So I did Redzulu's girth routine for about a week 2 days on and one day off. Every morning after I did a workout I did not get morning wood, and my EQ in general was way down for about a day. Only after that day of rest did my EQ begin to return, and by then it was time to start the workout again.

I'm modifying the routine now to fit me physiologically and psychologically. There are some things in this routine that I kind of made up and don't have a name for but they work really well or I'm experimenting. I'll explain those after I outline the routine.

Day 1: Max expansion day
5 minutes - rice sock warm up
5 minutes - edging w/ rice sock
5 minutes - clamped jelqing
2 minutes - Super Bundles
Helicopter shake out
3 minutes - rice sock warm up
5 minutes - clamped 440's
2 minutes - Super Bundles
Helicopter shake out
3 minutes - rice sock warm up
5 minutes - clamped edging
2 minutes - Super Bundles
Helicopter shake out
10 minutes - rice sock warm down
Do not ejaculate

Day 2: EQ day
5 minutes - rice sock warm up
5 minutes - edging w/ rice sock
30 minutes minimum - EQ edge/jelqing
Attempt non-ejaculatory orgasm
10 minutes - rice sock warm down

Day 2: EQ day
5 minutes - rice sock warm up
5 minutes - edging w/ rice sock
30 minutes minimum - EQ edge/jelqing
Attempt non-ejaculatory orgasm
10 minutes - rice sock warm down

Okay, now to explain some stuff.

Edging w/ rice sock - I'm uncut, so I can use the rice sock to masturbate. Keeps the blood flowing and the tissues hot.

Super Bundles - I get a small sock for grip (small enough where my dick will fill it girth-wise) and twist my dick until I can't twist anymore. NOTE: I do not pull my dick like a normal stretch, only slight pressure. If anything, I push my dick back into itself into my torso. This should only be done immediately after clamping. These are designed to stretch the tunica while your penis is in a pumped state. This draws from plyometric stretching theory and applies it to girth. When I do these I can really feel the tunica stretch. 2 minutes of these amounts to 1 minute in each direction, clockwise and counter-clockwise.

EQ Edging/Jelqing - This is by far the best EQ exercise I have ever done. Start out by edging, and when you start to feel orgasm welling up, do a few 5-10% pressure jelqs on your 100% erect penis. Your desire to orgasm will subside. You should also be kegalling and reverse kegalling a lot to control orgasm. Also I notice that whenever I finish a 10% jelq, my dick automatically kegals.

Full days off drive me crazy. I want something Penis Enlargement related to do every day as I find it very relaxing and enjoyable.

I'll do this for a week and let y'all know how it goes. I'm thinking this is going to be my routine for a while, and I'll update this thread on a weekly basis or whenever something significant happens.
Okay after 3 weeks I can say definitively I HAVE GAINED! A lot too. Somewhere in the order of 1/8"-1/4"... in three weeks! I haven't measured, but I know I've gained because my index finger no longer meets my thumb when I jelq 100% erect. I'm going to measure at the 1 month mark to be sure.

I have only been measuring my clamped girth. This is to know if I'm getting better, same or worse expansion when compared to the previous session. If I get worse expansion, I take one more day off because this means the tissue is toughening. Healing lets it become softer and more pliable.

I also have been taking days off instead of doing "light days." You just gotta listen to your dick when it comes to knowing when to take days off.

Last night my gf was like "Omgsh that's the biggest you've ever been!" (which felt AWESOME) And last night was after a full 2 days off! We had sex every night up until last night, so that shows for sure the value of rest days.
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Another celebration, lets get that [words=]MOS[/words] champaigne out .. AGAIN!! way to go bro .. keep at it and keep training WITH YOUR BRAIN, which you are doing and the gains will keep comming and than start to cement into new permanent growth.
Thanks Redz! It means a lot coming from you.

I've also been tackling Penis Enlargement from a mental perspective using EFT. Since I'm lazy here are some links to what EFT is:

But let me tell you this stuff WORKS. I had this pain in my left foot for months. I did EFT on it for a couple or three days, and it is gone!

