed so tightly. Now it will pull up to cover the glans about 30-50% when erect. All I do is stretches and t-tape, but I am sure I will eventually have to move up to a [words=http://TLCTugger.com/MOS]tlc[/words]-tugger or something before I am finished. I can't wait to experience the feeling of full coverage. I imagine it will feel really good during "me-time" to feel that skin slide up and over my glans. It is already pretty intense and I have been beating my meat lately like it owes me money!

On a sadder note: the turkey neck had crept back on me as I have made gains, but that should go away as I create more shaft skin with my restoration efforts. It is just so ugly, tho! I hate it!
Here I am again, 4 weeks later, or thereabouts. Another progress report coming your way. I did an official measure tonight, which is no easy task for me because I lose my hard every time I reach for a measuring tape, but here are the results...

BPenis EnlargementL: 7.50"

EG: 5.80"

weight: 258 lbs

I have cemented my previous .25" gain and added a little more to boot. My girth seems to be down a litttle, but I was measuring girth with one of those tailor's tapes and kept dropping it and losing my full erection so maybe it isn't really down. Just hard to measure. I have also lost about 3 to 5 lbs.

Lost a little weight and gained a little dick, so I guess I should be happy. Funny thing is though, I'm feeling a little depressed and doubtful. I know it's stupid, but I wish I was just naturally 8X6 without having to Penis Enlargement my way there. I know that sounds shitty cause some people try and try and don't seem to get gains and I'm one of those lucky fast gainers who doesn't even Penis Enlargement all that hard, but there it is. Ya'll can flame me, now. I'm a self-pitying whiner!

I'll be better tomorrow. I think alot of it is work related stress. Business has been slow this last week, which is always depressing. Oh well... it's funny, though, how brainwashed they try to make you, thinking you can't get bigger and you're stuck with what you got and Penis Enlargement doesn't work, and I'm measuring and seeing it at 7.5 and thinking in the back of my head, Ehhh, that can't be right, but there it is. I measured two or three times to be sure...I mean, it's like BARELY at 7.5, but it's there, and I know I can cement it in like 2 or three weeks. Still, I wonder if I'm going to hit that wall or if I can actually get to a solid, cemented 8" before losing steam. I hope someone can relate to this.

My routine is this:

7 days a week foreskin restoration, using t-tape, the [words=http://TLCTugger.com/MOS]tugger[/words] cone and sometimes a little bit of weights. I think it helps alot, adding more skin, because I am able to stretch further without pain. Really pull on those ligs! Still no rollover without stretching the 4skin, but there is definitely more skin, and the circulation is better. I want to buy a PUD if I ever get the extra money. The weights really seem to help.

About two or three times a day, usually when changing t-tape or hitting the john, I do a set of stretches and some jelqs. Since I don't do a full [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-newbie-forum/1597-dlds-first-routine-i-gained-2-inches-with-this-routine-full-tutorial.html]newbie routine[/words] in one sitting, I really, really stretch and jelq intensely, until I am red and my flaccid is huge.

I have been incorporating a little bit of horse squeezes lately (I think that's what they're called). Pumping up to full erect and then squeezing the glans to fill up and stretch the CC.

That's my progress update for May. See you here again next month, with hopefully less fat and more dick again!
I think it may have something to do with healing rate. If I get a cut, I heal with almost no scar in like a matter of days. I'm like Wolverine on the X-men! I sometimes get thrombosed veins right behind the glans, but if I lay off for 2 or 3 days they are gone. I wonder if other fast gainers are also fast healers and if they have anything to do with one another. Anybody...?
Kong well done with your gains, thats great progress keep it up .25 goes a long way and youll soon be on to your goals.
The turkey neck i can gurantee is definately a cause from the Foreskin Restoration, Pe would have contributed a tiny bit, but All the skin loosenig from the FR will inturn make this turkey neck!
There's no going back now bud go the full way!, once your fully restored that will be gone.
All the best.
Two thumbs up! Awesome progress Kong! Keep it up. Don't feel too bad about the measuring anxiety, I think most of us lose the hard on when we reach for the ruler. The ruler to the penis is like kryptonite to Superman:D
doublelongdaddy said:
Don't feel too bad about the measuring anxiety, I think most of us lose the hard on when we reach for the ruler. The ruler to the penis is like kryptonite to Superman:D

LOL great gains bro, keep it up!! Also, its really good to hear that you are losing weight along with gaining size! That is awesome! If you really want some girth, I suggest mini supra slammers, but its up to you which routine you do. Those are great exercise, and I have benefited greatly from them! Good luck!
Can someone help me?

