Well apple cider vinegar, lemon , ginger, garlic , honey consumed in the right quantity everyday and in the right manner can open all blocked channels of the heart and the body . If anyone is interested you can tell me i will write down the method of using or making the paste.
pogzee;625953 said:
Well apple cider vinegar, lemon , ginger, garlic , honey consumed in the right quantity everyday and in the right manner can open all blocked channels of the heart and the body . If anyone is interested you can tell me i will write down the method of using or making the paste.

And it would make a great glaze for a Turkey:)
samuriajack;625939 said:
ok so ive been working girth for i would say maybe a week now my dick feels the workouts mopre and more as the days go by and my eq isnt beiong affectednegatively should i ride this for awhile or take a day break because what im experiencing is that currently on day 7 i feel more intensity in my dick from lighter work then i received from greater intensity on day 1 with harder work , please tell me this is a good sign and yes im being extra cautious since my dick feels the workouts alot more in the [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98]bm[/words]

If 7 days a week is not causing negative problems I would stick with that. The only reason to take a day off is if you are too sore or erection quality is poor and you are going to be having sex. I always trained 7 days for the simple reason that I felt if I missed a day I might miss a gain.
pdevil;625948 said:
Still using ACV+DMSO, but the progress has slowed down.
How long has it taken you guys with bad discoloration to get rid of it???

I'm even thinking about starting girth work again, as it's taking forever.
I just need to only look at my dick in erect state, in which the discoloration is more or less not visible. :)

yeah interesting that it isnt as noticable erect. same here.

If you use ACV + DMSO and not much happens then I recommend you to up the DMSO %.
If you hit the mix that causes a very slight burn then you are on the fast track. I had it in an intensity that was slightly uncomfortable. Then after 3 days I couldnt apply it anymore as the skin got too attacked and it started to peel revealing new skin. Took some days to completely peel of and "regrow". Then did the same again until my dick was almost even.
I've been working on it for about 1 month in total (first AmLactin, then ACV, then ACV + DMSO).
I've lost my temp girth gains, but I'd really like to see, if I can get rid of the discoloration, so that I won't have to worry so bad, if I get some again in the future.
Normally I would agree with your math (gains in size > discoloration). :)

boohoohoo;625985 said:
How long have you been working on your discoloration using this method?

I definitely think you should continue doing your PE while doing this, because in the process of setting it aside you are losing potential gains. To me gains in size > discoloration.
Thanks, that's encouraging to hear, that it worked well for you!

So which DMSO % did you use, if you can remember that?
And how did you apply it? That might also make a difference.

dickerschwanz;626027 said:
yeah interesting that it isnt as noticable erect. same here.

If you use ACV + DMSO and not much happens then I recommend you to up the DMSO %.
If you hit the mix that causes a very slight burn then you are on the fast track. I had it in an intensity that was slightly uncomfortable. Then after 3 days I couldnt apply it anymore as the skin got too attacked and it started to peel revealing new skin. Took some days to completely peel of and "regrow". Then did the same again until my dick was almost even.
pdevil;626094 said:
I've been working on it for about 1 month in total (first AmLactin, then ACV, then ACV + DMSO).
I've lost my temp girth gains, but I'd really like to see, if I can get rid of the discoloration, so that I won't have to worry so bad, if I get some again in the future.
Normally I would agree with your math (gains in size > discoloration). :)

My cock is pretty multi colored now, but I really don't care at this point. I figure the lollipop gets more exciting the longer it gets, not as much by being a pretty color :)

Please continue to post your results with this, however, as I will eventually use the information and I am sure it will help a lot of guys out there.
The discoloration looks funny if you are very pale. If you are tanned and hairy and all scratched up or tattoed it doesnt matter much.
But yeah beeing pretty is what we should care the least about or dicks IMO ;)

pdevil;626095 said:
Thanks, that's encouraging to hear, that it worked well for you!

So which DMSO % did you use, if you can remember that?
And how did you apply it? That might also make a difference.

