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Jun 3, 2003
tbirdy said:
I mean just be honest with me , i took my post off right after I wrote it under your post:
But here it is for you in private :

I can't believe this is coming from YOU.
I know why its coming from you but really I can't believe it IS really is coming from you.

What you saying is throwing science back like 30 years where indeed all people were thinking that all ED has psychological reasons. BECAUSE PSYCHOLOGY was THE NEW BIG THING, back then !

Todays year 2008 knowledge is that 80% of all ED is due to organic reasons.

Just enter the second half of my last sentence in google and educate yourself.

Give me a couple of days and I will rip apart every sentence in your post with modern studies, links to the best universitys and specialists for ED and Urology.

Why not tell the truth ? Penis Enlargement IS dangerous , it IS risky , people do get hurt.

You haven't met a single person yet who wasn't able to recover from ED ?

Make a visit to your own Forum injury section, I have like 20 guys on private messaging right now asking me for help because they end up with a lifeless penis after Penis Enlargement .


Are you saying in the night its their mind too wich doesn't allow the penis to fill up ?

My god , why ? all this ..just to promote some extenders sales and dvd sales ?

Just so more " stupid rabbits " jump on this forum and a percentage of them will not educate and just go ahead and buy , blinded by YOUR absolutely UNIQUE gains ???

Can you sleep safely , knowing , that while your bank account goes up - other Penis EnlargementOPLES life are destroyed completely and forever ???

Is it worth it ???

I mean comon , you DO know better, of course you do YOU ARE DLD you should know better than me that everything u said in that post is just bullshit to win back the credibility of your Penis Enlargement WORLD.

I mean you really don't give a fuck about those people , do you ? There are warning here and there , but admit it the advertisment for gains and the glitter in their eyes u put is 100 times bigger.

Is your way of thinking : If I don't rip off these fools , someone else will , so ok I rip em off ??? dayomn...

dld comon, I was looking up to you back in the days to , like everyone else , but this can't be serious now can it.

I mean its so obvious that you composed this post because people are digging deeper into what I say in my posts... its like a wise countermove but really why man I'm speechless...really its not right

you are a good person , you should take responsiobilty for your actions having the reputation wich u have...I mean , yeah sure , fuck the stupid masses but hey how they should ever wise up if intelligent people like you USE their intelligence for evil and scam eh ?

I realize its your forum , your toy of your life , i'm not fuckin it up for you or starting any wars...just want to know your honest opinion... has it all become so relative to you ...look at your last sentence

so much money to make....

You have no idea who I am or what I do. Your sili post on cellular growth and division was based on complete ignorance. Don't get an ego because you believe people are finally noticing you because you have gotten a response to you "sudden" involvement. I did not repost in the cell thread because your ignorance made it sickening and completely backwards. Someone who has a small amount of knowledge is much more dangerous than the man who has none. I never make a statement or opinion until I have exhausted my ability to understand what I am advising on. I have sacrificed more than you will ever know and I have contributed to a community for many years. You are a uneducated, envious fool. I am going to post this PM just to explore what your true motives are in this PM.

PS: Next time you have a opinion, gripe or problem with me, be a man and post it publicly.
First all this PM actually WAS a post under your "Motivation, Belief, Dysfunction and Goals (my latest Blog)" thread. I took it off 5 minutes after I post it , because I realized - if its true what I am suspecting you off - I will get banned.

"You have no idea who I am or what I do."

I've been witnessing what you say and do on many different topics for 5 years, since I joined the Forum.

"Your sili post on cellular growth and division was based on complete ignorance."

It was based on science. Personal experience and things I've learned from YOU and others here on the Forum. Instead of saying I'm ignorant, go ahead and argument against it.

"Don't get an ego because you believe people are finally noticing you because you have gotten a response to you "sudden" involvement."

My sudden involvement ? You mean my sudden "more than average activity due to more time". Because I have been involved and making posts that Do help people and educate them since 5 years, since I joined here.

Ego ? Because of what ? This is YOUR playground, and if you and others will say : TBirdy - we don't appriciate your help nor do we need you here - I will instantly leave, I'm really surprised I'm not banned already.

