11/17/2010 -- Day 27
Session: 10 min/ 5min jelq/stretch / 10min
Method: shower
Start: went in semi erect
Max: 184 / 186

did a work out yesterday but didnt have the time to log it. I was really sore from the aggressive sessions i had the last couple days. i might have been able to push 188 out, but the discomfort level was worse then usual so i didnt want to over do it. over all it wasn't a bad work out, but felt a decent amount of discomfort . Possibly going to take tonight session off and let myself recover. We'll see how my EQ and discomfort level is.
11/21/2010 -- Day 28
Session: 10 min/ 5min jelq/stretch / 10min
Method: shower
Start: went in semi erect
Max: 186* / 189*

i took 2 days off to recover and got back into the [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Bathmate[/words] today with great results! hit new records in expansion levels so i was really excited! i was only able to hold the 189 in the my second set for a short period before it dropped back down to a 187-188 ish but its still progress. Both sets felt great and i was extremely satisfied with them. I know it may not be the case for all, but it seems for me a few days off the [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Bathmate[/words] after a hard 5 or so days on gives me time to recover and get back into my routine strong.
Sometimes a small break makes all the difference in the world. Good to hear your back at it with the [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Bathmate[/words].
I always take my weekends off. Suprisingly most of the pump from my last [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Bathmate[/words] session stayed throughout most the next day. Then died down a bit towards sexy time(bummer). I feel a scheduled rest period is great for me personally, everyones different. But I feel I can go balls to the wall knowing I have scheduled rest days, not stressing about not pumping and wasting time.

That 2 day break may be trying to tell you something, not everybody can be DLD and wake up every single day and start tugging before you even get the dingleberries out your asscrack. Gotta find what works for you bro.

Subscribed to this thread, good shit.
11/21/2010 -- Day 29 (the session before this was actually the 20th)
Session: 10 min/ 5min jelq/stretch / 10min
Method: shower
Start: went in semi erect
Max: 186 / Weak 190*

Felt really good going into the session, not quite as good as yesterdays but still good non the less. Pumped up to 175 with in the first minute, and hit a max of 186 like last session. Did a hand full of jelqs and light stretches and rested for the 5 minutes in between sets. 2nd set was awesome, got up to 185 with in 2-3 min of the set. I pumped pretty aggressively and hit 190! It was a weak 190 though, only the tip of my head was on the line. I dont normal count weak numbers since the [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Bathmate[/words] measures in 10's, but some of my head was hitting the line. stayed there for the remainder of the set with it fading down to 188-189 then me having to pump a little back up. Its amazing that with in a months time, i started in the low 160's and am now almost in the low 190's. Incredible.

Thanks Zeus, DLD, and Deagle for the support and for following my Journal! And i definitely agree with all of you about the needed rest days (for me at least)
IronMike20;406334 said:
Thanks Zeus, DLD, and Deagle for the support and for following my Journal! And i definitely agree with all of you about the needed rest days (for me at least)

Never a problem!
hey mikey,

have you tried doing your sessions in morning when you have morning wood? it's awesome.. always gives me the best numbers :)
11/25/2010 -- Day 30
Session: 10 min/ 5min jelq/stretch / 10min
Method: shower
Start: went in semi erect
Max: 187* / Solid 190-191*

i took the past few days off because my gf came down for thanks giving break. We had sex a lot so i knew i needed rest days for sure. I was feeling good tonight so i decided to get back in the [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Bathmate[/words]. All i can say is WOW This thing is fucking amazing. I seriously cant believe with in 30 days of using it i have gotten such an increase in size..if you were to ask me if i thought it was possible before starting the [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Bathmate[/words] i would have said hell no! I am also in a kind of dilemma but ill tell all of you about that in a little.

