Taking in account the skeletal deformations known from english archers the bodily arrangements which are to be achieved by Penis Enlargement´lers are just small.
by franz:

Taking in account the skeletal deformations known from english archers the bodily arrangements which are to be achieved by Penis Enlargement´lers are just small.

How can the use of an arch lead to skeletal deformations?
If one applies load to the skeleton in an unsymmetric way the bones will adapt. The english longbowmen were an example of this and their skeletons tell their tale until now.

But thats common historical knowledge to be found in any better article about the history of the longbow.

Other well known skeletal deformations are for example with the riders of Dschengis Khan - deformation by sitting to much on horseback. Early miners. Deformations by never standing upright/heavy loads. Chinese Kulis - deformation from heavy loads etc. Endless.

Therefor the notion that daily pulling on a mans penis will NOT make it longer is plain ridiculous. The question is only HOW is this done with a maximum effect (in special regarding girth) and minimizing possible damage (physically and optically).

And thats why people are here I thougt (besides t´the gays who just like to ah! and uh! about big cock pictures, whats fine with me too).
Well I in reality came here for a look for cheap Cialis and such things. My penis is ok for me. Some maintenance ok I thought, but after all this talk here I start contemplating about some pumping. On the other hand a friend does it and I am under the impression that this can get easily a habit.

I will see. Neither pumps nor my penis are going to run away and so there is no hurry.

Ok now I am babbling. Why not.

yuuupieeee, that is GREAT NEWS people... ;)

This means that our "secret" in in safe hands eheheh. Seriously dudes, i've got a ruler and a tape cloth ruler that contradicts ALL that was writen in this article so...WHO THE FUCK CARES what they "think" they "know" right?

I've got a suspicion that the BIG SURGICAL ENLARGEMENT COMPANIE lobbies are behind this, i.e., if the world knew about the possibility of growing WITHOUT spending thousands of dolars how would the surgeons be able to buy huge speed boats and 1000 horse power suv's???!!! Get the point...?
"Oh it is dangerous, it will surely lead to impotence and desfigurement and other problems..." Yeah right...Santa is as fat as a cow and STILL he fits trough ALL roof smoke holes...
Yet...the very same surgeons use wheights, stretching devices, [words=http://www.phallosan.com/shop/catalog/default.php?z=eNortjIxtVKyL0pNszWxMFcrSSxKTy2JL0hMT7U1UisoykyxtbBQSy4tLsnPjS8uKcrMS7dVsgZcMMpbEbo%2C]ads[/words]'s and other "dangerous stuff" on thei're patients AFTER they've cut them up and filled them with fat to increase girth. Go figure...



If Penis Enlargement would be officially told to work then unavoidably this would lead to fathers teaching sons and the pressure to teach this would become pretty large. The biblethumpers stiffen in horror. And not only they. Repressed mnale sexuality is one of the major drving forces, one of the pillars of the US society. Penis Enlargement if unleashed uncontrolled therefor threatens society as it is.

I personally believe that we would get a better world when men had better relationship to their best friend. Guiltfree making the best from it. Ha!
by franz:

If one applies load to the skeleton in an unsymmetric way the bones will adapt. The english longbowmen were an example of this and their skeletons tell their tale until now.

But thats common historical knowledge to be found in any better article about the history of the longbow.

Other well known skeletal deformations are for example with the riders of Dschengis Khan - deformation by sitting to much on horseback. Early miners. Deformations by never standing upright/heavy loads. Chinese Kulis - deformation from heavy loads etc. Endless.

Thank you for the explanation, franz.
My grandmother had a potatoe-farm and spent 12-14 hours a day picking up potatoes, what lead to a deformation of her skeleton so that she always walked around bowed. So I knew about skeleton adaption before, but that the archers skeleton deformated wondered me because I thought the archers are using their arches too little to cause this effect. I mean they didn't spent the whole day shooting.
Yup, I read the same article and it is incredibly sad that an institution, as prominent and educational, like the MAYO CLINIC could give factual statements on something they never tested. It is like telling a man holding his breath will defeat cancer, totally unfounded. It is the responsibility of places of this magnitude to give researched, solid advice. It show you how power and corruption at it's most menacing level.

