
Jun 8, 2003
Are there any serious pumpers here? I haven't been seeing much talk about it on the board. If there are, have you been following any of DLD's routines from the pay portion of this site and included pumping along with it? If you have, how have you done this and do you think it has helped you to speed gains? I, myself am at a crossroads and thinking about quitting pumping and only following DLD's routines. Am I wasting my time or should I continue to pump? Also, if there is an abundant number of pumpers here it would be nice to see a pumper's forum, don't you think?
I got a pump, only used it twice. I don't know how to incorporate it with DLDs routines, so I haven't been using it too much. However, I did notice that my gains all occured on the week that I did use the pump. It has been about 2 weeks or so since I used it, and I have not lost the gains, but have not increased, either. I hope someone has an idea how to constructively use pumps along with DLDs routines.
C'mon all you pumpers, I'm still waiting to here from you guys. This board needs more dialogue in the subject of pumping. Don't be shy!!! Let's hear some opinions on the subject!
I work with two men that pump in addition to their MOS workout with very good success. As a matter of fact one who uses Pumping to suppliment his manual routine has made very incredible girth gains. I think it is fine and can only benefit you.

Many people pump for 5-10 min, then do manual girth work for 5-10 min, then pump for 5-10 min, then more girth work, ect...

The idea is to get your dick REALLY engorged in the pump and then squeeze, jelq, ect... to move the blood around in your dick and stress the erectile tissue more than you could from just manual Penis Enlargement alone. Just don't get too crazy with the pressure, keep it kinda low. I also like to wrap a towel soaked in hot water around my pump. This will definately make the pumping more effective.
Thankyou for the replies Gandolph and DLD. That is some really useful input that I and others, I am sure, can use. I really hope this thread gets more guys talking and inquiring about pumping. Also, if anyone reading this thread is interested in trying to pump, but you're not ready to dump $100 + dollars into a system, post back in this thread or PM me. I can tell you how to put a good pump together for around $30.00... That's right, only about $30.00. Mine works great, I have been using it pretty much everyday since I put it together last December. This way you can try pumping and see if its for you, if it isn't you won't have wasted a small fortune on a pump and cylinder.
From what I've read on the subject (as I have no personal experience myself) there are a couple of different methods for pumping. One uses a wide tube that allows the member to expand in girth as its pumped, the other incorporates a longer tube thats closer to your existing girth size to promote length gains. So the most important factor (assuming your purchasing a pump and not building your own which requires other considerations) seems to be the size and/or length of the tube which would depend on whether your going for length or girth.

Now my question is, how do you go about choosing the proper pump and tubes?
Don't click the link. That just took me to a gay �naked people movies� site. SWM you sick bastard.
Watch the type of comments you make, and who you make them to buddy. ;)

It's not a "gay �naked people movies� site". You obviously didnt look around much, theres a link at the top to the pumping forums.
sufring said:
I got a pump, only used it twice. I don't know how to incorporate it with DLDs routines, so I haven't been using it too much. However, I did notice that my gains all occured on the week that I did use the pump. It has been about 2 weeks or so since I used it, and I have not lost the gains, but have not increased, either. I hope someone has an idea how to constructively use pumps along with DLDs routines.

Here's how i incorporated pumping into DLD's Newbie routine:

First 2 weeks:
Morning: DLD Newbie stretching
Evening: Pump for 10 minutes @ 5-6hg, 300 jelqs, Pump for 10 minutes @ 6-7hg
Morning: DLD Newbie stretching
Evening: 300 jelqs

Weeks 3 and on:
Morning: DLD Newbie stretching, 300 jelqs
Evening: Pump for 15 minutes @ 5-6hg, 300 jelqs, Pump for 15 minutes @ 6-7hg
Morning: DLD Newbie stretching
Evening: 300 jelqs

I'm like you and got great girth gains with this. I gained about a half inch girth in the month or so that i did this routine. I haven't been pumping in a while, but will start again when i start workning on girth again.
Don't take it the wrong way. But I don't know what you think gay �naked people movies� is but guys suckin dick definetly is GAY �naked people movies�.
jason1, I think you have your wires crossed
I also get a pump page come-up.
Infact heres a quote from the first page.

The Vacuum Penis Pump site is a resource for information on penis and testicle enlargement through the use of vacuum pump devices. There are also sections and discussion areas for penis enlargement surgery, penis weights, and other methods of penis enlargement. If you're interested in finding out more about vacuum pumping and whether it works, are considering the purchase of a penis pump, or just want to see some pictures of the resulting penis enlargement, this is the place.

Meet Mike: Our NEW Customer Service Manager will handle all your shipping and product questions.

