Hey dudes.

Basically I wanted to start a thread to get people's opinions on how growth occurs in the penis.

I was talking to some people in the thread about the guy who says he grew 2 inches in 2 months from 300 jelqs per week (or something like that). All I can go on is my own personal experience of when I perfomed a lighter routine with rest days...3 months and nothing but disillusioned with Penis Enlargement! I cant see how something so light is going to effect such tough tissue, afterall if it was so sensitive the more errectons you had the bigger it would grow.
But the at the moment I am somewhat baffled by how the penis gets bigger with Penis Enlargement (not that I dont beleive it works, I do, I just am slightly newbie to it all, i have abit of a scientific background so I am keen to learn from you guys!). I am quite into natural bodybuilding so have a pretty good understanding of how muscles grow, but as we all know the penis isnt a muscle, however it is living tissue, so there will be some similarities.

Basically what fascinates me is if and how much rest is needed with Penis Enlargement, and also if overtraining is a good thing or a bad thing. I know two guys who are famous overtrainers, DLD and goinfor11x7 (or is it11x8 now? sorry dude not sure). Now for me this is kind of enough proof that rest isnt much of a factor (at least rest days/days off), and may even indicate to me that to cause significant growth a serious heavy training schedule of at least an hour plus per day with no days off is the best bet...ie overtraining may be a factor in causing significant gains!? hence DLD...the legend! :) But I am guessing someguys have had found rest days to be benifical too?

Now my theory is (and I may be wrong), that Penis Enlargement causes stress to the cells of the penis (of the corpus cavernosa and also the ligs and tunica, hell all of it...veins, capillaries and arteries too!), I am not sure if it is cellular stress or more on the scale of tissue stress (ie between the cells), either way this stress causes new growth of new cells! Am I correct? I have heard one guy say Penis Enlargement is about increased blood flow? But surely the increase in blood flow (as in jelqing) is only there to force MORE blood into the spongy cells and cause stress?

Anyway, sorry for SUCH a long thread, its more down to my curiosity than anything, I dont think anyone gets the most out of something until they fully understand how it works!
Cheers ellow Penis Enlargement'ers, any input welcome:)
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BTW...I dont work for [words=https://track.moreniche.com/hit.php?w=113512&s=1220]JES[/words] (dont even know if they make good [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]extenders[/words])...just there were no other videos with animations of cell growth, and thought it may be useful.:)
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Cellular growth is complicated but I will explain this from my understanding later. Don't have the time now. Great thread though.

gymjohn;290572 said:
Thanks Mike

Look forward to your input!:)



Does Mechanical force start the production of cellular division? What determines the final size of the penis? Obviously compression eliminates the division of cells so how does expansion effect the cell? At one point, in any mans life, he will reach his maximum size (growth and development, not including volume i.e. weight gain). An interesting question is what accounts for the differences in similar organisms final size differences? Why does puberty stop and start at different times for each human?

Although , as men, our bio-chemistry is complex, the ability of morphogens to duplicate internal tissue and start cell growth is evidently an aftermath of the response they effect in cells and their ability to transport and apply properties. Are morphogens the determining factor in a tissues final size or are mechanical stresses applicable in continuing the growth process beyond the predetermined final size? Who, and what tells our tissue to stop growing?

Our cells contain information via D.N.A. and this information is definite, the cell has instructions and the R.N.A. (the facilitating portion of cell growth) follow out these instructions. When the completion of these instructions are implemented cellular growth, effectively, stops. How confusing is penis enlargement when a definite, predetermined cellular size is established and finalized?

Compression (a tissues normal or compressed state) acts as a kind of blockage to cellular growth. When expansion is present cells divide at accelerated levels in comparison to compressed cells/or tissue. Escalation in volume, particularly blood in Penis Enlargement, increases the total needs of the cell's and this increases the need for a greater membrane area. Just like a cell you can look at your penis as being a cellular being with internal structures held together by a membrane called the tunica and the skin. Once maximum capacity is met, and held for a period, the penis has little choice but to increase in size (or divide:)) This is pretty easy if cells act as any normal membrane and expand to accommodate increased volume. Hypothetically, expansion of the penis almost has to be initiated by reawakened morphogens and their contribution to tissue deformation.

If cells do not divide to accommodate increased size in Penis Enlargement they must act as an elastic solid of sorts. (see my thread on elastic theory) If a cell does not part from it's nucleus to increase membrane size it would need to stretch to accomplish this. Stretching a solid almost always leads to a total and permanent deformation of area. There is really no other option.

Bruce Edgar, a biologist from the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle comments on the similarity of the pair “Growth suppression by compression is a plausible and attractive idea, Although the underlying molecular mechanism hasn’t been identified, there are some candidates. When a disk cell encounters the morphogen, a protein called β-catenin enters the cell’s nucleus to initiate the expression of proteins that forestall apoptosis and promote growth. Intriguingly, β-catenin has another role. The cytoskeletons of neighboring cells link to each other though membrane-spanning proteins called cadherins. The molecule that mediates the link is β-catenin. Edgar points out another line of suggestive evidence. The genes Lethal giant disks, Disks large, and Scribble form a complex involved in cell adhesion. “If you knock them out,” he says, “the epithelium becomes a blob that never stops growing.”

This is a very encouraging statement for the men who Penis Enlargement:)

Predetermined cell growth is, most likely, unchangeable through further cell division after it reaches maturity. Meaning, once the tissue has reached it's precogitated size it stops growing. If this is the case the only "real" method of penis enlargement is through the stretching of the mature cellular tissue with the contribution of morphogens. This brings the final question, Does a continued cycle of cellular expansion and accommodation give an infinite detail to the rather finite division of cells?
Quote : """"I was talking to some people in the thread about the guy who says he grew 2 inches in 2 months from 300 jelqs per week (or something like that). All I can go on is my own personal experience of when I perfomed a lighter routine with rest days...3 months and nothing but disillusioned with Penis Enlargement! I cant see how something so light is going to effect such tough tissue, afterall if it was so sensitive the more errectons you had the bigger it would grow.""""""


Well I CAN see how something so light can effect such a tough tissue :

Think about this scenario : You have a dick that is new to Penis Enlargement. The girth and length of your erections are the same - every day.

Now for once you get erect and use a cable clamp to, clamp of at the base, wait a couple of minutes and what happens ?

