Welp, I'm hooked.

So I did a set of manuals before extension, 2.5 hours extension, set of manuals, gym, now about to do another set of manuals.

I like the pace of this for learning. Feels less intimidating knowing I can kind of spread it out over the day. I'll adjust the timing of them after a week or two once I'm really comfortable with the manual stuff. Is the goal to also work up the amount of sets I do at a time?

For instance, while I'm learning these stretches, I'm just doing 1 set in all directions and then the rotary crank to top it off.

Will I eventually work up to 2 sets, then 3, etc. etc. in succession back to back?

I don't want to overdo it at the start, obviously, as I already learned that lesson going to hard with the extender. But I do love the way these bundled stretches feel so I want to work them in as much as I can *safely*.

Thanks again for your help!
With manuals, you don't necessarily have to work up to a certain number of reps or sets. Again, you go by feel. If you are comfortable at any given moment to increase the tension slightly, or to stretch a little bit longer, or if you feel like you could profit from doing an extra set at a particular angle, then do it.

You will feel the increasing intensity of the stretch with more reps. Some would describe it feeling good. But at some point, your body will warn you if you are about to go too far. The stretch will start feeling sharp, like it could possibly tear. At that point, you really have to pay attention. Do your reps, but with less force, until you feel like you have completely exhausted the tissues from all angles.

Regarding sets, you can increase them slowly if you want, but what is most important is fatigue in the target tissues. There were times where I was "supposed to do" three sets of each, but could only do 2 because my tissues were completely exhausted and my body was telling me to call it quits. You see? So I stopped.

So, I would do a quick warm up of manuals first thing in the morning, followed by extending, followed by your MAIN stretching routine for the day. For me, on average, my stretching routine lasted a good 30 to 40 minutes. After that, I would do 5-10 minutes sessions throughout the day (every 4 hours or so) to keep things loose.

The problem with pumping and girth work in general is that it sometimes interferes with your manual routine due to discomfort caused by edema. I do not want to tell you what to do, but if you are having this issue, it is probably best to do lighter girth work so that it doesn't affect your length work.

Maybe the LengthMaster - Penis Bundle Stretcher & Weight Hanging solves this problem, I do not know. Someone will answer that.

But keep experimenting, and if you have any questions, we would be happy to help.
With manuals, you don't necessarily have to work up to a certain number of reps or sets. Again, you go by feel. If you are comfortable at any given moment to increase the tension slightly, or to stretch a little bit longer, or if you feel like you could profit from doing an extra set at a particular angle, then do it.

You will feel the increasing intensity of the stretch with more reps. Some would describe it feeling good. But at some point, your body will warn you if you are about to go too far. The stretch will start feeling sharp, like it could possibly tear. At that point, you really have to pay attention. Do your reps, but with less force, until you feel like you have completely exhausted the tissues from all angles.

Regarding sets, you can increase them slowly if you want, but what is most important is fatigue in the target tissues. There were times where I was "supposed to do" three sets of each, but could only do 2 because my tissues were completely exhausted and my body was telling me to call it quits. You see? So I stopped.

So, I would do a quick warm up of manuals first thing in the morning, followed by extending, followed by your MAIN stretching routine for the day. For me, on average, my stretching routine lasted a good 30 to 40 minutes. After that, I would do 5-10 minutes sessions throughout the day (every 4 hours or so) to keep things loose.

The problem with pumping and girth work in general is that it sometimes interferes with your manual routine due to discomfort caused by edema. I do not want to tell you what to do, but if you are having this issue, it is probably best to do lighter girth work so that it doesn't affect your length work.

Maybe the lengthmaster solves this problem, I do not know. Someone will answer that.

But keep experimenting, and if you have any questions, we would be happy to help.
I like that idea. That 1 hour of wrap time before the gym is a perfect place to put all the manual stretches together.

I'm going to try repeating the same schedule tomorrow and see how I feel. To be honest, it might be a bit too much considering just how tired my penis feels after a single day. No sharp pain, but just like a dull ache from the base to tip. The stretches most certainly added a whole new level to this.

The weekend is all about recovery of my whole body after 5 days in the gym (and of strict PE now!), so I'm just going to do some short extender work and manually stretch it out for a minute or two every hour. I do love the way the wrap feels. That slight pressure and the way it hangs is very comfy, but its not going to be feasible to do for an extended amount of time adjusting every 20 minutes as summer approaches and it's pool/cookout season and other events outside. If my penis is super exhausted/sore after tomorrow, I'll probably do a super short stretch in the morning, then after first extender session, do 2 sets of bundled and that will be it for a while (so 1 less total set, but group the 2 together to begin the habit of building a full manual only session). Perhaps stretching again after the second traction session is a bit too much too fast.

Either way, super excited to actually feel that soreness. It's what I always assumed you must feel if there is anything happening, so much appreciated again!