"I did not repost in the cell thread because your ignorance made it sickening and completely backwards. Someone who has a small amount of knowledge is much more dangerous than the man who has none."

Stick to the facts. Comment me on what I said there.

"I never make a statement or opinion until I have exhausted my ability to understand what I am advising on."

Good ! Enter organic ED in google. Or ask a question ? How many men in the world have ED ? How big is the percentage of organic ED / psychological ED ?
Organic ED = 80 %. You say of 110 000 members not even ONE had/has or will have physiological damage - but its all menthal. Man , it CAN be menthal but its not in 80% of all cases.

"I have sacrificed more than you will ever know and I have contributed to a community for many years."

Thats exactly the reason why so many people love you and look up to you , and its also the same reason why you should take responsibility AND REALLY WARN EVERYONE about possible risks and only THEN advise them with your great knowledge on Penis Enlargement.

"You are a uneducated, envious fool. "

Comon. Everyone who can read and has read my posts will see several things:
My grammer is shit. English is my fourth language,
my tone of voice is sometimes offensive, but I'm sure as hell am NOT uneducated and not envious. Envious of WHAT could I be ?

"I am going to post this PM just to explore what your true motives are with this PM "

Man I can't believe you really post this public. What you achieve by this IS reveal YOUR OWN motives. And what these obviously are is: You changed. Money changed you like it has changed zillions before you.

Just look at this post : Motivation, Belief, Dysfunction and Goals (my latest Blog). The reason you post it is obviously because people were showing more and more attention AND listening to my theories and actual scientific facts.

To sum up everything I ever said here is : People you have one dick, don't gamble with it or risk it. Penis Enlargement is not a miracle where you can't ever hurt yourself. I did and thousands of others did too eventhough they followed every advise correctly, performed every technique correctly - they still end up with ED. Sometimes even with one single jelq session.

So you think to yourself: shit! if people start being carefull and quit stretching and clamping and squeezing how the hell am I supposed to sell my dvd or extenders or other stuff ?

Lets use my reputation and credibility and make everything Tbirdy ever came up with look stupid, because If I say I had 110 000 members and none of them ever damaged themselves - everyone will believe me. people will continue to worship me AND buy my stuff.

You know what a really good counter move would have been ?
Take me in on the boat. Listen deeper to what I said. We both know the injury section SHOULD BE the most important Forum here. Thats a usual reply to any of my posts - people say EVERYONE SHOULD READ THIS BEFORE STARTING Penis Enlargement. So if you would have been the bigger wiser man - you would have said : Shit he is right , I'm sorry folks I underestimated the risks of Penis Enlargement simply because I always was lucky not to damage myself organically. Go safe first and then try what I have to offer. You would have kept your reputation , Your sales, AND you could go and sleep without any thoughts troubeling you.

10 minutes pumping every other day is all that is needed to gain and remain with a healthy penis and none of the torture repertour techniques.

So as you see my true motive is and was , I wanted to hear from you : Yes Tbirdy I know what I wrote was bullshit I felt my Penis Enlargement Baby is attacked by you , and I did it just to make more money.

If you would have replied this to me , I would have gotten the fuck out of the main Forum again and return to booboos and bandaids (having lost the belief in mankind completely) and just stick to helping and educating the poor bastards who damaged themselves using your techniques without knowing what COULD happen to them.

By the way, respecting u and ur past - I did not insult you in anyway - I just showed a mirror to your face - reflecting your last action.

Its still not too late to be the bigger man and admit what is obvious to see for everyone anyways.
Just out of interest, I thought you had permanent ED from the exercises TBirdy, so this has now resloved itself?
I still have. I totally depend on viagra for sex.
Without being on Viagra I can only produce a good erection once in a week.
I need to be fully regenerated and in top shape and even then its not 100 % hard

ON V - it its the same or even better than PRE Penis Enlargement (daily sex for hours) so its managable as in
No loss in quality of life. I don't mindfuck myself too because we all depend on water and sleep and food and stimulus and so on for erections so why bother about one less or more dependencys - aslong it dont hurt you.

I know the exact operation that I would need to have the same natural erection strength as I had before, but so far there is only one professor of ED in austrias biggest urology center who is able to guarantee permanent results with a new modified technique.

Instead of cutting veins (where they rechannel couple of month later through anastomosis - bridge veins) he goes and scleroses them at full length.

The amount of veins in the penis is limited - if you close them full length the bloodoutflow can't rechannel through bridges between superficial and deep veins or even bridges between arteries and veins, the ability of the penis to restrict the bloodoutflow is restored again and the ratio outflow / inflow is shifted towards inflow again. I'm young and healthy my arteries are perfect, nerves too I had everything checked and examined - its jsut that the blood flows out too quickly through this leak - unless I artificially shift the balance by usage of viagra.

I have a venous leak located on the left side, at the base of my penis.
This happened a couple of years ago after a jelq session. Resulting in this injury or a mild case of peyronies wich again is the same thing.

There is another surgery option where they cut out the scarred tunica part and insert a patch made of artificial tunica like tissue to restore the ability of the tunica to expand and restrict. Just like the "NESBID" Peyronies numberone treatment , only with a slight variation. Again this is very advanced and everything would have even more possible side effects.

So why gamble If I can fuck with 8x6 on viagra for the next 20 years till Im old and wrinkled anyways and will not care about sex most probably...

If I had an eye condition or wouldnt work on viagra - THEN the shit would hit the fan and I would have to consider these operation and if they fail end up with a penile implant - ultima ratio solution.

I'm happy it turned out the way it has - but damn I wish I had my healthy PRE Penis Enlargement dick back eventhough it was 6.3 x 5.2.

Nothing beats that natural throbbing vivid feeling of a spontanious erection wich all of us ED guys loose forever. Its somewhat simulatable on viagra but its not the same, viagra kinda numbs the dick too..wich is cool for performance but not so cool for feelings of intimacy, and the feeling of being able to perform as a man natural - so u see - I don't mindfuck around too much because of this - it would be a one way road to depression...
I like this forum specifically because of people's openess, but i can definately see how this can be detrimental when dealing with the all too eager and inexperienced Penis Enlargementers. When i approached Penis Enlargement i was very cautious and reasearched all I could, before I even found this forum. The openess within this forum can be a double edged sword at times, causing fresh Penis Enlargementers to injure themselves with advanced excersizes. However, most of the time, newbies are instructed to take it easy, at least for the beginning. I do not plan on using any of the more advanced and inherently more dangerous techniques, but feel that they should still be available for those that do. What tbirdy suggests with the warning section seems to be a good idea that can also help with potential legal issues (not familiar with how or if any legal trouble could come to DLD).

And tbirdy, if you have been here as long as you say you have you should know that DLD does not ban people unless they are disrupive uncontributing members which launch personal atacks which have nothing to do with a debate at hand.
TBirdy, seems as though both of you depend on it to be honest.

"The fastest and highest quality generic viagra (which I think is better than the real deal) is the link right here on MOS: Solid Viagra Source

I have been using them for a while and the service is great. Very discreet and they deliver a wonderful product."
I'm sorry you got hurt, but I've masturbated with greater force than I've ever Jelqed.

If you consider all the activities that you could do to yourself or the things that you could do that have the potential to hurt you other than simply jelqing; I think blaming an injury on a mild exercise and intuit that it's that way for all or most folks is not logical.

There are risks in everything Penis Enlargement included so I don't think anyone is dumb enough to pull on their wanker and not be a bit concerned to be careful so as not to hurt themselves.
Nor have I ever read anyone saying Penis Enlargement is safe with no regard to safety.

Heck when I run a jackhammer, which is repetitive it's more dangerous than that.

Just because people do get hurt I find it odd that you have attacked DLD the way you did. Your PM was insulting and called into questions his motives.

I'm sorry but even if your beef is legitimate since when did you become able to discern someones motives or to judge a persons character just by being on a site for 5 years?

Did you ever hear of giving someone the benefit of the doubt? Alot of stupid, needless arguments could be avoided if we stopped trying to win an argument for whatever reason, stopped judging people and their motives before giving them the opportunity to speak for themselves and simply give them the benefit of the doubt and treat them with respect.

I've been guilty of this too btw so I'm simply trying to be helpful.