I used 80% DMSO solution at some point. But you can do it with 70% and 99% too.
I started with a 50/50 dmso avc mix. Basicly you add some DMSO to the mix everyday/application which of course shifts the solution to more dmso ratio. Until you arrive where it peels a bit.

I wrap it with a white strip of cloth soaked with the mix and put a safe plastic wrap(Heal Yourself At Home) around it. Let it sit at least 15 minutes.

Btw. if it stings too much water doesnt help much and might increase the burn. Vaseline, aloe cream or natural oil(jojoba..) will help more(no alcohol obviously).
I agree, but I'd like to have a good feeling in the locker room/shower, too. ;)

Sure, I will post the results (hopefully good ones). :)

boohoohoo;626132 said:
My cock is pretty multi colored now, but I really don't care at this point. I figure the lollipop gets more exciting the longer it gets, not as much by being a pretty color :)

Please continue to post your results with this, however, as I will eventually use the information and I am sure it will help a lot of guys out there.
Yeah, I'm rather pale, but my dick is tanned. Actually I would be more okay with it, if it would have exactly one color. But having some darker and some lighter spots really doesn't look good in my opinion.

Thank you so much for the detailed information. I will try it exactly like that now. :)

dickerschwanz;626157 said:
The discoloration looks funny if you are very pale. If you are tanned and hairy and all scratched up or tattoed it doesnt matter much.
But yeah beeing pretty is what we should care the least about or dicks IMO ;)

I used 80% DMSO solution at some point. But you can do it with 70% and 99% too.
I started with a 50/50 dmso avc mix. Basicly you add some DMSO to the mix everyday/application which of course shifts the solution to more dmso ratio. Until you arrive where it peels a bit.

I wrap it with a white strip of cloth soaked with the mix and put a safe plastic wrap(Heal Yourself At Home) around it. Let it sit at least 15 minutes.

Btw. if it stings too much water doesnt help much and might increase the burn. Vaseline, aloe cream or natural oil(jojoba..) will help more(no alcohol obviously).
pdevil;626183 said:
Yeah, I'm rather pale, but my dick is tanned. Actually I would be more okay with it, if it would have exactly one color. But having some darker and some lighter spots really doesn't look good in my opinion.

Thank you so much for the detailed information. I will try it exactly like that now. :)

Most men have a darker shade in their penis than the rest of their body because the skin on the penis is so much thinner than that of other parts of the body. I know it was this way for me before PE. If this is your natural shade I don't think you can change the color, only if it was discoloration caused by PE.
doublelongdaddy;626213 said:
Most men have a darker shade in their penis than the rest of their body because the skin on the penis is so much thinner than that of other parts of the body. I know it was this way for me before PE. If this is your natural shade I don't think you can change the color, only if it was discoloration caused by PE.

I have always been told that I have a "pretty" penis. I always thought of that as meaning my dick is small, but when I look at those comments without bias they are mainly about the color. For that reason I am okay with the color of my penis, but yes, the dark spots that have developed on certain spots can be a bit annoying.
Yes, thanks, I'm aware that the darker shade of the penis might be normal.
That's why I meant it wouldn't bother me so much if the penis would be just in one nice brownish color. But there are darker spots (and a very light spot between two dark ones), so this doesn't look natural, and I'm sure it was caused by the [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98]Bathmate[/words].

Started with 50+ % DMSO yesterday. I felt a very mild stinging, but nothing happened, so I will add some more DMSO to the mix today.

doublelongdaddy;626213 said:
Most men have a darker shade in their penis than the rest of their body because the skin on the penis is so much thinner than that of other parts of the body. I know it was this way for me before PE. If this is your natural shade I don't think you can change the color, only if it was discoloration caused by PE.
pdevil;626339 said:
Yes, thanks, I'm aware that the darker shade of the penis might be normal.
That's why I meant it wouldn't bother me so much if the penis would be just in one nice brownish color. But there are darker spots (and a very light spot between two dark ones), so this doesn't look natural, and I'm sure it was caused by the [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98]Bathmate[/words].