EDIT: Oh, and yes, totally agree with the pumping. I took it easier tonight because of the new found soreness but still hit the same mark as if I pumped to the extreme, so it was definitely stretched out very well. No way I'm going to be able to do anything after pumping for the time being, so I think ending the day with it is the best play to make sure I get both length and girth work in 5 days a week. As time moves on, maybe I switch up the order depending on how the girth is growing. First goal is certainly length focused, so I'll keep that in mind if it gets to a point where the pump is leading to being too sore by the end of the week to get all the length stuff in.
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Quick update:

I think I've finally found my beginner routine I plan to run for the next several months.

Wake up, light manual stretching to warm up.
90 minutes traction
20 minute wrap (I do this because I was getting some chaffing going straight into the manuals after traction, this 20 minutes seems to be enough to let my skin relax and prevent it from being agitated)
Manual Routine which includes:
5 minutes Beginner Stretch Routine - 1 minute left, right, down, center, belly button
5 minutes Beginner Stretches with wooden handle - 1 minute left, right, down, up, end with rotary stretch
4 minutes bundled left and right, rotating opposite directions for both "sets" of left to right, 1 minute each
90 minutes traction
Gym (PE rest)
60 minutes traction
3 x 5 minute sessions Bathmate w/kegal work (monday through friday)
30 minutes cock ring
Rest of evening combo of wrapping/light manual stretch each hour until bed time.

Structuring it this way now allows me to get my 4 hours of traction per day (this is what multiple studies around traction work indicated was a critical amount of time to hit for maximum gains in their sample size) but also allows me to get some manual work and practice in.

It also allows me to keep my penis in some sort of expanded state, whether from stretching or pumping, for about 12 hours a day, so I feel confident I'll see some results over the next 4 months. Come June, I'll take some measurements and increase intensity or frequency (or both!) from there.

Thank you, everyone, for your input and recommendations! You guys are amazing.

Random Question - What is the longest amount of time you've been able to run a routine before hitting a plateau?
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Random Question - What is the longest amount of time you've been able to run a routine before hitting a plateau?
i've been gaining on my routine for almost 15 years and only did minor changes. i never had any device until the end of 2023 where i bought my first pump. i truly believe that the only thing that matters in the long run is time under tension. you may feel that you're locked in some kind of plateau now and then because you just didn't hit the amount of time under tension to unlock another plastic deformation yet. that said i'd chose bundled stretch variations over the straight ones big time. implement some manding0 stretch variations as soon as you feel your dick and pelvic floor can handle it. continue with the pumping and maybe add some isolated compression squeezes for girth. to be honest, that's all you need to grow.

ps: solid routine you got there mate! i'd cut back on the traction time and increase the amount for manual stretches, but that's just me. i'm a big fan of manual stretching, because you can deeply focus on your breathing and learn how to release the tension in your pelvic floor by doing reverse kegels. you may have noticed everytime you pull on your dick your pelvic floor is trying to hold it back. this is also very important whilst pumping. always do reverse kegels when the pump is sucking in your dick. keep it up fella, you're doing a great job!
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Quick update:

I think I've finally found my beginner routine I plan to run for the next several months.

Wake up, light manual stretching to warm up.
90 minutes traction
20 minute wrap (I do this because I was getting some chaffing going straight into the manuals after traction, this 20 minutes seems to be enough to let my skin relax and prevent it from being agitated)
Manual Routine which includes:
5 minutes Beginner Stretch Routine - 1 minute left, right, down, center, belly button
5 minutes Beginner Stretches with wooden handle - 1 minute left, right, down, up, end with rotary stretch
4 minutes bundled left and right, rotating opposite directions for both "sets" of left to right, 1 minute each
90 minutes traction
Gym (PE rest)
60 minutes traction
3 x 5 minute sessions Bathmate w/kegal work (monday through friday)
30 minutes cock ring
Rest of evening combo of wrapping/light manual stretch each hour until bed time.

Structuring it this way now allows me to get my 4 hours of traction per day (this is what multiple studies around traction work indicated was a critical amount of time to hit for maximum gains in their sample size) but also allows me to get some manual work and practice in.

It also allows me to keep my penis in some sort of expanded state, whether from stretching or pumping, for about 12 hours a day, so I feel confident I'll see some results over the next 4 months. Come June, I'll take some measurements and increase intensity or frequency (or both!) from there.

Thank you, everyone, for your input and recommendations! You guys are amazing.

Random Question - What is the longest amount of time you've been able to run a routine before hitting a plateau?

I would say about 6 months until I increase the intensity or add exercise.
i've been gaining on my routine for almost 15 years and only did minor changes. i never had any device until the end of 2023 where i bought my first pump. i truly believe that the only thing that matters in the long run is time under tension. you may feel that you're locked in some kind of plateau now and then because you just didn't hit the amount of time under tension to unlock another plastic deformation yet. that said i'd chose bundled stretch variations over the straight ones big time. implement some manding0 stretch variations as soon as you feel your dick and pelvic floor can handle it. continue with the pumping and maybe add some isolated compression squeezes for girth. to be honest, that's all you need to grow.