Your length and girth are instantly (though temporarily) significantly increased, up to 0.25 - 0.5 inch, PAST your natural everyday erection size !

Why ? Inner Pressure build up ! Agreed ? ok... so infact this "oh so tough tissue" is not as tough as u say it is. Its elastic and expandable, within sensible limits. Good !

So what makes your Penis expand naturally to its natural erect size ?
THE inflowing BLOOD and the Pressure Build up by the arterial system !!
How that works?? In most simple terms : Blood flows in through the arteries , while at the same time the bloodoutflow is clamped of (veins are decreased in their diameter because they get squashed between the tunica and the expanding (through blood filling) erectile tissues, so the veins allow less blood to escape than enters , thus pressure build up happens. )

Imagine blowing up a big baloon that is made of THICK rubber - You can BLOW in air so the balloon FILLS OUT its form (=natural erection) , but You have TO PRESS with your lungs to make it (the thick rubber walls , alias the tunica) EXPAND ! (as we did before in the example with the cable clamp).

Naturally,without manual help (clamps or squeezes) - ONLY with your penis, you CAN'T get past that "blowing in part", because what you have as blood system and bloodflow ratios (inflow/outflow) - IS WHAT YOU HAVE ! Thats what you have to work with ! There is no inner "lungs" that could PRESS and cause more pressure... (ok a pelvic muscle clamp would do that but, again only temporarily ...) so lets continue :

You want my opinion on how growth occurs ? DLD correctly told HALF of the story above my post, let me tell you the other half and also how growth SHOULD occur in the Penis !

Why: many people gain quickly through short, light but correctly performed routines with many rest/off time.
How: Newbie gains occur. How they cement and how they loose it if not cemented. Why many Penis Enlargement'rs actually become dependent on their Penis Enlargement routine, to have a somewhat good erection, wich they loose if they do too much Penis Enlargement or stop Penis Enlargement. Why some people never gain:

Keep in mind my first example wich is omni-true for 100% of all penis wielding ninjas on this forum , capable of an erection: It will temporarily become alot bigger if manually clamped, it would rip/injure if expanded to far AND (second example) it CAN'T be expanded past the "blowing in - filled out" state NATURALLY.

Third example : The further you expand the baloon (alias the tunica) the THINNER become the formerly thick rubber walls and the THINNER becomes the Tunica. Also the thinner it becomes the more FLEXIBLE it is and the more FLEXIBLE and THINNER it is - the more prone to ripping/injuring it becomes.
Also in the BALOON scenario , we have the incoming air wich is increasing and expanding/thinning the thick rubber walls and in the Penis EnlargementNIS we have the erectile tissues/cells wich expand and stretch and thin out the tunica.

So in a Penis Enlargement GROWTH scenario, it is NEVER the tunica that grows (IF AT ALL!!! ) but the erectile tissues, wich expand into bigger and bigger sizes while the tunica keeps on thinning and increasing it flexibility/elasticity [and AGAIN we skipped one step, the increasing of the erectile tissues is only a result a nessessary consequence of SOMETHING else, wich MUST increase prior to this. (more on this later further down...its pretty much the spoiler : ) ! ) ]

The more elastic it is while in extanded/erected state - the more tension is in this tissue and the better is the erection, because of severe vein off clamping, logic eh ? A perfect erection has similar wall strength as a bone.

Naturally ( without Penis Enlargement ), in all normal aging men the tunica walls thicken more and more, while the tunica looses more and more of its elasticity, thus resulting in ED sooner or later. This process is valid for everyone but can be somewhat slowed down if they USE it or LOOSE and quickened if they stay away from sex dont use it and just loose it and completely reversed if they Penis Enlargement it.

So how does growth occur ? Lets put everything together and answer all of the other questions, as promised from above:

So here comes the SPOILER , the FIRST nessassery step , prior to erectile tissue enlargement (wich is the SECOND step wich DLD already completely described): Ladies and gentleman :

It is the ARTERIES !!! To be more specific its the elasticity of the arterys.

How does Growth occur in Penis Enlargement scenario ?

When you work out your penis, you work out your ARTERIES FIRST.

Remember the "cable clamp trick" ? Well when you clamp/push/squeeze its the ARTERIES , the arterial walls that expand first, when they expand they become more elastic, (remember what BIB said - the penis is the only part of our body where we can perform manual angioplastic, wich is true !!!! )

When they become more elastic, their diameter increases upon incoming pressure easier , thus allowing for more blood inflow !

The more blood inflow happens the stronger the erectile tissues and cells are stressed and stretched !

Notice this can only happen with manual, added pressure such as Penis Enlargement, a clamp , or a jelq or my safe favourite: a long kegel under 5gh in a gauge pump.

And this is "the magic growth zone" because the other side is the natural erection zone/capability/pressure - where nothing changes or growth by itself because its already enlarged to what it can pressure up. Understand ?

If this is done frequently (I dont mean intense or daily or for hours, NO! just frequent, steady, again and again) you will train your arteries to be more elastic, they will allow more blood to pass through , also quicker ! The Arteries will train the erectile cells to expand -----> what DLD described above will happen sooner or later: the cells will catch up with the arteries and devide and expand and third step: once the cells start to devide and grow and fill out the penis, they will also logically stretch out the tunica more and more with each erection and each gain , while the tunica thinns out more and more, giving more space allowing for more and more size from within.

I say the Tunica doesn't really grow. Its not capable of it. It can stretch , thin and thicken through deformation or as in aging men a lack of usage and a lack of deformation (lack of elasticity).
The very same with the
ARTERYS W I D T H WISE ! Arteries can grow to great length , we all know of angiogenese and so on, but even at great length its still a THIN branch, allowing for slow blood flow. Look at your heart arteries, the aorta or arteries leading to big muscles , like the back , upper legs , the biceps...whats different from penis arteries ? They are HUGE in diameter, because they must be able to allow quick , massive bloodflow upon usage of this organ or muscle.

Logic , that the organs/muscle we use the most have the biggest, thickest arteries , while something like the outer ear has tiny little branches of arteries.

So when you Penis Enlargement you make the Penis an important organ, and tell the body again and again that it has to get a fuckin better connection ! Fuck isdn we want cable...or direct uplink like DLD :-D

Notice that the body already knows that the penis is very important reproductive organ, thats why its one of the few parts of the body backed up many times by its own arterial system wich has also smooth muscle tissues.