I thought a fast healing time is good for jelqing gains but a slow healing time is good for hanging, because tunica and ligs dont become stronger.
Is it right?What are your ideas?
I'm not too interested in girth as I think 6" girth is pretty decent. I am most interested in getting length. Bone-pressed length is nice, but nonbone-pressed is what I am really shooting for, which is why I am losing weight...to get rid of the fat pad and make it LOOK the size it really is. Fat guys are unlucky, in that a fat guy who is hung looks average, and a fat guy who is average looks tiny.
kong1971 said:
Going from 315 lbs to 258 lbs, I'd say at least 2 inches!!!!

Nice! I broke 200 pounds last week. My last weigh-in was 199!...Down from 225!
I did a flaccid stretched measurement tonight after Penis Enlargementing and it was 8 inches!!!! 8 Inches is my goal. I am now at 7.5" erect (bone-pressed), but it is coming soooo much closer!!!! I told my wife that I would stop at 8, but it is so tempting to go on past that, considering how easy it has been for me to gain so far. Starting at 5.5", I never ever thought I might be one of those guys who could get really massive, but now I wonder if I might actually be one of the lucky ones who can get really huge. If so, why should I waste that potential...? Why not go for Supra size, or more...? Tempting......
doublelongdaddy said:
Two thumbs up! Awesome progress Kong! Keep it up. Don't feel too bad about the measuring anxiety, I think most of us lose the hard on when we reach for the ruler. The ruler to the penis is like kryptonite to Superman:D


Hey KONG keep it up and you'll be fucking passing the 8 inch mark my man! Good going.
8" is such an awesome milestone. Keep up the hard work and you will close the 1/2" gap. You may also want to introduce some erect stretching, this is very helpful in closing the gap between FSL and EL.
Friday, June 18th, 2004

Did some measuring this morning and was surprised to see some gains. Here are my new stats:

BPenis EnlargementL: 7 5/8 inches
EG (base) 6 1/8 inches
FLS: 7 5/8 inches (weird, I've stretched 8" before???)
Regular, walking around NBP flaccid: 4 3/8 inches

I measured because I noticed that I seemed to have lost some of the foreskin length I was working on over the last couple weeks. Well, when I measured I discovered that my foreskin wasn't shrinking, my dick had grown some more! So that's why my wife started yelling "ohshitohshitohshit!" the last couple times we did it! ;)

I was surpsied to see a girth increase, mainly because I really don't work on girth too much. Being in the 6" range, I never really felt like I needed it, but I guess I'll take any gains I get and be happy with them!

Sorry to say I have gained some weight, tho! I am weighing 265 now. I haven't had any fast food in a week, but I gain weight so easily. It's very frustrating, but I will keep at it. I have been working really hard lately, so maybe it is muscle and not fat. My pants don't feel any tighter, so here's hoping... Hydromaxmmmm, maybe the extra weight is dick...? :D

My routine:

24/7 (or as close as possible) foreskin restoration

I don't have a set daily routine, but a couple times a day I do stretches, all five directions and jelqs (hundred or so)

Have been experimenting with a few other exercises like the A stretch, erect jelqs and bends, clamping and hanging with golf weights. Nothing set in stone, just seeing what I like. The hanging is not going well, as my penis is kind of too thick to go in the golf weights, so much for that idea, SWM. I do like the clamping, but not too sure what to do when engorged, jelq? pull? bend it? Gotta do some research, as I have seen some of the boys who do it (Electric!) and I want that badass veiny look for myself!

I have also started using Udderly Smooth. It is a lotion that contains allantoin, which is clinically proven to stimulate healing and cell growth.
Hmmm....That's cool bro. Keep doing your thing man....I'm going to go down to Walmart in a minute and buy some of that lotion. My mom says it's good with stretch marks too, and my belly has shrunk and is almost a six pack now, and I have strectch marks from when I was younger, so I'll give it a try on the old wood too and see how it goes. Keep up the hard work, and man my boy said he's not going to have his new born baby boy circumsized when he arrives. I thought that was cool.....and I thought I would share. Holla
Congrats on the gains...it's amazing how our bodies work...you are gaining at a tremendous rate...i think you should think about continuing if you can get 8..you can get 9...know what i'm saying...congrats on losing some weight too...i know you said you gain some back..but keep working at it..you'll lose it again..i on the other hand of the most difficult time gaining weight...which i am now working on...keep it up
millionman said:
Hmmm....That's cool bro. Keep doing your thing man....I'm going to go down to Walmart in a minute and buy some of that lotion. My mom says it's good with stretch marks too, and my belly has shrunk and is almost a six pack now, and I have strectch marks from when I was younger, so I'll give it a try on the old wood too and see how it goes. Keep up the hard work, and man my boy said he's not going to have his new born baby boy circumsized when he arrives. I thought that was cool.....and I thought I would share. Holla