Really to make gains in Penis Enlargement you have to have to let go of any limiting beliefs you have. EFT is just a ridiculously easy way of doing that.
Great stuff - I would appreciate it if you would, when you can, write a thread on your experiences with this EFT and the links to it in the Law of attraction and allowance section.

So I measured today. 5 5/8" EG. WTF *sigh* Now... I KNOW I was bigger last week. My finger and thumb now touch together more easily. Penis Enlargement drives me nuts sometimes...

I just did two "Hard Days" in a row out of frustration. This is stupid and a bad habit. It's basically going back to over training like I did for a gainless year. I just get so frustrated that I feel like I need to DO SOMETHING... when intellectually I know I should probably do nothing and just heal.

I'm continuing to do EFT. A part of me is still skeptical about it, but I'm doing it just to see what will happen. I managed to heal a pain in the arch of my left foot that has been bothering me for months. EFT works... I just want to make it work for Penis Enlargement. Red, I will make that thread when I have something coherent to say :)

I'm thinking about taking a one week rest of "Easy Days" just edging.

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Sometimes when you fatigue the penis, you cant maintain the best possible erection and once you rest and return thats fixed and the size restored.
Alright I just finished an edging session and the news is good :) I had 3 orgasms, the first one half-wet, second two dry. I'm mastering the multi-orgasm.

Also the girth is back. My finger/thumb are at the same relative distance as two weeks ago. I did a session of clamped semi-erect bends last night under a HOT shower. I did not ejaculate, and I edged/ballooned for 1/2 hour this morning, and 1 hour tonight. I plan on an hour tomorrow night.

I think the reason I saw a drop in EG last week was because I was shirking on the edging aspect of this routine. If anything, it is more critical that I do not miss an edging session than if I were to miss a clamping session.

I've also bought a pump and a heating pad to mix things up. I'm thinking about wrapping the hot pad around the actual pump. I've found that I get an excellent pump when I do my whole clamp routine under a hot shower. Wrapping a heating pad around a pump is much the same idea.
Yeah that multi-oragsms is great innit! clamping makes it more powerful because your actually applying resistence towards the pelvic muscles as you kegel, makeing them stronger in the process.
Some recent revelations from my girlfriend has inspired me to new girth gains ;) We were talking about my girth goals and she fed me the "I'm good with however big you want to be" line, and so I asked "How thick can you take it?" :O

She couldn't give me a definitive answer so I started pointing at various bottles in my room. I pulled out a Smartwater bottle first, just to test the extremes. Her eyebrows went up and she asked if that was humanly possible. I said "I don't know but that's my goal if it will fit."

So I asked her what the biggest she ever had was. I know this is ego-suicide for most men, but I don't have those issues anymore because I know I can get as big as I want. I'll admit I had a TON of nervous energy surrounding this, but I wanted to know just to get past it. She settled on "a little bigger" than the girth of [words=]MOS[/words]'s [words=]Titan[/words] pill bottle. So 6.75" basically.

I've been super giddy all day about my new goal, but I'm kind of relieved that I can just get HUGE and not worry about getting too big for her. Something about a woman that can take some super-thick cock just turns me on... "I like it tight" were her words.

So as of now my goal is 7+" girth and no more length. I might even opt for the "square cock" look and shoot for 7.5" x 7.5" if she doesn't complain :P

On the mental side of things I've taken to positive mantras. When I jelq I say in my mind "I love my 5.7" 'round dick, I love my 5.8" 'round dick..." on to 7". It's all about loving every step of the journey. I also just think of all sorts of positive things to think, which can be as simple as repeating "My cock is 7" around" with each jelq stroke.

I'm a visual artist and I've been obsessively rendering my dick as I want to see it on paper and in Photoshop. It really helps me externalize my vision of what I want my reality to become, pre-paving the way for my new dick with positive images.

