Langford, you have some great starting size....I'm jealous...LOL. I've spent years interested in how penis enlargement could happen, I have also been very interested in and have studied nutrition and it's effects on hormones and nerochemistry. I too have been as dedicated to jelquing and pumping as a person can get and never seen the growth I desired. To me that means some part of the equation is missing. I have the Secret Potency Report V1 and V2. I am very interested in the [words=]Penis Bible[/words]. There is ample evidence showing the direct relationship between DHT, test and hg along with PGE1, dopamine and other hormones and penis growth and maintainance along with accessory organ (seminal vesicals, testicals, prostrate) growth and function.
The combination of hormonal enhancement programs (Penis Bible, Secret Potency Report, ballooning) with properly implemented manual exercise is the key to growth IMO. Without priming your bodies hormones to stimulate growth, manual exercises just seem to cause inflammation and nervous system problems in the long run. The evidence of this is overwhelming. I have been around Penis Enlargement forums for many years and can attest to the dramatic failure rate. Sure all the self promoting haters/experts with 6 months and less experience will jump all over me for my opinions with their claims that they had 1/2 of "newbie" gains in 3 weeks. I love to see where they are in 10 years...long fucking gone.
Pics I've seen of Penis Enlargement'ers claiming to have made great gains over years of extreme clamping, jelqing and stretching have always shown an extremely swollen, inflamed, discolored and unhealthy looking penis. Nice thanks pal!
Others claiming to have gained numerous inches in length and girth with accompaning increases in sexual performance, can't back up it up. Great claims and ZERO proof...I call bullshit to all of them!
Obviously penis enlargement is possible, as well as increased sexual performance and ability...we just need more minds interested in learning how to incorporate the existing knowledge into productive, and satisfying results and less newbie jelqing experts giving their 3 months of incorrectly applied expertise to other newbies...the cycle continues in the Penis Enlargement underworld year after year after year. The lack of growth in Penis Enlargement knowledge correlates directly with the lack of growth of the penis itself.