Thanks for letting me know about that. I think it is wonderful! Make sure you tell your boy to write "No Circumcision" on all medical papers if he wants his son to stay uncut. Doctors have been know to do it during things like tonsilectomies and shit. "Oh, you mean you didn't want his penis cut off? Oops!" Also, make sure he reads up on the care of an uncircumcised child. That skin is not supposed to be retracted for cleaning, as it is bonded to the glans until puberty. Docs may tell you shit like he has phimosis (overly tight foreskin) or that it will prevent UTIs (urinary tract infections) but it is all bullshit. That skin is worth some money to them and they will try to get it if they can! Your boy is doing a great thing. His newborn will enjoy a lifetime of full sexual pleasure, and have a much better chance of having a naturally large penis! No Penis Enlargementing for him!
Yeah, I hope he does, but within the confines of Marriage, I'm the kids Godfather, so I have to look out for him even if he's not born yet. What do the doctors need with the skin??? Holla
I didn't mean, by saying full sexual pleasure, that he would be a gigolo, but that he would experience full sexual sensation during intercourse, as he will not be missing some 30 square inches of sensitive foreskin tissue, his frenelum (male clit) or the ridged band, all removed by circumcision. The sensations of lovemaking will bond him ever so much closer with his mate, and she will experience none of the side-effects of intercourse with a circumcised male...namely dryness and irritation.

Why do the doctors want that foreskin? Money, my friend! Not only do they make a nice little wad of cash by removing them, they also sometimes sell the tissue to pharmaceutical companies for medical experiments, and some are even processed to make a kind of breathable surgical bandage. It is horrifying but true. We are not mutilated at birth for health reasons...it is not cleaner, healthier nor does it prevent masturbation, its original intention. Circumcision is a billion dollar a year industry...and that's not even counting residual income from lubricants to soothe sore, dry pussies and medicines like viagra, so the mutilated man can still get it up when his glans is so keratinized that he no longer feels much pleasure or sexual urges.
July 4th, 2004

I have kinda quit doing jelqs lately, as I have discovered and have been experimenting with clamping. Aside from a couple minor setbacks with the clamping, it is going pretty good. I am not sure why I am clamping, as I don't really need the girth. At a little over six inches in girth, I'm already pretty thick. What I really want is length. Still, I have kinda gotten into the routine of stretches and clamping...

I clamped today for about twenty minutes and did some ballooning and edging and erect clamped stretches to get some length and kinda freaked myself out a little. I have pretty big hands, but as I was ballooning, my penis got so thick that I couldn't get my hand around it completely. My ring finger and thumb could kind of touch but not my thumb and pointer finger, and that was really weird!!! It felt like someone else's cock, and not in a good way! ( j/k :D ) It was just so thick! I didn't measure cause what's the point? It's the clamp doing it. But, even clamped, it's never gotten so thick before, and it wasn't discolored or anything.

I did a flaccid stretched measurement tonight cause it seems a little longer and guess what...all those lig pops lately were announcing a little bit of a gain. Flaccid stretched was 8.25" tonight. That is the longest I have ever stretched flaccid, and I am excited and a little nervous to see it, because it means my goal is coming a little bit closer. Flaccid gains usually mean erect gains are on the way.

I will measure erect in a couple weeks and see if there are any gains there, too. Til then, I will keep on yanking.
Got up the nerve to measure tonight erect. I have been kind of anxious, because my flaccid stretched is over 8 now by a little bit. I was hoping to see a gain, and I have. My bonepressed erect measured 7.75". I have gotten yet a little closer to my goal length, and I am pumped! If I push on my dick to press out the curve a little, it is a little more than that, but I don't want to count that. I want to be accurate as possible. I was going to take some ruler pics tonight but my ruler is fucking bendy plastic and then my camera's batteries went dry and it blinked out. Hopefully, I will get some time to buy a real ruler and be able to post some snaps of my snapper soon in the picture proof section. 8"...I'm soooo close!!!
I am not sure why I am clamping, as I don't really need the girth

You can gain length with clamp exercises, in the guide are a number of them which help length.
Erect bends are a great one while clamped.
Yes, I have discovered that. The clamping really does seem to help with length gains! I have been doing erect bends to try to straighten out my curve and also stretch the top side of my penis, which seems to be shorter and also more shy of skin. I am also just clamping up big and then grabbing the fucker and pulling on it hard, to get the ligs, and maybe extend the CC tissue while engorged.
Yeah, sounds good.
Look into my TCS/CTS stretch for the Tunicae and the TOW stretch also, both will work the Tunicae while clamped if you so wish.
Infact nearly any exercise can be added into the clamp schedule, its a fuckin versatile and powerful utility.
Looking Good Kong. How do you like those stretches while clamped?
As you can see from my newest pictures in the picture proof section, my penis is really thickening up and the curve is getting less severe. I think this is from the clamping and erect bends. The only thing that sucks is that I looker smaller in my newer pictures because it is getting fatter quicker than it is getting longer. I am also keeping a "pumped up" look longer after Penis Enlargementing now. I even noticed a donut effect the other night after a session, and I never get that...but it was cool. I liked it. It looked fat!
kong1971 said:
As you can see from my newest pictures in the picture proof section, my penis is really thickening up and the curve is getting less severe. I think this is from the clamping and erect bends. The only thing that sucks is that I looker smaller in my newer pictures because it is getting fatter quicker than it is getting longer. I am also keeping a "pumped up" look longer after Penis Enlargementing now. I even noticed a donut effect the other night after a session, and I never get that...but it was cool. I liked it. It looked fat!

