by franz:
Taking in account the skeletal deformations known from english archers the bodily arrangements which are to be achieved by Penis Enlargement´lers are just small.
by franz:
If one applies load to the skeleton in an unsymmetric way the bones will adapt. The english longbowmen were an example of this and their skeletons tell their tale until now.
But thats common historical knowledge to be found in any better article about the history of the longbow.
Other well known skeletal deformations are for example with the riders of Dschengis Khan - deformation by sitting to much on horseback. Early miners. Deformations by never standing upright/heavy loads. Chinese Kulis - deformation from heavy loads etc. Endless.
Camel said:Yeah well what more is there to say except, BULLSHIT IT DOESN'T WORK. If thier claims are true. Then the inch marks on rulers world wide must be getting closer together over the years. Not bloody likely. rofl
As for disfirurement and all that shit, my cock looks better now than it did 8 years ago.![]()
Well you pretty much put everything in text, that I have been thinking about since reading that Mayo shit. Well done rofl . You touched on a very good point there about medical institutions lying to us, as this bothers me on many levels too. If they are trying to hide the obvious truth about natural Penis Enlargement, what else are they trying to hide from us? It makes one ponder. What do they really know?doublelongdaddy said:Exactly
With this type of propaganda is driven by the medical professions hopes to push men into thinking surgery is the only solution to penis enlargement. On top of these dishonest motives the crooks charge between $5000.00 to $10,000.00 for the procedure. After surgery the client "may" see up to a half inch in flaccid size with little or no erect size and the hypocrisy of their bullshit is extremely evident when one reads between the lines. For instance, check this quote by the MAYO-CLINIC out:
"Cosmetic surgeons have developed several different enlargement techniques, none of them endorsed by medical organizations. The American Urological Association, the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery and the American Society of Plastic Surgeons have all issued policy statements against cosmetic surgical procedures to enhance the penis."
None of them endorsed by the medical profession??? What the fuck, it is the medical profession doing these procedures. Even more hypocritical is the fact that they say hanging weights as a method of penis enlargement is bogus but after the penis enlargement surgery they send the patient home with weights??? Extremely fucked up and it is being done right before our eyes.
I am extremely skeptical of our medical institutions. If they are hiding the genuine effectiveness of natural penis enlargement they are in-fact lying to us with the only possible motive is money. This worries me on many levels that have nothing to do with penis enlargement, penis enlargement only motivates me to search deeper on other medical beliefs, procedures and honest. Is there a cure for cancer? Is there psychiatric drugs that may cure mental illness? Are there homeopathic methods being squashed by the lobbyist who use their money and power to discredit? The list goes on and on and quite frankly it scares me.
Penis enlargement has been around for thousands of years, way before the medical institutions even existed, even medicine for that matter. Continuous longevity gives me much more confidence then that of a medical society that changes it's view with the wind. Is penis enlargement dangerous? Only if someone is overzealous but as stated above, I have never witnessed a permanent injury due to penis enlargement. I have, in-fact, seen many of injuries via penis enlargement surgery. Injuries from loss of penis due to gangrene or any other tissue death disorder, the loss of penile function or permanent impotence, disfigurement of the penis, and many other permeant and psychologically crippling issues. The only form of penis enlargement I endorse is natural penis enlargement for a few reasons.
A. I made incredible gains from natural penis enlargement, 800% of that of penis enlargement surgery.
B. I have seen thousands of men do the same.
C. The minimal injuries that could occur and the complete recovery that happens.
D. The longevity of the natural penis enlargement arts.
E. The fact that no money needs to be spent in order to acquire a bigger penis.
The MAYO-Clinic and every other institution that promotes advice with no research need to check themselves.
Camel said:If they are trying to hide the obvious truth about natural Penis Enlargement, what else are they trying to hide from us? It makes one ponder. What do they really know?![]()
Yep your right, wonder where they got their research on natural Penis Enlargement, to back up what they are claiming?doublelongdaddy said:It becomes easy to have an all or nothing attitude when we find fault with part of an institution we expect to be honest. Even though, there are good and bad to everything.