Smooth muscle tissue. What a pitty that our body doesnt know that we are all obsessed with our flaccid SIZE... with smooth muscle cells sitting on the walls of the penile arteries ( while being in small flaccid state) we can go from tiny branches to very big arteries in a matter of seconds UPON AROUSAL ! what about locker rooms...

But yes we want more than what our body thinks is good or sufficiant for reproduction !

SO the arteries don't permanently grow width wise , they adopt. And they can adopt back. Just like the tunica.

So what DOES grow permanently ? What CAN be cemented ?
Its those second step cells. If you do Penis Enlargement for long enough, they will devide again and again and u will end up with a big penis, but thats not the end of the story...the lucky window time frame of a healthy permanent gain is very short and depends on many circumstances. Let me explain by answering (though u should be able to answer them urself by now) those questions from above why Penis Enlargement is a Gamble and so very unfair to some of us while it seems to bless others, and why techniques , routines and gains and Penis Enlargement'ers are NOT comparable to each other, and damn yes why it works :-D :

1. Why: many people gain quickly through short, light but correctly performed routines with many rest/off time.
2. How: Newbie gains occur.
3 .How they cement and how they
4. loose it if not cemented and why u loose some even IF you correctly cemented.
5 . Why many Penis Enlargement'rs actually become dependent on their Penis Enlargement routine, to have a somewhat good erection, wich they loose if they do too much Penis Enlargement or stop Penis Enlargement. 6. Why some people never gain
7. Why you dont have the same erection with even 22 as you had in your teens (Everdeclining..) .
8. What is nessesary for a good erection(Viagra hehe) ? What is nessesary for a good natural erection and what kind of body is a good environment for penis growth AND MOST IMPORTANTLY KEEPING THE GROWTH AAAAAAAAND THE NATURAL 100% ERECTION ?
9 What is the safest method of Penis Enlargement
10. Why was saying...
QUOTE: """Now for me this is kind of enough proof that rest isnt much of a factor (at least rest days/days off), and may even indicate to me that to cause significant growth a serious heavy training schedule of at least an hour plus per day with no days off is the best bet...ie overtraining may be a factor in causing significant gains!? hence DLD...the legend!"""""""
...a dumb thing to say, as in "this guy jumped of the bridge AND sirvived - LETS ALL JUMP FROM THE BRIDGE !" :-D
11. How do hourglass dicks occur ?
12. Why does girth work shorten the dick and length work thin it ?
13. Why do gains go away ?
14. The role of peak arousal ?
15. How can you keep your gains forever ? Incase you was lucky enough to get the CORRECT GAINS, and what are correct gains ?
16. Winners of Penis Enlargement - Loosers of Penis Enlargement and Why are we all uncomparable

1 + 2. Because, this first change in diameter of the arteries happens QUICKLY (deformation and angioplasty through pressure from within NOT cell devision), and bring the visible results,as in newbie gains, but the cells of the erectile tissues need alot more time of this frequent again and again action to catch up. And even then its not END of the story. Thats the biggest flaw of Penis Enlargement. Why is light better ? Because taking light action sufficiant enough to create that magic expansion (further than natural) again and again is all that need to boost the arteries , wich will boost the cells and so on...overtraining will only weaken all structures involved and make you more prone to injury.

3 + 4.

A semi-cementation happens when you Penis Enlargement for a long enough amount of time, wich can be antyhting from 3 - 6 - 9 - 12 month. By this time (and lets assume the ideal as in no injuries, perfect health and nothing menthal)
You should have grown enough material, also you still have your extra wide arteries, and by now most probably new ones too , through angiogenese and the need to support the new build tissues with oxygen and nutrients...little intersections , cross links, and so on , everything adding to circulation, visual size and inner pressure.

Real cementation happens when you stop Penis Enlargement completely for atleast a year. (And admit it suckers, almost no one would ever do this , why because you depend on it , why thats the nature of it unless u was lucky ? more on this later).
After 1 year full stop. Your main arteries will have narrowed again, because thinking you could lay back forever with your 8x6 you didn't perform the manual angioplasty for more pressure from within, thus they have no reason to remain in that state, so u loose some girth (a little only of course) and even less loss in length.. less overall pressure , less overall length..
Still you get keep most of total size and the width of the arteries and the extra inflow, because of all the new cells that devided and wich you created, those cells plus your old cells equal a higher demand for oxygen and nutrients, than just your old penis so logically to support that your gains are kept. And the dsl connection you established remains yours.
Does this yet say anything about erection or erection quality ? Hell no ! Im only speaking about the new fillable size and what you theoretically could/should/would have if you had an ideal dick and health wich is almost never the case for all of us here...

5. Most people become dependend on regular Penis Enlargement to keep their good erections, wich happen to come either due work out or on the off days, but inbetween and when they stop for longer its almost mild to medium ED.
Well thats because Penis Enlargement is a gamble , everyones dick is unique , and the tissues its made of have a different strength, different setup , different layout and amount of arteries, crosslinks , veins, everyones reaction is different to a certain excersize, while some seem to develope in all areas equally, many get those enlarged vein (those for outflow) wich are no problem at all while ON a Penis Enlargement routine, due to the wide arteries and much greater inflow, and a great ability to clamp those big veins off, but when they stop, this ability declines somewhat and then results in things like weak head , or softer erection , or less staying power and so on. because no matter what you do your veins, if deformed for a long enough amount of time DEFINETLY will be worn out and not narrow again, also the valves most likely will be damaged too. So whattayagotta do , again balance the ratio of inflow / outflow to the advantage of the arteries and keep peeing f0r your lucky high pressure days...
Thats the truth for most here and NOT..3 month workout 2 inch gains and quit Penis Enlargement forever...people need to understand how high the risk is. Im not even starting on worn out tunicas or fibrosis, tissue scarring and so on, just one single artificially enlarged vein that used to be a tiny cross link between upper superficial veins and lower deep veins, can be enough to cause you a soft dick for life...this sucker will be draining and draining...cos at this site it dont get clamped of anymore..

6. Because of our oh so different genetic make up. We all know that for example the tunica is a tough mofucker to stretch but, HOW hard differs from person to person, for some the pain limit is reached already before any good expansion has taken place, so they never get in that magic zone, some simply dont have the nessassery blood supply to fill out the new temporary space, eventhough they perform technique correctly and consistently the gains arent coming because on the off time their arteries vanish back to normal before they can affect the cells, also bad health, poor eating , drinking and thinking can all effectivly counter any attempts at Penis Enlargement, for those people overtraining would be good, but hey what if they cant take it the pain treshold is simply a different one than that of the few lucky ones here...

