Well-known member
I had to start this thread again
because of errors in the script

of this site, it was not allowing members including myself to view all the pages.
Admin were told but nothing happened, I was in the process of an update to I Removed the original thread and incomes this.
The guide is on version 3 now, has some user tips added now along with some more exercises and picture links.
I DID make this version with PICTURES , but it came in at 18MB .... I made it into a .sit file [stuffit expander] and it was at around 5MB, still too large to be hosted here.
I tried my GeoCities account but it wouldnt go and its unstable anyways, also asked admin here but got no response so I removed all the pix until a later date, if ever I add them.
You ALL HAVE MY Penis EnlargementRMISSION to EDIT and MODIFY this guide, as long as you obey the rules at the end of the document ..... mention who actually wrote the thing ..... this is so if anyone wants it in a PDF file or pretty pix added than they can do so themselves, just NOTIFY me either here or by PM if you do so.
Anyways keep posting here with ANYTHING constrictor related.
heres the NEW links to get the UPDATED guide.
MANY THANKS to Wants9 for editing the document and bringing it upto date and also Ancient China for hosting it. ;)
Just RIGHT click the links above, either for the DOC [text] or PDF Version's and than save as, choose a place on your hard drive and away you go.
THIS IS REVISION 4 *NEW* Released 9th May 2004
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