even though alfalphie, according to my observations, was rude and ambiguous at the beginning, it seems he wants to be forgiven and be a part of this scientific community.
My opinion, seeing that he is a beginner, if I am not mistaken, is that he is being very smart. Listening to his body.
But, I think, alfalphie, that your pc muscle routine is too much, how long does it take for you to do? Then again, if it does let you hold out from ejaculation, and that is your only goal for the muscle, then disregard my opinion. My goal for the muscle is to actually grow it large, the bc muscle, that is, so that it sticks out quite far, at least 3 inches is my goal.
It is wise that you are letting it heal. According to bodybuilding and general conditioning rules, it is usually known that more frequent but shorter, intense workouts contribute to better gains than a once a week workout. I think you would find better results if you did less, but more, with the muscle. Try doing a reverse kegel as hard as you can. Grab your thighs and flex your biceps, and do this over the toilet. Your muscle will be in pain, and it will be twitching afterwards. You will notice it feels swollen in the morning afterwards.
When you really get good at the reverse kegel, you'll be able to hit your bc muscle, with that same high intensity pain. I can only do like 10, before I need to take a few minute break. It hurts! It works!
Isometric muscle tension can create mass gains, it just takes a long time and you have to make it work, which can be quite difficult.
Now, regarding your dinger. I think it is smart you are waiting that long, I used to stretch once a week, but this was after I crazily jelqued 3 times a day, for like 10 minutes each time, and I didn't notice any gains, and I did this for like 6 months. I said " forget it! ", and took a 6 month break. Keep in mind I never stretched...i was never good at stretching. After my hiatus, I tried stretching, really tried, and I had never felt anything like it. My whole dick was feeling something, instead of an inflating glans.
Now, a year and a half later of stretching, and for 6 months doing it once a week and intense, and the other time doing it like twice a week, I see that it needs to be more frequent, and more recently, I find that long holds, with slight fluctuations in tension, create the best results. But, I do not regret doing it once a week, since I see it as conditioning. Now, I do it every other day, sometimes every day, and after a week, take 2 - 3 days off. I notice a nice change after the little break.
I ,too, was being careful, and i had to patience to see what would happen if I did that routine. Now I know. Science.
My final opinion. take your time and condition. Try twice a week, or every 5 or 6 days in a short time.
try to build mass with the pc muscle....and don't think all you need is 8! Be a super duper pimp monster. Imagine 3 girls all moaning over your dick, and you in a trance like state, looking like a statue. All girls aren't like "oh he's too big for sex". Some can think beyond that.