Started with 50+ % DMSO yesterday. I felt a very mild stinging, but nothing happened, so I will add some more DMSO to the mix today.

Well I hope the uneven spots get taken care of through this therapy, it has woken for others so I hope it works for you.
Very cool topic as I have been using ACV and lemon mixed with water to deal with gout flair ups in my past. Looks like I'm gonna need a bigger bottle of ACV. Also like the idea of the total soak with ACV, which has me thinking of a way to minimize spillage and maximizing coverage for skin soak in ACV. Need to pick up some cheap condoms to sacrifice for the greater good. I'm thinking if I unroll the condom a half inch or so and pour in some ACV into the condom the sit on the side of the bathtub and roll the condom onto myself then with a seal at the base move the ACL solution all around to cover and soak in for a few minutes, then remove. Not sure what impact it will have but if it last long enough for a good soak, maybe worth it.
Who cares about color anyways- black or white, discolorated or not- it is bigger and brings more pleasure to women. We came here to become more confident (do we have big dicks after PE- yes we do!) and we came here to increase size so we can pleasure our girls better (do they moan and scream- yes they do). That all there is to it- yes, discoloration is not something one should not watch over, but I believe SIZE is more important. :)
Zambrodom3;626926 said:
Who cares about color anyways- black or white, discolorated or not- it is bigger and brings more pleasure to women. We came here to become more confident (do we have big dicks after PE- yes we do!) and we came here to increase size so we can pleasure our girls better (do they moan and scream- yes they do). That all there is to it- yes, discoloration is not something one should not watch over, but I believe SIZE is more important. :)

I like the battle scars of PE, they are a forever reminder of the miraculous work we are doing. I would much rather a bigger penis with some discoloration than a smaller penis that is flawless. The penis is a pretty boring thing and it can use some decorations so it stands out:) Discoloration gives a penis a unique, personalized look:)
Too bad I drank mine XD, it really wakes you the hell up better than Folgers! Just mix a little bit with coke or something, and you feel the endorphins right away. Gonna need some more for knight, you think the organic is better?
templnite;660910 said:
Too bad I drank mine XD, it really wakes you the hell up better than Folgers! Just mix a little bit with coke or something, and you feel the endorphins right away. Gonna need some more for knight, you think the organic is better?

You drank the vinegar? That must have tasted like shit!
I'm gonna give this a try. I had an in grown hair on my shaft that formed a tiny little skin tag when it healed. It's not painful but it's a little tender and is irritated when using my [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98]bathmate[/words].
No man It tastes ok with some coke. Even gives you that little burn when it goes down. *tukilla*
Has anyone tried soda? I heard somewhere that Coke may help with skin issues. I will try to find the article.
templnite;661282 said:
Is that baking soda playboy? I know its good for alot of things ?:(

Wow, I just had a very good idea and I want everyone to try this who has discoloration. Use 1/4 cup of baking soda and mix in about 2 tablespoons of Hydrogen Peroxide. Apply this to the effected area for 1/2 hour and repeat. If I am right you should see improvements after the first session. I know this as I have used this mixture for many years to whiten my teeth but I am now seeing that it may get rid of discoloration once and for all. I will test and I hope other do too and at that point, if it is working I will create a new thread.
doublelongdaddy;661355 said:
Wow, I just had a very good idea and I want everyone to try this who has discoloration. Use 1/4 cup of baking soda and mix in about 2 tablespoons of Hydrogen Peroxide. Apply this to the effected area for 1/2 hour and repeat. If I am right you should see improvements after the first session. I know this as I have used this mixture for many years to whiten my teeth but I am now seeing that it may get rid of discoloration once and for all. I will test and I hope other do too and at that point, if it is working I will create a new thread.

Yea i heard peroxide + baking soda will make your teeths whiter...could it work for skin also?
ChilDsh;661417 said:
Yea i heard peroxide + baking soda will make your teeths whiter...could it work for skin also?