Anyways my EQ wasnt very good today, but my penis felt 'ready' to get back into my routine. Went in for the first set and it was awesome hit a 187 comfortably. I pumped aggressively for sure, but might have been able to squeeze a little more out of it.
For the second set i hit GREAT numbers! got up to 180ish with in the first minute or so of using it. I hit a max of 191ish. It was a 191 but went back down to a very solid 190. either way im still making progress! Looking into the tube and seeing myself hitting low 190's is amazing. It looks pretty big to me so its very satisfying. I feel great about the size i have attained :)

The problem is my gf isnt really liking it like i thought she would :( At first she liked it, but now she is complaining and we actually had to stop having sex one time because it was causing her sharp pains. When I go all the way in i can feel myself hitting the back and she has a decent amount of discomfort. We stopped and she just gave me a BJ but we tried multiple times in a hand full of positions but she couldn't take it. Maybe she wasnt turned on enough, Im hoping she will just get use to the size. I dont want to stop, because im not the size i want to be. I want to eventually be 9x6.5. My more obtainable goal right now is to just fill the [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Herc[/words] [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Bathmate[/words] up, which i am getting closer and closer each week. But now it just kinda sucks because id really like my gf to enjoy the size difference. Not really sure what to do.

Anyways hoping to hit low 190's tomorrow, we will see :)
imzeus83;406565 said:
hey mikey,

have you tried doing your sessions in morning when you have morning wood? it's awesome.. always gives me the best numbers :)

i did try in the mornings, and it worked just as well but i prefer night sessions. I usually do my routine right before bed so when i sleep it gives me a lot of time to recover. :)
Hey same problem with the GF! My junk is average, girth hits 6 sometimes, but she really does hurt from sex after about 30 minutes.
KevinP;406835 said:
Hey same problem with the GF! My junk is average, girth hits 6 sometimes, but she really does hurt from sex after about 30 minutes.

yeah man it sucks, happens almost every time we have sex now.

11/27/2010 -- Day 31
Session: 10 min/ 5min jelq/stretch / 10min
Method: shower
Start: went in semi erect
Max: 187 / Solid 190

Sorry everyone for the laggy updates, i havent been using the [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Bathmate[/words] consistently for about a week now. Ill get in it one day and then take a couple days off since my GF is in town now. I got in to it today though and havent lost anything but am not gaining either.
Over all good session today, my length expansion has stayed the same but my girth is getting bigger for sure! Even out of the [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Bathmate[/words] i can tell. when i pump up though, im almost hitting the inside sidewalls of the [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Bathmate[/words]! feels pretty good i must say haha. I know once i get back into a good routine ill be hitting higher expansion levels. I'm aiming for 195ish with in a couple weeks, hopefully i can hit it!
11/28/2010 -- Day 32
Session: 10 min/ 5min jelq/stretch / 10min
Method: shower
Start: went in semi erect
Max: 188 / 190

Ive been soo inconsistent with the [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Bathmate[/words] lately because of school getting ready for my finals so i have been all over the place with usage. Dont remember to much of the set but i know i hit good expansion levels though and was pleased with the session.

11/30/2010 -- Day 33
Session: 10 min/ 5min jelq/stretch / 10min
Method: shower
Start: went in semi erect
Max: weak 190* / Solid 191*

I took the 29th of November off because i was pretty busy with school work. Got back into the [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Bathmate[/words] today and got basically my highest expansion levels to date! My first set was amazing, no discomfort what so ever. Hit a weak 190 and was really pleased for my first set! Got out with VERY little fluid retention if any. I am noticing also that i can basically pump to 180 with in the first minute or so of use. 2nd set was really good too hit a 191 but i definitely feel like the [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Bathmate[/words] is holding me back. When i pump the Bottom part of the topside of my head touches the inside tube of the [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Bathmate[/words]. I think its holding me back. i have tried positioning it differently but i still end up hitting it. I think i could definitely push more expansion if i wasn't getting hung up like this. I will try to put some vasiline on the base and head of my penis and see if it works. either way getting closer to the 200 mark! I am going to try to get back in to consistent usage of the [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Bathmate[/words], sorry to my readers for my absents.
11/1/2010 -- Day 34
Session: 10 min/ 5min jelq/stretch / 10min
Method: shower
Start: went in semi erect
Max: weak 191* / solid 193*

another awesome session! hit bigger numbers this time then ever before. i think ill be able to hit 195-200 with in a week or so from how its going so far. I love the [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Bathmate[/words]!! the only thing that sucks is getting hung up inside of it, it hurts so bad when i pull it off from my skin getting caught in the indents of the gator. Also my head touches the inside of the top which i think might be adding to it. Oh well im still hitting higher numbers!
11/2/2010 -- Day 35
Session: 12min session
Method: shower
Start: went in semi erect
Max: 192

my buddy was coming over that night because we were going to go snowboarding early in the morning so i didnt want to take an unusually long shower with him around and also try to conceal the [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Bathmate[/words] so i did a short session. I was happy with my results even so

