
Apr 14, 2012
I've been doing something similar to Beginners Routine Phase 1 but in my opinion more intense for about 15 days and I have not seen any particular results yet I will be continuing with this but I need to see results as I stretch for like an hour everyday and jelq sometimes and I'm stuck at 4"7 erect length and I can stretch to a max of 14 cm. Any suggestions?
yeah, keep at it. Penis Enlargement isn't a sprint, it's a marathon. It'll be two years for me in November and it really wasn't until recently that I started actually noticing the gains I've made, which is about in inch in length and about an inch in girth.
helpseeker;493123 said:
I've been doing something similar to Beginners Routine Phase 1 but in my opinion more intense for about 15 days and I have not seen any particular results yet I will be continuing with this but I need to see results as I stretch for like an hour everyday and jelq sometimes and I'm stuck at 4"7 erect length and I can stretch to a max of 14 cm. Any suggestions?

Have you ever wanted something so bad, you did all you could to get it?

Its understandable that up until now you've been frustrated not seeing tangible results.

Remember what you are accomplishing. You are stressing the cells that make up your penis and making them divide. That ain't easy.

It doesn't happen overnight nor in a matter of weeks.

Progress is in centimeters.

The mental aspect of Penis Enlargement is just as important as the physical. Visualization, affirmations and the proper state of mind are vital to growth, too.

See what you want; don't quit until you get it.
helpseeker;493123 said:
I've been doing something similar to Beginners Routine Phase 1 but in my opinion more intense for about 15 days and I have not seen any particular results yet I will be continuing with this but I need to see results as I stretch for like an hour everyday and jelq sometimes and I'm stuck at 4"7 erect length and I can stretch to a max of 14 cm. Any suggestions?

You're over training. Do 1/4 of what you're doing now and progress a little bit each day. Trust me.
so MikeShlort you are saying I should train 15-25 instead of 60-80 minutes? Well what is so bad about over training? I just want to gain more ASAP! You obviously don't know how it feels to have a dick smaller than average...85% of the people in this forum started from 6 inches and trying to get to 7 or 8 which is reasonable and I am starting from a fucking 4.7 inch trying my hardest to get to 6.7 I might as well rip my dick off trying to stretch to the sun. I need a 2 inch length gain by 6 months that's all I care about. If that don't work out I might try out surgery or some shit I NEED length gain I'm fraeking out I work hard everyday all day I'm out. I try to do an hour of stretch before I leave and if I can't I make up for it at 1 in the morning if I have to. That's one of my biggest dedication right now. I'm an embarasment to humanity if I'm waaaay below average...
helpseeker;493238 said:
so MikeShlort you are saying I should train 15-25 instead of 60-80 minutes? Well what is so bad about over training? I just want to gain more ASAP! You obviously don't know how it feels to have a dick smaller than average...85% of the people in this forum started from 6 inches and trying to get to 7 or 8 which is reasonable and I am starting from a fucking 4.7 inch trying my hardest to get to 6.7 I might as well rip my dick off trying to stretch to the sun. I need a 2 inch length gain by 6 months that's all I care about. If that don't work out I might try out surgery or some shit I NEED length gain I'm fraeking out I work hard everyday all day I'm out. I try to do an hour of stretch before I leave and if I can't I make up for it at 1 in the morning if I have to. That's one of my biggest dedication right now. I'm an embarasment to humanity if I'm waaaay below average...

Mike has a good point, sometimes less is more, you gain when you rest and all that. The other benefit is the mental aspect, if your lacking motivation, it would be a lot more beneficial to keep up a 20 minute routine and stay consistent than lose motivation with a longer routine and quit.
Oh don't get me wrong I'm probably going to keep doing an hour of Penis Enlargement everyday until I see my 2 inches gain in length.
helpseeker;493244 said:
Oh don't get me wrong I'm probably going to keep doing an hour of Penis Enlargement everyday until I see my 2 inches gain in length.

Nobody said to keep up an hour a day. For a beginner, an hour a day of manual stretching is too much! I've been P.E.-ing for 4 years and yesterday I stopped at 40 minutes as I was sore and my penis has gotten pretty tough over the years. You have to start out slow and give yourself time to rest, recover and grow.

