I have been trying to keep my head down and just work on my Penis Enlargement and 4skin restoration without measuring or worrying every time I do a routine if I am gaining or not, but today, I just couldn't help myself and I did a quick measure of my BPenis EnlargementL.
Guess what?
I have gained about .25" in length!
Yay for me!
I know that doesn't sound like alot, but it is one-fourth of the way to my goal of 8X6. I am pretty happy, but I think it is better not to measure all the time because it can be discouraging...the gains come so slowly.
I started with a measurement of 5.5 Long X5.25 girth. I am now at 7.25" long X 6" girth.
All I do is about half a [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-newbie-forum/1597-dlds-first-routine-i-gained-2-inches-with-this-routine-full-tutorial.html]newbie routine[/words] a couple, three times a day. Just whenever I have 15- 20 minutes free to sit in the loo and tug on my trout.
As far as the foreskin restoration is coming...I am really rather pleased with that too. I still have no rollover, but the skin is getting looser and looser, and I have now begun to masturbate by pulling my skin up over the glans like a natural born male. I never could do that before because I was circed so tightly. Now it will pull up to cover the glans about 30-50% when erect. All I do is stretches and t-tape, but I am sure I will eventually have to move up to a [words=http://TLCTugger.com/MOS]tlc[/words]-tugger or something before I am finished. I can't wait to experience the feeling of full coverage. I imagine it will feel really good during "me-time" to feel that skin slide up and over my glans. It is already pretty intense and I have been beating my meat lately like it owes me money!
On a sadder note: the turkey neck had crept back on me as I have made gains, but that should go away as I create more shaft skin with my restoration efforts. It is just so ugly, tho! I hate it!
Guess what?
I have gained about .25" in length!
Yay for me!
I know that doesn't sound like alot, but it is one-fourth of the way to my goal of 8X6. I am pretty happy, but I think it is better not to measure all the time because it can be discouraging...the gains come so slowly.
I started with a measurement of 5.5 Long X5.25 girth. I am now at 7.25" long X 6" girth.
All I do is about half a [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-newbie-forum/1597-dlds-first-routine-i-gained-2-inches-with-this-routine-full-tutorial.html]newbie routine[/words] a couple, three times a day. Just whenever I have 15- 20 minutes free to sit in the loo and tug on my trout.
As far as the foreskin restoration is coming...I am really rather pleased with that too. I still have no rollover, but the skin is getting looser and looser, and I have now begun to masturbate by pulling my skin up over the glans like a natural born male. I never could do that before because I was circed so tightly. Now it will pull up to cover the glans about 30-50% when erect. All I do is stretches and t-tape, but I am sure I will eventually have to move up to a [words=http://TLCTugger.com/MOS]tlc[/words]-tugger or something before I am finished. I can't wait to experience the feeling of full coverage. I imagine it will feel really good during "me-time" to feel that skin slide up and over my glans. It is already pretty intense and I have been beating my meat lately like it owes me money!
On a sadder note: the turkey neck had crept back on me as I have made gains, but that should go away as I create more shaft skin with my restoration efforts. It is just so ugly, tho! I hate it!