7. Again a thing I saw a zillion times here. People come asking question about Penis Enlargement or ED or whatever and as a gauge for what they should have in the early , middle to late 20ties, they use their memmory of their erections in puberty.
Guys, in puberty u had zillion times the hormones, also u was raised by mamma and pappa, wich for most people ( and im not bashing anyone poor or rich , just saying generall) meant good regular food, no worries no menthal problems , just school and friends...(i know u all have ur storys but this is true for most) then u turn 18 or 19 (again most mcuh younger), discover partys, alkohol , weed, fall in love and stress urself out, work harder , maybe 2 jobs eat worse and worse AND THEN U EXPenis EnlargementCT YOUR DICK TO STAND LIKE IT USED TO BE FRESH of the belt ??? after years of puttin shit in your body and fuckin up your menthal... NO ! Its everdeclining...from that time in your puberty it just goes down...how slowly is up to you...

8. A good overall Health and a Happy mind, also AROUSAL, even if you are mister superhealth, and mister super healthy dick, if you fuck around too much without enjoying it or watch too much adult entertainment without fantasizing you will condition yourself to have medium hard erections and premature ejaculation...
if something is RARE we desire it...if something is too rare we forget about it :)...and if something is there ALL the time we DON't VALUE IT unless we make an effort...thats true for realtionships love AND sex but making an effort will not make u have a better erection... balance in your life will...
Also using your penis for what it was made for : Sex ! Dick in Pussy , mouth ass whereever u put it is a better place than cable clamps, stretchers and the other torture shit my fellow masochists here come up with daily with...
Truth is the simple act of Penis Enlargement is already admitting that u need to do something to become something FOR someone. Wich is never You. Yes You can lie to the forum , to your friends, lovers and even your concious mind, but deep down in your subconcious you know that what you are doing right now is NOT the best time spend, its an investment u are willing to take in expectancy of all the fun to come (who says it will ? )....and NO its not for you..u could orgasm with a 0.5 inch erect dick and have the same result as someone with 1 foot...its an orgasm :)
Real women in real love dont give a fuck about your size so why bother for dumbass bitches that dont know better..or locker rooms, or to shut up the pain caused by some stupid person years ago...why make yourself a slave of something rather than using it for fun.. ah well...to each his own eh...


As I said many times : Pumping @ 90% continous hardness 10 minutes daily, at 5 gh with a gauge while holding a kegel, normal or reverse.
This is most safe , and most natural (simulates the sucking on the dick by an aroused pussy while exiting it or getting a BJ with sucking action) three dimensional expansion from within..and no superstress on one part resulting in too big or too little bases, to big or too little heads , deformed dicks and so on.. plus its even the cheap bastard ( my ! ) way of instantly having a supergain..this artificial pump stays the whole day, while your arteries adapt and your cells stretch..before you even gain you already get a visual everyday gain..what else can u ask for ???
pumping alone will cause fluid build up , but if u stay hard all the time AND hold a kegel there is NO space for fluid to build up anywhere, u just expand your inner tissues and stretch everything !

10. cos the author (as many others before him) of this piece of text forgets that eventhough flattery , admiration and respect for DLD IS a good thing and he definetly earned it - IT IS HIS WAY... he is unique , what he DID can tried to be repeated or attempted but WHO has done it yet ??? how many double long daddys we have here ? i know one , okay...how many injured people we have in the booboos section (what a fuckin name , like if ED is a boo boo...), how many non gainers we have, how many people who just lurk and fuck themselves up and dont even dare to write we have...i think more than one..
how many young people ( 15 - 25) are WASTING THEIR LIFETIME...tortuering and gambling their dicks instead of aaaaah ssss push it push it goood...
don't get me wrong I love this forum , its a wonderfull place with great guys, i just think we should educate people especially newcomers, not ONLY about HOW to enlarge the dick and make it seem like its cake and a mustdo must have but WHY ? Why enlarge the dick ? What is the real risk ? What is the real gain ? Is it worth it in everycase , hell no !! See ?
This kind of FAIR attitude (preferably by all , especially the veterans) would really set this forum apart from everything else and put it on a whole new level.

11. This hourglass effect show in either weak states or in semi erect states, if u damged your dick like this: Here is what you did.. the arteries at the thinnest point of the hourglass are narrowed due to injury, a sclerosis has taken place, the blood rush in at high speed, up to this point than is stopped and then it flows again somewhat faster..logically at the point of injury its less girthy. The effect doesnt show in erect state because the overall pressure compensates for the middle part , and blows up everything, but semi hard without much pressure, while its filling , it looks pretty fucked up , so u can rather let it heal..or attempt a Penis Enlargement move to manually try to correct it if needed. Its unfair however, that people ..to whom this happens definetly feel a change and see a difference , but when they go to th eurologists he cant find anything wrong, well its because he cant easily visualize the length and width of your arterialo and venous system , the procedere to do this is very invasive, so as long as you can piss and have a pulse at the tip of your dick he will send your damaged ass home with viagra and cialis.

12. Again its the arteries. If you work girth , for example horse squeeze, concentrated doubled hand jelqs or anything that stresses the middle part , äHydromax well it stresses the middle part ;) this widens the arteries and the tissues there localy because u take the head somewhat out of the pressure zone...

ofcourse vice versa if you work length and stretch your extra wide arteries for long enough they will narrow resulting in a thinner longer dick.
For most people long hanging sessions like with the bib result in temporary ED in different degrees, while short manual stretching session have a positive effect. I think due to the short starvation of the whole penis of blood..it turns white and cold and blood is pressed out , but then it returns even better and flushes everything new in oxygen and nutrients and hormones while the rest goes out while stretching, also maybe because stretching without overdoing it , is also a form of angioplasty and also is able to even out some areas where the blood couldnt pass so well due to plaque and so on...

13. I read about veterans from 5-6 years ago who already at that time had accomplished their goals, kept their gains for years but then after 4-5 years returned reporting that they lost alot. These people quit completely, thinking they ha dmore than enough gains.
I think its because even if you manage to keep the gains and cement them, for a year or too, overtime the new cells will degenerate (if not worked) while at the same time the arteries will narrow because the demand for extra blood is lower and lower due to lesser and lesser cells. Or the cells become lesser and lesser because the humans overall health decreases , menthal , drugs , aging, life ;) so they dont get sufficiant oxygen and nutrients so they die...