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Hey tbirdy just to let you know i had ed at 26 yrs old thats how i found this place to begin with. The exercises here brought my penis back to life and gave me hope for the future. If you can't get an erection don't blame it on dld or the exercises blame it on yourself. You must of done something terribly wrong along the way. I'm proof pe can cure ed for good. I've never had erections so firm and a penis so healthy as i have today. This stuff undoubtly works!!!

Tbirdy everything in life must be well fought before doing it.
Im only 25 years old and after all the girls, jobs, cars(car aciddents), diseases, Ftraumas, and family problems i learn one thing for life!!! MODERATION IS ALL!!
Right now i am very apreensive in everything i do in life, i have very caution with my health because of all the problems i had from WANTING ALL IN ONE DAY! I CANT LIVE ALL MY LIVE IN ONE DAY AND ACHIEVE ALL MY GOALS IN ONE DAY! ITS IMPOSSIBLE!
I can give you an example! BODYBUILDING!! My god i was training harder, lift 160 kgs my self in spino, do a lot of cardiofitness, martialarts and finaly had time to my girl, family and friends!! I was getting bigger very fast and everyone was telling me that. One day while i was in the gym practsing i felt a hard pain in my chest!! My god i almost had a Hart attack, and never be good again, even today when i do to much sport i feel strange and inconfident in my hart, it make me a big TRAUMA, and after of two years i learn the answer is in: MODERATION!!
Do you think i keep all day pushing my cock harder and jelquing like a maniac?
I only work Penis Enlargement for three days a week when isnt less, and im very happy with my gains, VERY HAPPY. No i do not trust everyone and money is making a lot of souls geting lost forever but you have to adapt your self and eat only 50% of the cake.
Respect your body, respect your self.
Good luck, T bird. I'm sorry you injured yourself. I didn't read your entire post, but do you jelq at all now? Does kegeling help? It certainly is not something that would cause injury--at least if it's done properly.

To separate the psychological from the physical is a tough route to take. They are so closely connected. Most scientific studies are questionable. That's the nature of science. In fact, we often pursue P.E. based on anecdote. I never belonged to a forum when I did my toughest routines and made my biggest gains, but I did begin slowly and carefully and eased into it.

I think of P.E. as an art. I do know that it gave me my erections back and still does to this day so long as I keep up with it. I use Viagra to induce proper engorgement for a workout and once in a while to make sure I'm ready for sex. But I tend to agree with DLD that at least for me, so much of my sexual wiring and response is in my head.

It's nice to know I don't need Viagra to get and keep it up. But I'm still glad it's there.

Do you work out? Do you have any other physical conditions? Could they be a factor in your E.D.?

I'm not discounting the M.D.'s, but my urologist, who is very competent, knows shit about E.D.

I sure am glad they came up with Viagra (and company). It kept me sexually active until I found P.E.

Good luck. I hope you reach a point where you are sexually o.k without the big V.
in order to build any type of sensible opinion you can't judge me by this one post. Click my name and read through some of my posts - THEN come back and repeat whatever you accused me off.

I'm not after anything but helping the people with ED.

I have no problems in life whatsoever , I don't have any "conditions" but a medium ED wich as I said is also nothing I cry about - its managable.

This Beef if you want to call it this way IS A JOKE to me - understand.

DLD already depends on Viagra exactly like I do , and I know 10 years from now he will reading , re-reading ALL of my posts because there is valuable information in them to cure ED. You guys will do the same and I will welcome you AND help you if u ask me for help , same for DLD.

The intention behind my pm to dld AGAIN ! : was to question his beliefs and his single last action. It shocked and dissapointed me to say the least.

Again I only stand up for those guys with ED and what is better than trying to cure ED as a consequence of Penis Enlargement ?

PREVENTION !!!! Educate yourselfs, compare THEN come here and argument with me if you like, IF you want to be serious.

I don't hate DLD nor do I say anything against him - I just called him out on his single last action wich to me is obviously an act of "corruption because of money".

If he wouldn't mislead people BUT warn them EDUCATE them FIRST so they KNOW THE RISKS for real - I would not say a thing in the first place.

