The biggest thing that holds any man back from gaining is himself.
peforlife;497683 said:
YES- there is a slight swelling - dull pain, feels like dull warm sensation, I had a good erection last night and that seems ok-
Going through alot of stress /depression- and this dosen't seem to help,


Well, take it easy until you feel as though it has healed. The soreness is expected but swelling should not remain for more than a day. It sounds like you did strain yourself and are now on the road to healing. Having a good erection shows this fact.
anth1225;497690 said:
Some people won't believe no matter what and make themselves the ultimate judge in the things they disparrage.

I'm laughing my ass off how all knowing he is since I've worked my butt off and achieved, in my opinion, awesome gains over the years. Oh and my wife's opinion too! :D

Amen brother. I've only worked my ass off over months and I'm impressed. My wife however is ecstatic :) which I think is the real judge lol.
seattle_steve;497943 said:
My wife however is ecstatic :) which I think is the real judge lol.

A wife's words are as good as a new measurement!
anth1225;497690 said:
Some people won't believe no matter what and make themselves the ultimate judge in the things they disparrage.

I'm laughing my ass off how all knowing he is since I've worked my butt off and achieved, in my opinion, awesome gains over the years. Oh and my wife's opinion too! :D

Well , I thought about using these before obviously..or i wouldnt be here.. I spent countless hours researching the matter. i used google to extensivly look for the bad and the good..the bad was generally , simple they dont work at all and when you try to get your money back you might as well be dealing with a small chinese company .the good were always ..Lol My wife likes it,, yay.. gain3 inches in a week blah blah .. just so much obvious bullshit imo..However im starting some manual pe which is said to give results alot faster and more permanent..I dont believe this either but ill check back in 4-5 months ..If there are gains then ill eat my words apologize and try to keep it a secret lol..If no gains then ill do my best via youtube and every other method to educate people on all the tricks of the trade to get people to buy bogus product.. One thing i can say to you guys is i havnt tried it myself so i cant say for sure, but when you sit back and look at the big picture and pe treads saying it works and devices dont but then there whole thing is covered in advertisment for devices .. Is it not obvious the reps of these companies have 50 accounts and create the threads the way they want them seen.
Again ill report back afterawhile with results of pe.. starting 6.75 nbpel - 4.5 eg _ obviously im looking more for girth
phatg0nk;498359 said:
However im starting some manual pe which is said to give results alot faster and more permanent..I dont believe this either but ill check back in 4-5 months ..If there are gains then ill eat my words apologize and try to keep it a secret lol..If no gains then ill do my best via youtube and every other method to educate people on all the tricks of the trade to get people to buy bogus product.. One thing i can say to you guys is i havnt tried it myself so i cant say for sure, but when you sit back and look at the big picture and pe treads saying it works and devices dont but then there whole thing is covered in advertisment for devices .. Is it not obvious the reps of these companies have 50 accounts and create the threads the way they want them seen.
Again ill report back afterawhile with results of pe.. starting 6.75 nbpel - 4.5 eg _ obviously im looking more for girth

With your way of approaching Penis Enlargement you will not make gains, if you do not believe in what you are doing it is hard for it to come true. Take a more positive approach and the gains will come quickly. Now, lets say you did not make gains, do you think it is fair to the men who have made gains for you to discredit them? This whole approach is grounded in negativity and will more than likely end the same way.
doublelongdaddy;498492 said:
With your way of approaching Penis Enlargement you will not make gains, if you do not believe in what you are doing it is hard for it to come true. Take a more positive approach and the gains will come quickly. Now, lets say you did not make gains, do you think it is fair to the men who have made gains for you to discredit them? This whole approach is grounded in negativity and will more than likely end the same way.