11/4/2010 -- Day 36
Session: 10 min/ 5min jelq/stretch / 10min
Method: shower
Start: went in semi erect
Max: 190 / solid 192

skipped a day since it was my friends birthday party. Came back way to late and drunk to pull out the [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Bathmate[/words]. Got back in today though and did alright. Still hitting the low 190's. I really need to stop skipping days, i hate it when i do.
Snow boarding was great DLD! wasnt much snow there, but there also wasnt very many people so that made it very worth while.

11/5/2010 -- Day 37
Session: 10 min/ 5min jelq/stretch / 10min
Method: shower
Start: went in semi erect
Max: 191 / solid 192

11/6/2010 -- Day 38
Session: 10 min/ 5min jelq/stretch / 10min
Method: shower
Start: went in semi erect
Max: 192 / 192

Both of these sessions were very similar, hit about the same numbers. I could tell that it was harder for me to get to them though and decided to take a 2 day break.

11/9/2010 -- Day 38
Session: 10 min/ 5min jelq/stretch / 10min
Method: shower
Start: went in semi erect
Max: 192 / Solid 194*

took two days off from the [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Bathmate[/words] because i could feel my dick was fatigued. Also because im getting a really dark ring around the base of my penis from [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Bathmate[/words] use. Its because while inside my girth basically fills the whole thing up and my skin gets pinched in the gator. It is SOOO painful when i take the [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Bathmate[/words] off. Its red pink color after use but turns dark later. oh well, i havent quite 'filled' it all the way, especially length wise so ill wait till then for the next bigger model. Anyways todays session was great other then pains after. Hit a solid 192 in the first session. Probably could have pushed it harder but choose not too, it was my first day back from a small break. Went on to hit a solid 194 in the second session, maybe could pass for a weak 195, but ill go with the lower number. Great expansion and numbers! getting closer and closer to 200!
I love these logs, keep it up man. I hit 198 for the LONGEST time before breaking past to 200. I now hit 202(roughly) quite regularly.

You got this shit!
Good for you Mike! I am happy you had some fun!!!!
12/10/2010 -- Day 39
Session: 10 min/ 5min jelq/stretch / 10min
Method: shower
Start: went in semi erect
Max: 192 / 194

very similar routine as the night before. Hit basically the same numbers. Deagle, Ive been in the low 190s for a while now and getting a little frustrated so i tottaly understand what your saying in your last post. 200 is not THAT far away but feels impossible to get there haha. im trying my best though!

12/11/2010 -- Day 40
Session: 12min
Method: shower
Start: went in semi erect
Max: 193

Only did a short session today. My gf is coming back for winter break and wanted to get myself a little pumped for her, with out any fluid retention. Hit what seems to be the norm for me. cant seem to get in the high 190's yet.

Edit: didn't realize i wasn't changing the month on my dates and was only changing the day. Sorry guys!
Last edited:
Need to get to 200 and it is VERY POSSIBLE, as a matter of fact, you will be there in exactly 28 days!
12/12/2010 -- Day 41
Session: 10min/5min break/10min
Method: shower
Start: went in semi erect
Max: 193 */ 196*

great expansion numbers today! Over all great sets and i'm very pleased with hitting 196! The only thing i HATE is the [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98]gaiter[/words]! It is realllly cutting into my skin, i have a dark ring that goes all around the base of my penis thats rough in texture. Is there any way to make a type of sleeve that goes into the [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Bathmate[/words] so my skin doesn't get caught up in it? I have tried to reposition it but nothing works. I tired using a condom today to help it, didn't really notice much of a difference in fluid retention and it didn't help with [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98]gaiter[/words] problems. Probably going to take a day or two off, just kinda feel like i need it. If i feel good tomorrow ill go again though.
12/13/2010 -- Day 42
Session: 10min/5min break/10min
Method: shower
Start: went in semi erect
Max: 193 / 196

basically the same session as last. Hit the same expansion numbers and was also having the same problems with the [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98]gaiter[/words].