I got a novelty pump and the thing sucks (haha). It was advertised as 2.5" diameter and is actually 2-2.25". I fill the thing to half way up. I also max out the poor squeeze vacuum ball with no pain. My dick is conditioned from clamping.


1. So I got some hints that a tube that is "too" wide will lead to girth gains but not much length gains. Is this correct?

2. I'm considering getting on of these two pumps:>
I think the Top Gauge will be too short. I know there are places on this forum that pump brands have been recommended, but some are out of business (Boston Works) and some are out of my price range (like Vacutech).

3. Does one need a tube sleeve at the base? I just tried my novelty pump without it and it seemed to work fine. Those things are expensive for something that can fail and needs to be replaced.
Oh, also I think I've mastered kegalling back my orgasms into a dry orgasm. I hit the PONR 4 times tonight and did a MASSIVE kegal each time and held it back each time, no drips, just pleasure :)
(repost from pumping forum)

So on Friday I actually decided to build my own pump. It was astoundingly easy to do really (if you know how). I went to school for Industrial Design so my crafting abilities are above average.

I got a break bleeder kit from Kragen for about $35, cheaper than any penis vacuum with a gauge I've seen online. I went to Tap Plastics and got 2 acrylic tubes, one 2.25" internal diameter and one 2.5" internal diameter. They were about $6-$7 for a 9" length. I got some 1/4" thickness discs to cap off the tubes and used acrylic cement to seal it off. The connection from the tube to the vacuum was a little more technical, but I figured out a really easy way to do it. In all I've spent about $50. I'll post pics when I have the chance.

I'm considering experimenting with heating up the edges of my tubes with a heat gun and creating my own flared tubes. I'm thinking I might create an "inward flare" which will yield the suction benefits of a flared tube but be less likely to suck in your balls. I don't have much of a fat pad, so getting a solid seal without a silicone sleeve can be tough. So when I graduate up to the 2.5" cylinder I see an inward flare being valuable.
(repost from pumping forum)

This is what I made for $50-60. Pretty damn fly if I do say so myself. I just did the "inner flare" thing on my 2.5" tube, and it works a treat. I managed to pump my <6" girth in a 2.5" tube! I'm going to do this to my 2.25" tube as well.


The whole shebang.


Cap assembly.


Inner flare geometry. Super comfy, excellent seal.
(repost from pumping forum)
crazyed27;361705 said:
Nice shit man!!!! I really like the one on the right on the first pic...very custom job there...How is the comfort level on the tubes? Looks like you got some good skills there bro!!!!

How has the pumping been treating you? Just take it slow...with low pressures...and you will gain...I also recommend pumping before 4 hours or so will have a fat cock for your girl. Watch the fluid build up and keep it at a minimin.

Thanks Ed!! That means a lot coming from a pump master like yourself.

I like pumping, it feels like clamping but less harsh on my unit. At this point I've only done it experimentally, but it feels like it will be a great addition to my routine. My routine consists of two days of super light EQ supplementing work (edging, super light jelqing) then one day of high pressure stuff (clamping, pumping, bundled stretches). I'll post on my routine thread how everything goes.

Some things I notice:

I don't get fluid buildup, nor do I get the super temp gains that newbies seem to get. I've even gone up to 6-7 hg without discomfort (I pulled back within seconds though, knowing better).

I do get huge expansion at the base, right below where I clamp. The tunica there is unconditioned and therefore highly elastic. That said, my normal EG is not thickest at the base.