Example. A weapon is a good thing - it can be used for protection by law enforcement. You need to learn how to shoot it and NOT to aim it at your friends.

Would you give a weapon to a child ? or an aboriginee who never seen one ?
NO you wouldn't !

Pe is the same, why you guys WANT to make it seem its so harmless. Nothing in life is harmless and yes an idiot will damage himself with everything , and an uninformed person who is wise on different areas will too , and especially young guys.

I just feel sorry for them , they ruin their life being 18 - 22 and then fall in depression trying to recover.... and this is why I'm for prevention

if a young guy KNEW he could get more pussy by perfecting his GAME skills , he would never try Penis Enlargement in the first place and NOT risk any injury, understand ??? There are different solutions to the same approach and the most dangerous one is not always the best one.

Last but not least :

Boo Boo's and Band-Aids
Issues on Penis Enlargement Injuries and Remedies, Peyronies/Bent Penis, Premature Ejaculation & Impotence
Threads: 581, Posts: 4,174


ADD TO THAT YOURSELVES TOO in a couple of years - there are no long term studies on Penis Enlargement the DLD way, but sure as hell the scar tissues are bulding up your venous systems are getting overstressed your tunicas are getting thinner and YOU WILL PAY THE PRICE for ignorance where as other will not...

Really this whole thing is a joke and makes no sense , you guys just arguement against yourself if you add you opinion without even knowing what I contributed to the Forum...

To others who speak up for me , and pm me , thank you but really save your breath.

Ask yourself one question EVERYBODY.


ONE GETS MORE MONEY OR LESS MONEY AND THE OTHER is just trying to help injured people and prevent further injury of others....

thats most simple way of seeing THE REAL MOTIVES - ask yourself what is the profit for everyone involved !!!

Peace out ....
t birdy i fucked up my dick doing this shit and i can relate to you , i did not get ED yet BUT one thing i learned is you cant alter your body withougth doing damage

like you said just look at the boo boo section . BIG FUCKEN PROBLEM'S FROM THIS Penis Enlargement CRAP
tbirdy;292064 said:
in order to build any type of sensible opinion you can't judge me by this one post. Click my name and read through some of my posts - THEN come back and repeat whatever you accused me off.

I'm not after anything but helping the people with ED.

I have no problems in life whatsoever , I don't have any "conditions" but a medium ED wich as I said is also nothing I cry about - its managable.

This Beef if you want to call it this way IS A JOKE to me - understand.

DLD already depends on Viagra exactly like I do , and I know 10 years from now he will reading , re-reading ALL of my posts because there is valuable information in them to cure ED. You guys will do the same and I will welcome you AND help you if u ask me for help , same for DLD.

The intention behind my pm to dld AGAIN ! : was to question his beliefs and his single last action. It shocked and dissapointed me to say the least.

Again I only stand up for those guys with ED and what is better than trying to cure ED as a consequence of Penis Enlargement ?

PREVENTION !!!! Educate yourselfs, compare THEN come here and argument with me if you like, IF you want to be serious.

I don't hate DLD nor do I say anything against him - I just called him out on his single last action wich to me is obviously an act of "corruption because of money".

If he wouldn't mislead people BUT warn them EDUCATE them FIRST so they KNOW THE RISKS for real - I would not say a thing in the first place.

Example. A weapon is a good thing - it can be used for protection by law enforcement. You need to learn how to shoot it and NOT to aim it at your friends.

Would you give a weapon to a child ? or an aboriginee who never seen one ?
NO you wouldn't !

Pe is the same, why you guys WANT to make it seem its so harmless. Nothing in life is harmless and yes an idiot will damage himself with everything , and an uninformed person who is wise on different areas will too , and especially young guys.

I just feel sorry for them , they ruin their life being 18 - 22 and then fall in depression trying to recover.... and this is why I'm for prevention

if a young guy KNEW he could get more pussy by perfecting his GAME skills , he would never try Penis Enlargement in the first place and NOT risk any injury, understand ??? There are different solutions to the same approach and the most dangerous one is not always the best one.