12/15/2010 -- Day 43
Session: 10min/5min break/10min
Method: shower
Start: went in semi erect
Max: 193/ 195

took a couple of days off to let myself rest and heal. Came back with pretty good numbers, couldn't quite get to the 196 or above but we will see what i can do tonight! sorry for the brief entries!
12/16/2010 -- Day 44
Session: 10min/5min break/5min
Method: shower
Start: went in semi erect
Max: 193/ Ended short

Not that great of a session. Just wasn't feeling the [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Bathmate[/words] much tonight. The first set was about normal for me, hit a 193. While i was doing my second set, i tried to push the [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Bathmate[/words] down by putting more pressure on the top side of the [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Bathmate[/words] if that makes sense. like trying to compress the topside of the [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98]gaiter[/words] first then compress the bottom side after. Anyways i was doing it pretty aggressively and while doing a pump this way the [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98]gaiter[/words] kinda collapsed in! The top of the [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98]gaiter[/words] got pushed up the side of the [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Bathmate[/words] and a lot of air rushed in so i just stopped the session there. I was around 192 at the time, probably would have maxed around 195-196. Im really hoping it still works fine tomorrow. If not ill put some super glue there and hope that helps it hold its position.
took about a week off. Just been busy with the holidays and wanted to rest up. i have lost no size at all, still where i am normally.

12/22/2010 -- Day 45
Session: 10min
Method: shower
Start: went in semi erect
Max: 192/ Ended short

I didnt end up going to get super glue like i thought i was going to do so i went ahead and tried to use the [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Bathmate[/words]. I ended my first session with a 192. I could have pumped a little more but was afraid that it was going to 'collapse' like last time so didnt push to aggressively. When i went into it for my second set i pumped up and what do you know! i pumped a little to hard and it happend again so i just took it off and ended my session then.

12/23/2010 -- Day 46
Session: 10min/5min break/10min
Method: shower
Start: went in semi erect
Max: 193/ 195
Instead of super glue, im using a t-bolt clamp to hold the top of the [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98]gaiter[/words] in place so it doesnt slide up the outside of the [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Bathmate[/words] tube. It works great but am still going to take it off when i get around to getting super glue. Anyways great session, didnt over do it since i took a week off. This was my first real full session from being back. Both sessions were very comfortable and enjoyable. Hit pretty good numbers and was happy that i was at basically the same numbers as i was at before taking a week off from using the [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Bathmate[/words].

12/24/2010 -- Day 47
Session: 10min/5min break/10min
Method: shower
Start: went in semi erect
Max: 193/ 196

back up to my highest expansion numbers. Cant wait to pass them up! The [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Bathmate[/words] is awesome!! Ill be at 200 soon enough!
Mike Tysons Routine:

Daily Regimen (7 days a week):
5am: get up and go for a 3 mile jog
6am: come back home shower and go back to bed (great workout for those huge legs of his)
10am wake up: eat oatmeal
12pm: do ring work (10 rounds of sparring)
2pm: have another meal (steak and pasta with fruit juice drink)
3pm: more ring work and 60 mins on the exercise bike (again working those huge legs for endurance)
5pm: 2000 sit-ups; 500-800 dips; 500 press-ups; 500 shrugs with a 30kg barbell and 10 mins of neck exercises
7pm: steak and pasta meal again with fruit juice (orange i think it was)
8pm: another 30 minutes on the exercise bike
then watch TV and then go to bed.
^^^ Truly insane. Some serious dedication for sure!

12/28/2010 -- Day 48
Session: 10min/5min break/10min
Method: shower
Start: went in semi erect
Max: 194*/ Solid 197*

Great session! hit my newest highest numbers. Had a bit more fluid retention then normal ( which is extremely little) but i am getting closer and closer to 200! i was pretty excited. On top of that my girth has gotten huge. My dick is basically filling the whole [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Bathmate[/words] up by my second set. Its almost touching the walls, feels awesome!
IronMike20;409946 said:
^^^ Truly insane. Some serious dedication for sure!

