doublelongdaddy;693428 said:
I will put you on the list. Need 10 men to test. Must have discoloration and must show before and after pictures.

. I jot- down all the treatments but now Im really confused on treating penis discoloration methods?

Options to use:
1. Vit. E moisturizing cream
2. Hydrocortisone cream
3. Wart remover Freezing treatment
4. Retin-A cream 5% - use only once a day before going to bed ( 1 day on , 1 day off)
5. Apple cider vinegar
6. Turmeric supplements/ spice called turmeric ( make a paste like a mask - 10/15 mins)
7. Amlactin Moisturizing Body Lotion
8. Nadinola Cream
9. Deep massaging with white cloth in lukewarm water
10. Heated pad on wicrowave
11. Firegoat roll
12. Leech oil
13. [words=]slow squash jelq[/words]
14. Dry jelq

Question: What do you think is the final formula/final combo among the following options above in curing penis discoloration? Kindly explain also the routine and where can I buy it in the Philippines. Thanks, coz I really want to work with the fastest and safest formula.
^All the techniques and creams work to some degree but ONLY if you stop doing what causes the discoloration.

From all I've researched and from my own experiences you're looking at 6 months to one year for an acceptable fade even with the above creams.

I bet it would take even longer if you didn't use anything.

I'm currently at 35-40% discoloration level and starting to see the blue in my veins again. The discoloration is still visible because of the contrast between it and the non-affected skin. My main goal is to even out this difference now. The fact that it's a few shades darker doesn't bother me, it's mainly the unhealthy pattern and blotchiness with a few round spots of natural skin within the darkness.

My dick also appears bigger as it's fading because there is less horizontal break up and you can see more detail in it... or maybe because it actually is bigger than 6 months ago lol.
Now im confused with this Apple Cider Vinegar with water. do you prefer a lukewarm water?

Actually, i decided to try these techniques while using 15 -20 mins [words=]bathmate[/words]. My plan was like

5 mins warm up with a cotton pad
2 mins firegoat roll (can someone upload a video demonstration)
5 mins pumping
2 mins firegoat roll
3 mins [words=]slow squash jelq[/words] (I dont know if this is the exact time)

5 mins pumping again ( three 5 mins session for a total of 15 mins session of pumping)
Then repeat the routine back to firegoat roll down to [words=]ssj[/words]

Then applying the apple cider vinegar with lukewarm water using a cotton pad
the leave it the rest of the night.
Let me quote myself and ask you a question:

MaxRichards;693861 said:
^All the techniques and creams work to some degree but ONLY if you stop doing what causes the discoloration.

What is causing your discoloration Mr Gold Dick?
MaxRichards;693949 said:
Let me quote myself and ask you a question:

What is causing your discoloration Mr Gold Dick?

I think everyone knows what causes discoloration. but for me i want to gain in size too while treating this discoloration. What my question are:

What water temperature should I prefer with the ACV, lukewarm or normal (simply, tap water) ?
Does it mean , i have to stop doing any PE or the [words=]bathmate[/words] pumping when trying this ACV techniques?

The only device that I have here is the [words=]BATHMATE[/words] [words=]Hercules[/words] , i dont have any like [words=]SG[/words] or [words=]Extender[/words] or [words=]Penomet[/words].
The only tools that I have for curing this discoloration (ACV and ROUND COTTON PAD). Just being natural only
The only technique that I prefer to practice (SSJ and firegoat roll). I dont think basic jelqing is a good idea.

Meanwhile , Im looking for the best and proven routine for curing penis discoloration while using the [words=]Bathmate[/words] (if possible). Please upload a video for some demonstration with [words=]SSJ[/words] AND FIREGOAT ROLL.
MaxRichards;693949 said:
Let me quote myself and ask you a question:

What is causing your discoloration Mr Gold Dick?

I think everyone knows what causes discoloration. but for me i want to gain in size too while treating this discoloration. What my question are:

What water temperature should I prefer with the ACV, lukewarm or normal (simply, tap water) ?
Does it mean , i have to stop doing any PE or the [words=]bathmate[/words] pumping when trying this ACV techniques?

