Re-Downloading this sucker now, I haven't seen it since the first version.

Dayum!! What can I say?! This thing is geting updated like crazy and has a TON of GREAT info in there!! Good job guys!! Ask me if you need anything else!

your pix are going in next lol .
I am working on a background.
ATS is working on animations, looking into it.
Wants9 and AncientChina are doing logos [mos] and other stuff to tweak it such as extra info' like places to buy clamps and ANY new exercises which I havent seen yet.
Also feedback, results, tips from users gets added.
Thus far Philadelph has feedback to add.
DLD is supposed to write an acceptance speech, if and when he does I dunno lol hes lazy.
REDZULU2003 said:
your pix are going in next lol .
I am working on a background.
ATS is working on animations, looking into it.
Wants9 and AncientChina are doing logos [mos] and other stuff to tweak it such as extra info' like places to buy clamps and ANY new exercises which I havent seen yet.
Also feedback, results, tips from users gets added.
Thus far Philadelph has feedback to add.
DLD is supposed to write an acceptance speech, if and when he does I dunno lol hes lazy.

I'm just finishing up with the update now. I'll email it to AC as soon as I'm done. Don't know how soon after that he'll have it uploaded to his server. All depends on what else he's got going on, I suppose. For the things I'd REALLY like to do, I think I'll need a copy of Adobe FrameMaker. If anyone has a copy and would like to help out, get in touch with me, please.

Also, I looked through the Acrobat manual, and it looks like it supports Quicktime, but the actual quicktime file has to be external to the PDF.

Lastly, I think only AC's working on the [words=]MoS[/words] graphics right now, since I suck worse than an F5 tornado at them. I'll embed them whenever he get's 'em to me, though.
Okay In need ta know whats new in the guide too.

I wanted ItsElectrics cable pix in there also the feedback from philadelph here

I got .25 off them in about 2 weeks of heavy use. Thanks RED and all who contributed

that goes in the feedback/comments part of the guide.
As for animations, thats on hold till that program ya mentioned is grabbed from some place.
I also want a light green colour added as the background for the file.

Thts it.
REDZULU2003 said:
Okay In need ta know whats new in the guide too.

I wanted ItsElectrics cable pix in there also the feedback from philadelph here

I got .25 off them in about 2 weeks of heavy use. Thanks RED and all who contributed

that goes in the feedback/comments part of the guide.
As for animations, thats on hold till that program ya mentioned is grabbed from some place.
I also want a light green colour added as the background for the file.

Thts it.
I added ItsElectric's pics, and his captions to them. They're placed right after Still's pics near the beginning of the file.

I added philedelph's comment (it's the last one).

I added as a place that ships cable clamps world-wide. That's near the beginning of the "Comments and Feedback" section. You'll see why I put it there, but it should probably go near the top since the first question people usually ask is where to get one.

I went ahead and put in the green background on my working copy, so that'll be all set for the next revision. As soon as I know what's going on with FrameMaker and/or Shockwave, I'll let you know.
Ya rock man.
What would I do without yaz.

Keep hittin here with any updates on that animation software.

thanks again.

I just seen the guide and GREAT.
Yes the DL does work now.

I myself am going to add notes on my new erect length gains from the bends.
A NOTE HERE for next version.

#1 Add notes on my erect length gains via bends
#2 add animations
#3 add colour background


they can be worked on for the next version.
Just downloaded it. Don't have time to read right now but I will tonight and I'll post as soon as I get done.
Excellent! Just saved the text for inclusion in rev4. Also, Still, I'm going to put in your offer to ship clamps world-wide. Do you want me to include an email address in case an unregistered lurker wants to get in touch with you?
Is it possible to use the multiclamp or an adjustable cockring to do these exercises? After alot of experimenting with the cableclamp and still not avail, so I'm trying to find an alternative.
sure can use anything like that if you want.
Some use a hose clamp and manuelly tighten the rings as they feel is needed.
Okay a NOTE for stuff to be added next version.
Gathered all other req in last page.

