
Sep 2, 2010
i've had the Bathmate since the start of november now and i have still had zero gains in length or girth.

the temporary gains are huge as i go from 5.2 EG to 6.5 EG but most of that is probably fluid retention. if i dont use the Bathmate for over one day, my girth shrinks back to 5.2

i use it twice a day, once in the noon and once at night, for about 15-20 minutes each, these temporary gains last for about an hour, and the fluid retention stays for5-6 hours.

another question i had was should i not use Bathmate if there is still fluid retention? or is it okay to continue to the session?

has anyone here made gains from Bathmate alone?? any help would be appreciated
enigmabk;409654 said:
i've had the Bathmate since the start of november now and i have still had zero gains in length or girth.

the temporary gains are huge as i go from 5.2 EG to 6.5 EG but most of that is probably fluid retention. if i dont use the Bathmate for over one day, my girth shrinks back to 5.2

i use it twice a day, once in the noon and once at night, for about 15-20 minutes each, these temporary gains last for about an hour, and the fluid retention stays for5-6 hours.

another question i had was should i not use Bathmate if there is still fluid retention? or is it okay to continue to the session?

has anyone here made gains from Bathmate alone?? any help would be appreciated

To minimize FR, I suggest jelqing before using the Bathmate. DLD suggest DLD Bathmate Girth Blasters to help relieve FR as well. One last thing you could do is use the Bathmate less and build up the time and intensity. Start off with 2 x 10 minute sessions. I jelq 300-600 times with warm up of 10 minutes in the Bathmate and pump very strongly, and now I have no FR at all.

No growth could be from over training. If you're just using the Bathmate exclusively 2x per day (which is what I first did) and if you're not doing Penis Enlargement to supplement it, it's too much. Once your penis is conditioned to being in the Bathmate, you'll feel an incredible pump WITHOUT getting the FR. You may also need to pump harder. The gains won't come if you're not consistently going past a "comfort zone" as you'll just be maintaining what you have. FR will get in the way of making more gains as your skin is receiving more of the pump, not inside which is where the growth occurs.

If you want more information or experiences on a regular basis, you can follow my Bathmate experience thread. Good luck and it DOES work. It took me a good several weeks to get used to using the Bathmate and learning how to position it comfortably and pump strongly. You have to increase your threshold as well and track your length inside the Bathmate.

Are you gaining in length while using it? If not then you need to pump harder or do some stretches before. If you haven't received measurable gains outside the Bathmate but have inside, then you just need to use it more.
J1L;409661 said:
To minimize FR, I suggest jelqing before using the Bathmate. DLD suggest DLD Bathmate Girth Blasters to help relieve FR as well. One last thing you could do is use the Bathmate less and build up the time and intensity. Start off with 2 x 10 minute sessions. I jelq 300-600 times with warm up of 10 minutes in the Bathmate and pump very strongly, and now I have no FR at all.

No growth could be from over training. If you're just using the Bathmate exclusively 2x per day (which is what I first did) and if you're not doing Penis Enlargement to supplement it, it's too much. Once your penis is conditioned to being in the Bathmate, you'll feel an incredible pump WITHOUT getting the FR. You may also need to pump harder. The gains won't come if you're not consistently going past a "comfort zone" as you'll just be maintaining what you have. FR will get in the way of making more gains as your skin is receiving more of the pump, not inside which is where the growth occurs.

If you want more information or experiences on a regular basis, you can follow my Bathmate experience thread. Good luck and it DOES work. It took me a good several weeks to get used to using the Bathmate and learning how to position it comfortably and pump strongly. You have to increase your threshold as well and track your length inside the Bathmate.

Are you gaining in length while using it? If not then you need to pump harder or do some stretches before. If you haven't received measurable gains outside the Bathmate but have inside, then you just need to use it more.

