RED i see your point but the size of your member is genetics so size is the way it is regardless of where your from. We have to remember are penis is a organ you can not pass down a big or small organ size. BUT different races have slightly different bone structure so that might play a small role in it. Here are the 2 real reasons are members are there size the suspensory ligament that keeps your penis attached to the pubic bone and the erectile tissue of the penis that fills with blood.
let me tell you a story that I hear tons of comics say but I dont think there tellling the truth. But Im a victim of this will stain my brain for the rest of my life. Im 19 but when I was about 12-13ish I was in the bathroom after a haircut looking to see if everything was alright and my dad couldnt wait 10 seconds before I walked out before he used the bathroom. Now let me remind you im 12-13ish and havent seen anything beside my own little hammer at that point. He pulls out a fucking monster that haunts me till this day cause im not no where near that size. When I became 16 I thought one day I will grow into that type of size. Now im 19 and NOPenis Enlargement just average sized.
Girth Hammer;342752 said:
let me tell you a story that I hear tons of comics say but I dont think there tellling the truth. But Im a victim of this will stain my brain for the rest of my life. Im 19 but when I was about 12-13ish I was in the bathroom after a haircut looking to see if everything was alright and my dad couldnt wait 10 seconds before I walked out before he used the bathroom. Now let me remind you im 12-13ish and havent seen anything beside my own little hammer at that point. He pulls out a fucking monster that haunts me till this day cause im not no where near that size. When I became 16 I thought one day I will grow into that type of size. Now im 19 and NOPenis Enlargement just average sized.

lol, i remember i saw my dad's when i was like 3 and swore he must have the biggest wang in the world. i think i've got em beat now though :p
Big Al;342655 said:
What makes you say that it's true; I mean besides �naked people movies� and the media hyping up this stereotype? To the many Black men that I've counseled this is definitely a harmful racist myth.

what evidence do you have that it's definitely untrue? i don't think its racist to say in general black guys are better sprinters or tend to be slightly more thickset or that e.g. black women tend to have bigger asses (:))

i've seen the averages and they're slightly bigger for africans vs. whites which in turn bigger than asians. anecdotally, my experience from e.g. gym is a significant minority of africans are well hung, sure they are some huge whites and asians but not as common as africans imho.

so i would say the evidence is slightly in my favour. certainly i wouldn't use the word 'myth' as it implies you have scientifically and definitively ruled out any difference between races.
The question remains as its very interesting in human evolution. Why would the black race have a larger on average penis size compared to other races? If blacks do indeed have slightly bigger dicks on average than WHY has nature allowed this? what are the reasons incl enviromental?
B1ggusDickus;342595 said:
Ya man, really. You're past my goal in length and close to my goal in girth. I think you got little to worry about realistically.

Good luck!

thnx for the kind comments everyone...
Hey girth hammer. A similiar situation happened to me 5 years ago when I was 19 years old. My dad and I were taken a shower at an LA Fitness Gym after lifting weights and playing basketball. When my dad pulled off his boxers he was sporting at least a 6-7 inch flaccid with at least 5.5 girth with huge glans.

He just walked to the showers butt naked with a towel over his shoulders and flip flops on without a care in the world and everyone in the locker room including me was in utter shock. That was the first and only time I ever saw my dad's penis. I don't know how big my dad's dick is when it's hard but my guess based on his huge flaccid is he is probrably bigger then me. I finally found out why my dad always has women chasing him right and left.

REDZULU2003;342803 said:
The question remains as its very interesting in human evolution. Why would the black race have a larger on average penis size compared to other races? If blacks do indeed have slightly bigger dicks on average than WHY has nature allowed this? what are the reasons incl enviromental?

I got an answer about that for yah.

As we all know blood circulates better in heat, and dicks hangs lower in heat, everything is about HEAT. With heat a dick gets big, with the cold enviroment it shrinkz. OBVIOUSLY. =)

From the very start before the black people immigrate to the rest of the world they were living in some of the hottest places in the world. Africa.

Obviously it's hot weather in those countries around there and the penises never have to shrink because there is no cold weather.

And after the immigration the children are getting the same size as the fathers since it's genetics that might do this. Even though the kid is born in Africa or in Europe the genetics are still the same. Many many generations of the black male have worn this huge penis and it's like that today aswell pherhaps.

Look at the Eskimos, they got SMALL penises obviously because of the cold weather. The penis is shrinking in that kind of weather and their fathers have in many generations had small penises.