dont believe in mythical believing, however i do believe if i follow the routines "proven" then it should work..I also believe we are all humans on this thread made of the same flesh and bones/tissue ect. so yeah - if i cant make gains then i believe im not decrediting people that have but rather my initial point of the post- wich was is being a high possibility for bs.
Dont get me wrong - i want it to work.. And to be honest can already say if nothing else there is one noticable change already in just 2 weeks. That is flaccid hang. While not everyday does it hold true , it seems that more often than not now, it doesnt quite go to the extreme point of flaccid as much as it did before which results in a better flaccid hang "looks wise any ways".. which i think is the only point of any one worrying about flaccid hang..If i get nothing more out of it then this, I would consider it worth it to me, but if i get gains neither then i would continue to do my best to let people know what to expect from these methods.. I really want to come back in 4-6 months and say look ive gained mayb .3 girth and i would go to the extreme to apologize. . My goals are not to much to ask for- im starting at 4.5 girth and want condoms not fall off.which at 5 inch gorth - i believe this wouldnt happen..If i was to obtain this goal im sure i would shoot for 5.25 and be super happy. If i was to end up at 4.9 .. I would still be extremly happy.Because my main goal is to not have to buy small condoms.At 4.5 i actually wear normal ones, but have to becareful too much.. Lil things can cause slippage fast and hamper some sexual activity.
phatg0nk;498768 said:
dont believe in mythical believing, however i do believe if i follow the routines "proven" then it should work..I also believe we are all humans on this thread made of the same flesh and bones/tissue ect. so yeah - if i cant make gains then i believe im not decrediting people that have but rather my initial point of the post- wich was is being a high possibility for bs.
Dont get me wrong - i want it to work.. And to be honest can already say if nothing else there is one noticable change already in just 2 weeks. That is flaccid hang. While not everyday does it hold true , it seems that more often than not now, it doesnt quite go to the extreme point of flaccid as much as it did before which results in a better flaccid hang "looks wise any ways".. which i think is the only point of any one worrying about flaccid hang..If i get nothing more out of it then this, I would consider it worth it to me, but if i get gains neither then i would continue to do my best to let people know what to expect from these methods.. I really want to come back in 4-6 months and say look ive gained mayb .3 girth and i would go to the extreme to apologize. . My goals are not to much to ask for- im starting at 4.5 girth and want condoms not fall off.which at 5 inch gorth - i believe this wouldnt happen..If i was to obtain this goal im sure i would shoot for 5.25 and be super happy. If i was to end up at 4.9 .. I would still be extremly happy.Because my main goal is to not have to buy small condoms.At 4.5 i actually wear normal ones, but have to becareful too much.. Lil things can cause slippage fast and hamper some sexual activity.

I think if you want more girth you should really start believing . I've not been in pe for long but have seen benefits and even with a fairly non consistent routine . I've hit a few hurdles along the way and had some set backs but have seen enough to believe . Do yourself a favor and buy a Bathmate . If you want girth that bad what have you got to loose ? A few hundred bucks ? Doesn't seem like that much if you really want a fatter dick . If it doesn't work then at least you tried and didn't just complain . And I can tell you now its worth it even just for the temp expansion . It feels great . Only used for four days and love it . I have to take a week off but I'm champing at the bit to get back !!!!!!! It honestly feels like your holding somone else's dick after you pump . And my flaccid hang is better after only four days of use and still looking good after two day break now . For me $169 well spent . I could understand not wanting to spend thousands but you just don't need to .
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The colonel;498873 said:
I think if you want more girth you should really start believing . I've not been in pe for long but have seen benefits and even with a fairly non consistent routine . I've hit a few hurdles along the way and had some set backs but have seen enough to believe . Do yourself a favor and buy a Bathmate . If you want girth that bad what have you got to loose ? A few hundred bucks ? Doesn't seem like that much if you really want a fatter dick . If it doesn't work then at least you tried and didn't just complain . And I can tell you now its worth it even just for the temp expansion . It feels great . Only used for four days and love it . I have to take a week off but I'm champing at the bit to get back !!!!!!! It honestly feels like your holding somone else's dick after you pump . And my flaccid hang is better after only four days of use and still looking good after two day break now . For me $169 well spent . I could understand not wanting to spend thousands but you just don't need to .

He already said he was not into mythical thinking and MOS is indeed mystical:)
The colonel;498873 said:
I think if you want more girth you should really start believing . I've not been in pe for long but have seen benefits and even with a fairly non consistent routine . I've hit a few hurdles along the way and had some set backs but have seen enough to believe . Do yourself a favor and buy a Bathmate . If you want girth that bad what have you got to loose ? A few hundred bucks ? Doesn't seem like that much if you really want a fatter dick . If it doesn't work then at least you tried and didn't just complain . And I can tell you now its worth it even just for the temp expansion . It feels great . Only used for four days and love it . I have to take a week off but I'm champing at the bit to get back !!!!!!! It honestly feels like your holding somone else's dick after you pump . And my flaccid hang is better after only four days of use and still looking good after two day break now . For me $169 well spent . I could understand not wanting to spend thousands but you just don't need to .