#1 Add notes on my erect length gains via bends
#2 add animations
#3 add colour background
#4 Add my new pictures, will also have a text with that from me.
#5 add ADC exercise by still
#6 Add alternatives to clamps such as cords,hose ties etc etc

Also Wants9 and AC, I shall be adding the text into this next version ... I need to have the masters touch soto speak and get my hand in there.
Just tell me what txt file to edit and send and to whom so I can start and do, thanks.
REDZULU2003 said:
Gunna start work on it tommorow.
Let's do it like this: Just write it up in plain text and email it to me (I'll PM the address) with instructions on where to paste it into the file.

I think that's the simplest way to do it.
Yep. I've considered using cock rings in the past for this type of stuff but would never do so for a few reasons I can think of. Cock rings as mentioned above only come in one set size and tightness. The clamps can be made as tight as you want by varying how much wrap or how thick of a wrap you use. Cock rings can be very hard to get off if you need to get them off quickly...IE: you get very engorged during a girth session and lets say youre using a metal cock might not be able to get it off! That could be dangerous enough to send you to the ER to get it removed. The clamps are just so much more user friendly and adaptable to this type of stuff than I could see a cock ring being. In fact, I would not personally EVER recommend someone use a cock ring for girth work mainly for the above cited reasons.
channel7 said:
Thanks, Still and Red

So basically that particular website is the only way for me to get a clamp?
I got mine at WalMart, in the hardware section next to the extension cables.
I shall be doing some work on the 4th revision to the guide this week, no lol I aint forgot just been buisy at work and will be MORE buisy at work this and nextweek sadly as I have to attend meetings etc [BORING].
But I shall get the thing updated and sent in via the contacts.
certainly good points.
Yah, I'd drive ya round, let ya kick shit out the yellow bellys who think there *gang leaders* lol ya'd cry ya'self ta sleep at how pathetic some punks are ... they buckle up under the pressure and cry lol let ya kick um than
I have updated the guide to REV4 with colour in backgroun even.
Made it into A .sit , .zip and .rar file yet I cant send it via email cos my account wont allow for such high transfers of data, i.e nearly 4MB.
Gunna edit the picture sizes and res to make it a smaller sized file, than Ill send it to wants9 for hosting at AC's site.
Good deal. I know with RAR, and I think also with ZIP, you can break it into smaller pieces that you can send one at a time. Once the recepient has all the pieces, the decompressor can reconstitute everything.

Also, you might want to replace this thread with another sticky. Alot of newbies probably aren't going to read through 6 pages and see all the new info.
wants9 said:
Good deal. I know with RAR, and I think also with ZIP, you can break it into smaller pieces that you can send one at a time. Once the recepient has all the pieces, the decompressor can reconstitute everything.

Also, you might want to replace this thread with another sticky. Alot of newbies probably aren't going to read through 6 pages and see all the new info.

great, what Ill do is send it to yaz in three pieces, .rar format.
I have been doing girth work with my own custom fit cockring. I can sleep with it on as I have it sized perfectly and wake up with a very beefy cock some mornings. Go to sleep after edging, my theory is you are full of come which makes you more prone to nocturnal emissions (wet dreams) which cause raging hardons during the night. I have woken up with it absolutely throbbing with violent PC twitches. For this reason of super engorged erections you should wear it looser than you think you need as it will get bigger during the night than you have ever seen. If you wake up ok then try a bit tighter.

How to make the ring? simple!
Cut a strip of plastic ring from the bottom of a silicon caulking gun tube. I have used ones 1/4" but 3/4" is great as the pressure is spaced out more so there is less pinching pain at high pressure. I have also used a ring strip cut from the top of an aerosol can cap. Make sure it is flexible so it follows the contour of the penis.