This is just my way of thinking. Dont take it personal or so. Just speculations that I think could be one of the reasons the average black male got a slightly bigger penis than the rest of the people.
opa;342832 said:
I got an answer about that for yah.

As we all know blood circulates better in heat, and dicks hangs lower in heat, everything is about HEAT. With heat a dick gets big, with the cold enviroment it shrinkz. OBVIOUSLY. =)

From the very start before the black people immigrate to the rest of the world they were living in some of the hottest places in the world. Africa.

Obviously it's hot weather in those countries around there and the penises never have to shrink because there is no cold weather.

And after the immigration the children are getting the same size as the fathers since it's genetics that might do this. Even though the kid is born in Africa or in Europe the genetics are still the same. Many many generations of the black male have worn this huge penis and it's like that today aswell pherhaps.

Look at the Eskimos, they got SMALL penises obviously because of the cold weather. The penis is shrinking in that kind of weather and their fathers have in many generations had small penises.

This is just my way of thinking. Dont take it personal or so. Just speculations that I think could be one of the reasons the average black male got a slightly bigger penis than the rest of the people.

interestin theory Opa, and it does make sense to me, because people do adapt to thier enviornment. but then if its the heat from the enviornment that did this to them over time...then why arent people that live in hot climates like in Mexico or South America dont on average have penises as big as the "slightly bigger than average" penises that alot of blacks have? youre right heat could play a part in this but i think that theres more to this than heat.
Opa, by that reasoning Asian people from SE asia- Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, etc., should have penises disproportionately large for their generally small stature from living in sweltering jungles. Yet there's no evidence for that. Never heard the big dick thing about Middleeasterners whose descendants have lived in the desert for millenia either.

There was a bit on an old episode of The Kids In The Hall about penis size stereotypes. It equated assumed penis size to intelligence/education level. Black guys: (stereotypically) less educated= bigger penis; Asian guys: more educated= smaller penis; white guys: education and penis size- in the middle= juuusst right. LOL. I'm paraphrasing, of course, but you get the idea. I think there may be some merit to this, as far as collectively judging an entire group of people based on prejudicial assumptions goes

Anyway, I laughed my ass off the first time I saw that skit.
I musta been writing my last post at the same time you were writing yours Ben otherwise I wouldn't have wrote it. lol. I guess great minds think alike, eh? Haha.
Hey REBORN Black people are fasters sprinters cause we have more fast twitch muscle fibers than other races. These muscle fibers are used for exploding movement such as: powerlifting,jumping and sprinting but the chicks fat asses is something I cant answer.
Benjamin Siegel and TheStick:

Well asians are short and have always been short for some reason. The body have to do something about it aswell I suppose. Otherwise it would look "unnatural" if you see my point here? =)

If you look at a black man you see that they got a diffrent type of nose than the white man and vice verse. The human bodys genetics are probably diffrent for each race so I bet my ass that this have to do something about everything aswell. A chinese got small eyes for what? It's just their nature, they are born with it.

But yeh, this will always be a mystery and something we never will solve.

But I bet my ass that some of my speculations are true, and I think that many other guys in the worlds have been thinking in the same way as me. =)
opa;342832 said:
Look at the Eskimos, they got SMALL penises obviously because of the cold weather. The penis is shrinking in that kind of weather and their fathers have in many generations had small penises.

Damn I'm gonna go find me some Eskimo honeys. To them, my sad 5.5 inch meat-stick must look like a killer whale.
Big Al;342365 said:
I've had a lot of Black clients that hate that stereotype as well. It's something that forces them to live up to unrealistic standards.

doublelongdaddy;342409 said:
This is a general consensus among most of my black clients.

Clients? You guys do private consulting on penis enlargement? What sort of prices do you charge and what does it entail?
REDZULU2003;342803 said:
The question remains as its very interesting in human evolution. Why would the black race have a larger on average penis size compared to other races? If blacks do indeed have slightly bigger dicks on average than WHY has nature allowed this? what are the reasons incl enviromental?

I have thought about this before sometimes. The two strongest forces in evolution are preference and death. While environmental factors may play a smaller role, I would sooner hypothesize that the evolution of the penis it comes down to choosing power (preference).

What I mean by choosing power is simply who has the final say in who fucks whom. In a matriarchal society, women have the choosing power. In a patriarchal society, men 'take' the women. There are many varieties of this, but I see the strongest correlation of penis size to geography tied up in social systems like this.

