Well-known member
I had to start this thread again >:( because of errors in the script
 of this site, it was not allowing members including myself to view all the pages.
Admin were told but nothing happened, I was in the process of an update to I Removed the original thread and incomes this.

The guide is on version 3 now, has some user tips added now along with some more exercises and picture links.

I DID make this version with PICTURES , but it came in at 18MB .... I made it into a .sit file [stuffit expander] and it was at around 5MB, still too large to be hosted here.

I tried my GeoCities account but it wouldnt go and its unstable anyways, also asked admin here but got no response so I removed all the pix until a later date, if ever I add them.

You ALL HAVE MY Penis EnlargementRMISSION to EDIT and MODIFY this guide, as long as you obey the rules at the end of the document ..... mention who actually wrote the thing ..... this is so if anyone wants it in a PDF file or pretty pix added than they can do so themselves, just NOTIFY me either here or by PM if you do so.

Anyways keep posting here with ANYTHING constrictor related.




heres the NEW links to get the UPDATED guide.
MANY THANKS to Wants9 for editing the document and bringing it upto date and also Ancient China for hosting it.  ;) 


Just RIGHT click the links above, either for the DOC [text] or PDF Version's and than save as, choose a place on your hard drive and away you go.

THIS IS REVISION 4 *NEW* Released 9th May 2004
Last edited:
Glad it got fixed. I had also noticed that the 6th page was not viewable for some reason. My modem died on the other PC though and I was not able to tell anyone.
I love these exercises! I think my girth is really exploding because of reading this guide. This is what inspired me to do clamp exercises. I'm measuring on the 5th of April so we'll see how much they've helped. I'm expecting good things!
absolutley brilliant!
I just a had quick peek at it and I can't wait to go and get a clamp and get started on these!
Good work!
Well shit, just got around to reading this guide. Before ya got me here Zulu I had posted a 'new' exercise and how to do it.. but looks like it's already been out for a while. :-P Now if I had only thought of tieing a string around my dick 2 years ago.
Here's the PDF version of the guide. Red, with your permission, I'm going to make a spelling and grammer checked version of the guide, and make the links live in it. I think it'll be a little easier for people on this side of the Atlantic to read that way.
Great stuff all .... sure Wants9 no probz ya cheeky swine lol maybe ya could add them pix in there that are linked too ??? maybe it would be too HUGE again lol

O yea, XenoSeal .... are you the guy who e-mailed me a week ago from PP ? and I told ya about [words=]MOS[/words] ? just that I had like 5 guys as of late email from PP, even though I NEVER go to pp anymo, they still find my e-mail addy and ask for advice .... I shuttle them here.
REDZULU2003 said:
sure Wants9 no probz ya cheeky swine lol maybe ya could add them pix in there that are linked too ??? maybe it would be too HUGE again lol
Cool. I'll work on getting the pics in there. Might have to down-rez them, though, but sholdn't be to much of a problem.

You're probably right about the size. Anyone around here mind hosting it at least until the [words=]MoS[/words] admins decide if they will or not?
REDZULU2003 said:
thanks alot AC, I'll let wants9 arrange all that ... hes the project manager now lol

Hehehehe. Already got things worked out with AC. Got a question for you, though.

Under "Possible side effects after a session", there's an asterisk after the sentence "veins may be more prominent, sore skin around clamped area*." Was that a typo or was there a footnote or something that it refers to?
Ok, here's my first revision. The pics aren't in yet, but I'm hoping to have that finished in a day or two. In this one, I ran it through a spelling and grammer checker, changed the phrasing a little bit so it reads easier for Americans, and made the links live.

Red, you might want to glance through this (especially the exercise description part) to make sure I didn't screw anything up to bad. Just let me know if you want me to change anything back to the way it was.

The first file is the PDF version, the second file is the MS Word doc version.
wants9 that looks GOOD to me.
I will leave it in your hands for now ... when yav done the final version, I shall remove my attacgment and make a few other alterations to make the new edited guide via you and AC on the first post.


