well so when as i am about to about to ejaculate,when this happens my pc muscle flexes like hell ,releasing lots more blood into the penis, as soon as that happens i focus on reverse kegel as hard as i can for as long as i can( which is about 15 seconds). From doing that so much blood gets into the penis my penis expands more girth wise then length wise and the head on my penis expands to like twice the size.But dont do this to often because the amount of blood drawn in their may damage it. Because thepenisbible says that you should try to relax the pc muscle as much as you can, this is because if it is not relaxed you get closer point of ejaculation without drawing as much blood into the penis as you could, a reverse kegel is just a way for me to relax my Pc muscle so more blood can enter the penis. But it only works if you are about to enter the "ponr" from this the reverse kegel can work properly aswell at first it my be really hard but just and focus on it like as your having a shit thats how i always do it.