Lol my gf knows all about my Penis Enlargementing and and last weekend she totally watched me pump before I stuck it in her. rofl
So I just finished a "Big" day and here is what the routine looks like with the pump included:

Drink 7g L-citrulline malate

5 minutes warm up
15 minutes 100&#37; erect edging/jelqing
-- Hop in the tube :)
2 minutes 2hg
2 minutes 3hg
2 minutes 4hg
2 minutes 5hg
1 minute 5.5hg
1 minute 6hg
5 minutes 100% erect edging/jelqing
3 minutes clamped 100% erect edge/jelq
5 minutes 100% erect edging/jelqing
3 minutes clamped 100% erect edge/jelq
2 minute clockwise super bundle - ease into it sloooowly
2 minute counter-clockwise super bundle - ease into it sloooowly
15 minute warm down in shower and continue edging

Drink 3g L-citrulline malate with 2 [words=]MOS[/words] [words=]Titan[/words] pills

Total time: about 1 hr 10 minutes (counting transition time between exercises)
Now that I can consistently give myself dry orgasms, I allow myself one of these on Big days. I think practicing these keeps the PC super strong, and loads it in a way that no other exercise can.

I was considering going for another round in the tube, but my #1 indicator told me not to: Erection Quality. During a big session like this I always keep an eye on the EQ. The stopping point is when your dick has trouble staying up. I do not train to failure, or to the point where I can't get it up or I have to work really hard to do so. Ideally the stopping point is right before my dick has trouble staying up. I edge/jelq so much between all the other high pressure exercises so that I can check my EQ and to maintain good blood flow.

"Rest" days are pretty much the same as when I started, though I'm much more gung-ho about actually edging. These are the days when gains are actually made. The "Big" are just setting the stage. Point in case:

Last night I got the "You're bigger than you've ever been" comment from my gf. That was after a full two days of rest, and we had been having sex both nights. Something about allowing for that second day of rest/edging really kicks in the growth cycle.

I'm not going to measure for a while because doing so fucks with my head more than anything.

Last but not least: positive thinking is key. Whenever I have a doubt or negative feeling about my dick I run an EFT tapping session on it. I constantly fantasize about sex with my bigger dick. I repeat mantras to myself throughout the day like "My dick is getting bigger and thicker every day." I make these up as I go.
So I just finished a "Big" day and here is what the routine looks like with the pump included:

Drink 7g L-citrulline malate

5 minutes warm up
15 minutes 100&#37; erect edging/jelqing
-- Hop in the tube :)
2 minutes 2hg
2 minutes 3hg
2 minutes 4hg
2 minutes 5hg
1 minute 5.5hg
1 minute 6hg
5 minutes 100% erect edging/jelqing
3 minutes clamped 100% erect edge/jelq
5 minutes 100% erect edging/jelqing
3 minutes clamped 100% erect edge/jelq
2 minute clockwise super bundle - ease into it sloooowly
2 minute counter-clockwise super bundle - ease into it sloooowly
15 minute warm down in shower and continue edging

Drink 3g L-citrulline malate with 2 [words=]MOS[/words] [words=]Titan[/words] pills

Total time: about 1 hr 10 minutes (counting transition time between exercises)

Now that I can consistently give myself dry orgasms, I allow myself one of these on Big days. I think practicing these keeps the PC super strong, and loads it in a way that no other exercise can.

I was considering going for another round in the tube, but my #1 indicator told me not to: Erection Quality. During a big session like this I always keep an eye on the EQ. The stopping point is when your dick has trouble staying up. I do not train to failure, or to the point where I can't get it up or I have to work really hard to do so. Ideally the stopping point is right before my dick has trouble staying up. I edge/jelq so much between all the other high pressure exercises so that I can check my EQ and to maintain good blood flow.

"Rest" days are pretty much the same as when I started, though I'm much more gung-ho about actually edging. These are the days when gains are actually made. The "Big" are just setting the stage. Point in case:

Last night I got the "You're bigger than you've ever been" comment from my gf. That was after a full two days of rest, and we had been having sex both nights. Something about allowing for that second day of rest/edging really kicks in the growth cycle.

I'm not going to measure for a while because doing so fucks with my head more than anything.