12/28/2010 -- Day 48
Session: 10min/5min break/10min
Method: shower
Start: went in semi erect
Max: 194*/ Solid 197*

Great session! hit my newest highest numbers. Had a bit more fluid retention then normal ( which is extremely little) but i am getting closer and closer to 200! i was pretty excited. On top of that my girth has gotten huge. My dick is basically filling the whole [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Bathmate[/words] up by my second set. Its almost touching the walls, feels awesome!

Armand, my son's, routine for the summer:)
wow he is a very dedicated amateur boxer. Any plans to go pro?

12/30/2010 -- Day 49
Session: 10min/5min break/10min
Method: shower
Start: went in semi erect
Max: 193/ Solid 197

I am so inconsistent with the [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Bathmate[/words] lately. My Gf has been down for Christmas break so its been tough. I was suppose to use it on the 29th, but right before i was going to do my session my gf started to fool around with me and it lead to me just fucking her. hahaha i felt great but afterwards i was disappointed in myself. Anyways i hit it again today and got to basically the same as my last session. The first set was harder for me to get to the low 190's as quick as usual, i did not sustain the 193 for very long because i didnt get to it early enough in the set. Second set was really good though, Its been really cold the past couple of days around the area i live and it definitely made it harder for me to get max stretching before using the [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Bathmate[/words].

I just want to say i am so thankful i found this site and purchased the [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Bathmate[/words]. Even though i have been inconsistent with my usage, i am still seeing gains and they are sticking. I have gone from 163 all the way to 197! incredible! Hopefully ill be filling the [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Herc[/words] up soon!
1/1/2011 -- Day 50
Session: 10min/5min break/10min
Method: shower
Start: went in semi erect
Max: 193/ 196

1/4/2011 -- Day 51
Session: 10min/5min break/10min
Method: shower
Start: went in semi erect
Max: 193/ Solid 197

1/6/2011 -- Day 52
Session: 10min/5min break/10min
Method: shower
Start: went in semi erect
Max: 196*/ 198*

Sorry for my absence, but i have been slowing down in my gaining and just havent felt the erg to write down that im hitting the same numbers all the time. I know a big part of it is because of my inconsistency but just when i thought i wasnt getting bigger i hit new high expansion numbers! Got to a very soild 196 in the first set and then went on to hit a 198 in my second. I am however getting a lot more discomfort issues. I have been gaining a LOT in girth lately, maybe that is also whats holding back my length gains im not sure but while pumping my girth is basically filling the whole [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Bathmate[/words] and while not pumping im still retaining a lot. My skin gets pinched a lot and is pretty uncomfortable but what can you do. Id like to get a [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]X-40[/words], but one i dont have the money right now and two i dont think i have the length needed for it.
anyways im going to see my GF this weekend, just gonna do manual stretches. Be back on sunday.
Sounds like you may need a [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]X-40[/words], you seem to be really pushing the [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]X-40[/words].

Many guys gain is stages, they will gain length for a while and no girth and then visa versa. I was this way, I gained shit loads of length and very little girth in my first year but the second year was just the opposite. I remember saying that I will take it as it comes.
I took a break from using the [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Herc[/words] [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Bathmate[/words] because of pain issues with my skin getting caught in the [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98]gaiter[/words]. I have used a few times here and there because i really do want to get back into a routine but it has been to uncomfortable after the session and has really been discouraging me from using it often. I used it tonight, still had pain but im right around the same expansion levels mid 190's so i haven't really lost anything. I realize i need to step up to the [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]X-40[/words] ASAP because my girth is just filling up the [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]herc[/words] way to much, i think it may be holding my length gains back to from my skin getting stuck and held up in the [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98]gaiter[/words]. Once i buy the [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]X-40[/words] and can get back into a comfortable routine, i will be updating my blog again!
IronMike20;415353 said:
Just ordered the [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]X-40[/words]!:)

Cuz is rolling in his grave:)
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    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
  • MoS Notifier MoS Notifier:
    silverberg is our newest member. Welcome!
  • MoS Notifier MoS Notifier:
    thescholarjt is our newest member. Welcome!
  • MoS Notifier MoS Notifier:
    mos is our newest member. Welcome!
      MoS Notifier MoS Notifier: mos is our newest member. Welcome!