Take the gains as they come GIRTH this week LENGTH next...it's all good.
Thanks. That's good advice. I will not fret about girth or length and just keep Penis Enlargementing. Funny thing, we made love the other night, and when we were done my wife was like, "Ooh, I was so tight tonight! Did you feel how tight I was?" But I know it was because I was thicker.
kong1971 said:
Thanks. That's good advice. I will not fret about girth or length and just keep Penis Enlargementing. Funny thing, we made love the other night, and when we were done my wife was like, "Ooh, I was so tight tonight! Did you feel how tight I was?" But I know it was because I was thicker.

The penis GIRTH can be weird like that and I can't explain it much more than this; sometimes a gain can't be measured with a ruler but it is easily measured in sex.
I am finally actually able to do the A-stretch thing effectively. I was either too fat or too short to do it before...effectively anyway. Now I can grab the head and get my arm under it and stretch it like a lever, which I think is what you're supposed to do. I did these, as well as just regular stretches, as I want to hurry up and get past the 8 BP measure. The 8 is really pushing in with the ruler. I want it to be an easy 8. I am also going to quit measuring and worrying so much and just work my ass off on getting the dick to grow. It's a waste of time and energy measuring every time I do a stretch or hear a lig pop. I solemnly swear that I will not measure until September 14, one month from now. In the meantime, I will continue to do my Penis Enlargement work, which mainly consists of stretching with light girth work (jelqing and a little bit of clamping) so that everything stays evened out and I don't get a weird shaped dong.
Basically just continuing with my program of foreskin restoration combined with DLD's [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-newbie-forum/1597-dlds-first-routine-i-gained-2-inches-with-this-routine-full-tutorial.html]newbie routine[/words]. My current measurements are:

7.50" bonepressed erect
6.25" non-bonepressed erect
8.00" bonepressed flaccid stretch
4.50" flaccid
6.00" girth

8.00" bonepressed erect
7.00" non-bonepressed erect
8.25" bonepressed flaccid stretch

I'm measuring a little higher than that a times, but it is not cemented, so I am not counting it yet. Mainly, I have noticed that my girth has increased at midshaft and at the head. It is evening up all the way to the top now, which is cool. My wife really likes it, and has made several comments on my girth. Also, my penis is changing shape. It is losing its upward curve and I have noticed more prominent veins, which I really like. All in all, I am very satisfied with my progress this month. Just gotta work on finishing those gains and cementing them.
kong1971 said:
Basically just continuing with my program of foreskin restoration combined with DLD's [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-newbie-forum/1597-dlds-first-routine-i-gained-2-inches-with-this-routine-full-tutorial.html]newbie routine[/words].

Since I have been including hanging in my daily routine I have already added some foreskin not even trying. Last night I looked at my boy flaccid and there was a bit of skin covering.
You should take the plunge and restore your foreskin, daddy! Your cock is already awe-inspiring, but with a mean-ass hood on your cobra, it would be The Kwisatz Haderach of Cocks!!!

I would also like to update my progress and announce some new gains for me! I have been working extra hard the past four weeks. Since last month, I began to measure more from the top than from the side, so I wanted to quickly make the numbers catch up. I have been jelqing, clamping, stretching and just generally beating the fuck out of my dick, determined to make it grow!!! I have been doing multiple routines a day, as well as foreskin restoration in between. I have also incorporated my growing foreskin into my stretches in an attempt to speed the skin growth and thus boost my length gains. Instead of pulling back my skin and grasping my penis, I am pulling the skin forward and stretching it along with the shaft. I think it has helped. More skin= more pull on ligs= faster dick growth.

It has paid off.

I have cemented my last gains and have moved on past them consistently enough for me to feel comfortable counting them as real gains.

Here are my new stats:


NBP erect length: 6.75 inches
BP erect length: 7.75 inches
BP flaccid stretch: 8 inches
NBP flaccid hang: 5 inches
BP flaccid hang: 6 inches
girth: 6 inches

NBP erect length: 7.25 inches
BP erect length: 8.25 inches
BP flaccid stretch: 8.5 inches (just a hair under! Not consistent YET!)

DISCLAIMER: All measurements were done with rock-hard erection while looking at nasty adult entertainment! And I mean nasty! :D
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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