Now get a sock (a straight sock with no heel is great). Now fold the sock over the ring and loop it through and over several times. This is the custom fit and also cushions the ring so there is no pinching. Instead of a sock you can cut a 1/2-1" strip of T-shirt or sweatshirt material and loop it in and out of the ring at a slight angle, circling the ring as you go around overlapping itself like a hanging wrap. Then thinner the material of the sock or strip then the finer tuning you can get when making it a perfect fit.

Fit it on and start to get hard, if you think it is too tight get it off immediately and unwrap the sock a bit. For this reason you should start loose and slowly tighten/wrap the ring until it is a perfect fit. If you get hard and think it is too loose, stay hard for a few minutes more and start edging, it may surprise you and could even be too tight.

If it was too tight it could still be snipped off as the plastic is thin and it is not right against the skin. But please be careful and dont have to do that.

I also like to get hard and wrap with a rice sock and masturbate by moving the rice sock up and down, you get very good expansion this way
Okay wants, I sent it ya NOW in seven bits .rar format.
Sorry for such amount of attachments but it was the ONLY WAY for me, thanks alot as per-usual for ya help.
Just needs assembling into one and sendin onto AC for hosting.
REDZULU2003 said:
Okay wants, I sent it ya NOW in seven bits .rar format.
Sorry for such amount of attachments but it was the ONLY WAY for me, thanks alot as per-usual for ya help.
Just needs assembling into one and sendin onto AC for hosting.
Could you resend parts 3 and 6, please?
trigger said:
I have been doing girth work with my own custom fit cockring. I can sleep with it on as I have it sized perfectly and wake up with a very beefy cock some mornings. Go to sleep after edging, my theory is you are full of come which makes you more prone to nocturnal emissions (wet dreams) which cause raging hardons during the night. I have woken up with it absolutely throbbing with violent PC twitches. For this reason of super engorged erections you should wear it looser than you think you need as it will get bigger during the night than you have ever seen. If you wake up ok then try a bit tighter.

How to make the ring? simple!
Cut a strip of plastic ring from the bottom of a silicon caulking gun tube. I have used ones 1/4" but 3/4" is great as the pressure is spaced out more so there is less pinching pain at high pressure. I have also used a ring strip cut from the top of an aerosol can cap. Make sure it is flexible so it follows the contour of the penis.

Now get a sock (a straight sock with no heel is great). Now fold the sock over the ring and loop it through and over several times. This is the custom fit and also cushions the ring so there is no pinching. Instead of a sock you can cut a 1/2-1" strip of T-shirt or sweatshirt material and loop it in and out of the ring at a slight angle, circling the ring as you go around overlapping itself like a hanging wrap. Then thinner the material of the sock or strip then the finer tuning you can get when making it a perfect fit.

Fit it on and start to get hard, if you think it is too tight get it off immediately and unwrap the sock a bit. For this reason you should start loose and slowly tighten/wrap the ring until it is a perfect fit. If you get hard and think it is too loose, stay hard for a few minutes more and start edging, it may surprise you and could even be too tight.

If it was too tight it could still be snipped off as the plastic is thin and it is not right against the skin. But please be careful and dont have to do that.

I also like to get hard and wrap with a rice sock and masturbate by moving the rice sock up and down, you get very good expansion this way

Dude be careful with that. The last thing you want is to wake up with a black penis. Girth work is dangerous enough while you're awake. I would never leave anything like that on my penis at night, and I've been Penis Enlargementing for over 3 years.
I am very careful. The other thing to watch for is girth increases which can happen quickly. I have had to change my ring setting last night, I only had it set to that size for 2 weeks.
Another thing I have used is thin rubber tube. Tie it in a simple knot like the first crossing of a shoelace. Have the tie at the top of the penis pull the 2 strands tight, pass them down the alternate sides of the penis and sit on them. This way the loop stays the the bottom of the penis which allows jelq work with both hands while simulatiing a hand pushing the ring against the base firmly.
You could make a g-string device with a normal clamp to do the same job.
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
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    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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