^^^^ Excellent Post ^^^^
enigmabk hang in there I think like it has been said it is time to add more exercises into your Penis Enlargement adventure as the Bathmate will focus more on your girth than length. Not sure of your prior experience in Penis Enlargement but differently time to add some more exercises into the mix.
thanks J1L,with regular jelqs though i still seem to get fluid retention. so in conclusion you are saying that the Bathmate alone isnt a valid Penis Enlargement routine? i was hoping to get by wit it alone because stretches and jelqs are less convenient in terms of time, also when i pump, i go as hard as i can, till it almost hurts. i have gained length only inside of it but not outside, my EL is still the same. my flaccid hang seems to be SLIGHTly longer though, maybe just 1 cm

for the first 2 weeks of having the Bathmate i also did 1 x 20 minute session a day and i bumped it up to 2x when i didn't see any changes

@islandboy yeah i think it would be better to incorporate other exercises, at least stretches and some form of hanging? it is possible to gain girth and length right?
Yes stretches are good they help by hitting it from another angle as the stretches are more for length and jelq's and Bathmate will hit it from a girth workout angle. Have to remember to have some time for your body to heal in between each workout, just as important as the workout. Take a look at DLD first routine in Newbie section.
I actually used to do the newbie routine before the Bathmates but had no gains from those either, except a slight increase in flaccid hang, how much do you rest inbetween in terms of days?
enigmabk;409772 said:
I actually used to do the newbie routine before the Bathmates but had no gains from those either, except a slight increase in flaccid hang, how much do you rest inbetween in terms of days?

I suggest combining the pumping with the exercises. So if you are doing the Newbie Routine break up the jelqing like this:

5 Minutes Jelqing
5 Minutes Pumping

This will really step up the expansion and bring gains faster.
i was also curious about post-Bathmate, do you take do anything at the total end of the session? cock rings etc?

and does it really matter if i go in erect or non erect? the size gets to the same point regardless right?
enigmabk;409780 said:
i was also curious about post-Bathmate, do you take do anything at the total end of the session? cock rings etc?

and does it really matter if i go in erect or non erect? the size gets to the same point regardless right?

Many guys are either clamping or wearing a cock ring after the session. I personally enjoy going in erect and after the first minute or so I become semi-erect, this is best in my opinion. Starting soft for me takes too long to get to a good pressure.
enigmabk;409722 said:
thanks J1L,with regular jelqs though i still seem to get fluid retention. so in conclusion you are saying that the Bathmate alone isnt a valid Penis Enlargement routine? i was hoping to get by wit it alone because stretches and jelqs are less convenient in terms of time, also when i pump, i go as hard as i can, till it almost hurts. i have gained length only inside of it but not outside, my EL is still the same. my flaccid hang seems to be SLIGHTly longer though, maybe just 1 cm
Bathmate alone is a valid routine, but everyones body will react differently. Some people gain inches, some people gain just a cm. You can use the Bathmate exclusively, it'll just take longer to gain. A 1 cm gain is still a gain, it's over 25% to an inch! It may just take time to cement that gain which means you have to keep consistent. DLDs suggestion of doing 5min Bathmate and 5min jelqs should help you on your way to making gains.

Doing Penis Enlargement requires learning about your own body and practicing to do what works best for you. That takes time and effort and there's no easy or quick path. You will gain, just try out some other routines. If you're not making gains one way, try another until something starts to work for your body. I noticed you've only had the Bathmate for less than 2 months... I would keep going for 6 months and check back then.

Also make sure you get enough sleep, have a good diet and exercise and drink plenty of water. All of those things will contribute to gains.
J1L;409790 said:
Bathmate alone is a valid routine, but everyones body will react differently. Some people gain inches, some people gain just a cm. You can use the Bathmate exclusively, it'll just take longer to gain. A 1 cm gain is still a gain, it's over 25% to an inch! It may just take time to cement that gain which means you have to keep consistent. DLDs suggestion of doing 5min Bathmate and 5min jelqs should help you on your way to making gains.

Doing Penis Enlargement requires learning about your own body and practicing to do what works best for you. That takes time and effort and there's no easy or quick path. You will gain, just try out some other routines. If you're not making gains one way, try another until something starts to work for your body. I noticed you've only had the Bathmate for less than 2 months... I would keep going for 6 months and check back then.

Also make sure you get enough sleep, have a good diet and exercise and drink plenty of water. All of those things will contribute to gains.

Another great post, thank you!
enigmabk;409772 said:
I actually used to do the newbie routine before the Bathmates but had no gains from those either, except a slight increase in flaccid hang, how much do you rest inbetween in terms of days?