It is very obvious that the motives behind this line of advice is to make more money on the medical side of penis enlargement. There slogan is MAYO CLINIC, Tools for a healthier life...should we trust this considering the ignorance they portray?
Yeah well what more is there to say except, BULLSHIT IT DOESN'T WORK. If thier claims are true. Then the inch marks on rulers world wide must be getting closer together over the years. Not bloody likely. rofl
As for disfirurement and all that shit, my cock looks better now than it did 8 years ago. ;)
Last edited:
Camel said:
Yeah well what more is there to say except, BULLSHIT IT DOESN'T WORK. If thier claims are true. Then the inch marks on rulers world wide must be getting closer together over the years. Not bloody likely. rofl
As for disfirurement and all that shit, my cock looks better now than it did 8 years ago. ;)


With this type of propaganda is driven by the medical professions hopes to push men into thinking surgery is the only solution to penis enlargement. On top of these dishonest motives the crooks charge between $5000.00 to $10,000.00 for the procedure. After surgery the client "may" see up to a half inch in flaccid size with little or no erect size and the hypocrisy of their bullshit is extremely evident when one reads between the lines. For instance, check this quote by the MAYO-CLINIC out:

"Cosmetic surgeons have developed several different enlargement techniques, none of them endorsed by medical organizations. The American Urological Association, the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery and the American Society of Plastic Surgeons have all issued policy statements against cosmetic surgical procedures to enhance the penis."

None of them endorsed by the medical profession??? What the fuck, it is the medical profession doing these procedures. Even more hypocritical is the fact that they say hanging weights as a method of penis enlargement is bogus but after the penis enlargement surgery they send the patient home with weights??? Extremely fucked up and it is being done right before our eyes.

I am extremely skeptical of our medical institutions. If they are hiding the genuine effectiveness of natural penis enlargement they are in-fact lying to us with the only possible motive is money. This worries me on many levels that have nothing to do with penis enlargement, penis enlargement only motivates me to search deeper on other medical beliefs, procedures and honest. Is there a cure for cancer? Is there psychiatric drugs that may cure mental illness? Are there homeopathic methods being squashed by the lobbyist who use their money and power to discredit? The list goes on and on and quite frankly it scares me.

Penis enlargement has been around for thousands of years, way before the medical institutions even existed, even medicine for that matter. Continuous longevity gives me much more confidence then that of a medical society that changes it's view with the wind. Is penis enlargement dangerous? Only if someone is overzealous but as stated above, I have never witnessed a permanent injury due to penis enlargement. I have, in-fact, seen many of injuries via penis enlargement surgery. Injuries from loss of penis due to gangrene or any other tissue death disorder, the loss of penile function or permanent impotence, disfigurement of the penis, and many other permeant and psychologically crippling issues. The only form of penis enlargement I endorse is natural penis enlargement for a few reasons.

A. I made incredible gains from natural penis enlargement, 800% of that of penis enlargement surgery.
B. I have seen thousands of men do the same.
C. The minimal injuries that could occur and the complete recovery that happens.
D. The longevity of the natural penis enlargement arts.
E. The fact that no money needs to be spent in order to acquire a bigger penis.

The MAYO-Clinic and every other institution that promotes advice with no research need to check themselves.
doublelongdaddy said:

With this type of propaganda is driven by the medical professions hopes to push men into thinking surgery is the only solution to penis enlargement. On top of these dishonest motives the crooks charge between $5000.00 to $10,000.00 for the procedure. After surgery the client "may" see up to a half inch in flaccid size with little or no erect size and the hypocrisy of their bullshit is extremely evident when one reads between the lines. For instance, check this quote by the MAYO-CLINIC out:

"Cosmetic surgeons have developed several different enlargement techniques, none of them endorsed by medical organizations. The American Urological Association, the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery and the American Society of Plastic Surgeons have all issued policy statements against cosmetic surgical procedures to enhance the penis."

None of them endorsed by the medical profession??? What the fuck, it is the medical profession doing these procedures. Even more hypocritical is the fact that they say hanging weights as a method of penis enlargement is bogus but after the penis enlargement surgery they send the patient home with weights??? Extremely fucked up and it is being done right before our eyes.

I am extremely skeptical of our medical institutions. If they are hiding the genuine effectiveness of natural penis enlargement they are in-fact lying to us with the only possible motive is money. This worries me on many levels that have nothing to do with penis enlargement, penis enlargement only motivates me to search deeper on other medical beliefs, procedures and honest. Is there a cure for cancer? Is there psychiatric drugs that may cure mental illness? Are there homeopathic methods being squashed by the lobbyist who use their money and power to discredit? The list goes on and on and quite frankly it scares me.