The only device that I have here is the [words=]BATHMATE[/words] [words=]Hercules[/words] , i dont have any like [words=]SG[/words] or [words=]Extender[/words] or [words=]Penomet[/words].
The only tools that I have for curing this discoloration (ACV and ROUND COTTON PAD). Just being natural only
The only technique that I prefer to practice (SSJ and firegoat roll). I dont think basic jelqing is a good idea.

Meanwhile , Im looking for the best and proven routine for curing penis discoloration while using the [words=]Bathmate[/words] (if possible). Please upload a video for some demonstration with [words=]SSJ[/words] AND FIREGOAT ROLL.
MaxRichards;693949 said:
Let me quote myself and ask you a question:

What is causing your discoloration Mr Gold Dick?

I think everyone knows the answer.But for me I want also gain in sizes using the [words=]bathmate[/words] [words=]hercules[/words] while doing the ACV techniques.Does it mean I have to stop while treating the penis discoloration ? Btw, how much amount of apple cider vinegar and the lukewarm water?
Mr.GoldDick;693679 said:
. I jot- down all the treatments but now Im really confused on treating penis discoloration methods?

Options to use:
1. Vit. E moisturizing cream
2. Hydrocortisone cream
3. Wart remover Freezing treatment
4. Retin-A cream 5% - use only once a day before going to bed ( 1 day on , 1 day off)
5. Apple cider vinegar
6. Turmeric supplements/ spice called turmeric ( make a paste like a mask - 10/15 mins)
7. Amlactin Moisturizing Body Lotion
8. Nadinola Cream
9. Deep massaging with white cloth in lukewarm water
10. Heated pad on wicrowave
11. Firegoat roll
12. Leech oil
13. [words=]slow squash jelq[/words]
14. Dry jelq

Question: What do you think is the final formula/final combo among the following options above in curing penis discoloration? Kindly explain also the routine and where can I buy it in the Philippines. Thanks, coz I really want to work with the fastest and safest formula.

All good methods but what I am fucking with now, although expensive, it has worked unbelievably. I am in the phase now of seeing if I stop using the new product if the discoloration returns. I will keep everyone up to date on this, keep your fingers crossed. LIGHTNING will be the man for the job in getting this to us at the least expensive price possible. Currently, the market price is about $95 per one ounce container, ridiculously expensive but so fat LIGHTNING is not seeing why they are charging so much because he thinks he can get it to us for $40. I will have news on both fronts as soon as I have the information.
doublelongdaddy;694009 said:
All good methods but what I am fucking with now, although expensive, it has worked unbelievably. I am in the phase now of seeing if I stop using the new product if the discoloration returns. I will keep everyone up to date on this, keep your fingers crossed. LIGHTNING will be the man for the job in getting this to us at the least expensive price possible. Currently, the market price is about $95 per one ounce container, ridiculously expensive but so fat LIGHTNING is not seeing why they are charging so much because he thinks he can get it to us for $40. I will have news on both fronts as soon as I have the information.

Can I use apple cider vinegar with lukewarm water? Makes me think what is the right amount of water and the ACV? Please upload a video of [words=]SSJ[/words] and firegoat roll
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Mr.GoldDick;694049 said:
Can I use apple cider vinegar with lukewarm water? Makes me think what is the right amount of water and the ACV? Please upload a video of [words=]SSJ[/words] and firegoat roll

The [words=]SlowSquashJelq[/words] video is available on the video site here: 401 Authorization Required

I would not water down the ACV too much, it is the acidity that works to lighten the skin.
What DLD said, don't water it down with water... Infact if you want to "water it down" (why???), get yourself some DMSO and mix 50/50. DMSO will help it penetrate the skin deeper because DMSO is a solvent. Apply laboratory conditions and don't contaminate. Don't expect miracles and allow yourself 6 months to a year for it to clear up to a cosmetically acceptable level.

Having said that, you still need to stop what's causing your discoloration otherwise you're just pissing in the wind.
MaxRichards;694107 said:
Having said that, you still need to stop what's causing your discoloration otherwise you're just pissing in the wind.

