So I did Redzulu's girth routine for about a week 2 days on and one day off. Every morning after I did a workout I did not get morning wood, and my EQ in general was way down for about a day. Only after that day of rest did my EQ begin to return, and by then it was time to start the workout again.
I'm modifying the routine now to fit me physiologically and psychologically. There are some things in this routine that I kind of made up and don't have a name for but they work really well or I'm experimenting. I'll explain those after I outline the routine.
Day 1: Max expansion day
5 minutes - rice sock warm up
5 minutes - edging w/ rice sock
5 minutes - clamped jelqing
2 minutes - Super Bundles
Helicopter shake out
3 minutes - rice sock warm up
5 minutes - clamped 440's
2 minutes - Super Bundles
Helicopter shake out
3 minutes - rice sock warm up
5 minutes - clamped edging
2 minutes - Super Bundles
Helicopter shake out
10 minutes - rice sock warm down
Do not ejaculate
Day 2: EQ day
5 minutes - rice sock warm up
5 minutes - edging w/ rice sock
30 minutes minimum - EQ edge/jelqing
Attempt non-ejaculatory orgasm
10 minutes - rice sock warm down
Day 2: EQ day
5 minutes - rice sock warm up
5 minutes - edging w/ rice sock
30 minutes minimum - EQ edge/jelqing
Attempt non-ejaculatory orgasm
10 minutes - rice sock warm down
Okay, now to explain some stuff.
Edging w/ rice sock - I'm uncut, so I can use the rice sock to masturbate. Keeps the blood flowing and the tissues hot.
Super Bundles - I get a small sock for grip (small enough where my dick will fill it girth-wise) and twist my dick until I can't twist anymore. NOTE: I do not pull my dick like a normal stretch, only slight pressure. If anything, I push my dick back into itself into my torso. This should only be done immediately after clamping. These are designed to stretch the tunica while your penis is in a pumped state. This draws from plyometric stretching theory and applies it to girth. When I do these I can really feel the tunica stretch. 2 minutes of these amounts to 1 minute in each direction, clockwise and counter-clockwise.
EQ Edging/Jelqing - This is by far the best EQ exercise I have ever done. Start out by edging, and when you start to feel orgasm welling up, do a few 5-10% pressure jelqs on your 100% erect penis. Your desire to orgasm will subside. You should also be kegalling and reverse kegalling a lot to control orgasm. Also I notice that whenever I finish a 10% jelq, my dick automatically kegals.
Full days off drive me crazy. I want something Penis Enlargement related to do every day as I find it very relaxing and enjoyable.
I'll do this for a week and let y'all know how it goes. I'm thinking this is going to be my routine for a while, and I'll update this thread on a weekly basis or whenever something significant happens.
I'm modifying the routine now to fit me physiologically and psychologically. There are some things in this routine that I kind of made up and don't have a name for but they work really well or I'm experimenting. I'll explain those after I outline the routine.
Day 1: Max expansion day
5 minutes - rice sock warm up
5 minutes - edging w/ rice sock
5 minutes - clamped jelqing
2 minutes - Super Bundles
Helicopter shake out
3 minutes - rice sock warm up
5 minutes - clamped 440's
2 minutes - Super Bundles
Helicopter shake out
3 minutes - rice sock warm up
5 minutes - clamped edging
2 minutes - Super Bundles
Helicopter shake out
10 minutes - rice sock warm down
Do not ejaculate
Day 2: EQ day
5 minutes - rice sock warm up
5 minutes - edging w/ rice sock
30 minutes minimum - EQ edge/jelqing
Attempt non-ejaculatory orgasm
10 minutes - rice sock warm down
Day 2: EQ day
5 minutes - rice sock warm up
5 minutes - edging w/ rice sock
30 minutes minimum - EQ edge/jelqing
Attempt non-ejaculatory orgasm
10 minutes - rice sock warm down
Okay, now to explain some stuff.
Edging w/ rice sock - I'm uncut, so I can use the rice sock to masturbate. Keeps the blood flowing and the tissues hot.
Super Bundles - I get a small sock for grip (small enough where my dick will fill it girth-wise) and twist my dick until I can't twist anymore. NOTE: I do not pull my dick like a normal stretch, only slight pressure. If anything, I push my dick back into itself into my torso. This should only be done immediately after clamping. These are designed to stretch the tunica while your penis is in a pumped state. This draws from plyometric stretching theory and applies it to girth. When I do these I can really feel the tunica stretch. 2 minutes of these amounts to 1 minute in each direction, clockwise and counter-clockwise.
EQ Edging/Jelqing - This is by far the best EQ exercise I have ever done. Start out by edging, and when you start to feel orgasm welling up, do a few 5-10% pressure jelqs on your 100% erect penis. Your desire to orgasm will subside. You should also be kegalling and reverse kegalling a lot to control orgasm. Also I notice that whenever I finish a 10% jelq, my dick automatically kegals.
Full days off drive me crazy. I want something Penis Enlargement related to do every day as I find it very relaxing and enjoyable.
I'll do this for a week and let y'all know how it goes. I'm thinking this is going to be my routine for a while, and I'll update this thread on a weekly basis or whenever something significant happens.