Thats what I am thinking and if it works, BOOM! The Brotherhood kicked ass again!
The vinegar is working for me too. I had two ingrown hairs on my shaft that were taking forever to heal. One even developed a tiny skin tag. So far one week of using the vinegar and the skin tag is almost gone and the slight discoloration has begun to lighten. I figure after a month it should be good to go.
doublelongdaddy;661495 said:
Thats what I am thinking and if it works, BOOM! The Brotherhood kicked ass again!

It definitely will lighten skin. I have tested it over the past few and I think it is a good contender. It does burn a slight bit but that is the reaction that is working.
I got shafted using the [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98]Bathmate[/words] as well (pun intended) and the hemosiderin dicoloration is shocking! Never had a permanent problem with a regular pump but the [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98]Bathmate[/words] really messed up my dick :(

So far I've rubbed DMSO on the dark areas with cotton followed by Apple Cider Vinegar Rubbed on straight after, about 5 times a day, letting it air dry. I'm one week into treatment and apart from burning off a mole/wart that I didn't realise was there, it has only lightened minimally and seems to have stopped getting any lighter.

Has anyone actually completely removed [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98]Bathmate[/words] induced discoloration with Apple Cider Vinegar and/or DMSO yet? As in 100% removal without resorting to extreme measures like chemically burning your dick bit by bit as per Filmfreaks thread?
doublelongdaddy;661900 said:
It definitely will lighten skin. I have tested it over the past few and I think it is a good contender. It does burn a slight bit but that is the reaction that is working.

Did it work all the way or just peel a bit leaving the deep iron deposits still there?
MaxRichards;669651 said:
Did it work all the way or just peel a bit leaving the deep iron deposits still there?

Deep iron deposits are very difficult to eliminate since they are at the lower dermal layer. ACV is more of a surface application. retina A may help but again, you will need to wait until that layer of skin is close enough to effect it. The only deep dermal discoloration that I have seen dealt with is FilmFreak. He went from black to pink with a lot of experimentation, in the end, it is the best change we have ever sen.
doublelongdaddy;669953 said:
you will need to wait until that layer of skin is close enough to effect it. The only deep dermal discoloration that I have seen dealt with is FilmFreak. He went from black to pink with a lot of experimentation, in the end, it is the best change we have ever sen.

I have a feeling filmfreak did exactly that: Burning through most of his Epidermis to reach the Dermis, and did it hyper-intensely/quickly before more Dermal layers re-grew. Not waiting to get closer... (my theory being that new Epidermis just re-grows over the top so you're always just stripping the new layer of skin if you go too slowly.

Do you know if filmfreak ever posted any updates to his pink dick? I'd be keen to know if the bright pink returned to natural colour... and whether he developed DDD again, prevented it through preventative maintenance, lower intensity/frequency of workouts or just quit PE altogether... ?
templnite;669977 said:

I was going to try hairspray and a lighter next but this looks like a good experiment too...

Similar to using "magic erasers" which I think someone else has tried... it's the "sand-paper technique" of removing skin basically. Maybe if the treatment is super aggressive you can get close enough to the Dermis but its a recipe for infection if you're not careful.

Either way, worth a shot. Have you tried it yourself?
maxrichards;669984 said:
i was going to try hairspray and a lighter next but this looks like a good experiment too...

Similar to using "magic erasers" which i think someone else has tried... It's the "sand-paper technique" of removing skin basically. Maybe if the treatment is super aggressive you can get close enough to the dermis but its a recipe for infection if you're not careful.

Either way, worth a shot. Have you tried it yourself?

o_o lmao
doublelongdaddy;670102 said:
. The magic eraser has me curious though.
I don't think that should go on your body it irritates my skin just from cleaning the shower.
templnite;670197 said:
I don't think that should go on your body it irritates my skin just from cleaning the shower.

Same here, sponge is basically the same thing as "magic eraser". Abrasiveness is always bad on skin.
templnite;670197 said:
I don't think that should go on your body it irritates my skin just from cleaning the shower.