You need 2 inches in six months as there's a girl/guy you like, right? Trust me, if you're 4.7, or 10.7, if they actually like you, they won't really care about your size. 2 inches in 6 months is very improbable. Only a select few have ever done that, and it was down to the way their bodies reacted, not down to how much they spent doing P.E. A solid workout can give gains of 0.2 inches a month, and that's likely with a good routine and a number of people have experienced that type of gain. So realistically, if you give yourself time to rest and grow, you can gain an inch, maybe even more.

The best thing to do in your situation is not to pressure yourself to get to a certain size in a certain time, but to just keep motivated and dedicated for 2 months and then see where you are, and accept where you are. You're putting too much pressure on yourself and you're trying to see gains all the time, you need to keep positive and upbeat about it. A negative mindset helps nothing.
I started out a lttle over 5 inches and I can tell you it isn't all about the inches. If you know how to use your hands and tongue and have stamina most women would rather have a great lover then a guy with a big schlong that doesn't know how to use it.

Here are two trains of thought:

It is like wanting to be richer, if I gave you a dollar you would be richer but did it change anything? no you have to work on your self image.

As a baby learning to walk for the first time after you fell trying to stand did you just say screw it I'll never walk, of course not you picked yorself up and kept trying.

I am new to Penis Enlargement and I have begun to see some gains but it is like investing money, you are in it for the long haul. Small steps added up equals big gains.

I know Penis Enlargement can work you just have to stay consistent and those that have given up haven't really tried. Even DLD stated and he can correct me if I am wrong in that sometimes you have to change up your routine to see additional growth.

I started with a basic routine and added to it. I use a Bathmate and a device similar to the Size Genetics. I know one thing for sure you can go it alone or have a mentor who has done it telling you how to do it. The mentor knows what works and what doesn't so over time they will shorten up the learning curve. Pay attention to them you will get their faster if you do.

Good luck and visualize and keep a positive mental attitude.

The penis grows by cell mitosis.The cells divide and new ones are created which makes your dick eventualy bigger .Your body does this process at a certain rate.There is not much you can do to increase the growth at a cellular level...except spread out your Penis Enlargement throughout the day.It is better to do 15 minutes of stretching at 4 different times of the day than to do it all in one session.The reason is because penis stays elongated after stretching for a period of time and cell mitosis happens over the entire day/night-not just when you are doing your exercises.

If your dick is in an elongated state when cell division occurs and new cells are being made then the new cells are getting their dna coding from the parent cells in a larger than normal state so the new cells are slightly bigger.
This is the basis of DLD's SRT theory and is explained way better than i could even hope to in this thread

Read everything Irspow has to say about penis growth for a detailed explanation of how it works.

Good luck to you man!!

helpseeker;493244 said:
Oh don't get me wrong I'm probably going to keep doing an hour of Penis Enlargement everyday until I see my 2 inches gain in length.
helpseeker;493123 said:
I've been doing something similar to Beginners Routine Phase 1 but in my opinion more intense for about 15 days and I have not seen any particular results yet I will be continuing with this but I need to see results as I stretch for like an hour everyday and jelq sometimes and I'm stuck at 4"7 erect length and I can stretch to a max of 14 cm. Any suggestions?


Here are a couple of things you may want to take into consideration. When you work out your biceps, they do not grow right away. It takes time. Now since you normally walk with your hands down, your biceps are in an elongated position. So when you are not doing your stretches, wrap your penis with an ace bandage so you can heal in a elongated position. That is the Uncle Jim's Wrap method. All you do is stretch your penis and wrap it with an ace bandage but not so tight that you cut off circulation but enough to keep it in a stretched position. Also, you can do an hour of stretching. However try breaking it up. Throughout the day, do smaller sets. ie.... 4 sets of 15 minutes. Or 10 sets of 6 minutes. Bottom line, stretch for how ever minutes you want to they re wrap and keep doing that throughout the day. Trust me you will see results. Also think about getting an actual extender. You will reap huge benefits from getting one.
Dickleaker;493272 said:

The penis grows by cell mitosis.The cells divide and new ones are created which makes your dick eventualy bigger .Your body does this process at a certain rate.There is not much you can do to increase the growth at a cellular level...except spread out your Penis Enlargement throughout the day.It is better to do 15 minutes of stretching at 4 different times of the day than to do it all in one session.The reason is because penis stays elongated after stretching for a period of time and cell mitosis happens over the entire day/night-not just when you are doing your exercises.