Hello enigmabk sorry i was pretty vague in the rest time from your workouts and like DLD said I too try not to take any breaks on a daily basis. I noticed in for early post you have been doing the Bathmate workout twice a day and that is the point I was talking about sorry for leaving you hanging in my comment. I usually workout twice a day as well just I break it out to length exercises in the am and girth exercises in the pm I would suggest getting into a routine of separating your length and girth by the am and pm workouts for penis recovery and arm recover if you are doing manual exercises. So the break time is approx 24 hours from each length / girth workouts. Overall health will improve your results as well not sure if you are exercising the rest of your body outside of Penis Enlargement workouts, it really is a total body improvement your are starting on here. From eating better quality foods to feed you on a cellular level, general exercising program to keep the rest of body in shape and this will assure good blood flow throughout the rest of your body systems. And the metal edge of your total body progressing in a health state, it becomes a snow ball effect of self-confidence boosting to where you and your body look forward to each and ever workout. Hang in there good things are just around the corner for you...
Thank you DLD and Island boy. I think i will be doing that, splitting my length routine in the day and girth routine at night ( im a night showered anyways, which is when i use the Bathmate). I am planning to do stretches and a 10 minute Bathmate session in the AM and jelqs and a 10 minute Bathmate session int he PM. Does that sound like a decent routine? and in terms of whole health I'm very health conscious and lift weights regularly. I actually had a theory on flaccid size and muscularity. I always figured the more muscle a guy has the more blood he needs to have circulating through his body, leaving less for his penis. Do you think this affects flaccid size or Penis Enlargement in any way? Thank you
Another benefit with the split daily workout is to visualize your workout before your start your next workout, see it, believe it, and achieve it. As to your theory I believe your body will work to maintain a balance of blood capacity in proportion to your body frame. Exercise helps for a healthy bloodflow throughout your body espically your lower body.

I think one’s flaccid size has a starting point pre-Penis Enlargement but after you start down your personal journey of Penis Enlargement. I believe the overall goal is to place stress upon your penis to force it to adapt which means grow into a new you. Increase flaccid size does come in time as you keep at it. Workout consistence is a key so plan your routine to be honest to what you can do on a regular basis. In time you will see what exercises you respound to better then others.
Thank you everyone for all your input!. i combined the SSJs with the Bathmate like you said DLD and the results were fantastic. I did 15 minutes of SSJ followed by 10 minutes of Bathmate and 15 more minutes of SSJ, and ill either do 1 or 2 of them a day. all i gotta say is that it helped with the fluid retention a lot. by the end of my workout today i was at 6.5 inch girth with zero fluid buildup, it was a veiny looking beast! thank you everybody!

one question i had was when you guys do the SSJ's how long do you press your head down and keep it bent? ive been just holding it down for a couple seconds until i feel the pressure is gone then i'll kegel and redo it. is that fine?
To all people considering doing pe.. Please take note that all the natural penis enlargement methods that " work" have great websites like MoS ThunderPlace Penis Enlargement gym ect.. All these sights are flooded with penis enlargement tools that have been proven to lead to no gains and proven to over time cause your penis to no longer function properly..Se the trend.. flooded with advertisments for easier ways to increase speed over tons of post saying it will be a long haul.Not to mention when click there link to buy it - they make money of the fools that do it..
Thank you and have a nice day

Actually i would like to add that i have not been convinced that pe cant give you a very very small gain, and most certaintly better erection quality- however the point of these sights imo is a new gimmick to bring the reputation of penis pumps ect back in the realm of reasonable purchase- which they are far from.
phatg0nk;497609 said:
To all people considering doing pe.. Please take note that all the natural penis enlargement methods that " work" have great websites like MoS ThunderPlace Penis Enlargement gym ect.. All these sights are flooded with penis enlargement tools that have been proven to lead to no gains and proven to over time cause your penis to no longer function properly..Se the trend.. flooded with advertisments for easier ways to increase speed over tons of post saying it will be a long haul.Not to mention when click there link to buy it - they make money of the fools that do it..
Thank you and have a nice day

Actually i would like to add that i have not been convinced that pe cant give you a very very small gain, and most certaintly better erection quality- however the point of these sights imo is a new gimmick to bring the reputation of penis pumps ect back in the realm of reasonable purchase- which they are far from.

I respect your opinion but by posting this you are calling a lot of men liars who are making incredible gains using devices (particularly the Bathmate and SizeGenetics) Mind you, neither of these methods are a softer easier way, they require just as much effort as a manual routine. I agree that there are devices that are a waste of money but the devices you find on MOS have been approved by the members.
Some people won't believe no matter what and make themselves the ultimate judge in the things they disparrage.

I'm laughing my ass off how all knowing he is since I've worked my butt off and achieved, in my opinion, awesome gains over the years. Oh and my wife's opinion too! :D
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