AncientChina said:
randolf the first impression thing, was not only funny as hell but very true! Wow, those girls must seem like a downer to you by the way. I see that a lot with they not realize that people change and evolve hahah.
Ya they are sort of a downer. Thats why even though I like them as friends, I find myself drifting towards new people. They don't mean to put me down like that, its just before I used to be cocky and about average strength, so they'd bug me about it.
But now that I am stronger they can't see it. I mean I've done demonstrations of strength versus people they say are as strong or stronger then me. And I win, then instead of acknowledging it they immediately make another challenge, like I have to prove it again.
I think in some respects they get turned on by the strength things. A lot of bodybuilders can lift a lot more then me, but I am stronger then the average guy my age by a lot. But I also think they just can't see it, and even in the face of demonstrations that they themselves make up, they can't see it, and will never admit it.
I've found that with leadership to, the women who knew me before, can't accept me in the full domineering role, whereas new people see me as a leader. Ist like so many things frustrated me, until I realized wait a minute randolf, you can use this to your advantage. Just like peoples greed, you could allow it to frustrate you and fight against it your whole life, and you would never make a dent in it. But when you use peoples greed to work for you, it is an incredible motivator for them.
For example going to a new place, like I happen to be into politics, and immediately asserting yourself as the leader. All people see of you is the leader. Whereas someone that has worked their way up from inside, they still have memories of when he was at their level.
I believe its a factor in why a lot of the young professionals that are like deputy vice presidents and that of companies, have never worked at a company for more then 1.5 years. There is other factors as well, but they jump from one to another, and project how they want to be seen as they jump to each level. The people have never seen anything different of them.
ancientchina said:
"Do you find asian guys seuxally attractive" and she told me "Yeah, but the only thing that holds me back is the penis size sterotype"......You see? A guy would just screw a chick no matter what, regardless of sterotypes.
Yes and they see a black guy they immediately think he will have rythim, and be hugely hung. But its like their stereotypes actualy create their reality. Like even if that black guy can't dance worth shit, and is average size, they still view him as a good dancer and hung.
And there is no doubt women find asian guys attractive, from what I've seen it is somewhat more of a spirtual type connection, like attractive eyes and face etc. But its 'in' to be with a black guy, I think women are far more driven by social status then men.
Think about tall women, they say the reason they don't date short men, is because of how it would look. Guys couldn't give a fuck about how it looks, they just want the hot loving. Whoever they are attracted to, black, tall, asian, short whatever they will want to be with.
For me marrying a tall woman and having children with her, would give my children the same taller genes, as a woman marrying a tall man.
But for me although height is good, there is so many other factors, that I don't really care or think about it. I look at a girl and I think shes hot or shes not hot. I dont' think about why, and frankly the women are of varying heights and shapes. I like a lot of different types.
Infact I could marry a black woman, and she could give the children all the genetics that women seem to be going for from black men. And I do find some black women really hot, I love their muscularity, energy, rythem, sexuality, but I like other women of different ethnicities just as much. And for different reasons, and their different sexualities. I should specificaly note the short muscle development and that is specifically west african decent blacks.
And indeed I may end up one day marrying a black woman, if that is who I end up being with. I couldn't care less what society thinks of it. But there is so many different types of women, all offering so many good things, I would be a fool to only pursue one specific type of woman.