
Straight from the man himself:

Well, I must apologize. Many guys have asked about my Penis Enlargement career and I have replied that it was in one of the forums somewhere, just do a search. Well, several have said they could not find it, so I did a search and could not find it. Uh, sorry.

So, here it is. Some stuff has probably been left out. I did not save all the longer posts, but I found these.

I started out at a little less than 6" erect by 5 inches girth. The girth is estimated because I did not measure until much later after starting. My penis was rather uniform in girth before starting to hang. The upper shaft did not gain much if anything while only hanging. When I did measure after a few months, the upper shaft was five inches, so that is about where I started. The base was much larger at that time.

The last time I measured, I was still at 10.5 by 6.5 upper shaft, and 7 at the base. The length took about two years after which I worked on girth for sixteen months while also continuing to hang at lesser stress levels in order to cement length gains.

I started in June '98 by hanging under the guidance of the old Tom Hubbard site, and the original Penis Enlargementforums. Seems like forever. I started with a loop type hanger, but quickly realized that was dangerous. Then I began making better and more complicated hangers. I eventually, after about six months or so, worked up to hanging all day, from 7:30 am to 4:30 pm, as well as a couple of sets at night when family had gone to bed, five days on and two off. Sometimes, with privacy, I would hang a few sets on the weekend. Rarely did I take an extended break.

When eventually I stopped hanging, I had worked my max weight up to 45 lbs. Very intense. I did my Ulis for girth with an Uli thing. Many sets per day.

Other stuff:

This was in the FAQ section. I guess it fell off the board.

I thought Penis Enlargement was a crock. I didn't believe anything on Tom's site. But it is well written and seemed honest. I had most of what was needed to get started so I just tried it. I was kind of like Soma and other guys. I saw some good early gains and things took off from there. I kind of got carried away and ended up doing Penis Enlargement a lot more than I thought I would. But I like it.

When every time (almost) that I measured, I saw an increase, I was astounded. I still can't believe it. When I pass a mirror naked and catch a glimpse, I still do a double take. Also, I catch my wife looking all the time, naked or clothed. She looks at my crotch more than my face. I also catch other women looking all the time (clothed of course).

This weekend I took a 30-hour continuing education class. There were about 20 women and 15 men. I sat at the 2nd table from the back on one side, kind of in a corner. The first day I wore boxers with shorts. Thereafter I wore boxers and sweat pants. Almost all the women in the class stared at my crotch. I told all who asked that I am married. By the 2nd day, I had the 7 best-looking women in the class sitting around me. They ranged from 24 to 33 in age. I'm 43 and not bad looking, but nothing like that has ever happened to me before. I have never been that popular.

About my wife; I told her very early, about 3-4 months after I started. The difference in sex was already very noticeable to me, and I new she would ask about it soon. She was already having much more powerful orgasms. I explained the whole thing on a trip. She said she had noticed a difference. When we returned home, I showed her Tom's site and showed her what I did while she was at work and the kids in school. She thought it was a little weird but supported me. She thought it was analogous to women wanting larger breasts.

When I got to nine inches, she started talking about how it was long enough and didn't want any more length. I can't go in all the way; it hurts her when I hit bottom. But she liked the girth and wanted me to continue trying to get some more (if I wanted). She likes trying new positions that we can do now. We still are doing different things. It is still a new toy. I almost never ask for sex. She always starts the proceedings.

At first, she was fairly amazed at the increase. My penis has been the #1 topic of conversation for a long time and I don't always bring it up. She still talks about it, but seems more interested in using it. She knows I am probably in the 99th percentile for length, but it doesn't matter to her. It's not like; "wow my man has a big pecker!" She would still love me and stay with me if I had my "old" penis. But the sex is a lot better and she will admit that.



This topic was explored a couple months ago. I wrote about it then and have thought about it from time to time. I've also palpated and tried to compare my penis now to my penis almost two years ago. It's impossible to come up with anything concrete. Of course there is no way to utilize scientific method in a situation like this. The horse is out of the barn, and you can't put him back. But I will state the facts again and give some educated guesses/opinions. Ok, here goes.....

General appearance

PrePenis Enlargement my unit was fairly nondescript. When erect, it was not impressive; fairly pale, little venation, smallish head, at best ordinary. Now, it always has much more color (erect or flaccid), prominent veins, and larger head/glans. Wife described as "a little scary" recently; no offense intended or taken.