Pumping Questions/Answers : common questions about pumping and how it works.

Testimonials : letters and emails from clients talking about their progress.

Link Exchange : have a pumper page? Exchange links with us!

Contact us : phone, fax, email, mailing address here!

Subscribe : subscribe to our email newsletter

Pictures : looking for pumping pictures? New pictures posted every day! Free in our discussion forums.

Affiliate Program : weBathmateasters - link to newart and earn a percentage of sales refered by your site.

Tell a friend : tell a friend about our site, an easy form will let you send a quick message to a friend to tell them about our site.

Mold Your own penis kit : a complete kit for creating a latex dildo that is an exact copy of your dick
Guys I am not talking shit. Maybe I do have something wrong with my computer but I do get gay �naked people movies� and it says absolutely nothing about pumping but I didn't really look. I got the hell out of there.
I am a big fan of pumping. I've noticed BIG gains in girth and rather quickly. I do about 10 minutes of wet jelqs then I pump for about 20 minutes, then I put a constrictor ring on to keep the pump and do about 8 Supra slammers. This is all I do for girth right now and Ive gained about .5 inch in about 2-3weeks.

Jason1 said:
Don't take it the wrong way. But I don't know what you think gay �naked people movies� is but guys suckin dick definetly is GAY �naked people movies�.

What, you call some one a "sick bastard" after not thoroughly exploring a site, or not giving the benefit of the doubt to the idea that maybe, just maybe the link I posted is not where you ended up somehow, nd then you expect me not to take it the wrong way? :s

Keep the negative gay comments to yourself as well. We're all men here, and we all have different sexual tastes. I'm straight myself, and do not support the "gay lifestyle", heck I dont even agree with it, but I am a moderator on a forum that supports Penis EnlargementNIS ENLARGEMENT. That means all of the men who are members here, regardless of their sexual orientation, are to made to feel welcome here. Negative or derrogitory comments toward a certain type of lifestyle will not be tolerated. It cannot be tolerated if this forum is expected to remain a healthy, active forum where EVERYONE feels welcome. You do not have to agree with the content on another site, or someone else's comments, but hold your tongue next time you feel like making similar remarks. Not just you, that goes for everyone.
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maybe your computer took you straight to the aptly named "gay sex swap" banner at the bottom of the pumping page...

Thats one helluva pump that site is brandishing.....Makes what NASA has to offer look like a rubber band and a penny....
yea, it's deceiving at the bottom of the page...if u click "next" or any of the "galleries" it takes u to a gay site...so in an effort to a get a glimpse of exta-large, pumped-up penises it seems jason1 was taken to a gay site...to quote Spock, "it is logical"

and about the gay thing, most guys would never know i'm gay. I don't pretend to be straight, it's just that i'm a man through and through and i happen to like guys. Have never needed to go anywhere "gay" to hook up with a guy. You don't see it because it's nobody else's business. Not lurking in the shadows, it's just that i'm a total stud and only look for the same. So if you worry about being hit on by "hidden" gay people like myself, DON'T...you probably aren't in our scopes. That being said, you should know that you were on a site looking at and talking about BIG Penis EnlargementNISES...
stillwantmore said:
What, you call some one a "sick bastard" after not thoroughly exploring a site, or not giving the benefit of the doubt to the idea that maybe, just maybe the link I posted is not where you ended up somehow, nd then you expect me not to take it the wrong way? :s

Keep the negative gay comments to yourself as well. We're all men here, and we all have different sexual tastes. I'm straight myself, and do not support the "gay lifestyle", heck I dont even agree with it, but I am a moderator on a forum that supports Penis EnlargementNIS ENLARGEMENT. That means all of the men who are members here, regardless of their sexual orientation, are to made to feel welcome here. Negative or derrogitory comments toward a certain type of lifestyle will not be tolerated. It cannot be tolerated if this forum is expected to remain a healthy, active forum where EVERYONE feels welcome. You do not have to agree with the content on another site, or someone else's comments, but hold your tongue next time you feel like making similar remarks. Not just you, that goes for everyone.

As another MOD here, I fully agree with your words Still and back you 100%.
so amped up about replying to that note, forgot to post what i originally wanted to say...

pump on rare occasion - used to do it pretty often, but jelqing and stretching produce much better results so i stopped...might start adding it in as part of my routine once or twice a week, but your dick needs a lot more "down time" from pumping than it does from other Penis Enlargement methods. Although, never saw gr8 permanent results from pumping, it's really trippy watching your dick get MASSIVE even if it is only temporary - best part is how heavy it feels, and not being able to get your hand around it
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