Last but not least: positive thinking is key. Whenever I have a doubt or negative feeling about my dick I run an EFT tapping session on it. I constantly fantasize about sex with my bigger dick. I repeat mantras to myself throughout the day like "My dick is getting bigger and thicker every day." I make these up as I go.
Nice log champ, diffently inspiring and some good stuff you got to share here. i have been through akupunkture many times but never heard about that tapping thing, diffently something im going to look into, since i got like 6 injuries from my martial arts career, and if it can help me with Penis Enlargement it is just a must have tool. and it looks good with your goals and progress. nice to see some success around :)
Thanks guys, it means a lot to me and helps keep me motivated. A bit too motivated perhaps.

The past three days I trained "Hard" routines... and lost about 1/8" immediately. I think my dick goes into a sort of "lock up" when I overtrain it. Instead of expanding the tissue just hardens against the high pressures. I just need to be disciplined and do my two easy days and one hard day routine.
God the feeling of gaining is good.

I haven't had internet for a while, hence the gap in posting.

I don't know what I've gained, but I can feel I'm closing in on 6" EG. My thumb and index finger don't touch when I jelq at 100&#37; erection.

I just finished a "Big" Day today, here is what they are looking like lately:

5-10 minutes 100% erect light jelqing/edging
10 minutes 3hg/in pumping
5-10 minutes 100% erect light jelqing/edging
10 minutes 4hg/in pumping
5-10 minutes 100% erect light jelqing/edging
10 minutes 5hg/in pumping
5 minutes clamped 100% erect light jelqing/edging
5 minutes super bundle stretching

"Light" Days -- it is more critical to do these days than it is to do "Big" Days!
30+ minutes 100% erect light jelqing/edging

I come out of this routine with +.25" easily. My dick doesn't get tired or darken the way it did with clamping. I think this is the routine for me for a long time... or a thick time rofl
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It's been a long time since I've posted due to the forum revamp, but here's my routine which I've slightly modified since the last one to fit with my 7 day week schedule. I've found this lots easier to keep track of, and also I know I will have time consistently to dedicate to a "Big Day" when I'm on a week-based schedule. I do "Big Day" workouts right before bed so that my dick heals the most right away due to sleep. I've found that whenever I do any kind of clamping, constricting or exercise that is high pressure, low oxygen, my dick responds negatively. Also when I give two days between clamping sessions is when I see the best expansion during the actual session.

I now only clamp twice a week for 10-20 minutes. The reason I don't say 20 minutes exactly is because with clamping you gotta listen to your dick. Sometimes your dick just gets tired 7 minutes into clamping and doesn't want to stay 110% erect in the clamp, which is when you just have to take it off. I think that staying in the clamp too long is pretty useless, especially if you're not at 110% erection, because then you're just cutting off circulation to your dick and not getting the max expansion (which is all clamping is good for).

Sunday - Big Day
Monday - Healing Day
Tuesday - Healing Day
Wednesday - Big Day
Thursday - Healing Day
Friday - Pump Only Day
Saturday - Healing Day

Healing Days -
10-20 min erect jelq at 10% grip w/ kegals
Sex can substitute for this as well

Pumping only days - 1 hour pump session
5 min flaccid wet jelq 40% grip
5 min erect jelq 10% grip
10 min pump 2.5 hg/in
5 min erect jelq 10% grip
10 min pump 3 hg/in
5 min erect jelq 10% grip
10 min pump 3.5 hg/in
5 min erect jelq 10% grip
10 min pump 4 hg/in
5 min erect jelq 10% grip
10 min pump 4.5 hg/in
5 min erect jelq 10% grip
10 min pump 5 hg/in
10-20 min erect jelq at 10% grip w/ kegals

"Big Days" - Pump, Clamp, Pump, Clamp, Pump
5 min flaccid wet jelq 40% grip
5 min erect jelq 10% grip
10 min pump 2.5-3 hg/in
5 min erect jelq 10% grip
10 min pump 3-3.5 hg/in
5-10 min clamped edging
10 min pump 3.5-4hg/in
5-10 min clamped edging
10 min pump 4-4.5hg/in
10-20 min erect jelq 10%
Good that you have it sorted out. I guess that my knob has just become so conditioned for long clamping sessions I forget the fact everyone else needs to take time.