I see that now. I even think a light luffa would be too abrasive. In my opinion the best place to learn how to get rid of discoloration if the ACV does not work is FilmFreaks work. His was an extreme change from purple-black to pink. He had a lot of trial and error but he kept such good data that shows what to do and what not to do.
Just to get back on topic of using abrasives: Currently I'm using a green scourer and Amlactin with "some" *very slow* progress.

Basically I give my dick a wash and wrap a hot face towel around it. Then I lightly scrub the discolored band with a green scourer and soap (I like the pain). After that's done, I rub in a squirt of Amlactin and massage it in. Sometimes I wrap straight afterwards or go in the stretcher.

For the record I've completely stopped [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98]Bathmate[/words] for over 2 months now (and will most likely never use it again). The discolouration still remains but it has faded slightly more since starting this scourer and Amlactin routine.

I'm now starting to see the blue in my veins whereas before, the vein colour was camouflaged by the darkness of the discolouration.

It's still a dirty looking dick and unfit for use in the daylight but THERE IS progress being made.
MaxRichards;693073 said:
Just to get back on topic of using abrasives: Currently I'm using a green scourer and Amlactin with "some" *very slow* progress.

Basically I give my dick a wash and wrap a hot face towel around it. Then I lightly scrub the discolored band with a green scourer and soap (I like the pain). After that's done, I rub in a squirt of Amlactin and massage it in. Sometimes I wrap straight afterwards or go in the stretcher.

For the record I've completely stopped [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98]Bathmate[/words] for over 2 months now (and will most likely never use it again). The discolouration still remains but it has faded slightly more since starting this scourer and Amlactin routine.

I'm now starting to see the blue in my veins whereas before, the vein colour was camouflaged by the darkness of the discolouration.

It's still a dirty looking dick and unfit for use in the daylight but THERE IS progress being made.

I may have a fix that has never been used before in this way. I am looking to LIGHTNING to see if he can get it made at a decent price. I can tell you this, the product I am using has eliminated the dark circles under my eyes, discoloration I have had for years. Since the skin on the eye is very similar to that of the penis I am confident this new product will work. I can not say what it is yet as I do not want anyone else coming out with it before [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words] but it will be soon. I will need about 10 men to join in to do testing so if you want to be a part of this please get your requests in. You need to have discoloration that has happened due to PE, we will need before and after pictures.
MaxRichards;693245 said:
Bring it on DLD.

How long did it take to clear the eye rings?

One week! I wish I would have done before but I think I can find a picture to compare to. It is truly amazing that it actually works. The biggest issue without disclosing too much is the cream is EXTREMELY expensive and I think this is for a marketing reason so I am hopeful LIGHTNING can get our labs to make the same thing for much less money. I suppose men with discoloration would pay anything to get rid of it, I think I found the way and it will not be expensive. Fingers crossed men!
doublelongdaddy;693278 said:
One week! I wish I would have done before but I think I can find a picture to compare to. It is truly amazing that it actually works. The biggest issue without disclosing too much is the cream is EXTREMELY expensive and I think this is for a marketing reason so I am hopeful LIGHTNING can get our labs to make the same thing for much less money. I suppose men with discoloration would pay anything to get rid of it, I think I found the way and it will not be expensive. Fingers crossed men!

One week sounds too good to be true... only because I, and many others have tried all sorts of creams from Retionol, to ACV+DMSO to Amlactin etc with minimal results over months of application.

If you want to do a serious test trial, pm me the requirements and any non disclosure stuff and I'll run a legit test. I have some time up my sleeve at the moment.

I'd be keen to do a double trial:

1) To finish off clearing the current discoloration which seems to be at 50%


2) If that works, then I would re-discolor my cock all the way again using [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98]Bathmate[/words] for a full 100% discoloration test. I reckon if it does infact work rapidly, then it could be a viable product and could even be bundled with [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98]Bathmate[/words]/other sales.
Mitch Cumstein;693425 said:
DLD, I'm interested in trying your cream. I have discoloration due to [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98]Bathmate[/words].

I will put you on the list. Need 10 men to test. Must have discoloration and must show before and after pictures.
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    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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