ps: solid routine you got there mate! i'd cut back on the traction time and increase the amount for manual stretches, but that's just me. i'm a big fan of manual stretching, because you can deeply focus on your breathing and learn how to release the tension in your pelvic floor by doing reverse kegels. you may have noticed everytime you pull on your dick your pelvic floor is trying to hold it back. this is also very important whilst pumping. always do reverse kegels when the pump is sucking in your dick. keep it up fella, you're doing a great job!
Ohhh reverse kegel? So when pumping, I'm assuming the reverse of stopping your urine stream would be pushing like I'm trying to pee, then? Is this something that should held as long as possible or just quick bursts (or both like kegels)?
I would say about 6 months until I increase the intensity or add exercise.
Perfect! That's kind of what I was thinking. I started pumping in January so June would be right at that 6 months. Thanks DLD!
Perfect! That's kind of what I was thinking. I started pumping in January so June would be right at that 6 months. Thanks DLD!
No problem my brother
Ohhh reverse kegel? So when pumping, I'm assuming the reverse of stopping your urine stream would be pushing like I'm trying to pee, then? Is this something that should held as long as possible or just quick bursts (or both like kegels)?
exactly! DLD wrote in his SRT - Suppressed-Restricted-Transposition Theory thread:

"When you do a normal Kegel you are squeezing, this is a total "hold back" of the suspensory ligaments. If you do it when you are erect and naked, if you have a strong PC muscle, you can bounce your penis by flexing this muscle. When you are peeing and you stop yourself midway through the contraction of a squeeze of the PC muscles you can stop the flow of urine, this, too, is a kegel. A reverse kegel is the complete opposite.The reverse kegel would be the pushing, or total “unflex” of the Pelvic Floor muscles. Amazingly, when you learn how to do the Reverse Kegel, you have learned part of what changed penis enlargement and allowed it to stand toe to toe with the medical world version, surgery. When the Reverse Kegel is being performed, the suspensory ligaments are bypassed and the user can effectively stretch the penis with no interference. It is also a very common reflex for some men to kegel out of fear when stretching , a kind of defend mechanism. When you learn the Reverse Kegel when stretching you will see much faster length gains."

understanding and mastering the pelvic floor is essential and overlooked by too many. tension and relaxation should balance each other out. if you do 100 normal kegels, do at least 100 reverse kegels. whenever something is pulling your dick away from your body, be it through manual stretches, pumping or wearing a traction device, do reverse kegels. there is no need to hold it for the entire stretch, but breathe into the stretch as often as you can. deep lower belly breathing will always result in a reverse kegel, that's why it's so healthy in many ways. i personally would stay away from normal kegels whilst in a stretched position. putting stress on the ligaments from both ends just makes no sense to me at all. @DLD what's your take on that?
i wish you the best of luck. im currently trying to figure out how to live the rest of my life without a penis due to this stuff. you have no idea the mental/physical devastation youre playing with. Just a warning. I wish somebody had warned me sooner. id have never risked this had i known what was possible.
i wish you the best of luck. im currently trying to figure out how to live the rest of my life without a penis due to this stuff. you have no idea the mental/physical devastation youre playing with. Just a warning. I wish somebody had warned me sooner. id have never risked this had i known what was possible.
dude, i just read your thread. i've been where you are right now several times in my life. calm down and stop freaking out. you're not fucked up, everything will be fine. study THIS thread religiously and follow the treatment program. message me afterwards if you still have questions left.
dude, i just read your thread. i've been where you are right now several times in my life. calm down and stop freaking out. you're not fucked up, everything will be fine. study THIS thread religiously and follow the treatment program. message me afterwards if you still have questions left.
i really really hope youre right. but its just a fair warning. nothing more. even if i do recover, it wasnt worth the 7 months of hell ive been through already. ive read that article months ago and tried and tried to follow it, and believe that may be what im going through. but never got anywhere there either. i seem to have a lot of nerve problems on the glans from this, that just wont seem to heal. its highly sensitized when wearing clothing,which screws with my feeling all day and makes it feel very uncomfortable.
i really really hope youre right. but its just a fair warning. nothing more. even if i do recover, it wasnt worth the 7 months of hell ive been through already. ive read that article months ago and tried and tried to follow it, and believe that may be what im going through. but never got anywhere there either. i seem to have a lot of nerve problems on the glans from this, that just wont seem to heal. its highly sensitized when wearing clothing,which screws with my feeling all day and makes it feel very uncomfortable.
have you seen a chiropractic who checked your lumbar spine, hips, posture in general? if not, do so asap.
have you seen a chiropractic who checked your lumbar spine, hips, posture in general? if not, do so asap.
not yet. that just doesnt make sense with nerve issues at the glans,which started after a bit more pressure jelqing than i had done before.
not yet. that just doesnt make sense with nerve issues at the glans,which started after a bit more pressure jelqing than i had done before.
the nerves for what you feel or don't feel in your glans are located in the yellow region.
trust me, get it checked and try to open up the region with stretching and tissue massages.


last posting here, don't want to hijack @BigBubs thread 🙏🏼
me either, but i cant find a way to message you on here
me either, but i cant find a way to message you on here
true. @squirt_inducer_man are private messages gone since the board crashed a few years ago?
You need to learn how to QUOTE.
You can quote from another thread by marking a section of a post.

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true. @squirt_inducer_man are private messages gone since the board crashed a few years ago?
It's disabled.

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