Penis enlargement has been around for thousands of years, way before the medical institutions even existed, even medicine for that matter. Continuous longevity gives me much more confidence then that of a medical society that changes it's view with the wind. Is penis enlargement dangerous? Only if someone is overzealous but as stated above, I have never witnessed a permanent injury due to penis enlargement. I have, in-fact, seen many of injuries via penis enlargement surgery. Injuries from loss of penis due to gangrene or any other tissue death disorder, the loss of penile function or permanent impotence, disfigurement of the penis, and many other permeant and psychologically crippling issues. The only form of penis enlargement I endorse is natural penis enlargement for a few reasons.

A. I made incredible gains from natural penis enlargement, 800% of that of penis enlargement surgery.
B. I have seen thousands of men do the same.
C. The minimal injuries that could occur and the complete recovery that happens.
D. The longevity of the natural penis enlargement arts.
E. The fact that no money needs to be spent in order to acquire a bigger penis.

The MAYO-Clinic and every other institution that promotes advice with no research need to check themselves.
Well you pretty much put everything in text, that I have been thinking about since reading that Mayo shit. Well done rofl . You touched on a very good point there about medical institutions lying to us, as this bothers me on many levels too. If they are trying to hide the obvious truth about natural Penis Enlargement, what else are they trying to hide from us? It makes one ponder. What do they really know? ;)
Camel said:
If they are trying to hide the obvious truth about natural Penis Enlargement, what else are they trying to hide from us? It makes one ponder. What do they really know? ;)

It becomes easy to have an all or nothing attitude when we find fault with part of an institution we expect to be honest. Even though, there are good and bad to everything.
doublelongdaddy said:
It becomes easy to have an all or nothing attitude when we find fault with part of an institution we expect to be honest. Even though, there are good and bad to everything.
Yep your right, wonder where they got their research on natural Penis Enlargement, to back up what they are claiming?
Camel said:
Yep your right, wonder where they got their research on natural Penis Enlargement, to back up what they are claiming?

Uh just a question Franz, whats with all the useless crap? I'm sorry but quoting and artice and trying to put in a lot of filler words will not make me lose faith. and skeletal deformations due to long durations in a given enviornment, yes that happened with all those cases you pointed out but why in the hell bring it up here?
by DLD:

With this type of propaganda is driven by the medical professions hopes to push men into thinking surgery is the only solution to penis enlargement. On top of these dishonest motives the crooks charge between $5000.00 to $10,000.00 for the procedure. After surgery the client "may" see up to a half inch in flaccid size with little or no erect size and the hypocrisy of their bullshit is extremely evident when one reads between the lines. For instance, check this quote by the MAYO-CLINIC out:

"Cosmetic surgeons have developed several different enlargement techniques, none of them endorsed by medical organizations. The American Urological Association, the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery and the American Society of Plastic Surgeons have all issued policy statements against cosmetic surgical procedures to enhance the penis."

None of them endorsed by the medical profession??? What the fuck, it is the medical profession doing these procedures. Even more hypocritical is the fact that they say hanging weights as a method of penis enlargement is bogus but after the penis enlargement surgery they send the patient home with weights??? Extremely fucked up and it is being done right before our eyes.

I am extremely skeptical of our medical institutions. If they are hiding the genuine effectiveness of natural penis enlargement they are in-fact lying to us with the only possible motive is money. This worries me on many levels that have nothing to do with penis enlargement, penis enlargement only motivates me to search deeper on other medical beliefs, procedures and honest. Is there a cure for cancer? Is there psychiatric drugs that may cure mental illness? Are there homeopathic methods being squashed by the lobbyist who use their money and power to discredit? The list goes on and on and quite frankly it scares me.

I once read that they were able to operate brain cancer in the 13th or 14th century but the doctors had to give up this operations because they were afraid to be said to have made a pact with the devil and being burnt at the stake.
So you can see that holding back of important information or healing methods is not a behaviour of the capitalists but simply of people seeing an advantage for themselves in this.

by DLD:

Is there psychiatric drugs that may cure mental illness?