In China and India there is a long history of arranged marriages, so the women have no power to express their preference. Asia is fairly homogenously patriarchal through history, with a few exeptions: Samoa, Hawaii and some other Pacific Islands are known to have matriarchies. Guess what? There have been cases of huge dicks from there! I'm sure Red will back me up here. ;)

Arranged marriages occur in Europe too, but Europe is more of a mix of social structures if you look at the details of history over the past 2000 years or so. Britain used to be an entirely matriarchal society during the druidic times (think Stone Henge). The mixed and 'medium' size of dicks from Europe reflects the history of social structures there.

In Africa there is a huge range of tribal societies, many matriarchal, many patriarchal. There is a range of dick sizes coming out of Africa, and a few monster sized ones which I think gives them the reputation. I think this is because the tribal matriarchies there are very old, and so the women there have gone through many many generations choosing the largest cocks. I think the heat there has more to do with the clothing than with how low the dick hangs as opa suggests. If that were the case, Africans growing up in Minnesota would have small dicks (not the case). Clothing hides or reveals the body. Walking around naked in Africa with your dick hanging out takes a lot of guesswork out of the woman's job, so dick size is more of an initial decision factor, rather than a later factor as it is in our society (due to clothes). In this way, a society that doesn't wear clothes allows women to more quickly find her preferred dick size in a group of men.

So I think social structure has more to do with dick size than the immediate environment, but the environment can have it's own effects on social structure. So from that perspective I would say that wherever you go in the world where women have had a lot of choosing power through history, you will likely find big dicks.
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I like being a white legend:) If I were black I would have to compete with __________:)
TheStick;342838 said:
I musta been writing my last post at the same time you were writing yours Ben otherwise I wouldn't have wrote it. lol. I guess great minds think alike, eh? Haha.

hey Stick, how you doin man. yea i guess so hahahah. btw way man, im a huge Kids in The Hall fan, i used to watch it when i was a kid when it used to air. my favorite skits were the Cabage Head and Buddy Cole ones hahahaha that shit was fuckin hilarious. Braincandy was good too, but i prefer the series.. Lorne Michael's best work...even better than SNL skit my opinion. here are some quotes from some random skits Stick, "Squeal Like a Pig!!" and "These are the Daves i know, These are the Dave i know" hahahahahhh.

opa;342842 said:
Benjamin Siegel and TheStick:

Well asians are short and have always been short for some reason. The body have to do something about it aswell I suppose. Otherwise it would look "unnatural" if you see my point here? =)

If you look at a black man you see that they got a diffrent type of nose than the white man and vice verse. The human bodys genetics are probably diffrent for each race so I bet my ass that this have to do something about everything aswell. A chinese got small eyes for what? It's just their nature, they are born with it.

But yeh, this will always be a mystery and something we never will solve.

But I bet my ass that some of my speculations are true, and I think that many other guys in the worlds have been thinking in the same way as me. =)

understood, but im sure there will one day be a scientific explanation that provides reasons to this. Opa, if i may a word of advice... stop bettin on your ass... dont bet on any asses never know what rappist has just been let out of the can and lurks on forums j/k.
opa;342832 said:
I got an answer about that for yah.

As we all know blood circulates better in heat, and dicks hangs lower in heat, everything is about HEAT. With heat a dick gets big, with the cold enviroment it shrinkz. OBVIOUSLY. =)

From the very start before the black people immigrate to the rest of the world they were living in some of the hottest places in the world. Africa.

Obviously it's hot weather in those countries around there and the penises never have to shrink because there is no cold weather.

And after the immigration the children are getting the same size as the fathers since it's genetics that might do this. Even though the kid is born in Africa or in Europe the genetics are still the same. Many many generations of the black male have worn this huge penis and it's like that today aswell pherhaps.

Look at the Eskimos, they got SMALL penises obviously because of the cold weather. The penis is shrinking in that kind of weather and their fathers have in many generations had small penises.

This is just my way of thinking. Dont take it personal or so. Just speculations that I think could be one of the reasons the average black male got a slightly bigger penis than the rest of the people.

I see that exactly and have mentioned it further back on them having larger flaccid because it would need to give off the heat in the warm climate, BUT does that mean that most men in colder climates have smaller flaccids? you would think so wouldnt you? I mean you mention the Eskimo's but what about Russia, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Northern Canada, Alaska etc etc surely the males in the far northern parts and I'm not just talking about eskimo-type people but the folk that come from them regions, born natives, would have smaller dicks? yet from looking at past members on here from Scandanavia they have a good size to start with in that cold climate.

