Thanks, pal. Go with your gut on whichever works best for you following the stretches. It's so much about trial and error, isn't it? I can't speak about hanging because I've never done it.

I would definitely split the sessions, that is, jelqing and stretching, into a.m and p.m. sessions. Edging always seemed to work better for me after stretching.

I'd pay close attention to how my penis reacts throughout the day after these sessions. If you're not somewhat "pumped," then you're probably overdoing it. That's been my experience as of late.

goinfor11x7 said:
Thanks, pal. Go with your gut on whichever works best for you following the stretches. It's so much about trial and error, isn't it? I can't speak about hanging because I've never done it.

I would definitely split the sessions, that is, jelqing and stretching, into a.m and p.m. sessions. Edging always seemed to work better for me after stretching.

I'd pay close attention to how my penis reacts throughout the day after these sessions. If you're not somewhat "pumped," then you're probably overdoing it. That's been my experience as of late.


Cheers again. All your help is much appreciated mate, thanks!

Im just worried that if i start a routine, like i did do, and do it for 5months again and not see any increase in size, bit scared coz i dont wana put all hard work in again with nothing to show at the end of it!

Did u say you do split stretching routine AM - Manual stretches - edge PM - Manual stretches - edge?

I will do split then, gives me more time to do my Uni work then as well. Ill alternate it with stretching, jelq, edgeing and ill try get 1 hour of hanging in as well, think that should be enough.

If you overdo it, will this have a negative effect on gains? When you said before "If you're not somewhat "pumped," then you're probably overdoing it." Do you mean if im not pumped after it, ive not trained hard enough, and i should be pumped!!!??

Thanks 11x7
now that nob rot has gone, any final thoughts of plan of routine to take?

The asshole. He could have at least spelled girlfriend correctly!!! �other forum� would have banned him based on his spelling.

LOl, loll, lol!!!
My point was you may have trained too hard. It's a fine balance between overtraining and not giving it enough. I think a good comparison can be made here between overtraining the other parts of your body and not stressing it enough. I find if I stretch so hard that my dick is a limp biscuit for the day, then I've overdone it. I lap swim. If I'm doing sprints, then I don't do long distance cardio and visa versa. I know the next day whether I've done too much. Granted, I'm much older than you, but I think it works the same for all ages in this regard.

I know when I've done the right amount time-wise and intensity because my dick is flushed with blood throughout the day following the workout, whether it's morning or evening.

My gut feeling with you, Bulc, is that you may have overtrained. However, you won't lose anything by overtraining. You just won't gain.

Final thought: I usually know when I'm gaining even if it doesn't show up in a measurement. The volume increase tells the tale. It just feels heavier. If you experience this, then I'd stick with whatever routine I was following.

Good luck with your new routine, whatever you decide to follow, pal.

goinfor11x7 said:
My point was you may have trained too hard. It's a fine balance between overtraining and not giving it enough. I think a good comparison can be made here between overtraining the other parts of your body and not stressing it enough. I find if I stretch so hard that my dick is a limp biscuit for the day, then I've overdone it. I lap swim. If I'm doing sprints, then I don't do long distance cardio and visa versa. I know the next day whether I've done too much. Granted, I'm much older than you, but I think it works the same for all ages in this regard.

I know when I've done the right amount time-wise and intensity because my dick is flushed with blood throughout the day following the workout, whether it's morning or evening.

My gut feeling with you, Bulc, is that you may have overtrained. However, you won't lose anything by overtraining. You just won't gain.

Final thought: I usually know when I'm gaining even if it doesn't show up in a measurement. The volume increase tells the tale. It just feels heavier. If you experience this, then I'd stick with whatever routine I was following.

Good luck with your new routine, whatever you decide to follow, pal.


Sorry for being a pain in the ass mate, all your help and advice has really helped me! and i want to thank you!!! Top guy. I think i may have been over doing it, because every oportunity i got to Penis Enlargement I would!!! So AM and PM routine from now on!

thanks for all ur help!!!
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