The question is by what the mental illness is caused? By genetical defects, physical (chemical, hormonal) failures or is it based on a psychological problem? Or did one lead to the other or is walking hand in hand?

by DLD:

The list goes on and on and quite frankly it scares me.

Me too. But it's quite simple: If everyone is healthy, whom do you sell your drugs?
Let's not forget about the power of the mind , and faith , and belief . They are not to be discounted , nor taken lightly .

I suppose that in the nay Sayer's realm , it would be the placebo effect . I am not saying that the physical and physiological aspects of Penis Enlargement are not effective , anyone that practices Penis Enlargement with long term dedication knows that they are , just that if you have a negative mind set , and look at something with the belief that it is not going to work , chances are it never will . But if you have faith that it will , and is working , odds are it will .

And remember the rewards of Penis Enlargement , that we can share with others ! As the spook in Field of Dreams said " If you build it , they will cum ! "
MaineMan said:
Let's not forget about the power of the mind

Very true and it's ironic you mention this because I was working all night on a new article on mind power and how it relates to us and the rest of the world. I am so excited to release this study as it will prove that our mental thoughts have so much more power than we realize...cutting edge stuff, I think everyone will bug-out when they see this.

triple said:
Dld You Said Something About A Man With Cancer Should Hold His Breath I Told My Freind And He Held Breath And Died.

When? Where?
I watched an episode of Penn & Teller's Bullshit, normally a really good and entertaining show, but this one episode dealt with penis enlargement. They had 3 guys they had a doctor measure before they started their treatments. One guy took enlargment pills, one guy did what I assume is jelq's because that is the motion he was demonstrating, and one guy used a [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98]penis pump[/words]. They did their respective treatments for maybe 2-6 weeks. I cant remember. At the end of the time period, they all got measured and none had any increase in length.
The doctor only measured their LENGTH. And the guy who was doing the JELQs, was doing an exercise thats designed to increase the GIRTH. And he was only doing 200-300 of them a day. Not near enough to see any appreciable gains, let alone the limited time frame of the study. The guy who was using the [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98]penis pump[/words] only did it 5 MINUTES a day. I too doubt that 5 mins a day would be enough to cause anything more than temporary enlargment of girth (which wasnt even measured).

Someone should ask the Mayo clinic, what where the methods and procedures they used in any experiments they performed to come up with this information. They dont specify and I dont believe they ever carried out any experiments.

As far as the Penn & Teller's experiment, its akin to saying Exercise doesnt work because after doing 20 jumping jacks a day for 6 weeks I still dont have 6 pack abs or can run a mile in under 5 mins. The proper exercises were not performed in either the intensity nor the volume needed to see the desired results.

I'm one SOB who's very skeptical of everything, and after spending about 1.5 to 2.5 hours a day to enlarge my penis over the last year, I got my own proof, its in my pants.
doublelongdaddy said:
It is very obvious that the motives behind this line of advice is to make more money on the medical side of penis enlargement. .....
Nope. Fighting back on this level won´t help.

They are actually believing they are doing harm-reduction. It´s like the war on drugs. Prevention by telling lies.

Arn´t the US Airforce pilots flying on crystal methamphetamine? Isn´t this drug prescribed to kids with ADD? But isn´t there a methamphetamine proliferation act? Isn´t meth the drug from hell? (providing the best erections ever seen btw?).

The same logic applies for Penis Enlargement.
Harm reduction in a sexual repressive society as the US is says just you are not supposed to have any fun. Except killing people. In the name of god and the nation.
badtacco said:
Both my hands can wrap around my cock with a little bit of the head showing. Will post some pictures when I get around it and overcome my camera shyness.:P
Had this problem too but then I started HE (hand enlargment) and it helped.

If you can enlarge your peetube you can enlarge your hands too or not?

Just to say I am tired of all this showing or telling off it has no purpose at all. I don´t mind if DLD has a 8,5" cock or can stretch it with force to over 10". I also don´t mind if a 155 cm tall Cuban has a cock which looks like 40 cm.
And all this stupid adult entertainment. Where do you live? In the world of small guys with decent cocks fucking 140 cm girls?

Now back in realworld thats just not true.

And - no offense DLD - a bigger cock is no guarantee at all that you will keep your hot gf.

There are so many interesting persons here but the wankers piss me more and more off.
badtacco said:
Don't get upset man, It does work, just keep at it. It may take up to 6 months even a year to gain an inch... but in the long run wouldn't it be worth all the effort?