Prevention is always the smartest move. Many men take on discoloration by over pumping. I understand that having a huge, thick dick is exciting but if you are taking on a ton of water the ending results will be discoloration. The 5x5x3 workout was specifically created to avoid discoloration and to improve tissue expansion and reduce water retention.
doublelongdaddy;694150 said:
Prevention is always the smartest move. Many men take on discoloration by over pumping. I understand that having a huge, thick dick is exciting but if you are taking on a ton of water the ending results will be discoloration. The 5x5x3 workout was specifically created to avoid discoloration and to improve tissue expansion and reduce water retention.

What do you mean, 5x5x3 workout? Sounds great and and pretty exciting to me
Mr.GoldDick;694204 said:
What do you mean, 5x5x3 workout? Sounds great and and pretty exciting to me

Simple, read the [words=]SRT[/words] thread :) It will explain this and oh so much more!
doublelongdaddy;694405 said:
Simple, read the [words=]SRT[/words] thread :) It will explain this and oh so much more!

Wow [words=]srt[/words] will get really massive results the problem is , I only have [words=]bathmate[/words]
Mr.GoldDick;694432 said:
Wow [words=]srt[/words] will get really massive results the problem is , I only have [words=]bathmate[/words]

So do the portions you can do and substitute things you can't do with manuals. If you need help just ask and I will help you put a routine together.
doublelongdaddy;694515 said:
So do the portions you can do and substitute things you can't do with manuals. If you need help just ask and I will help you put a routine together.

Thanks DLD, though I have to get rid first this discoloration but yea I need a massive routine for that with the [words=]bathmate[/words] and manuals (in both girth and length exercises for permanent gains)
You could put on a cock-ring after your girth routine (maybe even after length, since you will get an expansion both ways, although you could be using an [words=]ACE bandage[/words] for elongation) and repump for 3-5 minutes every hour or so
Munto;694548 said:
You could put on a cock-ring after your girth routine (maybe even after length, since you will get an expansion both ways, although you could be using an [words=]ACE bandage[/words] for elongation) and repump for 3-5 minutes every hour or so

Wow , I never heard about repumping for 3-5 minutes every hour. All I know is the 15 minute rule for [words=]Bathmate[/words] [words=]Hercules[/words]. Although Im thinking if it would be better if you repump at night to get a room for expansion and relaxation to heal. Its like pumping at night for about 15 minutes then repump the next night
Mr.GoldDick;694554 said:
Wow , I never heard about repumping for 3-5 minutes every hour. All I know is the 15 minute rule for [words=]Bathmate[/words] [words=]Hercules[/words]. Although Im thinking if it would be better if you repump at night to get a room for expansion and relaxation to heal. Its like pumping at night for about 15 minutes then repump the next night

Pumping for 15min or even 10min straight can cause water retention.
better to keep it short to 5-7min if possible.
Munto;694663 said:
Pumping for 15min or even 10min straight can cause water retention.
better to keep it short to 5-7min if possible.

Exactly! Pumping too long will not only cause water retention it will also cause discoloration. The [words=]SRT[/words] way of pumping is the smartest way to use your pump to gain the most size. The [words=]SRT[/words] routine is 5 minutes of [words=]BathMate[/words] followed by 5 minutes of the [words=]SlowSquashJelq[/words] and this is repeated 3 times. What is happening here is after 5 minutes of pumping the penis starts to take on water, something we don't want, so stopping and getting in 5 minutes of [words=]SSJ[/words] will disperse any built up water and evenly spread that across the entire penis. Training this way trains the actual tissue for expansion. Water retention is temporary, using the [words=]SRT[/words] method is permanent.
Munto;694663 said:
Pumping for 15min or even 10min straight can cause water retention.
better to keep it short to 5-7min if possible.

haha, yea i know that sorry i didnt mention. what I'm telling about after the [words=]bathmate[/words] session of Repumping 3-5 minutes every hour, is that what youre trying to say ? or youre saying the 5x5x3 workout

- - - Updated - - -

doublelongdaddy;694682 said:
Exactly! Pumping too long will not only cause water retention it will also cause discoloration. The [words=]SRT[/words] way of pumping is the smartest way to use your pump to gain the most size. The [words=]SRT[/words] routine is 5 minutes of [words=]BathMate[/words] followed by 5 minutes of the [words=]SlowSquashJelq[/words] and this is repeated 3 times. What is happening here is after 5 minutes of pumping the penis starts to take on water, something we don't want, so stopping and getting in 5 minutes of [words=]SSJ[/words] will disperse any built up water and evenly spread that across the entire penis. Training this way trains the actual tissue for expansion. Water retention is temporary, using the [words=]SRT[/words] method is permanent.