Remember before adult entertainment ? You just saw a girl, a glimpse of a shoulder and u was rock. You went home closed your eyes your face blushed from the excitement and again you was rock. Thats the kind of arousal perfect for a spontanious killer erection. Contrary if you look at 1000 photoshopped HQ model pussys daily, don't wonder if a REAL woman will not turn you on as much...thus result in a limper erection...whatch out what u condition your dick and mind to be and how to react to certain stimulus.. good news is ..the human being can get used to everything and also can get OFF everything..each takes eaqual amount of time...if u jerked for 3 years...stay away from adult entertainment for 3 years while chasing real women hehe !!

15 + 16 The winners and the looser

The winner in a succesfull Penis Enlargement scenario is a guy who was lucky and sensible enough to enlarge his 6x5 to 8x6 , safely over a short period of time.
His veins did not become overly enlarged due to good vein genetics and health. He did not injure himself nor rush things. He cemented his gains and kept a light maintainence routine but mainly focusing on his charakter and life having fun havin lots of sex with beautiful women, thus putting the thing to work AND working the new cells and the circulation. He did not get venous leaks. He did not wearout his tunica nor get it too stiff from scar tissue, no thrombosed veins , dots , blisters, sclerosing lymphangitis, fibrosis, scarring, or loss of gains, even no loss of feeling , or slight numbness, or dripping precumm all over the place , premature ejaculation ? nope , strained his pc muscles for a month ? not ripped his urethra , drippin with blood, no peyronies and nothing menthal, no obsessions or problems with the self view...really a cool guy... brave eh ? How he knew it would work out like this ? Anyone knows this guy ? Where is he...

All in all, to get back to the initial intention of this post:

We shouldn't see growth and erections as a result of mechanical pullings and squeezing
but much more vivid as a result of life flowing through our body - thats what u need to back up and fill out your mechanical gains...mind , body , and dick is one union where one cant be perfect without the other. So if you Penis Enlargement very good for 10 minutes , daily , u should also eat very good for atleast 10 minutes and drink and think and sport and talk and fuck and walk u get the picture eh , do everything needed to keep you in balance.
For better visualization I uploaded a picture showing an angiography of the pelvic region.

See the size differences between the arteries !

The biggest proof for everything I said above is a variation of the Penile revascularization surgery where they unhook the main penis feeding artery (wich connects between the leg arteries and the penis) and hook it to a directly feeding artery in the pelvic region. Though this procedere is very dangerous and performed rarely , the results show a very big increase in length girth and size of the corpus spongiosum.

Again in most simple terms: These operation are performed on men with erectyle dysfunction. Wich means those guys have already a very bad inflow outflow ratio. So they try to compensate with this surgery and shift the balance towards greater inflow.

An erection occurs when 2 things are given : Blood flowing in ! and Blood being captured/hindered from flowing out.

If this surgery was performed on healthy men they all would result in much bigger penises. Ofcourse no healthy men (besides Supra , who once almost had this done ;) for Penis Enlargement reasons) would ever consider risking not only his penis but his life.

So as you see, all we really do with Penis Enlargement is manual angioplasty, improoving the blood flow feeds and praying we don't sacrifice our dicks ability to capture the blood. Wich would happen by overly enlarged veins (outflow!) or leaks or arterial leasons (blood leaks).

Well the thumbnail dont work , but the picture does , just click on it. This wa smy first time ever to upload a picture so --> :-p
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Thanks for the picture tbirdy! Cool stuff man!

So a big danger of Penis Enlargement is enlared veins causing greater blood outflow that blood inflow! Can I just clarify, does your safest method of Penis Enlargement ie pumpinh and kegalling, reduce vein size increase?
tbirdy;291373 said:
....Notice this can only happen with manual, added pressure such as Penis Enlargement, a clamp , or a jelq or my safe favourite: a long kegel under 5gh in a gauge pump......

Thank you very much for this great article. One of the best I read in these my 2 years of serios Penis Enlargement.

I read in the past your story. Hope things are going well.

Best wisches and thanks again.
I agree jjeramia. It challanged everything I thought I knew about Penis Enlargement. I think tbirdy speaks from personal experience, and he knows his stuff!

Does anyone else fancy starting the 10 mins tbirdy pumping routine with me? I think I am gonna order a pump and start!:)
...the bonus is, I could fit 10 mins a day or every other day (whichever tbirdy recommends) so easily into my life compared to the hours I have been doing this last few weeks. I dunno how people stick at hours a day and still have a life outside Penis Enlargement??
@ mark 1000 :

Things are going extremly well in my case. As you can see the progress in the booboos section I managed to recover up to a point where I don't suffer at all, though depend on ph5 inhibitors.
Just imagine my knowledge and effort with Penis Enlargement times 10 , applied on game skills and women and you get the idea , what kind of women I'm dating and what I do with them. Ofcourse this is just for fun because I'm young and happen to enoy life alot, being unmarried and single (officially :-D). Ofcourse I have a serious side too and family I care most about. (Not my own family but the one I come from)

@ gymjohn :
Your welcome. The stress applied on arteries and veins while pumping is the same , absolutely equal - so compared to all other techniques its safer but on its own it still could theoretically cause vein enlargement.

The biggest advantage is the equally applied pressure from within.
Less likely to damage a single part.

When you jelq u overstress the base when u grip, when u clamp the same , when u squeeze you overstress locally too. So pumping is safest and yes it works length too. Pumping doesnt work if you are limp inside the pump or if u skip to many sessions.

The routine I consider being the safest and best is this :

Buy a quality pump (example Kaplan) with a gauger meter.
Warm up properly for 10 minutes. Get erect 100% put your Dick in the tube, pump it to 5gh not above or below and stay there , stay hard and aroused while doing this. If you dont stay hard - only lymph fluids will be drawn into the penis (no gaining possible), if its hard the fluids have no place to go and the tissues will enlarge and engorge. The biggest effect is when while being in the pump u try and keep a kegel for as long as you can, be it normal or reverse - again and again. This will greatly increase the pressure from within. And stress the arteries extra - while the veins are clamped off being pressed against the tunica.
To stay hard inside the tube you have to massage the tube as in stimulate masturbation ( the pull of the vacuum is like a sucking blowjob already and very satisfying) . You could watch adult entertainment and jerk the tube or better yet get used to fantasizing. Remember we don't want to desentesize towards sexual stimulus - So your best friend is your fantasy - just like in your teens when u had no adult entertainment. This will train your peak arousal abilitys cos next time you see, smell , feel real pussy it will be BONE !
Cool down after this and massage the penis everywhere to quicken regeneration and detransport of fluids and toxics.
Do this daily for a couple of month and you will see permanent results.

You are safe. Its natural (like dick in a suckin pussy or mouth) , 3 dimensional expansions in all directions from within,no locally overstressing of tissues your arteries are worked and widened.
Its only 10 minutes daily so you will always be able to use your dick for real life sex and not need to care about on or off days. You will never suffer from fatique and still gain at a steady though slow rate.

The biggest advantage though is : Because of the "pumped effect" wich becomes greater the longer you pump (I dont mean for longer than 10 minutes but total time: for a week or 2 ) you will have temporary gains very quickly, wich can be used for sex. Do 10 minutes of this 1 hour before sex and see what happens.

Enjoy your life what else is there to say ???

Take care
Some Mod pls remove the last post and leave this, I forgot to add some info:

@ mark 1000 :

Things are going extremly well in my case. As you can see the progress in the booboos section I managed to recover up to a point where I don't suffer at all, though depend on ph5 inhibitors.
Just imagine my knowledge and effort with Penis Enlargement times 10 , applied on game skills and women and you get the idea , what kind of women I'm dating and what I do with them. Ofcourse this is just for fun because I'm young and happen to enoy life alot, being unmarried and single (officially :-D). Ofcourse I have a serious side too and family I care most about. (Not my own family but the one I come from)

@ gymjohn :
Your welcome. The stress applied on arteries and veins while pumping is the same , absolutely equal - so compared to all other techniques its safer but on its own it still could theoretically cause vein enlargement.

The biggest advantage is the equally applied pressure from within.
Less likely to damage a single part.

When you jelq u overstress the base when u grip, when u clamp the same , when u squeeze you overstress locally too. So pumping is safest and yes it works length too. Pumping doesnt work if you are limp inside the pump or if u skip to many sessions.

The routine I consider being the safest and best is this :

Buy a quality pump (example Kaplan) with a gauger meter.
Warm up properly for 10 minutes. Get erect 100% put your Dick in the tube, pump it to 5gh not above or below and stay there , stay hard and aroused while doing this. If you dont stay hard - only lymph fluids will be drawn into the penis (no gaining possible), if its hard the fluids have no place to go and the tissues will enlarge and engorge. The biggest effect is when while being in the pump u try and keep a kegel for as long as you can, be it normal or reverse - again and again. This will greatly increase the pressure from within. And stress the arteries extra - while the veins are clamped off being pressed against the tunica.
To stay hard inside the tube you have to massage the tube as in stimulate masturbation ( the pull of the vacuum is like a sucking blowjob already and very satisfying) . You could watch adult entertainment and jerk the tube or use cialias/viagra/vardenafil (like me cos of ED) or better yet (if healthy) get used to fantasizing. Remember we don't want to desentesize towards sexual stimulus - So your best friend is your fantasy - just like in your teens when u had no adult entertainment. This will train your peak arousal abilitys cos next time you see, smell , feel real pussy it will be BONE !
Cool down after this and massage the penis everywhere to quicken regeneration and detransport of fluids and toxics.
Do this daily for a couple of month and you will see permanent results.

You are safe. Its natural (like dick in a suckin pussy or mouth) , 3 dimensional expansions in all directions from within,no locally overstressing of tissues your arteries are worked and widened.
Its only 10 minutes daily so you will always be able to use your dick for real life sex and not need to care about on or off days. You will never suffer from fatique and still gain at a steady though slow rate.

The biggest advantage though is : Because of the "pumped effect" wich becomes greater the longer you pump (I dont mean for longer than 10 minutes but total time: for a week or 2 ) you will have temporary gains very quickly, wich can be used for sex. Do 10 minutes of this 1 hour before sex and see what happens.

Enjoy your life what else is there to say ???

Take care

p.s. I wrote in many posts now and linked to studies and as I said to some people here in private messages:
Newest reports from studies are coming in also from everywhere globally and daily , from the top specialists on ED.
phd5 are capable of reversing arteriosclerosis, fibrosis and scarring (effect of bad eating and life habits, smoking and so on) in all arteries AND permanetly improove The blood inflow and permanently improove elasticity of all arteries in the body - of course the penile ones too - if taken daily over a period of atleast 3 - 6 month.

For Viagra its 50 mg before sleep daily or 100 mg spread througout the day
For Cialis its 5 mg daily , because it build up and stays at a steady rate in the body once the levels are reached.
There will be a 5mg Cialis version coming out in Germany this year exactly for this purpose.
For Vardenfail the effects are speculated to be the same ( for the others it prooven) so I can't give dose recommendations.

If you don't use pdh 5 inhibitors while Penis Enlargement or for a better health and sex life you are missing out and mindfucking yourself - you depend on water , sleep , menthal health , food , nutrients and zillion other erection relevant things to produce a good erection ANYWAYS, so why not add one extra dependency and instantly profit from everything ??? There are many sites who sell generics so the price is extremly low too.
Cheers tbirdy:)

Well I think this thread has become a very important one thanks to you (and DLD for his post too).

In your main post here your number 6 question and answer...why some people gain, ie very tough tunica's. Do you think that the routine of 10 mins pumping is likely to work for me or other people who dont gain easily? I have a hunch my tunica is pretty tough as in months of Penis Enlargement I have never gained even newbie gains! Do you think the pump would cause enough expansion over time to allow new cells in the corpus cavernosa to grow and the tunica to stretch?

Also I have been thinking a lot about what you say about vein size increase being a bad thing due to more blood outflow. I was just wondering, does stretching, hanging and [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]extender[/words] wearing cause vein growth? at least expansion in the diameter of the vien? I know if it doesnt it wont be causing artery diameter expansion either, but I was thinking, maybe to remove exercises such as jelqs and pumps (which cause blood flow in and out, and at increased pressure so as expanding both vein and artery beyond their current size) and just focus on stretching may be a good idea? Maybe this would cause the tunica to stretch (if it doesnt grow in that sense...well thats a shame), but maybe the stretch/extension stimulates the spongy tissue to grow and divide with time, but without risking enlarged veins?

I know you think there is alot of risk to [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]extenders[/words], hanging and marathon manual stretch sessions (and from the reasons you have said I cans see why), but I am kind of interested on your take on the theory to it? ie do these exercises enlarge vein diameters in your opinion?

Cheers mate. Glad your doing well!:)
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Unless you go and have a biopsy of your tunica - you can't know if its thicker than average. So you can't say that the tunica is the main reason for your lack of gains. It could be all because of overtraining.

Then.... are you like 99 years old and trying to gain for your last fuck in this life time ?
I think not, so why not try the safe way first. 6 Month times 10 minutes + warm up cool down. If this shouldn't work for you - (wich I know it will if you stick to it) then you still can go for a higher risk and you will definetly know it is the tunica and not overtraining.

On [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]extenders[/words] and strecthing. I don't see how stretching could cause enlarged veins. But remember enlarged veins are only ONE of possible problems.

To perform any type of stretch you need to grip and pull the penis. Mostly below the head, you have to apply a great pressure locally so the penis won't slip out. This local pressure AND the stretching itself , could cause leasons in the veins and arteries ( a leason is a damage in the vein or artery wall, causing small blood leaks wich diffuse in the body). Worse than this: Because of the locally applied pressure below the head you could numb or permanently damage your erection important nerves. If they get damage, the information to relax smooth muscle tissue will not be passed to all parts of your penis and again you will have a venous leak. A locally inability of the spongy tissues to press this very vein against the tunica hard enough to shut its bloodoutflow off. This is why some guys have hard dicks and limp heads or limp corpus spongiousum after or while Penis Enlargement.

Ofcourse all of these complications could happen with 10 minute pumping too , but its aloooot less like to happen because of the equally spread pressure on all tissues and a very short timespan of a workout. Most of all being in the pump is most natural excersize because its like having sex or getting a blowjob. If you damage yourself with 10 minute pumping you would have most likely damaged yourself inside the pussy or mouth while having sex too. Inside the pussy the penis is bend 2 times and looks like a boomerang ( x rays of couples having sex) inside the tube its straight and not being moved - so its actually safer than sex.

The tunica becomes weaker and thinner through stretching thus allowing for more space - if it became thicker after a year of stretching you would definetly have severe ED because it would be alot harder for your spongy tissues to expand against a very thick wall. Natural aging and lack of usage of the penis for sex or erections generall is what makes the tunica thicker because it losses its elasticity and hardens with scar tissue and calcium deposits, collagen hardening and so on. Thats why mostly old men get peyronies and only in rare cases young men.

I mean no matter what I tell you if you put in your head " I want to gain by means of an [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]extender[/words] no matter what" you will take the risk anyways, just keep in mind if Penis Enlargement was 100% safe, we wouldn't have thjis amount of posts and threads on this Forum AND what about other Forums and what about those people who are too ashamed to write and admit or those who can't even relate their damage to Penis Enlargement, because they only did it for a short time and suffered from the consequences a year or 2 later ????

Boo Boo's and Band-Aids
Issues on Penis Enlargement Injuries and Remedies, Peyronies/Bent Penis, Premature Ejaculation & Impotence
Threads: 580, Posts: 4,166

One Penis , so you say no risk no fun ? I say no penis no fun thats for sure.
Agreed tbirdy...No penis would SUCK!

You have certainly opened my eyes to all the possbile injuries out there! I guess I had gotten over my fear of injuries as I had never even expereinced a blood spot let alone anything more sinister...I always warm up properly and never go crazy with pressure! I was reading some of your posts and I gather you have had your share of Penis Enlargement related problems! Have you managed to get back to having harder errections again mate? I must admit this is now quite a concern to me as I do have a big vein on the top of my penis, and I am not even sure if it has thickened a little with the few months of light Penis Enlargement I have done?! Hopefully not too much, but I definately have been put off the wet jelq now as that exercise runs down all the veins at the surface causing an uneven expansion of pressure as your hand milks the base! I dont think I wanna jelq again!

Well I must admit it sounds like a plan, if your 10 mins of pumping is the safest approach I should at least try it before I try my [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]extender[/words]! (one bonus about the [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]extender[/words] if I were to use it is I bought one with a comfort strap not a noose allowing more circulation while wearing it and not causing the noose to dig into nevers as much! But hey, your supposed to wear the thing for 10 hours a day, OR i could pump for 10 MINS a day?? Thats a bit of a no brainer!:) I hate the way Penis Enlargement can seem to eat up all your time each and every day....like you say everything in balance, and if you spend more time Penis Enlargementing that being with your friends etc then in my opinion that is not a great balance or lifestlye! If you get results quick and can get back to living normally again fast.. great! But if thats you...stuck in your bathroom for hours a day for years, that sux!

I am guessing you would never increase the time from 10 mins? I have spoken to guys in the pump forum who pump for an hour? I am guessing like you say its not intensity or marathon sessions, but regularly repeating this 10 mins day after day? Do you have rest days? I did read in one of your posts you only recommended 10 mins every OTHER day to allow 48hrs healing time!
Is this 10 mins of pumping your CURRENT Penis Enlargement workout man?

Cheers. You have been most helpful! I am really glad I got to speak to you about Penis Enlargement as you are obviously a Penis Enlargement vet who has learned alot, some through pain of injury, I would be stupid not to try nd avoid mistakes already been made before me!

OK, time to start hunting for pumps available in the UK! :)

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Why's the penis such a mysterious creature? It really is just an 'organ' basically a collection of skin, tissue, some ligaments, veins, arteries, capillaries, etc. When skin is stretched, it's stretched. If you had a bag made of skin and filled it with water, progressively filling it with a little more every day, that bag will continue over time to expand to hold a larger capacity. If I had my femur (thigh bone) cut, and I had my legs stretched progressively over time (they do this in China btw) the legs are stretched and new bone grows to fill in the 'gaps'...but only the bone is growing...the surrounding tissues of the legs are being stretched. If I gauge out my earlobes...am I causing "growth"? No. Growth implies that NEW tissue is being added. Similar ideas to Penis Enlargement. The tissue is merely being stretched, or expanded or both.


