whut up everybody,

Ok I finally decided to get off my ass & do this. I've been coming here for a while to be honest mostly for the adult entertainment paradise section & i read a few people threads on gains thinking it was impossible. The only methods I heard of enhancing one's member is through the pump which is temporary, pills which is bullshit, and operation which I wouldn't attempt cuz i'll be the person that they botch the procedure on and be screwed for life. Anyway so here we go

Starting Measurement
BPenis EnlargementL: 6"
[words=http://fleshlight.sjv.io/c/348327/302851/4702]FL[/words]: 3.5"
EG: 4.80
FG: 4"
Goal Measurements
BPenis EnlargementL: 8.5" - 9.0"
[words=http://fleshlight.sjv.io/c/348327/302851/4702]FL[/words]: 5.5"
EG: 6.0" - 6.5"
FG: 5.5"

Like I stated my erect length is 6" which i figure was about average, which never bothered me, I always had a problem with my girth. So those gains would really make me happy.

I am going to follow the phase 1 routine for awhile, I don't know what is the maximum time spent on this routine, but I'm sure I am going to get close to it. Patience is a virtue and I guess it is a good one to have when dealing with Penis Enlargement. Before I started my routine I looked at a lot of other members threads to see the set up on their routines & progress. A lot of them were good, but the one I was most impressed with was levista. His was so detailed & I thought if I am going to do this right I am going to have to emulate the same style, with his blessing I am..thanks levista

To warm up I use a "hot wrap", a wash cloth in a bowl of hot water to warmdown i usually take a hot shower. I live with a roommate so I do everything in the privacy of my room. The hot water doesn't get hot enough for me so i put the bowl in the microwave for a couple of min. I wrapped for 5-7 min. putting the towel back in the water every other minute.

Very simple throw on baby powder on yourself and hands & pull. I did find my hands cramping not too long after I started. I figure it will get easier as I get use to it.

I use baby oil for this part of my routine mainly cuz I already had a bottle of it. Don't ask rofl . I asked a ? in the newbie section about these. I wanted to know what constitutes as a complete jelq is it when one hand reaches the head or do both have to reach the head to be considered 1 full jelq. I got my answer 1 hand = 1 jelq. I started off doing sets of 50 then realize I can do 100 at a time. I was surprise that I didn't get fully hard or completely soft. I had a magazine in front of me to keep me interested. (don't keep a t.v. in my room find it distracting) It was almost like my penis knew it wasn't time to play and we cam here for business. I'm very proud of him :)

Started off w/ 100 quick kegels held them all for about a second, then I attempted to do 50 5 second kegels then 1 min. I just realized my pc muscle is weak as shit, couldn't do it to save my life. So I did another set of 100 quick kegels. Hopefully over time I will learn to control this muscle the way I want to, practice makes perfect even though I read doing too many can be damaging & can cause premature ejaculation. which won't be good. I figure it will take awhile for me to get to that stage.

Tip: I wish someone would have mentioned something about shaving before

Testicle Health:
Played with my balls for a few minutes. How hard is that

I also have the luxury of having a full-time job that allow me to sit on my ass for 8 hrs a day. So I figure I can also do DLD Lazy Ass Stretches while I'm at work for an hour or two. Well that's all folks that's the routine. The 1st night it all took about 1 1/2 hrs. it probably will go down considerably once i get use to it. I plan on updating weekly or biweekly & measuring every few months (hopefully I can stick to that) I plan on changing routines every three months so that is when i plan on measuring. I am going to start off on a 7 day on routine & take days off if needed for healing when necessary

START DATE: June 13th 2004
Day 1: warmup, 3 sets of stretches, 300 wet jelqs, warmdown, 200 quick
kegels, & testicle health
Day 2: 1 hr. las, warmup, 3 sets of stretches, 300 wet jelqs, warmdown,
151 kegels & testicle health
Day 3: 1 hr. las, warmup, 3 sets of stretches, 300 wet jelqs, warmdown,
151 kegels & testicle health
Day 4: 1 hr. las, warmup, 3 sets of stretches, 300 wet jelqs, warmdown,
151 kegels & testicle health
Day 5: 1 hr. las, warmup, 3 sets of stretches, 300 wet jelqs in sets of 50,
warmdown, 151 kegels, & testicle health
Day 6: 2 hr. las, warmup, 3 sets of stretches, 360 wet jelqs, warmdown,
151 kegels & testicle health
Day 7: 2 hr. las, warmup, 3 sets of stretches, 380 wet jelqs, warmdown,
251 kegels & testicle health
Day 8: warmup, 3 sets of stretches, 300 wet jelqs, warmdown,
151 kegels & testicle health
Day 9: 2 hr. las, warmup, 3 sets of stretches, 350 wet jelqs, warmdown,
251 kegels & testicle health
Day 10: warmup, 3 sets of stretches, 350 wet jelqs, warmdown,
251 kegels & testicle health
Day 11: warmup, 3 sets of stretches, 400 wet jelqs, warmdown,
151 kegels & testicle health
Day 12: 1 hr 20 min. las, warmup, 3 sets of stretches, 400 wet jelqs,
warmdown, 251 kegels
Day 13: 2 hr. las, warmup, 3 sets of stretches, 400 wet jelqs, warmdown,
251 kegels & testicle health
Day 14: 1 hr. las, warmup, 2 sets of stretches, 200 wet jelqs, warmdown,
100 kegels
Day 15: warmup, 3 sets of stretches, 600 jelqs, warmdown, 251 kegels, &
testicle health.
Day 2: I did an hour of las at work taking breaks every 10 min.for the blood to recirculate probably increase time in a weak or so. I also did a better job jelqing I held a little tighter & w/ a slower motion can tell the difference from day before. Also w/ kegels I found that if I lay down for the 50-5 ones I can do it even held for a 1 1/2 minutes. felt like a good workout.

Day 3: workout was basically the same as yesterday, pretty good this time while doing the 50 kegels set when i finished my stomach felt tight like if i was doing an ab workout. I don't know if I should be feeling it there. I might start kegeling while i'm in class & at work until it get stronger. I know i want this shit bad, last night went to bed @ 5am go up at 9am went to class, went to work from 4:30pm - 12:30am....I was tired as hell first thing i did when i got home was ran a bath for 15 minutes got out & started my routine. I don't want to try and rush the routine but i feel i need to go to bed earlier than i have.

Day 4: it wasn't bad but i knew i was in for it when i got hard during stretches. had to wait til it went down then i proceeded, then during jelqs I couldn't stay hard so i had to go to the living room to watch adult entertainment. (thinking about putting a t.v. back in my room) I did an extra 50 cuz I felt all the pauses hurt my workout. Good news though I did all my kegels standing up. Maybe I just wasn't trying hard enough.

Day 7: The days in between were basically the same as the others didn't feel the need to write about them. Well 1 week down. I'm really glad that I finally started. I'm feeling more comfortable with the exercises. I don't feel the kegels as hard as I should I am going to hold harder from now on. When I kegel the base of my penis sinks in & my sac expands I guess i am doing these right, only time will tell.

Day 10: I did 350 wet jelqs felt they were all good, but I didn't get a good pump afterwards like i thought i should.

Day 11: had to exercise in the dark, power was out at my house. got up to 400 jelqs. Damn I knew this looked familiar. I seen this routine before me and my girl got this sexual reflexology book & the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-newbie-forum/1597-dlds-first-routine-i-gained-2-inches-with-this-routine-full-tutorial.html]newbie routine[/words] is in there. It is different in a few ways they emphasize on testicle health way more, but the stretching adn jelqs (they call it milking) is the same. The book said most men don't realize that the penis can be work to lengthen and thicken because of the simple fact of it's anatomy. I was already a believer in Penis Enlargement from the progress threads, but it was very exciting to find it published in a book I had for awhile.

Day 13: today was a decent workout started doing 400 jelqs a few days ago to prepare myself for 600. my pump doesn't last long after I finish. once i get in the shower it seems to go back down to normal size, but when i wake in the morning it seems a little fuller. started doing 200 quick kegels, 50-5 seconds and 1 min. really felt them today.

Day 14: Not a good workout had to baby sit for a friend. Had to cut everything short it was really late when she came and got him. I have to make up for the lacluster performance >:(

Day 15: 1st day doing 600 jelqs, went okay took awhile though, didn't use any adult entertainment did them all in my room. thought about my girl back home, that kept me going.

until the next post.....i'll holla
Last edited:
Very impressive log! This is one of the most valuable tools one can have in Penis Enlargement because it gives a clear, concise history of exercise, gains and general progress. I will be watching ya!
twins172_up said:
Ok I finally decided to get off my ass & do this.
Whooo-hoooo!!! Way to go, man! I'm a newbie like you and finally decided it was time to shit or get off the pot! :)
twins172_up said:
I've been coming here for a while to be honest mostly for the adult entertainment paradise section & i read a few people threads on gains thinking it was impossible.
Oh, it's possible, boy-o -- it is DEFINITELY possible!

twins172_up said:
I am going to follow the phase 1 routine for awhile, I don't know what is the maximum time spent on this routine, but I'm sure I am going to get close to it.
Do six weeks with phase I, like DLD says, and then measure. If you haven't gained at all, take it from there and make some changes. That's my plan.

twins172_up said:
Patience is a virtue and I guess it is a good one to have when dealing with Penis Enlargement.
OH yeah! I'm with you on that one. Here's a favorite quote of mine from "A Course In Miracles": "Infinite patience brings almost immedite rewards." . . . Think about it...

twins172_up said:
To warm up I use a "hot wrap", a wash cloth in a bowl of hot water to warmdown i usually take a hot shower. I live with a roommate so I do everything in the privacy of my room. The hot water doesn't get hot enough for me so i put the bowl in the microwave for a couple of min. I wrapped for 5-7 min. putting the towel back in the water every other minute.
Do yourself a favor and go buy a heating pad. It'll save you alot of time and trouble (and they're pretty cheap) . . . tip from another newbie.

twins172_up said:
Very simple throw on baby powder on yourself and hands & pull. I did find my hands cramping not too long after I started. I figure it will get easier as I get use to it.
Yep, they will! there are lots of other tools to aid in stretching, so if you start to have trouble, just do a search here.

twins172_up said:
Started off w/ 100 quick kegels held them all for about a second, then I attempted to do 50 5 second kegels then 1 min. I just realized my pc muscle is weak as shit, couldn't do it to save my life. So I did another set of 100 quick kegels. Hopefully over time I will learn to control this muscle the way I want to, practice makes perfect even though I read doing too many can be damaging & can cause premature ejaculation. which won't be good. I figure it will take awhile for me to get to that stage.
For extra practice, start doing them in the bathroom everytime you take a piss. I realized the other day that I've been doing "kegels" my whole life, as at the end of each piss, I'd contract my PC muscle to get those last few extra squirts of piss out...try it out. It might help.

twins172_up said:
I plan on updating weekly or biweekly & measuring every few months (hopefully I can stick to that) I plan on changing routines every three months so that is when i plan on measuring. I am going to start off on a 7 day on routine & take days off if needed for healing when necessary
You might want to measure more frequently than that...that's what I plan on doing. I'm going to measure every 3 or 4 weeks or so. I would be pissed to know that I've gone on doing the same thing for 3 or 4 months without any gains, when I could have know the same thing weeks (or months) ago and changed up my routine for the better. It's up to you though.

Keep up the great work, man! And the great records, that'll surely be a big help. Keep us posted.

- Indy
Day 16: 1 hr. LAS, warmup, 3 sets of stretches, 600 jelqs, warmdown
351 kegels, testicle health
Day 17: 2 hr. LAS, warmup, 3 sets of stretches*, 600 jelqs, warmdown
351 kegels, testicle health
Day 18: warmup, 3 sets of stretches, 600 jelqs, warmdown
451 kegels, testicle health
Day 19: 3 hr. LAS, warmup, 3 sets of stretches, 600 jelqs, warmdown
451 kegels, testicle health
Day 20: No Pe
Day 21: No Pe
Day 22: No Pe
Day 23: No Pe
Day 24: No Pe
Day 25: 3 hr. LAS, warmup, 3 sets of stretches, 650 jelqs, warmdown
551 kegels, testicle health
Day 26: 3 hr. LAS, warmup, 3 sets of stretches, 600 jelqs, warmdown
451 kegels, testicle health
Day 27: 3 hr. LAS, warmup, 3 sets of stretches, 600 jelqs, warmdown
451 kegels, testicle health
Day 28: warmup, 3 sets of stretches, 700 jelqs, warmdown
351 kegels, testicle health
Day 29: warmup, 3 sets of stretches, 700 jelqs, warmdown
251 kegels, testicle health
Day 30: 1 hr LAS, warmup, 3 sets of stretches, 650 jelqs, warmdown
401 kegels, testicle health
Day 17: Decided to split routine up throughout day. I do stretches in six different directions and 30 cranking rotaries a set (down, down-right, down-left, up, up-right, up-left) in the morning with testicle health. At work I do lazy ass stretches and kegels and when i get home at night i do the jelqing exercises. I warmup and warmdown before and after stretches and jelqs. I think i like this better cuz it cuts down on my time at night, seeing that i don't get home until 12:30 and have to be up by 5:30. I think this is okay if anyone have any comments why this isn't a good idea, please feel free to make suggestions.

Day 20-24: No Pe'ing due to traveling to N. Carolina for a family reunion. I thought about doing the exercises while there, but changed my mind when i realize i wouldn't have the type of privacy i wanted. I also took a break cuz my girl have been on a phone sex trip lately. By the time we finished talking i didn't want to do shit but sleep. I had to put a stop to that shit so I can get back to my routine.

Day 25: Back at it & it went well. I tried the footlong stretch tonight and couldn't do it. I am thin and toned, but never was too limber (can't touch toes to save my life) I am going to do more stretching at the gym so hopefully i can work these stretches in. I plan on devoting some time to come up with a technique where i can do these footlong stretches.

Day 26: Today I join [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words] paysite rofl I found video clips that were really helpful. By watching the clips I realize my technique while jelqing is wrong. Well what I was doing was the angle jelq instead of basic. I got the same results, but I rather stick to the script. I think everyone should join it's not that expensive and it's a one time fee. Plus it had phases 1-4 with video clips of each exercise. Well worth it I think. I also ordered a R.O.P. from Supra a little while ago which I hope is coming soon. I haven't seen him in here lately but hopefully he already sent it off.

Day 30: 1 month down of Pe. I feel pretty good about keeping up with the routine besides the few days that I miss. It's not hard to stay motivated to continue to do my routine. I just think about my girl and how tight she is now and one day I am really going to stretch her out & provide her with the right amount of pain and pleasure that she likes. I can't wait!!! well until next entry I'll holla.
twins172_up said:
thanks guys...i haven't reached for the ruler yet....i'm trying to hold out for a little while longer

That is hard to do, I can't keep my hands off the ruler for 2 days:D
Day 31: 3 hr LAS, warmup, 3 sets of stretches, 700 jelqs, warmdown,
351 kegels, testicle health
Day 32: warmup, 3 sets of stretches, 700 jelqs, warmdown,
351 kegels, testicle health
Day 33: 3 hr LAS, warmup, 3 sets of stretches, 400 jelqs, warmdown,
651 kegels, testicle health
Day 34: 2 hr LAS, warmup, 3 sets of stretches, 700 jelqs, warmdown,
651 kegels, testicle health
Day 35: warmup, 3 sets of stretches, 700 jelqs, warmdown,
351 kegels, testicle health
Day 36: warmup, 3 sets of stretches, 700 jelqs, warmdown,
351 kegels, testicle health
Day 37: 3 hr LAS, warmup, 3 sets of stretches, 700 jelqs, warmdown,
921 kegels, testicle health
Day 38: 2 hr LAS, warmup, 3 sets of stretches, 700 jelqs, warmdown,
700 kegels, testicle health
Day 39: 3 hr LAS, warmup, 3 sets of stretches, 400 jelqs, warmdown,
900 kegels
Day 40: 1 hr LAS, warmup, 3 sets of stretches, 700 jelqs, warmdown,
600 kegels, testicle health
Day 41: 3 hr LAS, warmup, 3 sets of stretches, warmdown,
910 kegels, testicle health
Day 42: 2 hr LAS, warmup, 3 sets of stretches, 700 jelqs, warmdown,
910 kegels, testicle health
Day 43: warmup, 6 sets of stretches, 800 jelqs, warmdown,
810 kegels, testicle health
Day 44: 2 hr LAS, warmup, 6 sets of stretches, 800 jelqs, warmdown,
710 kegels, testicle health
Day 37: I started to do a hundred quick kegels in between each set of LAS's. I also start doing 10 sets of 20 second kegel holds instead of 50 5 second ones. I plan to increase the holds in time until I can do sets of two minutes holds with no problem. I also notice that there is more skin grouped around my head. I'm thinking this is an indication that the skin is stretching for upcoming gains.

Day 43: Today is the 6 week mark of me pe'ing. I decided that I am sticking with phase 1. But I started doing 6 sets of stretches instead of 3. I also started to increase my jelq exercise by 200 every two weeks for the next six weeks. This is going to be my last entry for a month or so. Going home for summer break. Going to stay on routine as much as possible which might be difficult cuz I will be taking care of my son all day and staying with family. I will post any gains the next time I post. later
well my vacation didn't go as planned so i am down here for a few more weeks before i set off to visit the family...so here is my biweekly post.

Day 45: 2 hr LAS, warmup, 6 sets of stretches, 800 jelqs, warmdown
600 kegels, testicle health
Day 46: 1 hr LAS, warmup, 6 sets of stretches, 800 jelqs, warmdown
911 kegels, testicle health
Day 47: No pe
Day 48: 3 hr LAS, 911 kegels
Day 49: No pe
Day 50: warmup, 9 sets of stretches, 900 jelqs, warmdown
911 kegels, testicle health
Day 51: warmup, 9 sets of stretches, 800 jelqs, warmdown
800 kegels, testicle health
Day 52: 3 1/2 hr LAS, warmup, 6 sets of stretches, 800 jelqs, warmdown
1,011 kegels, testicle health
Day 53: 4 hr LAS, warmup, 6 sets of stretches, 800 jelqs, warmdown
1,010 kegels, testicle health
Day 54: 3 hr LAS, warmup, 9 sets of stretches, 1,000 jelqs, warmdown
1,011 kegels, testicle health
Day 55: 4 hr LAS, warmup, 6 sets of stretches, 1,000 jelqs, warmdown
1,011 kegels, testicle health
Day 56: No pe
Day 57: warmup, 6 sets of stretches, 1,000 jelqs, warmdown
1,011 kegels, testicle health
Day 47: No pe, spent the night at a friends house.

Day 48: After i got off work i was so tired. I bought a heating pad a couple of days ago. I started to do my warmup and fell asleep w/ the pad on me. Luckily it wasn't on for too long. I took that as a sign & took my ass to bed.

Day 49: took a trip to ATL to see some friends & a night of clubbin. No pe, but went to a great reggae party rofl

Day 54: Decided to move up to 1,000 jelqs today. Missed a few sessions a couple of days ago thought this might make up for it.

Day 56: No pe, another Atlanta trip, & this one was better than the last :)

Day 57: Going to start doing my stretches in a bundle state. Going to try this for a month. I worry that my stretches aren't intense enough so i am going to see if this makes a difference in intensity. until next time
hey peoples...i am in b-more right now...visiting my son....i haven't done any exercises in a week....feel pretty bad about it too....i am suppose to be up to 1200 jelqs per day...i plan to check my gains on the 5th of sept... i will post them then...i am going to try to start my routine back up tomorrow...until then i'll holla
twins172_up said:
hey peoples...i am in b-more right now...visiting my son....i haven't done any exercises in a week....feel pretty bad about it too....i am suppose to be up to 1200 jelqs per day...i plan to check my gains on the 5th of sept... i will post them then...i am going to try to start my routine back up tomorrow...until then i'll holla

Im a holla at my boy right here: Don't try...DO!:)
it's been a rough couple of weeks....i'm back down in school trying to finish up my last year...this shit is so stressing...my fin. aide ran out...so everything has to come out of pocket...can't take out a private loan cuz i fucked up my credit my fresHydromaxan year with all this damn credit cards they give to college students...i'm really ready to move on to another stage in my life and i feel like i am stuck here...spending time with my son makes it all the worse...he just turned 1 years old...it felt like he was born yesterday...i'm missing all of his firsts being down here....i haven't done my routine in about three weeks...i have no drive to either....i did it once since i been back....i tried to measure...it look like i haven't gained anything...but i couldn't stay hard....if anything i might have gained a quarter of an inch...(have to check again) as for girth i haven't gained anything mid shaft...but base girth has gone up...i'm just fucking stressed right now with trying to find money for school, behind on rent and bills and basically just missing the shit out of my son....i don't want to be down here and it is effecting my workout....i haven't been to the gym as much either....i am going to try to snap out of it....i want to start on phase 2 soon....i need to get out of this state of mind....i know things will get better...i'm just ready for it to happen
Day58: 4hr las, warmup, 6 sets of stretches, 1,000 jelqs, 1,000 kegels, warmdown, testicle health
Day59: 3 1/2hr las, warmup, 6 sets of stretches, 1,000 jelqs, 1,011 kegels, warmdown, testicle health
Day60: 3hr las, warmup, 6 sets of stretches, 1,000 jelqs, 1,000 kegels, warmdown, testicle health
Day61: 4hr las, warmup, 6 sets of stretches, 1,000 jelqs, 1,015 kegels, warmdown, testicle health
Day62: 4hr las, warmup, 6 sets of stretches, 1,000 jelqs, 1,015 kegels, warmdown, testicle health
Day63: no pe
Day64: warmup, 6 sets of stretches, 1,000 jelqs, 1,015 kegels, warmdown, testicle health
Day65: 3hr las, warmup, 6 sets of stretches, 1,000 jelqs, 1,015 kegels, warmdown, testicle health
Day66: 4hr las, warmup, 6 sets of stretches, 1,100 jelqs, 1,000 kegels, warmdown, testicle health
Day67: warmup, 3 sets of stretches, 600 jelqs, 1,000 kegels, warmdown
Day68-83: no pe
Day84: warmup, 6 sets of stretches, 1,000 jelqs, 1,000 kegels, warmdown, testicle health
Day85-88: no pe
Day 88: Got to shake myself out of this mood. I'm frustrated with my whole situation. I know i am better off than a lot of people, many people wish they had the opportunity to go to school, but that still doesn't help. I did measure again tonight...my nbel is 6.25", bpel 6.75". didn't measure flaccid figured it doesn't matter right now..in time i will be able to tell a difference. The first time i measured girth i only did mid-shaft and it is still around 4.8" my base is 5.25" and underneath my gland is 4.25". I'll keep track of all 3 from now on. I was told that it feels like i am getting bigger..but i think some of it is due to not having sex for nearly 3 mths...i want to start on phase 2 soon..maybe adding 1 or two more exercises. i don't think i was getting the maximum stretch from phase 1 stretching. I really would like to feel a burn when i'm stretching. since i've been back down here i haven't got into a routine with school, the gym or anything, once i get settled in i know things will get easier, but i need to get off my ass and start my routine again
I feel you on the stress and discouragement. When my son was 1 I was a mess and I missed out on a whole lot of good stuff. Today I see him all the time and my shit is straight so it's all good. Money and bills suck too, I struggle with this all the time but I try to think of it like this; I know everything is temporary. I have gone through much worse shit in my life and came out of it better. You will too. We are always here and Penis Enlargement will always be here for you.
i appreciate it dld....thanks for taking the time to say that...i am going to start back tonight no matter what...i'll get through this...what doesn't kill us makes us stronger right...again thank you
twins172_up said:
what doesn't kill us makes us stronger right...again thank you

In that case I must be the strongest mother flucker in the world:D
No one has told this guy yet that he need to include a few squeezes in his routine. I don't know if he is still on it. But the doing about 10 30sec-1min squeezes will make that girth shoot up. It made mine. I started at about 5.0-5.1 and in about 3 months of solid Penis Enlargementing I got to 5.5 it's hard but was worth it. I'm just recently starting up again and I am shooting for 6 inch girth.
yesterday is one of the 1st days i attempted to get back into a routine in a while. i know i am going to be pissed w/ myself later down the road for missing all that time, but i am going to try not to worry about it...i started phase 2. the blasters gave me some trouble i guess cuz i am not use to them.

i decided not to count in numbers anymore but go by time...i will no longer be a slave to numbers...i think this would be better so i can concentrate on the exercise and not have to worry what number i stopped on. i also started clamping that lasted 20 min. i just put the clamp on & try to stay hard which was really difficult. i might have to break & buy myself some drugs to get through my girth exercises. might try viagra. i plan to stretch in the morning before class and early afternoon and everything else at night. still going to stick with 7 on 0 off

i also been reading threads where some guys have more than one goal a short-term, mid term, and long term goal...which i think is a great idea so i thought about my short term goal is 7"x5.25nbp, mid term 7.75"x5.75" nbp and long term 8.5"x6"nbp...not setting any time frame for these...i hit it when i do....my new routine is as followed:

25-30 min. of dld blasters
5 min of sit-up stretches
10 min of TOW stretches

Mid Morning
25-30 min of dld blasters
5 min of sit-up stretches
10 min of TOW stretches

Evening (At Work)
3-4 hours of Lazy Ass Stretches
1,015 kegels (1,000 quick kegels, 10 20 second holds, 5 60 second holds)

45min-1hr double forced jelq and bends
superset w/ 30 seconds isolate compression squeezes
3 sets of desk(toilet) compression squeezes
20 min clamp session
testicle health

before and after every session i warm-up and warm-down. on the double force bends i bend up..trying to create a little curve.

i feel good about getting back into my routine...i finally got into school, things are starting to seem better. so i need to hit this hard again..
the past week has been pretty good...i missed saturday..but besides that everything is good..i recently started drinking a gallon of water a day which got me running to the bathroom all damn day...i guess my body will get use to it...i also started all day clamping....the most i did was about 2 hrs....i'm going to work my way up...i change my girth routine again...added the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-forum/12539-slow-squash-jelq-nothing-give-me-better-expansion.html]slow squash jelq[/words] and another clamping session...depending on how i feel the day after i might start doing one day on...one day off...so here is the amended girth routine

20 min clamp session
45min-1hr double forced jelq and bends
superset w/ 30 seconds isolate compression squeezes
15-20 min [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-forum/12539-slow-squash-jelq-nothing-give-me-better-expansion.html]slow squash jelq[/words]
3 sets of desk(toilet) compression squeezes
20 min clamp session
testicle health
the routine has been going pretty well since the last post...i have been slacking on my length exercises a little...been getting into my girth a little more...i got some generic v...so i am going to take for a while and see if it helps me with my girth workout....still adcing got up to about 2 hrs...
twins172_up said:
i got some generic v...so i am going to take for a while and see if it helps me with my girth workout

You are going to LOVE it for your girth workouts! V is like the steroids of Penis Enlargement:)
i haven't been stretching....i put my length routine on hold for a little while...probably start back up in a week or so...when i order the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]powerassist[/words]...i just don't feel the intensity when i manually stretch with my hands...i have been doing my girth workout...about 6 days a week..it's coming a long pretty well...i'm not going to measure for a couple of months when i do...i will post...i also have to get back on top of my pc exercises...haven't done those in a while either
it's been a while since i posted..due to the fact that it has been a while since i did my routine....i got caught in a slump and haven't got out of it yet...i keep saying i am going to start today...but never do...when i do start back i plan to go back to phase 1 stretching...i'm still trying to get a [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]power assist[/words] to aid me in my stretching...once i get back into it...i'll be fine...but i just need to make that initial step...hopefully i will and i'll start updating my log regularly again
twins172_up said:
i just got the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]power assist[/words] in the mail yesterday....i can't wait to start using it...starting tonight

Yeah!!!! What do you think so far?
so far so good...i just recently started a [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]power assist[/words] routine that last for about 1 hour and 15 minutes...i do about seven of the exercises:
tunica fulcrum stretch
2 handed A-stretch *
body rock stretch
bow stretch*
sling shot
down and out
side fulcrum

i do 10-15 minutes of each...* i feel the tension the most

i am having a little difficulty with the tunica fulcrum stretch....i can't seem to keep the position to do the stretch...when i place my thighs on the handles it turns...in the picture...it looks like you suppose to sit on it..and it stays in place...well it doesn't for me

i try to get atleast 30 minutes in the morning...i feel like i slacked off for so long now i have to make up for it...

haven't started back girth yet...i will soon...maybe in march i just want to get into my length routine first and make it a habit...i actually like doing girth so it won't be too hard to stay consistent
i'm starting my routine up again after a few weeks off....went on vacation then had my spring break...i didn't do shit...but now i am back in school...i'm still using the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]power assist[/words]...and i am trying to save money for the [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]extender[/words]...money is tight now since i have custody of my son...but i will get it eventually...no rush....i can't wait for the summer when i can really put in some good time into my routine.
it was way past time for me to rededicate myself to achieving my pe goals...now i am working harder to achieve the first. I plan on doing 3 different stretching sessions(morning, noon, night) i haven't got in a morning session yet..but i will get into it soon..the morning and noon sessions last 30 minutes (not including warmup and warmdown) where I will be doing the penis & scrotom stretch, the 2-handed A-stretch or Bow stretch(alternate these daily) & the tunica fulcrum stretch (bundled). The night session is a full hour , forthe full hour I add the body rock stretch and the down & out stretch. I do each stretch for ten minutes with 60 second holds. All is done with the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]power assist[/words]. I do my girth routine at night as well which consist of 25 minutes clamp session, 25 minute double jelqs w/ bends(hold bends for 10 seconds) then 25 minutes [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-forum/12539-slow-squash-jelq-nothing-give-me-better-expansion.html]SSJ[/words]'s(hold for 2 minutes) and uli's (hold for 60 seconds)...it takes about an hour and ten minutes..and after i warmdown for 30 minutes

i plan to do a 5 on 2 off schedule, but that might change depending on how fatigue i feel and if i have time to do my workout on the weekend
4/9 1hr & 10 minutes of [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]power assist[/words] stretches, kegels throughout day, testicle health

4/10 1hr of [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]pa[/words] stretches, kegels throughout day, testicle health

4/11 kegels, afternoon: 30 min. [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]pa[/words] stretches, 2 hr adc w/ hose clamp and insulation, night: 1 hr [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]pa[/words] stretches, testicle health

4/12 kegels, 1hr [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]pa[/words] stretches, testicle health, girth routine: 25 min clamp session, 25 min jelqs w/bends, 25 min [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-forum/12539-slow-squash-jelq-nothing-give-me-better-expansion.html]SSJ[/words]'s, & 5 min uli's

4/13 kegels, afternoon: 30 min [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]pa[/words] stretches, night: 1hr [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]pa[/words] stretches, testicle health, 25 min clamp session, 25 min jelqs w/bends, 25 min [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-forum/12539-slow-squash-jelq-nothing-give-me-better-expansion.html]SSJ[/words]'s,
2 min uli's (was squeezing too hard and lost control)

4/14 kegels, 1 hr [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]pa[/words] stretches, testicle health, 25 min clamp session 25 min jelqs w/ bends, 30 min [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-forum/12539-slow-squash-jelq-nothing-give-me-better-expansion.html]SSJ[/words]'s, & 5 min uli's

4/15 kegels, afternoon: 30 min [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]pa[/words] stretches, 2 hr adc, night: 1hr [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]pa[/words] stretches, testicle health, 25 min clamp session, 25 jelqs w/bends 45 min [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-forum/12539-slow-squash-jelq-nothing-give-me-better-expansion.html]SSJ[/words]'s & 5 min uli's

4/16 Rest day

4/17 Rest day

i feel real confident with this routine...i plan to do it for a few months..like before i am not measuring for a few months...so i will let everyone my progress in july...

i like using the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]power assist[/words], i really feel the stretches a lot more than the manual stretches...which i still plan to do when i am just sitting around watching t.v. maybe a few times a day i will do 10 minute session
4/18 kegels, afternoon: 1/2hr [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]pa[/words] stretches, 2hr adc, night: 1hr [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]pa[/words] stretches, testicle health, 25min clamp session, 25 jelqs w/bends, 45min [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-forum/12539-slow-squash-jelq-nothing-give-me-better-expansion.html]SSJ[/words]'s, 5min uli's

4/19 kegels, afternoon: 1/2hr [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]pa[/words] stretches, 2hr adc, night: 1hr [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]pa[/words] stretches, testicle health, 30min clamp, 30min jelq w/bends, 30min [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-forum/12539-slow-squash-jelq-nothing-give-me-better-expansion.html]SSJ[/words]'s, 10min uli's

4/20 kegels, afternoon: 1/2hr [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]pa[/words] stretches 1.5hr adc, night: 1hr [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]pa[/words] stretches, testicle health, 25min clamp, 30min jelqs w/bends, 25min [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-forum/12539-slow-squash-jelq-nothing-give-me-better-expansion.html]SSJ[/words]'s, 7min uli's

4/21 kegels, night: 1hr [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]pa[/words] stretches, 1hr adc, testicle health, 25min clamp, 25min jelqs w/bends, 25min [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-forum/12539-slow-squash-jelq-nothing-give-me-better-expansion.html]SSJ[/words]'s, 6min uli's

4/22 kegels, night: 1hr [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]pa[/words] stretches, 2hr adc, testicle health,no girth workout tonight due to company

4/23 Rest day only kegels and testicle health on off days

4/24 Rest day
4/25 kegels, morning: 1/2hr [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]pa[/words] stretches, afternoon: 1/2hr [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]pa[/words] stretches, 2hr adc, night: 1hr [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]pa[/words] stretches, testicle health, girth: 25min clamp, 25min jelqs w/bends, 25min [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-forum/12539-slow-squash-jelq-nothing-give-me-better-expansion.html]SSJ[/words]'s 10min uli's (great session)

4/26 kegels, afternoon: 1/2hr [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]pa[/words] stretches, 2hr adc, night: 1hr [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]pa[/words] stretches, testicle health, girth: 25min clamp, 25min jelqs w/bends, 30min [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-forum/12539-slow-squash-jelq-nothing-give-me-better-expansion.html]SSJ[/words]'s, 6 min uli's

4/27 kegels, afternoon: 1/2 [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]pa[/words] stretches, 1hr adc, night: 1hr [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]pa[/words] stretches, testicle health, girth: 25min clamp, 25min jelqs w/bends, 25min [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-forum/12539-slow-squash-jelq-nothing-give-me-better-expansion.html]SSJ[/words]'s, 7 min uli's

4/28 Rest day

4/29 kegels, afternoon: 1/2hr [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]pa[/words] stretches, 2hr adc, night: 1hr [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]pa[/words] stretches, testicle health, girth: 30 min clamp, 25min jelqs w/bends, 25 min [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-forum/12539-slow-squash-jelq-nothing-give-me-better-expansion.html]SSJ[/words]'s 8 min uli's

4/30 kegels, afternoon: 1 hr adc, night: 1hr [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]pa[/words] stretches, testicle health, girth: 25min clamp, 25min jelqs w/bends, 25min [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-forum/12539-slow-squash-jelq-nothing-give-me-better-expansion.html]SSJ[/words]'s 7min uli's

5/1 Rest day
it's been a while since my last post...i don't have access like i use to..but i haven't been working out for the past month either...just getting over an extreme urinary tract infection...that is what the urologist said the lump in my testicle came from...he prescribe me medication and it has gotten smaller and no longer is painful...but i can still feel a mass in there...i just haven't started back up my routine again...i said i was going to get back on it soon..but haven't yet...hopefully i will get back to the hard work very soon...take it easy
man my life has been so hectic the past few months...i thought i was "sick" for a while and lost all motivation to do anything and been having life problems...but i'm finally starting to snap out of it...i am ready to get back in the gym...put me in coach...this time i plan to hang in there until i reach my goals...until next time
i haven't posted my routine in a long time...i started getting back into a routine about 1 1/2 ago..been writing it down but not posting...not sure if i want to start up a new thread or just use this one...i guess it doesn't really matter...but i want to start my log again.
i've been exercising again for a couple of months..more girth than length..but now i'm back doing both...i started to keep track of my routine again

1-3-08 25minutes jelqs & bends, 25min [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-forum/12539-slow-squash-jelq-nothing-give-me-better-expansion.html]SSJ[/words]'s, 35 min clamp
1-4-08 30 min jelq & bends, 30 min [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-forum/12539-slow-squash-jelq-nothing-give-me-better-expansion.html]SSJ[/words]'s
1-5-08 30min jelq & bends, 30 min [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-forum/12539-slow-squash-jelq-nothing-give-me-better-expansion.html]SSJ[/words]'s, 30 min clamp
1-6-08 30min jelq & bends, 30 min [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-forum/12539-slow-squash-jelq-nothing-give-me-better-expansion.html]SSJ[/words]'s, 30 min clamp
1-7-08 2 hour adc,30min jelq & bends, 30 min [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-forum/12539-slow-squash-jelq-nothing-give-me-better-expansion.html]SSJ[/words]'s, 30 min clamp
1-8-08 2.5 hour adc, 30min jelq & bends, 30 min [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-forum/12539-slow-squash-jelq-nothing-give-me-better-expansion.html]SSJ[/words]'s, 30 min clamp
1-9-08 3 hour adc, 1 hour manual stretches, 30min jelq & bends, 30 min,SSJ's, 30 min clamp
1-10-08 1 hr adc, 1 hr manual stretches, 30min jelq & bends, 30 min [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-forum/12539-slow-squash-jelq-nothing-give-me-better-expansion.html]SSJ[/words]'s, 30 min clamp
1-11-08 1 hr stretches, 30min jelq & bends, 30 min [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-forum/12539-slow-squash-jelq-nothing-give-me-better-expansion.html]SSJ[/words]'s, 30 min clamp
1-12-08 2 hr adc, 1 hr stretches, 30 min jelq & bends, 30 min [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-forum/12539-slow-squash-jelq-nothing-give-me-better-expansion.html]SSJ[/words]'s
1-13-08 1 hour stretches

I'm currently doing the phase 1 stretches with one minute holds...I am also going to incorporate 1/2hr - 1 hour [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]power assist[/words] stretches starting today...my goal is to do atleast 1 1/2 hours of stretches a day and 1 1/2hrs of girth work...and wearing the adc (all day clamp) for about 3 hrs a day...i keep my heating pad on during the clamp work...i tuck it underneath my balls to keep them warm and periodically wrap my penis up while i kegel....i usually do testicle massages when i'm in the shower...i joined the the january/february contest to keep me going strong for the next month and a half...hopefully it would bring me some good news at the end of february.
1-14-08 1hr manual stretches, 1/2hr [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]power assist[/words] stretches...30min jelq/bends, 30min [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-forum/12539-slow-squash-jelq-nothing-give-me-better-expansion.html]SSJ[/words]'s, 30 min clamp
1-15-08 40 min stretch, 2hr adc, 30min jelq/bend, 30 minSSJ's, 20min clamp
1-16-08 1hr manual stretch, 1/2hr [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]power assist[/words], 30min jelq/bends, 30min
1-17-08 1hr manual stretch, 1/2 [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]power assist[/words], 2hr adc, 30min jelq/bends, 30min [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-forum/12539-slow-squash-jelq-nothing-give-me-better-expansion.html]SSJ[/words]'s, 40 min clamp
1-18-08 1hr manual stretch, 30min jelq/bends, 30min [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-forum/12539-slow-squash-jelq-nothing-give-me-better-expansion.html]SSJ[/words]'s
1-19-08 2hr manual stretch, 30min jelq/bends, 30min [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-forum/12539-slow-squash-jelq-nothing-give-me-better-expansion.html]SSJ[/words]'s, 30min clamp
1-20-08 NO Penis Enlargement
1-21-08 1hr manual stretch, 40min jelq/bends, 30min [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-forum/12539-slow-squash-jelq-nothing-give-me-better-expansion.html]SSJ[/words]'s, 25min clamp
1-22-08 1hr manual stretch, 30min jelq/bends, 30min [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-forum/12539-slow-squash-jelq-nothing-give-me-better-expansion.html]SSj[/words]'s, 15min clamp

right now i'm trying to take no days off until the end of february when i will probably switch up my routine completley including the amount of rest days i take
man it's been so long since i kept up with this log...i have been giving advice the last few days about keeping an accurate log to track yourself and stay motivated...i have a small little notebook that i use now and track my routine with that...but i think i'm gonna start posting in this thread again...well atleast update it more often

i don't really measure...maybe every few months i will...but i make it a habit not to even think in inches and cm's

last few weeks i have been slacking on my stretching routine...but when i'm on it...i will try do about an 1hr of manual stretches and try to wear an [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]extender[/words] for about 5 hrs a day and if i can throw in some lazy ass stretches while sitting at the computer...and i also do atleast an hour of girth work most of the time more...but like i said the last few weeks has been very sporadic...need to buckle back down and get my habit back
slow rofl...i actually like working girth...but it takes a while for me to gain...girth is a slow process...but i've been putting in more time and trying to stay consistent...so i know it will eventually pay off...today i did a two hour girth session...jelqing along with some clamping...i was plump like you wouldn't believe hopefully it will turn into actual gains soon...i think the problem is that my dick is really conditioned and it is gonna take more to get my goal...i don't want to take a break right now...so i'm gonna keep going with it.
no i haven't...i don't know how more intense i can get rofl...but right now i'm just trying to put in as many hours a day...i'm hoping that will help...because i don't want to take a break right now...so any little time i get and think about stretching or anything i do it...i'm gonna see how it works for another month or so...then i might relax for about a week then get back at it.
I have a couple questions for you.

1. When you stopped doing Pe did you lose your gains?

I'm always tuggin on it or squeezing it even if I don't Pe just to try to keep it toned.

2. Have you noticed that you do Pe for a while and it seems like nothing is happeneing and then one day you look at it and it's like holy crap what happened. You decide to measure just for the hell of it and it's 1/4" longer or thicker. Almost like it grew overnight.

3. I find that if I set really short term goals , like I'm gonna go for a month and see what happens, my results are better. Do you have this expereince with it?