Do you think simply a cup of ACV will do ? Is it safe or must be lukewarm ACV?
Half a cup orally, half a cup in the [words=]Bathmate[/words] and another half a cup using an enema for a three pronged internal and external attack on discoloration.

Definitely warm it up but *don't* water it down.
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Mr.GoldDick;694747 said:
haha, yea i know that sorry i didnt mention. what I'm telling about after the [words=]bathmate[/words] session of Repumping 3-5 minutes every hour, is that what youre trying to say ? or youre saying the 5x5x3 workout

- - - Updated - - -

Do you think simply a cup of ACV will do ? Is it safe or must be lukewarm ACV?

Does not need to be any specific temperature but if soaking in ACV I would want it to be lukewarm or room tempature.
wazedi;696806 said:
i was looking but i couldnt find a final answer you should put the apple vienegar for 10 minutes on your penis?

He said he let it soak so he basically made it stay until it dried up.
Gainzzzz;697014 said:
Does vinegar also help with soreness?

Not at all, it is an acidic and will only effect discoloration.
so I've been experimenting with ACV and i gotta say it's pretty harsh. I've only done two sessions with pure ACV and wow not pleasant. My dick is definitely shedding already. Feels like snake skin. I ordered some amlactin from amazon. Should be here next week. I wanted to pump this morning and do my routine this morning, but things are so dry and chapped not really up for it tbh. I hope it starts to shed soon. I've been gaining none stop these past few months, and months and I don't want to lose my recent gains. . I'm not a fan of long breaks honestly. I like maintaining my daily routine. It's all good though, still quite happy with my erection this morning even though it felt like dragon skin. lol
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So far ACV is a bust for me. I'm only shedding in areas that haven't been effected by discoloration. It's not having any effect on my discolored foreskin. Might have to use salicylic acid if I want see any improvement there. I think If I continue this experiment I'm not going to be dipping my whole penis in ACV. For me the pain and discomfort is pretty intense and it's affecting areas that aren't discolored which just seems pointless. My dick is naturally dark, that's not what I'm concerned about. I really don't like this chemical burn, my skin turns white after wards, and it's unbelievably dry and scaly. Not going to be able to train for at least a week until the skin heals which sucks because I was kind of on a roll with my gains. What should I use for a moisturizer?
Tried only dipping half my dick in to the glass, much less painful. I'm gonna shoot for 10 minutes so if I can the same shedding effect that I have around the base. Also I picked up some Aveeno oatmeal colloidal moisturizer. Stuff is amazing. Instant relief from itching or burning.
I think ACV is actually working. It's kind of coming off in layers. Whole penis is dry and shedding. Amlactin should be here today . Gonna give that a go as well. Can't wait to have normal healthy skin again.
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jmc6185;699482 said:
I think ACV is actually working. It's kind of coming off in layers. Whole penis is dry and shedding. Amlactin should be here today . Gonna give that a go as well. Can't wait to have normal healthy skin again.

EXCELLENT to hear! For some men this works and others it does not, so strange that there would be any difference but it has been this way since ACV fix came out. Maybe half the men get good results.
doublelongdaddy;699496 said:
EXCELLENT to hear! For some men this works and others it does not, so strange that there would be any difference but it has been this way since ACV fix came out. Maybe half the men get good results.