Camel said:Yep your right, wonder where they got their research on natural Penis Enlargement, to back up what they are claiming?
by DLD:
With this type of propaganda is driven by the medical professions hopes to push men into thinking surgery is the only solution to penis enlargement. On top of these dishonest motives the crooks charge between $5000.00 to $10,000.00 for the procedure. After surgery the client "may" see up to a half inch in flaccid size with little or no erect size and the hypocrisy of their bullshit is extremely evident when one reads between the lines. For instance, check this quote by the MAYO-CLINIC out:
"Cosmetic surgeons have developed several different enlargement techniques, none of them endorsed by medical organizations. The American Urological Association, the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery and the American Society of Plastic Surgeons have all issued policy statements against cosmetic surgical procedures to enhance the penis."
None of them endorsed by the medical profession??? What the fuck, it is the medical profession doing these procedures. Even more hypocritical is the fact that they say hanging weights as a method of penis enlargement is bogus but after the penis enlargement surgery they send the patient home with weights??? Extremely fucked up and it is being done right before our eyes.
I am extremely skeptical of our medical institutions. If they are hiding the genuine effectiveness of natural penis enlargement they are in-fact lying to us with the only possible motive is money. This worries me on many levels that have nothing to do with penis enlargement, penis enlargement only motivates me to search deeper on other medical beliefs, procedures and honest. Is there a cure for cancer? Is there psychiatric drugs that may cure mental illness? Are there homeopathic methods being squashed by the lobbyist who use their money and power to discredit? The list goes on and on and quite frankly it scares me.
by DLD:
Is there psychiatric drugs that may cure mental illness?
by DLD:
The list goes on and on and quite frankly it scares me.
MaineMan said:Let's not forget about the power of the mind
triple said:Dld You Said Something About A Man With Cancer Should Hold His Breath I Told My Freind And He Held Breath And Died.
Huxley said:I watched an episode of Penn & Teller's Bullshit, normally a really good and entertaining show, but this one episode dealt with penis enlargement.
doublelongdaddy said:I laughed my ass is a link of that hypnotist lady on Penis Enlargement:
Nope. Fighting back on this level won´t help.doublelongdaddy said:....
It is very obvious that the motives behind this line of advice is to make more money on the medical side of penis enlargement. .....
Had this problem too but then I started HE (hand enlargment) and it helped.badtacco said:....
Both my hands can wrap around my cock with a little bit of the head showing. Will post some pictures when I get around it and overcome my camera shyness.![]()
franz said:If you can enlarge your peetube you can enlarge your hands too or not?
You might be astonished what some tribes do.doublelongdaddy said:There are bones in your hand
I am not upset and I appreciate this forum and a lot of the information here.badtacco said:Don't get upset man, It does work, just keep at it. It may take up to 6 months even a year to gain an inch... but in the long run wouldn't it be worth all the effort?
Anyways, my g/f recieved best looking back in high school and been with her for over 3 and a half years. Maybe it IS the magic stick... j/k rofl
franz said:You might be astonished what some tribes do.
Actually it´s you who tells that 8x6 is perfect.doublelongdaddy said:Franz, do you know how long I have done this? I know a little about the body.
You misunderstand me. I started for you a new thread in "Picture..."badtacco said:Fran, stop being lazy, just do the stretches at night before you go sleep. I do it every night b/c I want to reach my goal of 8.5 and I know it will happen.
franz said:Actually it´s you who tells that 8x6 is perfect.
franz said:I know that you don´t propagate anything harmful but you and I know how people are. And it IS DEFINITIVLY possible to harm oneself with this.
franz said:Some hundreds of indian gurus with 60 cm pricks without erection are hopefully prove enough. Freaks. Pulling on a penis was not invented yesterday in the USA.
badtacco said:Haha DLD, I did it for God, to show him that he did make me Penis EnlargementRFECT! j/k!!!! rofl
doublelongdaddy said:It is very obvious that the motives behind this line of advice is to make more money on the medical side of penis enlargement. There slogan is MAYO CLINIC, Tools for a healthier life...should we trust this considering the ignorance they portray?
ak89 said:500% right
If I remember the book my moms had it was some book to natural cures which talks about how to never be sick again, and how all these pills are made to make you stay sick, if they were to tell you the cure to certain diseases FDA would go out of business. But ya I always thought of this before I read some of that book because why would you make cigarettes and not tell people its addictive until later on, but then you add ways to stop smoking when really it doesn't do anything, and then they come out with rehabs for smoking just to make you dish out even more money.
Its all about money, if everyone in the world knew all you had to do was come here and do the stuff told that you will have a baby mandingo and the fake [words=]penis enlargement pills[/words] would go out of business and maybe switch to bigger balls pills.
Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shoppedguin said:Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend