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the guy posted it, but again so was tbirdy. i'm sure that dld can see posts that were deleted or something, and saw it up there...idk that's what i think. seeing how he runs the whole site right?

this truely is like shoveling shit against the tide. if you don't like the methods or somethin is lacking from dld, then to hell with him. as adults it's up to us to separate truth from bullshit. and i know you're standing firm and speaking out and that's commendable seeing how it's against the head of the site. however also know when a battle is or isn't worth fighting. i don't have anything against you tbirdy, i'm not trying to start anything up. and i'm just putting out advice, take it or leave it, it's up to you.

all i know is that publicity like this isn't good for the forum's new members and might deter older members as well. so point the finger at whoever it takes, but it's true.

a downright gentleman is what you are.

some of the troops did jump in the tank and start firing without actually READING what you originally wrote, but you have replied with grace and dignity.

someone remarked on it in this very thread, but i am of the opinion that impatience is the biggest problem in Penis Enlargement and really needs to be addressed in comprehensive detail.

keep pushing
Reber187;292261 said:

a downright gentleman is what you are.

some of the troops did jump in the tank and start firing without actually READING what you originally wrote, but you have replied with grace and dignity.

someone remarked on it in this very thread, but i am of the opinion that impatience is the biggest problem in Penis Enlargement and really needs to be addressed in comprehensive detail.

keep pushing

the highlighted post is for tbirdy... in case there was any confusion... which there probably wasn't... bye...

keep pushing
For laughs, but with a true core :

@ samzman

I'm obviously posessed - it flows out of me ! :-D :-D :-D

Can't you see the Duality of things ?

Christ Antichrist
good evil
ying young
men woman
fire water
earth wind

we need each other for balance and to perfekt each other on a larger scale...

seriously now :
Duality is how we experience life. We need to see both day and night to see the contrast. We must have hot to show us what cold is. Without these contrasts we would exist in a undifferentiated lukewarm soup, of no contrasts.

Many think hate is the opposite of love, but hate is just an expression of fear. Those who hate see only themselves as trustworthy and so only love themselves and seek their own good. They push others away because they feel threatened and like a flower they close up and shut the door of their feelings and compassion. Fear paralyzes the mind as fear creates more fear.

Good and evil are illusions, and places a person, or event in either one of two categories.

This pattern is seen in the history of war. There are always good guys in white hats riding to the rescue, generation after generation, while the bad guys wear the black hats and are called the villians. In reality there is only One human family, no matter how much humanity tries to separate and categorize each other.

This is why we have been warned not to judge others. In a world of illusions where so many thing seem the opposite of what they really are.

Leaving dual thinking opens the way to see the Oneness of everything. When the twin poles of black and white merge we stop putting people and events in two piles, we stop judging between them on some arbitrary scale, therefore we don’t bring judgement on ourselves.

What is good to one is not good to another. It is good for the employee to get a raise from her perspective but to the boss it is not good and he tries to avoid it. Its all perspective.

Observing another’s choice does not mean adopting that choice as your own. We can later thank that event or person for providing us the contrast we needed to see that their path was not the right one for us.

Really want me to leave ? It would become emptier...wouldn't it...
time would pass another Tbirdy would step up...

It is plain that the negative path is allowed or it would not be present.
Everything serves a purpose and not knowing the purpose does not mean it does not have a purpose.
The purpose of my existence on this Forum is to give contrast and provide you a choice.
i don't get what you were sayin bout laughin with the true core. that wasn't an attack on you or anyone. but if you wanna play anti christ ok. whatever, i just feel bad for the newbies
this truely is like shoveling shit against the tide

---------> Little strokes fell big oaks.
Constant dripping wears the stone. :-D

i just feel bad for the newbies

So Do I - thats why I'm here trying to improove their chances...
tbirdy;292267 said:

---------> Little strokes fell big oaks.
Constant dripping wears the stone. :-D

So Do I - thats why I'm here trying to improove their chances...

i dont know why you feel bad for newbies when its known that it takes time to gain. you get what you put into it , just like lifting weights. i tell people that pe is not a quick fix its a long term one.
T-birdy, I stand with Reber187 in commending you on your responses as well as your passion for what you are saying. I, much like yourself, have taken a different perspective to Penis Enlargement as I've grown up over the last 5 years. I've learned a lot, being in college does help in some ways, and I've developed my own way of doing things. I've watched the cell division video, and it takes me back to my introductory biology class, and it's interesting to observe what's really going on internally as cells replicate, divide, and begin again. The truth of the matter is that Penis Enlargement takes time. In all likelihood even with the proper warning labels etc men would still get in a hurry and injure themselves. That's the sad reality of the world we live, as it seems no one wants to enjoy the journey anymore.

The other glaring truth, at least something that I've seen all too regularly, is that DLD doesn't need defenders. He's grown, and just like the rest of us he has people that take issue with things he says and does. That's life and it happens to everyone. The "family" needs to sit down and take a minute before jumping all over a guy for disagreeing with "the man of the house". This issue is not really that big of a deal until 100 or so guys start chiming their .02 cents in on DLD's behalf. It's ridiculous that so many men feel the need to "protect" DLD. He can handle himself and I've seen him deal with worse on SEVERAL different occasions. If anyone wants proof that this isn't his first rodeo take a venture over to �other forum� and see how many THREADS are ATTACKS on DLD even 3 years after he left. Come on now, he really doesn't need the help. I'm sure it's appreciated but if you don't understand what's ACTUALLY going on then don't post a response out of some need you have to "protect" DLD.
Just remember DLD has a fucking machine gun at his crib, he's obviously expecting some shit one day with an army of limp dicked men.
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I wonder how long or where this would go on �other PE site� forum LOL hahahha.
i have been doing Penis Enlargement for 3 years. i always used caution. The reason i started was to reverse organic causes of ED. Which in my case is diabetes. I think the "jerk" and "choke" days of Penis Enlargement are over. I never use a grip greater than the one i use to jack off with.
Hey tbirdy.

I was just wondering if you got your way and more safety information was made compulsory here at MoS...what information would you like to see with regards specifically to exercises available here. I know your favoured method of safe Penis Enlargement would be 10 mins pumping while errect. Would you like to see people stopping other methods all together? eg stop jelqing all together? As you have stated you believe even if done correctly they can cause problems. And what of other potential injury causers such as hanging and marathon session? Is it just that you want more information that they can POTENTIALLY cause damage, or do you think really most methods are too dangerous to even try (ie when you weigh up the potential risk:potential gain factors)
Just curious man:)

I guess you have alot of faith in the 10 mins pumping routine, I would quite like to give it a try (I mean what have I got to loose except maybe the speed of gains I may see with other methods), but many people say 10 mins pumping is not enough to cause gains. Anyway I think thats a topic for another thread not this one.
tbirdy;292251 said:
Perfect time for DLD to make a DLD worthy move and let all of this be something positive and not a waste of time and energy and effort and wisdom and wise minds...

Peace @ Everybody !

tbirdy;292251 said:
Are you saying in the night its their mind too wich doesn't allow the penis to fill up ?

My god , why ? all this ..just to promote some extenders sales and dvd sales ?

Just so more " stupid rabbits " jump on this forum and a percentage of them will not educate and just go ahead and buy , blinded by YOUR absolutely UNIQUE gains ???

Can you sleep safely , knowing , that while your bank account goes up - other Penis EnlargementOPLES life are destroyed completely and forever ???

Is it worth it ???

This is the most insulting part of your words. If you think for one fucking second that I do this for money you should just go to another forum (or start your own with you mega posts.) You will be preaching to yourself. I have NEVER done any of this for money. And, how much money do you think I make, or is there another hair-brained, T-bird, Scientific fact to determine my financial situation? You talk about how you have been here for so long and have read so much, if so, how the fuck could you think I do this for money? You only see my work in the forum where I have close to 20,000 post where most are me giving freely of my help whether they have paid me or not. I run a BLOG that has 100's of in depth articles I have written for anyone to read, learn and practice Penis Enlargement without spending a dime. I have gone on TV, showing my face and penis, because I knew this would better Penis Enlargement (do you have the guts to do this?) I have ran the MOS Forums for years and it has helped thousands of people. Without my contribution of Mental Penis Enlargement many men would have never made it. I have allowed men from the forums to come to me for free (with the exception of one who wanted to make a donation) That one guy could tell you how and where I live) I started Penis Enlargement in the ghetto and I will continue to live like this when I can make more than $15,000 a year. I am so grateful that I can support my self and fam putting food on the table and paying my bills. Don't you think I could have flipped MOS, became a thief and made millions by now? Don't you? My morals are far beyond your unfounded insult about my motives for sales.

You state that you base your information on HARD SCIENTIFIC FACTS, please post these facts, your sources and how they apply to your definitive statements, that would satisfy me and I would be more than happy to say I was wrong. I will wait for this info and I hope you are able to provide it. I am not looking for some unqualified, opinionated information, I AM LOOKING FOR AXIOMS.

About my "needing VIAGRA"...this is a perfect example of how I cured my own psychological ED. I never woke with an erection, it was near impossible for me to get an erection without VIAGRA. I never thought I could do it again but I did and do. My erections are better than they ever have been with no VIAGRA. How did I do this? Through rational self analysis, cognitive work and affirmations. I cured myself.

I realize that some men (very few in my opinion) may have complete ED for physical reasons. These are cases where Viagra will not work nor any other medication for that matter. In these rare cases a man finds himself in the position to use some sort of surgical procedure to correct this (if he can afford it) How many cases are there of this? I can't imagine too many in contrast with the remainder of men on Earth. This would be another fact for you to research and post.

The men I have helped directly with ED have all gotten better and were able to get erections through mental change. Some have relied on VIAGRA or some other ED medication but just the fact they are able to get erect with a medication shows that they are more than likely able to get erect without one.

My thread is a thread about inspiration, my motives were to get into their minds and plant a seed of hope. Men do not want to hear "your penis is broken and it won't get better" they want to be hopeful and my ways of helping them make that journey is a large part of why I am who I am in the Penis Enlargement word.

I have freely giving hundreds of real exercises, based on successful human trials, that have become the backbone of many men's programs. I have written countless routines for those who have asked. I have given every conscious piece of my self in my quest for my proudest accomplishment, enlargement.

In my opinion I should be a millionaire over and over but sadly honesty is not the route to travel for monetary gain. Take a walk on my side and see who I am. You have been all about yourself over the past few weeks. Your continuos, massive posts, seem to be more for attention than help to others. I may be wrong but that is the feeling I get. Again, I hope I am wrong.
One last thing. I know, somewhere you made a statement about me banning you. Why would I do that? Have I ever banned someone for speaking their mind (that was not trolling)? If I have please show me.
Gymjohn - First of all lets stay realistic here.

Ofcourse I would like the appearance of this Forum to be changed:
Installation of BIG WARNING BANNERS leading to quality information and education on ALL possible riscs AND ALTERNATIVE Solution for The persons individual needs - wich only manifest In the need of a bigger Penis.

But as you can see : DLD stands by his point, stubborn and ignorant of everything that is being said here - I guess the saying is true : You can't teach an old dog New tricks. So the Forum will remain absolutely the same.

Besides, its not in my power to realistically make EVERYONE here stop AND change their routines to more safe Penis Enlargement.

Sinmply because People don't Value what they have (=erection strength) and risk it - UNTILL ITS GONE ! You don't know what you've got till its gone is true also. So they will stick to whatever they are doing HOPING they get out healthy and bigger.


If everyone who supports my ideas would include the SAME LINK or BANNER leading to the above mentionend information IN BIG RED LETTERS , we could change the Forum from within. Newbies will read into it because it would be EVERYWHERE, in every veterans signature.

We just need to open up a new Thread , collect the risks / pro and contras / and alternative solutions , then agree upon UNIFORM banners or LINKS or SLOGANS for the signature - and vuola newbies will definetly notice !

Everyone else who has a different opinion still could keep on preaching whatever he/she likes. It all would become safer and better.

If someone gets injured I WANT TO KNOW HIM BEFORE WHAT RISK HE TOOK so crying and blaming will not be accepted later !

Agree ??
doublelongdaddy;292388 said:
One last thing. I know, somewhere you made a statement about me banning you. Why would I do that? Have I ever banned someone for speaking their mind (that was not trolling)? If I have please show me.

i can verify that you pretty much let people speak their minds and a matter of fact to much sometimes : )
tbirdy;292391 said:
Sinmply because People don't Value what they have (=erection strength) and risk it - UNTILL ITS GONE !

This is completely opinionated and, IMO, it only puts negativity into the mind of men who may already be worrying about something that may be purely mental. I truly feel it is irresponsible.

What men does not value his erection?
He DLD, I wrote my very last post pretty much simultaniously with your last one , without having read your last post.

What you say now sounds FAR from ignorant , and yes now we speak on the same level:

You do CALL me out to back up what I said with scientific facts and as I already said in the PM

Quote :
Give me a couple of days and I will rip apart every sentence in your post with modern studies, links to the best universitys and specialists for ED and Urology.

I mean YES now we talking , now you are listining , want me to to rip it apart - I will ! :-D

Everyone will profit of this discussion AND thus it will be positive AND constructive.

As for your motives and the insult: Its not the problem HOW MUCH MONEY you make but the FACT alone that You MAKE money AND have big ass banners on top of this Forum advertizing YOUR beliefs - is what discredits you somewhat in itself.

Besides that . Will You Accept an Excuse for what I said to you that you felt most insulting ? I know all the things you explained about your person and I respect you for that. I mean I do have to make a difference : You could rip off everyone MUCH more than you do , but a rip off is still a rip off (even on a smaller scale) if there is any profit involved on your side. Its like me picking up a gun shooting 1 guy and saying : You mofuckers THANK ME FOR NOT SHOOTING 100 MORE , cos there sure as hell were more bullets in this BAby :-D

Thats all I can say.

You hair brained TBirdy ;)
@ DLD :

"""What men does not value his erection?"""

The one who takes it for granted NOT witnessing any negative results in the shortterm ! Same as with smoking , alcohole, drug abuse , pretty much every overactivity in any area of your life BUT education - because thats pure POWER. And you can't ever be to wise or have too much money ....

The more you understand the more and more you realize how small and little our knowldege on any matter is...
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