Most men get results half way and get all "cup = half full" about it while others are more like, "the cup is both half full and half empty which means that either way you look at it, 50% discoloration is still there.
doublelongdaddy;699496 said:
EXCELLENT to hear! For some men this works and others it does not, so strange that there would be any difference but it has been this way since ACV fix came out. Maybe half the men get good results.

is the hydrocorticene on sale here or do i have to buy from another retailer
kyomoto;699565 said:
is the hydrocorticene on sale here or do i have to buy from another retailer

I think [words=]MOS[/words] is planning on getting it in stock
doublelongdaddy;699496 said:
EXCELLENT to hear! For some men this works and others it does not, so strange that there would be any difference but it has been this way since ACV fix came out. Maybe half the men get good results.

Yeah that is odd DLD. I have fairly thick penile skin so you would think it would be less painful and probably wouldn't work at all. Since things are still pretty raw, I've been using a Q tip and a sort of dab method instead of completely immersing my penis in ACV. When it's in the shedding phase it feels like battery acid when using undiluted ACV. Amlactin might be lightening things up a bit as well. No stinging or discomfort from this, it really moisturizers quite well actually, almost to the point where things feel swampy down there. haha. Overall my dick is looking healthier this morning. No real soreness, and not really as dry and scaly. A little bit of scabbing is occurring at the base. Overall I'd say it's working. I think my stretchmarks have faded a little bit as well from all the ACV. It's strange how it seems to bring them to the surface when you first start applying the stuff, it's like omg wtf I have done?! lol But after a day or so things calm down and start to heal. I was still able do a pump and clamp and keep up lightened version routine.. Overall I'd say it's worth trying if you are have discoloration. Whether it's ACV ,salicylic acid, etc, this shit is definitely not for the faint of heart, but no pain no gain right? Size isn't everything, aesthetics are pretty important as well. I'm gonna try TCA cross 30-35% on those really dark areas on my foreksin. I heard this is really good for discoloration. Plus TCA cross 80-100% is what dermatologist and esthetician use to fill box car scars. Lot's of before and after videos on youtube of some pretty amazing results. Having scars on your dick sucks, even if they are on the bottom. Only one girl has asked me what they were, but I've definitely noticed girls eyeballing them when they are giving me head. Getting rid of them would be one less thing to worry about so I think it's well thwarted effort. If the TCA cross doesn't work on lightening the discoloration , then I guess I'll try the wort remover like filmfreak. All that stuff is highly concentrated salicyclic acid, I really don't want to burn things as bad he did but his results overall are nothing short of miraculous... so I'll use that as a last resort and probably start with a less concentrated dose.

i snapped a picture this morning. , That bactine bottle is 6.4" x 6.1" and this is my flaccid before pumping. I'm not at all pushing it into my pubic bone and yes I'm completely flaccid. It's crazy how good of a temporary flaccid hang you get from [words=]SRT[/words] pumping method. At least for me it feels like it adds another inch in length and looks and feels much fatter. I freakin love it. lol

I absolutely love the short duration pulls when pumping. It's intense, but no water retention! Water retention makes your dick turtle like crazy. Your dick is just like leave me alone, I hate you, I'm not playing with you anymore, haha. I usually do around 3-5 reps each lasting 2-3 minutes and usually around 1-3 times sessions a day. Sometimes more if I have the time and energy. I don't use an [words=]ADS[/words] I hate those things. The one I have doesn't even fit me with crappy little noose that I have. I just said the hell with it. I'm gaining without one. I suppose I could buy a more comfortable mod other than the noose but meh...My flaccid used to be right around 5.5". Most days it's around 6.5-7" without pumping. All of my gains have been within the last few months. DLD you finally cracked the code. [words=]SRT[/words] is the shit!!. :cool: I usually clamp before and after pumping. I use a power jelq to bend while i'm clamped. I feel like light clamping and bending session is really is the best warm up before pumpin I feel like it really opens things up and allows your dick to engorge better in the pump. Either way I always clamp after I pump. I use Liquid Cia because it's pretty crucial in PE in my opinion. I have always have struggled with ED. It's a hormonal imbalance thing for me i have low to Moderate T levels and I've been on TRT. Cialis is the only thing that works for and Liquid Cialis is dirt cheap these days. The last bottle i bought was 30mg/30ml for $15, free shipping and it's potent as hell. One or two droppers full a half hour so before I start training and I'm good to go! Speaking of which... bought that time! rofl