The theory seems sound to me, blacker penis being slightly larger flaccid than the others because of the climate but why not all the other nations right in the very north of the world? maybe more to do migration 1000's of years previous and they are not the original peoples of the northern lands.

It makes allot of sense with the flaccid size and the enviroment but erect size is usually the same across the board with all races with a slight small change perhaps favouring the blacks but imo its hardly anything, this size difference seems to be in FLACCID SIZE and like Opa said its probbaly more to do with how the black race's body evolved in the hot enviroment but something else I think is also playing a role here ... something deeper ... in the genes!

Once we find out the reasons for the SIZE that they have, we can understand it more and educate others and put this whole topic to bed once and for all ... thats speaking for the entire human race.
homelesswombat;342855 said:
I have thought about this before sometimes. The two strongest forces in evolution are preference and death. While environmental factors may play a smaller role, I would sooner hypothesize that the evolution of the penis it comes down to choosing power (preference).

What I mean by choosing power is simply who has the final say in who fucks whom. In a matriarchal society, women have the choosing power. In a patriarchal society, men 'take' the women. There are many varieties of this, but I see the strongest correlation of penis size to geography tied up in social systems like this.

In China and India there is a long history of arranged marriages, so the women have no power to express their preference. Asia is fairly homogenously patriarchal through history, with a few exeptions: Samoa, Hawaii and some other Pacific Islands are known to have matriarchies. Guess what? There have been cases of huge dicks from there! I'm sure Red will back me up here. ;)

Arranged marriages occur in Europe too, but Europe is more of a mix of social structures if you look at the details of history over the past 2000 years or so. Britain used to be an entirely matriarchal society during the druidic times (think Stone Henge). The mixed and 'medium' size of dicks from Europe reflects the history of social structures there.

In Africa there is a huge range of tribal societies, many matriarchal, many patriarchal. There is a range of dick sizes coming out of Africa, and a few monster sized ones which I think gives them the reputation. I think this is because the tribal matriarchies there are very old, and so the women there have gone through many many generations choosing the largest cocks. I think the heat there has more to do with the clothing than with how low the dick hangs as opa suggests. If that were the case, Africans growing up in Minnesota would have small dicks (not the case). Clothing hides or reveals the body. Walking around naked in Africa with your dick hanging out takes a lot of guesswork out of the woman's job, so dick size is more of an initial decision factor, rather than a later factor as it is in our society (due to clothes). In this way, a society that doesn't wear clothes allows women to more quickly find her preferred dick size in a group of men.

So I think social structure has more to do with dick size than the immediate environment, but the environment can have it's own effects on social structure. So from that perspective I would say that wherever you go in the world where women have had a lot of choosing power through history, you will likely find big dicks.

Awesome post and so well put. Makes allot of sense and things I didnt think about. Yes some of the Maori's from New Zealand that I have seen naked when I've played rugby have fucking gigantic flaccid dicks and we're talking more than 7 inches on a few I have seen :O no bullshit, probably showers but still what a hang and I have seen Samoans, Fijians too with monster cocks in the shower room.

Something that just jumped into my head whilte writing this .... what do the pacific islanders and allot of black people have in common? they are quite well built, toned, naturally strong, lean, fast runners [someone explained why before], women got huge arses [Aint a fan myself but whatever], big lips etc etc now the pacific islanders .... guess what? they also tend to be the SAME ... infact I would say the maoris are better built on average than ANY RACE I have ever noticed in my entire life. They say you never will see a small maori and that my freinds is true, they are all natrually well built. So could something me in the GENES of these peoples with regards to how they are built that also gives them an advantage with penis size? the Asians and other races that are larger could have got the gene from the mixture way back when we were all apes in the jungle and assumingly from what we are told but many have different opinions incl me to some extent, that we came from Africa ... so could the pure blacks and maoris have more of that gene as they are closer to that blood line that the rest? just a thought, because the pacific islanders they do say came from Africa via the route through the middle-east, Southern India and than going into places like Indonesia and than useing boats to get to smaller islands and in time when they became advanced started boating it to larger places like NZ.

Sorry for going way off topic with the thread as its a sterotype thing but while all eyes are on this we can brainstorm our own theories as to how this larger penis size could have come to be and than maybe oneday someone from the news will see us chatting on here ;) hey it does happen in blogs etc and than publish a story on it and voila you get interest and research, than a possible final answer.
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