Red, still, and anyone else who's an advanced clamper, would you be willing to take demonstration photographs for each of the exercises? I think it'd really help remove a whole lot of doubt for people who aren't quite sure they're doing a particular exercise correctly, even with the text.
WOW fuck me, this is AWESOME .... MANY THANKS, my work has turned into open source kick ass lol its now A TEAM piece.
Thanks to wants9 and Ancient China for the help and time with this.

And the pictures of exercises, I am gunna get around some time to makeing diagrams of the exercises...will draw them BY HAND and scan them into the PC.
Mess with them and send them onto you guys.

I dunno when that'll be as I am tied on another PC project [security] but I will get around to doing summut.

thanks again and awesome guide .
That's cool, Red. Whever you get around to it.

I mentioned to AC yesterday that I'm going to move some of Still's pictures down into the exercise explanations since they seem to fit better there. Where they're at now, it's only supposed to be explaining how to use a wrap.
stillwantmore said:
What other pics do you need? I'm sure I can do more ;)
I'd like to have pictures of every stage of every exercise listed, similar to what DLD does with video on the pay site, but with still pictures (no pun intended). I figure you'd have the easiest time doing something like that since you've got someone there to take the pics while your hands are otherwise occupied.

Whatever else you're willing to do would be great. If you don't feel like doing it, that's fine too.
Ok cool. I'll browse through the revised version and see what I can do tonight as far as the pics go.
Well, girth is always slow for me, but I've gained 1/8" in the past two months, and most of those two months were done in clamps, so I attribute these gains to the constrictors. Great stuff! I'll be doing my girth routine here in a few minutes!
REDZULU2003 said:
I NEED to hear in HERE your gains, thoughts, progress with the clamps.
COME ON guys ya must have summut.
I'll get you my new measurments in about 12 hours. The only thing I'm doing with the clamp right now is the horse squeeze dirivitive I told you about. My base fills out nicely and matches the rest of my girth when I take off the clamp and wrap. It's not permenant yet, but it's just a matter of time.
MORE GAINS!!!!!!!!!
Finally, the L E N G T H that has ELUDED me for SOOO long is SLOWLY coming along.
I aint measured with a tape/ruler yet asnI dont until I am confident as ever I am at a decent size.
Been getting lots of erections recently and got stimmed the othernight and really kegelled hard and got my cock really erect and thought WTF its MASSIVE now .... theres MORE cock showing when I have my two hands around it ... it looks real swell and I am SOOO happy with my small gains.
I thank the Constricted Erect bends the TCS/CTS Constricted stretches and also stills neck breakers ... all done clamped and in the GUIDE right here.
MAN they have done it, I been hitting them up in my routine for like 4-6 weeks now on the usual unpredictable route I take, say 1 on 1 off here and 3 on 4 off there and 2 on 3 off here etc etc but its paid-off.
Girth may have increased some??? but I know my length has - BOTH flaccid and erect.
Infact I noticed it FIRST in the flaccid state like 2/3 weeks ago as it begun to hang longer at 6.2 inches in length.
I am gunna keep up with the same schedule but more INTENSE than the last-lot, i.e. I bend HARDER and more BRUTAL than before to really keep the shock going in my cock.

I would REC' to ANYONE who has problems gaining length and LIKES clamps [constrictors] to try the Erect bends, Stills neck breakers and also the TCS/CTS stretches.
I have also used the '''U''' and '''S''' stretches but not as much, and I DEFF'' reckon those other stretches have made this miracle happen.

Heres to success and MORE to come.
dunno if this cable clamp thing is dieing of what .. no one comes forward with feedback.
You guys loss, ya missing a GEM.
Ancient China PM me ASAP I NEED to know the amount of hits ya get on the guide from your site, cheers.
Oh man I'm still doing these things like crazy. I love them! I took a week off from Penis Enlargement, but tomorrow I start back with constrictors! I miss them. :D
Man, those stats are AWESOME!!! I thought maybe a few dozen at most would snag a copy. If anyone reading this started clamping based on the guide, chime in and let us know what you think.

AncientChina said:
PS. Wants 9 when you do the Revision 3 of the guide and put some of Supra's work into a guide I think you should open up a new thread and sticky it.
I'll start a new thread, but it's up to a mod to make it sticky. I'm just a lowly, humble board member :)

Also, as far as Supra's guide goes, I'm making it for my own edification right now. He'll need to give approval before I make it public. I'm sure he will, though. In either respect, the first draft is still a ways out.

