great thread found it through google..
I guess they guy gained and left using his thick cock now.
Im doing something similar since 2 days and the expansion is great.
Im having a light constrictor all day on.
Every 30 minutes I have an erection.(some stimulation is enough with the cosntrictor on)
then after kegeling some blood in I clamp the erection slowly of with a torniquet(this medical
I do it over like 4-6 minutes at most and kegel all the time until the
strap is so clamped that a kegel doesnt push anything in anymore.
Then I loosen it slowly over a minute while stimulating and kegeling fresh blood in.
Then I let the erection die off and repeat the same 30 minutes later.
It never gets cold and I have a bif flaccid hang without much fluid build up. Its feels much safer to slowly build the pressure up over the day rather then having 1-2 heavy 20 minute sessions.
These short sets really push the expansion over the day.
Every 4 or 6 hours(2-3 times a day) or so i will have a set similar to the OP where I will push the time a bit up to 10 minutes to gain some oxygen depletion.
After that I will pause 30 minutes and start again with the short sets.
Its great! guys with time or working from home should try this.
any ideas and comments welcome.