Anyways, my g/f recieved best looking back in high school and been with her for over 3 and a half years. Maybe it IS the magic stick... j/k rofl
I am not upset and I appreciate this forum and a lot of the information here.

And for the proof I post a picture in the right forum now.
franz said:
You might be astonished what some tribes do.

Franz, do you know how long I have done this? I know a little about the body.
doublelongdaddy said:
Franz, do you know how long I have done this? I know a little about the body.
Actually it´s you who tells that 8x6 is perfect.

I know that you don´t propagate anything harmful but you and I know how people are. And it IS DEFINITIVLY possible to harm oneself with this.
Some hundreds of indian gurus with 60 cm pricks without erection are hopefully prove enough. Freaks. Pulling on a penis was not invented yesterday in the USA.
badtacco said:
Fran, stop being lazy, just do the stretches at night before you go sleep. I do it every night b/c I want to reach my goal of 8.5 and I know it will happen.
You misunderstand me. I started for you a new thread in "Picture..."
franz said:
Actually it´s you who tells that 8x6 is perfect.

Indeed I do, I think that anything beyond this is personal preference. Men often become disillusioned with the massive penis. Many believe that a 10" penis is common and set their goals based on this. I advocate for 8 x 6 because it is bigger than 95% of the men in the world and would satisfy and impress most woman. I went beyond this for my own personal reasons.

franz said:
I know that you don´t propagate anything harmful but you and I know how people are. And it IS DEFINITIVLY possible to harm oneself with this.

You can hurt yourself riding a bike. I have NEVER, and I mean NEVER, heard of anyone hurting themselves with Penis Enlargement beyond a temporary injury.

franz said:
Some hundreds of indian gurus with 60 cm pricks without erection are hopefully prove enough. Freaks. Pulling on a penis was not invented yesterday in the USA.

Actually the goal of these tribesmen was to render their penis unusable, it was a belief they felt pleased the Gods. Penis Enlargement is an art that increases the use of the penis with harder erections and greater size. I do not think anyone here is making a penile novena to the Gods. Is penis enlargement new? No but my brand of penis enlargement is 6 years young and the most effective program on the internet.
badtacco said:
Haha DLD, I did it for God, to show him that he did make me Penis EnlargementRFECT :D! j/k!!!! rofl

Fuck, I love your signature, that shit is dope!
doublelongdaddy said:
It is very obvious that the motives behind this line of advice is to make more money on the medical side of penis enlargement. There slogan is MAYO CLINIC, Tools for a healthier life...should we trust this considering the ignorance they portray?

500% right

If I remember the book my moms had it was some book to natural cures which talks about how to never be sick again, and how all these pills are made to make you stay sick, if they were to tell you the cure to certain diseases FDA would go out of business. But ya I always thought of this before I read some of that book because why would you make cigarettes and not tell people its addictive until later on, but then you add ways to stop smoking when really it doesn't do anything, and then they come out with rehabs for smoking just to make you dish out even more money.

Its all about money, if everyone in the world knew all you had to do was come here and do the stuff told that you will have a baby mandingo and the fake [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]penis enlargement pills[/words] would go out of business and maybe switch to bigger balls pills.
ak89 said:
500% right

If I remember the book my moms had it was some book to natural cures which talks about how to never be sick again, and how all these pills are made to make you stay sick, if they were to tell you the cure to certain diseases FDA would go out of business. But ya I always thought of this before I read some of that book because why would you make cigarettes and not tell people its addictive until later on, but then you add ways to stop smoking when really it doesn't do anything, and then they come out with rehabs for smoking just to make you dish out even more money.

Its all about money, if everyone in the world knew all you had to do was come here and do the stuff told that you will have a baby mandingo and the fake [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]penis enlargement pills[/words] would go out of business and maybe switch to bigger balls pills.

With the decline of morals in our modern society that opts for a bigger bottom line rather than a product that actually works is becoming more and more of a problem. It is more about who lobbies best, who advertises most, who gets the attention of the press, and so on...it really confuses the masses and I think that is the point. We are left wondering what is real and what is not. This is very scary and it is only going to become more of a problem. I think it is imperative that we know exactly what we are buying, putting into our bodies, supporting, etc. Do your research and never rest on the promises of a morally corrupt society. Become involved with your health providers, research medications, ask why? Always question authority.
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    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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