If your dick is in an elongated state when cell division occurs and new cells are being made then the new cells are getting their dna coding from the parent cells in a larger than normal state so the new cells are slightly bigger.
This is the basis of DLD's SRT theory and is explained way better than i could even hope to in this thread

Read everything Irspow has to say about penis growth for a detailed explanation of how it works.

Good luck to you man!!

That thread is the best.

Irspow really lays it out.

The best for me is reading how cell division happens. Now, I imagine my cells dividing with every stretch and with every minute in the extender.

Knowing how the dick gets bigger on the cellular level helps me push the process with my sub-conscience.

Plus, it helps keep your goals to realistic levels. Progress is by centimeters not inches. Maximum time under tension provides maximum growth, given the proper nutrients are provided.
two words mate size genetics im only on day 5 and i have seen changes already witch is pretty amazing better hard ons and it seems to hang lower and looks a wee bit wider defo look in to it they do a good deal on this site best money i ever spent hope that helps you
helpseeker;493238 said:
so MikeShlort you are saying I should train 15-25 instead of 60-80 minutes? Well what is so bad about over training? I just want to gain more ASAP! You obviously don't know how it feels to have a dick smaller than average...85% of the people in this forum started from 6 inches and trying to get to 7 or 8 which is reasonable and I am starting from a fucking 4.7 inch trying my hardest to get to 6.7 I might as well rip my dick off trying to stretch to the sun. I need a 2 inch length gain by 6 months that's all I care about. If that don't work out I might try out surgery or some shit I NEED length gain I'm fraeking out I work hard everyday all day I'm out. I try to do an hour of stretch before I leave and if I can't I make up for it at 1 in the morning if I have to. That's one of my biggest dedication right now. I'm an embarasment to humanity if I'm waaaay below average...

What's so bad about over training? Wasting an hour a day for no gains, giving your ligaments fibrosis so you can't gain in the future, setting the threshold for force so high that it'll be impossible to keep increasing the force to get new gains.....
I did the same thing as you when I started - over trained. I had to take a 2.5 month break from length training to let my ligs loosen back up, now I do 2 sets of 20 min a day and I am gaining.
You can do as you wish but this is just my advice from experience. Also a doctor told me this.
I feel exactly like you do but going hardcore at it right off the bat will achieve nothing and it may even make it so you plateau quickly and limit your gains.
Look at how an extender works. It's gradual.
Also, when you over train and your penis is sore, it actually tightens up and you can't stretch it as far. You want to be in the "jelly state", which is where the penis is soft and not tight, and can be stretched. Over training keeps it in this tight state and you achieve nothing. Proper sleep and not over training is key to gains. I suggest you get the book "exercising the penis" by Aaron Kemmer. YOu can get it on amazon. It's great for newbs, so many exercises too. It explains the importance of not over training and how to stay in the "gain zone'. I had the exact same mentality when I started Penis Enlargement as you do. I just wanted to gain as fast as possible so I did one hour of stretching and 45 minutes of jelqing each day right off the bat and it basically accomplished jack shit. I wasted 4 months and likely made my ligs toughen up to hurt future gains. Now I'm breaking it up, watching my body clues, not training some days if I feel tired or in the tight state and I am gaining. Since April 13th, I have gained over a half inch in bone pressed flaccid stretched length. This is a long process. I know it will be at least two years from now before I have the penis I want. And I've been at it since October 2011. Just keep at it and you'll get results. Do it smart, listen to these people and what they're saying.
To be honest, I don't think there is any limit on stretching as a newbie or veteran. Yes, you will become sore but, if you are like me, you will make fast length gains. Be aware that the penis can become very fatigued and sore the longer and harder you stretch until you reach a state of 'total fatigue' where it becomes difficult to even do a kegel. Ironically, this is the best state to stretch in as now there is no resistance from the pelvic floor muscles interfering with the ligaments being stretched. This is a big reason why DLD Blasters work so well, when the penis is fatigued it can be stretched more effectively. I do think there is a limit on girth work but this also falls into the fatigued category too, only fatigue from girth work can cause erection quality issues.
I already have a sizegenetics but it's hard for me to use it. And I was considering the Strap method but I can't afford to unwrap and rewrap every 15 minutes throughout the day. DLD so are you saying I should keep stretching an hour everyday or what? Because I can not stop stretching until I feel satisfied. After stretching sometimes I feel like I haven't really stretched enough and I go back to it.

So what do everybody suggest? 30-40 minutes of stretching? Streching 3-4 times throughtout the day 10-15 minutes? Please share.
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