Last but not least :

Boo Boo's and Band-Aids
Issues on Penis Enlargement Injuries and Remedies, Peyronies/Bent Penis, Premature Ejaculation & Impotence
Threads: 581, Posts: 4,174


ADD TO THAT YOURSELVES TOO in a couple of years - there are no long term studies on Penis Enlargement the DLD way, but sure as hell the scar tissues are bulding up your venous systems are getting overstressed your tunicas are getting thinner and YOU WILL PAY THE PRICE for ignorance where as other will not...

Really this whole thing is a joke and makes no sense , you guys just arguement against yourself if you add you opinion without even knowing what I contributed to the Forum...

To others who speak up for me , and pm me , thank you but really save your breath.

Ask yourself one question EVERYBODY.


ONE GETS MORE MONEY OR LESS MONEY AND THE OTHER is just trying to help injured people and prevent further injury of others....

thats most simple way of seeing THE REAL MOTIVES - ask yourself what is the profit for everyone involved !!!

Peace out ....

what do you want to hear that you can get hurt from pe? well its true you can if you perform it wrong or push to far or try advanced routines when just starting off. you know what you can also hurt yourself when riding a bike so should they stop selling them? what is your point here ? that pe can be dangerous? if so its obvious that it can be, and its your fault you hurt yourself. you can hurt yourself in all aspects in life doing just about anything. dld isn't misleading anyone and for you to say so it sad. noone forced you to pe and hurt yourself. you accomplished that on your own.
Your tunica actually becomes thicker from Penis Enlargement, that's one reason why gains become more difficult over time. Also there was no scar tissue build up in the people on these Penis Enlargement boards who got themselves checked out.
i think we need to get this Penis Enlargement thing into a magnified perspective -

Penis Enlargement is a movement and we're on the crest of the wave. despite some of the literature strewn across the net binding Arab's to the source of penis enlargement and penis health, this form of bodily exercise is in stage one of its evolution; it's new to the men of this world.

hand in hand with something that is brand new comes the ineludible trail and error phase. like it or not we are the gunnine pigs, the lab rats, the front-line of the expedition; and i'm sure nigh-on everybody who visits a Penis Enlargement site before they begin their adventure into this lifestyle realizes this, hence the million and one newbie's asking wearily if Penis Enlargement will break their dick.

we're adults here and should act accordingly(which is rich coming from me i know), but my point is that we willing allow this Penis Enlargement obsession into our lives and we are in total control of what we do with it thereafter.

so what advice, forewarnings, information should be clubbed into the mindset of a newbie?

READ and absorb the information at one's disposal here or at any other Penis Enlargement site.
ask questions when you are unsure or in need of help.
and last but by no means least, listen to your penis/body until you fully understand how it is communicating what is happening before, during, after a workout.

when i Penis Enlargement its MY hand on MY dick with the knowledge of the community here at MoS in my head.

we must be honest with ourselves and to each other if we really want to educate.


keep pushing
obviously if a couple people injure themselves doing Penis Enlargement it dont mean everybody else will. You cant discredit this shit just cuz of that. I don't really know what the deal so.
Ok, I'll chime in on this. T-birdy is not "blaming" Penis Enlargement for his ED. He's simply stating that his problem occurred while he was attempting to enlarge his penis. The sensible person realizes that Penis Enlargement has the potential to be dangerous. Lifting weights can be dangerous too, as I have a torn pec. major to prove that possibility to be quite real. I've been here for 5 years as well, and I have to say that there is a trend in the types of responses that DLD gives to these sorts of posts. I don't understand why he responds with "you don't know what I've sacrificed and what I've had to go through", and ultimately takes to attacking the credibility of the person. This is not an instance of him being "called out" about his pictures or any other such nonsense. This is a long standing member PMing him, which makes this a PRIVATE matter, and now it's public. I have to question the motivation behind such behavior. It's unnecessary and I think it makes DLD look childish and immature.

T-birdy, You keep posting what you know and keep helping others. In the end that's all we can do is try to help, just like DLD has done in the past. In my personal explorations of Penis Enlargement I've found a better way for ME to make progress and I shared it with ALL of the members here and I hope that there are others that can grow from it as well. In many respects there is not just one way to skin a cat, and I think that is what makes the world a great place as we're all a little bit different.
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