Just way too many reviews out there saying it does nothing permanent. and most of them say it does nothing temporary even-outside the pump..All reviews ive read from credible sources say the second you pull your penis out it shrink to normal in seconds.. the same as just squeezing the base and letting it go..On top of that way to many people said the dont honor there warranty and not only that but 75 percent of the people cant even get it to seal or work. Like i said , ill stick with pe for awhile..Now i havnt measured any time in the last week, until last night, and ive been working on girth, but i may have seen somthing crazy last night.which was a 3/8" gain in length. I dont want to call it a gain yet because i still believe i had an abormally hard erection. but it gave me a wierd feeling last night. Because i was measuring every day then said fuck it and didnt measure for awhile till last night and was like bam.But i dont want to get carried away yet till i check it again over a few nights..
And more importantly i literally didnt want to gain length but dont have a problem with , starting at 7 i didnt want to go any longer because its just going to make my kinda smaller girth at 4.5 look thinner.. If this does start to show that it works. then mayb i would consider a pump- but bad customer service is the number one thing to keep from trying a product no matter what the price is..So idk about Bathmate. i also have a curve that i think is natural but not sure..It be nice to make it a hair more straight if possible..
phatg0nk;498984 said:
Just way too many reviews out there saying it does nothing permanent. and most of them say it does nothing temporary even-outside the pump..All reviews ive read from credible sources say the second you pull your penis out it shrink to normal in seconds.. the same as just squeezing the base and letting it go..

LOL that's crazy.

After I use the Bathmate I'm a half inch thicker for a few hours and noticeably thicker until the next day.

Somebody is doing something very wrong to have it shrink to normal in seconds.
^ I agree completely.
I've had a 1.5" temporary girth (which lasted 10 hours) by tying off after a session and keep tied for the night. (not recommended)
Even without tying off my pecker could get over a half inch bigger with an erection after pumping. Search for dan clizers "encouragement" thread or some basic Bathmate routines or my progress thread, there is a post of my two pumping routines in it, which gave me permanent girth gains (haven't pumped since april, still have the extra girth)
That's the great thing about Bathmate as you get an instant preview. I tried it before sex and girls really feel that extra half inch of girth, there's no doubt it works.

My gains have been slow but definitely worth it. The thing is for most of us this is going to be a long term endeavor.

In a year you could have that extra inch or you can not have it, I figure I'll be around anyway so I may as well do what I can.
My gains have been slow but definitely worth it. The thing is for most of us this is going to be a long term endeavor.

In a year you could have that extra inch or you can not have it, I figure I'll be around anyway so I may as well do what I can.[/QUOTE]

The colonel;499038 said:
In a year you could have that extra inch or you can not have it

Choice is yours
To understand what your penis is going through you should start working out. When I hit the benchpress my chest, shoulders, back, n triceps are noticably bigger. My abs are tighter and everythng. After a few hours im back to normal. Now if i have been doing my same routine on the bench fo 2 weeks wit lil to no days off my size is nice and I can feel the difference the entire day and can get away with a day off or two and have the same results as if I had been benching still. Once I take a break fo a week or something thn i go back to normal... Should I get discouraged??? No, I might look in the mirror and take pictures and realize that im not as pumped as I would be as opposed to if I had worked out right before taking pictures. Should I get discouraged? No, I dont want to be Big. I hav a goal of 270lbs, 3 sets, 10 reps, no spotter. I hate measuring. My goal is whst the muscle does... Not focusing on what it looks like and having a goal like that makes working out to me better. Penis Enlargement is the same way for me. I dont measure anymore. I let Penis Enlargement help with my sexual stamina, endurance, and skill. Focusing on being better and not bigger. Think of the other benefits of Penis Enlargement. I fuck for hours, my dick stays harder longer, and I understand my body more so my orgasms are well controled. They cant get enough of it. So because my focus is else where other thn size. Time goes by much faster since im not worryin about inches. After months of focusing on what the muscle and tissue does and trying to strengthen it, u will notice a change when u least expect it. I have gained in size from Penis Enlargement just like I did from my workouts. It wasnt weeks or months but im looking good. Quality vs quantity. 12 inches of jello will never out do a 3 inch blade... You will get what your looking for once you hav conditioned your penis for proper growth. Til then... Focus on making it stronger and well conditioned because you never know... Your girl might leave your brand new 10 for my 8 if you dont get that other shit under control champ! ; -) ha ha. Oh, I went from 7 - 8 inches in length and 5- 5.5 inches in girth. Bathmate as warm up, Leech oil, jelging, x4 extender, and clamping in that order daily if possible. I wish u the best!
You don't need anything other than the Bathmate !!!! I was stuck on 170 for almost a month and a 1/2 and just last week I hit 183 !!!! You will grow just give it time and don't get discouraged!!! :)
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