The human body only grows when signaled to do so by our genetic programming. Outside forces that we apply to our bodies are not capable of causing growth stimulus. Other than that which causes a change in stimulus producing organs ...growth hormone injections would be an example.
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So your saying that I can Buy a quality pump (example Kaplan) with a gauger meter.
Warm up properly for 10 minutes. Get erect 100% put MY Dick in the tube, pump it to 5gh not above or below and stay there,

and i will start to see results?

it almost sounds to good to be true.. just for the fact it seems soo easy compared to normal Penis Enlargement
you can get from A to B in one direct, safe , efficient line

or run around in circles , zig zags, get thrown back a couple of times and also get to B.

Its all really based on common sense and science

probability calculus !

If you smoke you CAN become 100years but your are alot more likely to die 30 years earlier due to lung cancer.

If you let loose all available Penis Enlargement techniques on your Penis You are more likely to damage yourself.

If you workout SMART you are less likely to do dumb shit.

If you educate yourself on every aspect of Penis Enlargement and try the safe approaches first you are more likely to actually get out of this HEALTHY...

If you ask 1 girl for a date you can get yes or no , if you ask 100 girls you WILL get 30 YES 60 NO and the other 10 you will not want to mess with...:-D

If you happen to be unintelligent, have no patience, and think HE did it MUST work the SAME for me - I will see you in the injury section...

I could go on with these examples forever for every aspect of your life...

Increase your wisdom ! Know your enemy ! Know its weaknesses ! Don't trust no one including myself, see for YOURSELF , compare , youse YOUR brains.

Everything I say about others is true and valid the same way for me and my advises , I just happen to argument it the logical way following the rules of probability.

Ofcourse you can simply TAKE A RISK, take your chance at Penis Enlargement...but that too high a risk and gamble for me...

Ok ?



"""I am guessing you would never increase the time from 10 mins? I have spoken to guys in the pump forum who pump for an hour? I am guessing like you say its not intensity or marathon sessions, but regularly repeating this 10 mins day after day? Do you have rest days? I did read in one of your posts you only recommended 10 mins every OTHER day to allow 48hrs healing time!
Is this 10 mins of pumping your CURRENT Penis Enlargement workout man?"""

I already reached my goals , I overlooked updating my avatar.
And yes the advice of 10 minutes every other day is still valid.
I gained at a slow and steady rate with this, eventhough I didn't want to gain.
There are a couple veteran posts who suggest minimal approach of 10 minutes jelquing every other day - wich is the same thing , just another technique.

10 minutes EVERYDAY is when you can take it and YOu really want to gain. I think more than one day off inbetween is not good for gains.

Right now I don't follow any routine whatsoever anymore,
I'm actually having sex with many different women regulary and I'm too big for all of them being 8 inches long , 6 at the base , evening out to 5.5 below the head and again a 6 inch head.

I slept with hundreds of women in my life and I see no point , no sense to go past this size because you can forget about rough fucking (always hit the cervix cause pain) and blowjobs (fuckin teeth can hurt , girls mouth gets tired quick, no deepthroat possible).

Again the dick is for fucking not for world record books UNLESS you are dld okay or different example: happen to be married to a cow pussy or just have no other life, or activities you could endulge yourself in.

And really , guys if you want to do Penis Enlargement try this first 10 minutes everyday , if you see no gains , try even less 10 minutes every other day, if you see no gains either quit it or go ahead and risk the health of your penis but don't ask a zillion questions NO MATTER how detailed I answer them or anyone else no matter how well the description is

YOU HAVE ALL DIFFERENT GENETIC SETUPS , regeneration rates, tissue thicknesses, and understanding and beliefs of what is told here.

Or do you expect me to virtually pump your dick to 8x6 from here ???

All the info is already here, all the questions are answered many times in this post and like 10 other done by me and others too.

Finally If you ask me WHAT SOUNDS TO GOOD TO BE TRUE IS:
doing excessive Penis Enlargement using all dangerous techniques AND get out with cemented gains AND a healthy Penis EnlargementNIS without the need for Penis Enlargement or mantainance work for the rest of your life !!! Thats too good to be true.


Sorry I have to go and satisfy a woman, you could do the same thing right now NO MATTER what size you have...or you could ask more questions, and spend more time in your bathroom , imagening what your new life will be...unfortunatly life is what happens around you while you make completely different plans...

Man do I sound pissed or grumpy ? :-D take no offense okay
ok one more thing is 5gh a standard measurment? or when i buy a pump here in the USA will it be measured differently AKA PSI.... thats somthing im curious about...

also so you recommend 10 min every other day? or 5days on 2 days off?

Just curious about these things.. please help me out
5gh is a pressure mark on the gauge. You could pump above or below that.
At 6, 7 , 8 , 9 10 gh or just 1 gh...

But 5 gh is all that is needed. everything above that is too high of a pressure and will most likely only draw body fluids and lymph into your penis creating artificial enlargement, below that the pressure is not enough to workout anything !

As I said above , make this 10 minute technique work for you - if you start with 10 minutes every other day and see gains after a month , than stick to it forever, if u dont see gains try 10 minutes every day, if again you don't see gains - Stop completely or calculate the risk of moving to more advanced techniques.

Let your natural erection ability be the judge of it, you should always be able to get a spontanious good erection, before the workout , while and after and on the off day too. If your penis feels week or limp or sore it is already overworked.

There is no need to overwork anything or the harder the better approaches.
The smarter the better. Ask Einstein if you see him in heaven - genious is when you make things SIMPLE and efficient and not overcomplicated or mysterious.
tbirdy;292007 said:
5gh is a pressure mark on the gauge. You could pump above or below that.
At 6, 7 , 8 , 9 10 gh or just 1 gh...

But 5 gh is all that is needed. everything above that is too high of a pressure and will most likely only draw body fluids and lymph into your penis creating artificial enlargement, below that the pressure is not enough to workout anything !

As I said above , make this 10 minute technique work for you - if you start with 10 minutes every other day and see gains after a month , than stick to it forever, if u dont see gains try 10 minutes every day, if again you don't see gains - Stop completely or calculate the risk of moving to more advanced techniques.

Let your natural erection ability be the judge of it, you should always be able to get a spontanious good erection, before the workout , while and after and on the off day too. If your penis feels week or limp or sore it is already overworked.

There is no need to overwork anything or the harder the better approaches.
The smarter the better. Ask Einstein if you see him in heaven - genious is when you make things SIMPLE and efficient and not overcomplicated or mysterious.

Do you mean Hg? As in Mercury, as in millimeters of Mercury? The very common measure of vacuum?