First you must realize, my penis is not just much bigger (4.5"erect). The entire area is completely different from when I started. I would describe my genitals prePenis Enlargement as infantile. Almost complete retraction when flaccid into the body (nuts also). After almost two years of work, everything now hangs; is very prominent. Obviously the ligaments that support the entire area have been stretched/grown to express this difference.

Further, the penis was extremely high. It had never "hung" when flaccid, semi-hard etc. It pointed up (head) when flaccid, and as it became erect extended straight up. Now the best it can do is straight out when erect. I think it requires too much pressure from blood to allow it to go any higher. As it fills with blood, it hangs lower (gravity) which requires increased pressure to overcome gravity.

Where it exited my body was several inches away from the "base" or the prostate. Now it is what I consider normal. It exits much lower, only a couple inches from the prostate.

I know that I had good early gains from this ligament stretch; from everything being pulled down and out of my body. If I had to estimate, I would say around two inches.


However I also know that my head used to be well below my navel when laying down and erect. Possibly 2-3 inches below. Now it is a couple inches above my navel. If all gains were from lig stretch, I don't think this would be possible. Unless penis inside the body was pulled "out" which allowed it to go "up" further when laying down. There may be some truth to that but I don't think very much.

I know that the tunicae does grow/stretch. I have never said this before, but after a couple months of the uli#3, there is no doubt. I am now well attuned to my tunicae. I can "feel it" when it is under great pressure from the exercise. I can actually feel the stretch just like any other stretch. I know that it is stretching/growing laterally. I feel it does the same lengthwise. I have since realized that I feel the same thing when hanging. It is just not as pronounced.

More mass, stretching Vs growing

I am relatively certain that all gains are not simply from stretch. I have had a huge increase in the amount of flaccid mass. With no blood engorgement, there is MUCH more mass than before outside of my body. Several times more mass. Some I am sure was simply pulled out, but I can not believe this is the case with all of it. When flaccid, I can still feel a lot of mass within my body as well as the mass outside. I do not believe I had just a little mass outside and a whole lot inside prePenis Enlargement. I feel certain the stresses placed on my member have resulted in an increase in tissue. I have no idea of the mechanisms involved in this or the type(s) of tissue.

Permanency, future

Since starting Penis Enlargement, I have worried about this issue. I don't worry much anymore since reading of Sean's experience and thinking about it a little. In my case, it would seem to be like trying to put biscuit dough back in one of those cardboard containers. If I stopped Penis Enlargement completely; no milking, nothing, I would expect to lose a little simply from decreased health. I would not mind losing some even on a maintenance program which I intend to continue. It would be irrelevant.

I do not wish to gain any more length, and little if any girth. I do believe some work is needed for some abstract length of time to "cement" gains. A poor analogy would be: if you stretch a rubber band one time, it snaps back with little loss of integrity. If you stretch it constantly, it eventually will lose much elasticity, become longer, and become unable to return to it's former shape. My wife does not want any more length, but would not mind a little more girth.

Work, efficiency and hanging, milking, Ulis

I think you will find that the one thing all big gainers have in common is tenacity. This is expressed in the consistency and levels of work. I believe you will find that as long as the techniques are performed properly, the best results are attained by those who are able to work the most. I was lucky in that I Penis Enlargemented all day while working. I work at home with very infrequent interruptions. I was able to incorporate Penis Enlargement in my daily activities with few problems. Some men do not have the time or privacy to do this many hours per week. If they are consistent however, I feel they can achieve their goals over time. The key is consistency. Most on this forum who complain of small gains admit to little work. I believe others think they are working a lot, but are only fooling themselves. I must say I think I could have achieved the same results with less work. I probably went overboard once I realized Penis Enlargement was possible.

The three techniques I have experience with are hanging, milking, and Uli#3. Below are my opinions mixed with a little common sense.

I think for someone who wants length, hanging is the most efficient way to go. If done properly, I think it is also the safest and easiest. It does take time to develop a comfortable routine, but this is a one time expense. Once you have become accustomed, you can perform many activities while hanging. Therefore this aspect of Penis Enlargement actually can require no time.

The reason it is the safest is in the fact you are utilizing known stresses, both weight and pressure. You can with certainty increase or decrease stress loads. You must however have a safe attachment device for hanging.
With milking, the inward pressure from the hands as well as the outward pull of the arms is unknown. I think there have been many more reports on this forum of injuries or desensitizing incurred from milking than from hanging. The results may vary also from many variables. How strong are your hands/arms? How long can you exert these unknown pressures? How much stress/injury is occurred and how will you know when you have gone too far? How much actual work is achieved week to week, month to month?