Seriously fellas, if you aren't using the [words=]SRT[/words] method.. You're doing it all wrong. Fuck what the [words=]bathmate[/words] instructions tell you to do.. water retention is no bueno. It looks retarded, makes you turtle and IMO causes ED. If you're just letting it sit, you're letting it go to shit. You're not gonna gain, you've got to stretch your ligs and you've got to train with intensity! Pulling while pumping is the way to go. It will eventually lose suction by applying constant pressure at least for me it does. I usually use my thumbs and push starting from outer most part until both my thumbs are touching. You should also try squatting as well. I don't know why but it makes it more intense for some reason. Careful one of your balls might get sucked up. I hate when that happens. haha I've been tempted to upgrade my pump maybe the [words=]penomet[/words] or something that won't lose suction because of the [words=]gaiters[/words], but my beat up old [words=]goliath[/words] still gets the job done. Every once in a while I have to buy some new cushions. This is just my routine, if what is you're doing is working...well then carry on. lol If you want to try something new, give this a shot.

Alright time to train. I'm about to start working again soon, been on funemployment for awhile so I'm getting in as many sessions as I can.

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Damn, the pictures are not showing up. Email them to me and I will correct this. I am so excited to see this!
doublelongdaddy;699618 said:
Damn, the pictures are not showing up. Email them to me and I will correct this. I am so excited to see this!

Sent you a PM, no option to send from a drive though, only URL :(
MaxRichards;699537 said:
Most men get results half way and get all "cup = half full" about it while others are more like, "the cup is both half full and half empty which means that either way you look at it, 50% discoloration is still there.

lol wut?
Mr.GoldDick;693961 said:
I think everyone knows what causes discoloration. but for me i want to gain in size too while treating this discoloration. What my question are:

What water temperature should I prefer with the ACV, lukewarm or normal (simply, tap water) ?
Does it mean , i have to stop doing any PE or the [words=]bathmate[/words] pumping when trying this ACV techniques?

The only device that I have here is the [words=]BATHMATE[/words] [words=]Hercules[/words] , i dont have any like [words=]SG[/words] or [words=]Extender[/words] or [words=]Penomet[/words].
The only tools that I have for curing this discoloration (ACV and ROUND COTTON PAD). Just being natural only
The only technique that I prefer to practice (SSJ and firegoat roll). I dont think basic jelqing is a good idea.

Meanwhile , Im looking for the best and proven routine for curing penis discoloration while using the [words=]Bathmate[/words] (if possible). Please upload a video for some demonstration with [words=]SSJ[/words] AND FIREGOAT ROLL.

Hey man, I would just try the braggs ACV. It may sting really bad but if you dunk your dick in that shit, and leave it in there for a good 5-10 minutes depending on how much of a pain tolerance you have you may notice some shedding. I barely lasted a few minutes but I noticed some pretty significant shedding. My discoloration is similar to filmfreak's, my foreksin is still pretty dark but even there this light shedding going. Area's that weren't discolored had some mild chemical burn. Vinegar is highly acidic and penile skin is pretty sensitive stuff. I would give it a go. It's super cheap, and really it's mild enough that you aren't going to be having to wrap your dick because you have huge gaping wounds or nothing like film freak did. lol . It will just lightly shed if anything. If you do react to it, it will make it red and angry. haha rofl. Don't just jump straight to wort remover. It's highly concentrated salicylic acid and it is not pleasant. I had a tiny little dark a few years back, it works. I might go that route again but my discoloration is much more significant than ever before but even then you can buy less concentrated stuff that weren't burn the fuck out of you and still allow you train. . I train with a lot of intensity, and I was clamping for too long without breaks. Trick is to break things up. Clamp for 10min or so then shake things off, work on getting as hard as you can. Edge, jelk, subside your erection.. Then clamp again. I honestly don't think I'd have any discoloration if I'd done this. Is your discoloration from the [words=]bathmate[/words], clamping? I can't really think of anything else that would cause discoloration.

Good Luck! Let me know if you got any more questions.
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