AncientChina said:
As open source knowledge, I also think it is a great idea to put a [words=]MOS[/words] seal of approval and a link directing back to [words=]MOS[/words] to help DLD out and hopefully get some people signing up for pay membership or supporting the forum with a few donations.
Excellent idea. I'll put some [words=]MoS[/words] insignias near the top of the document. If someone could make a "MoS Approved" graphic (maybe like an [words=]MoS[/words] graphic printed out and stamped with a red "Approved", like this), that'd be great. I personally suck at photoshop, or I'd do it myself.

Also, let's get DLD's official endorsement before I put it in the guide.

Red talks alot about donations in the last few paragraphs, but I'll make something prominent towards the top, as well.
Great work guys, do what ya have todo with the next version i.e the donations re-vamped, and links to the pasite etc .... also GET itselectrics new pix in there when/if ya can, maybe we can spice it up abit and add a sexy background???

Sad thing to all this is .... NO FEEDBACK from that 1GB Download in April.
Kinda IGNORANT of peeps not to say how they going on.
But you two are KINGS, I shall repay you oneday.
And AC if its costs money or drags ya bandwidth than just KILL it, I wont mind ... its yourcall.

REDZULU2003 said:
Great work guys, do what ya have todo with the next version i.e the donations re-vamped, and links to the pasite etc .... also GET itselectrics new pix in there when/if ya can, maybe we can spice it up abit and add a sexy background???

Sad thing to all this is .... NO FEEDBACK from that 1GB Download in April.
Kinda IGNORANT of peeps not to say how they going on.
But you two are KINGS, I shall repay you oneday.
And AC if its costs money or drags ya bandwidth than just KILL it, I wont mind ... its yourcall.

Thanks, man. The past couple weeks have been more hectic than usual for me, but things have calmed down a little, so I should have the next revision done by week's end. Itselectric's pics are on the schedule for inclusion.

What kind of background did you have in mind? Maybe a border down one side? I don't think we should put anything behind the text since that'd make it difficult to read.
This guide is a work of art! Very nice work RED. I finally had the time and pleasure to read the guide and it is a fine example of Penis Enlargement work!
doublelongdaddy said:
This guide is a work of art! Very nice work RED. I finally had the time and pleasure to read the guide and it is a fine example of Penis Enlargement work!
So you wouldn't mind if we stuck an "MoS approved" graphic in there?
thanks dld.
Its edited and pix added by wants9, the pix are stills and the hoster is Ancient China ... so yes a team effort.
But lol I did the donkey work and wrote the thing out, took like 6 hours.

Could we put a [words=]MOS[/words] approval stamp inside the guide?
How do you feel to links inside to the [words=]MOS[/words] paysite?
Maybe a short speech by you to add at the start of the guide?
REDZULU2003 said:
thanks dld.
Its edited and pix added by wants9, the pix are stills and the hoster is Ancient China ... so yes a team effort.
But lol I did the donkey work and wrote the thing out, took like 6 hours.

Could we put a [words=]MOS[/words] approval stamp inside the guide?
How do you feel to links inside to the [words=]MOS[/words] paysite?
Maybe a short speech by you to add at the start of the guide?

It would be my pleasure to add it in the site. :)
797 downloads of the pdf
123 downloads of the doc file


HOLY SHIT, thats some extreme DL there lol I will launch my writing career on here for sure.

And dld, cheers ... make a speech and send it to AC or Wants9 for the guide.
I gunna work on a background, light coloured ... this will be added underneath the text,pix etc.
Also I have animations in mind and asking an ole freind on this.

cya laterz
REDZULU2003 said:
Also I have animations in mind and asking an ole freind on this.
Hmmm, it's a really good idea, but I don't know if Acrobat supports animation. Might need to re-do the guide in Flash or Shockwave if your friend gets that done.
Wow this thread and the guide have really taken off eh? Hopefully some of the guys downloading this are seeing results (using the material) and will also be chiming in soon here or elsewhere on the forum!
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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