I think the value in milking is in the ability to increase blood flow and therefore overall penis health. Another poor analogy is angioplasty. With milking, you are able to work on the blood vessels with the hands. As long as you don't apply too much pressure, the massaging action alone should lead to more supple vessels, and help in plaque removal etc. Depending on the amount of pressure, I think milking can increase girth due to the lateral pressures exerted on the tunicae.

The Uli#3 is definitely more efficient however in this regard. The inner pressure that can be achieved is remarkable. I feel certain this exercise is useful in increased circulation and overall penis health also.

These are just my opinions and observations. I wish I could produce a more scientific report but I can't. Hope it helps in some way.

Very interesting, great motivation. BIB is perfect proof that with Penis Enlargement, more is better
VERY INSPIRATIONAL! KILLER GAINS,MAN!i really look forward to this being "MY STORY" :) i saved this in my Penis Enlargement folder for quick future refference
Wow; I'v been bouncing around this place for a year now and this is the first time I've read this. Great read, very motivating.
VERY GOOD READ ! Thanks stillwant... for posting this and thanks bib for the great insight to your Pe life :)
Before it is all said and done Bib will be an international legendary icon. Accept legends are rumored Bib is not. If I am correct with whom I am remembering, I actually saw a couple of Bib's pictures over at �other PE site� Place a while back before Bib came over to MOS exclusively (both erect and flacid). I am telling you now... it was incredible! When he said that his wife said it was a little scary he meant it. I think I shuddered when that pictire opened up, then about 2 days later I realized that if he could do it I coud to! Talk about motivation! I have done a lot of searches both here and over at �other PE site� anbd have not been able to find those pictures since I saw them then, it has been almost a year I believe.

Should have saved the link :(

poke said:
Before it is all said and done Bib will be an international legendary icon. Accept legends are rumored Bib is not. If I am correct with whom I am remembering, I actually saw a couple of Bib's pictures over at �other PE site� Place a while back before Bib came over to MOS exclusively (both erect and flacid). I am telling you now... it was incredible! When he said that his wife said it was a little scary he meant it. I think I shuddered when that pictire opened up, then about 2 days later I realized that if he could do it I coud to! Talk about motivation! I have done a lot of searches both here and over at �other PE site� anbd have not been able to find those pictures since I saw them then, it has been almost a year I believe.

Should have saved the link :(


Not trying to "burst your bubble" so to speak, but there have never been any pics of BIB posted by himself or anyone else. ;)

Like most guys who own his product though, I could care less. He could be a troll with a 2" penis for all I care. The man has an incredible insight on the topic of hanging. Not only that, but his hangers are bar none #1.

No, they were not my pics. The simple matter is, I have never thought of one single positive reason to post pics. In addition, I do not have a digital camera.

My bad, I have been confused and mistaken all of this time I guess. Not the first time and won't be the last I am sure.

Whoever it was... man... it was inspiring, even if it did not come from Penis Enlargement. It made me want to Penis Enlargement more!

You've become my pure inspiration. I'm currently about one month into Penis Enlargement doing the newbie stretches. Wow is all I can say. I'll probably have lots of questions soon as I intend to start hanging. Thanks for your words.
>I do not have a digital camera<

Best answer to the question I have heard. Penis Enlargement doesn't work anyway, remember?
>Like most guys who own his product though, I could care less. He could be a troll with a 2" penis for all I care. The man has an incredible insight on the topic of hanging. Not only that, but his hangers are bar none #1.<

:praise: aka Bib- Bigger Is Better

Uli was a guy that appeared on the old old Penis Enlargementforums, a long time ago, that said he had tremendous girth gains from high internal pressure exercises. Most were normal type things, jelqing I believe, etc.

But his third exercise was something I had not seen before. What most guys call Ulis now. It is continueing engorgement of the shaft by kegaling and hand pressure at the base.

I did it a little different by making an Uli thing. I believe SWM placed the instructions on this site. It is an adjustable ring placed at the base. You totally engorge the shaft, then attach the Uli thing, then really up the pressure by tightening down.

I also used the Bib hangers for this from time to time. Other guys have used the production Bib hanger to do Ulis. But I prefered the Uli thing.

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