Howdy, welcome back Manimal.

Did you enjoy your time off?

I imagine that your excited and ready to go again! Time off can be great!

I can totally relate to your obsession with size (or lack off)... This can really do more harm than good if it enters the mind and makes us suffer for being small - while we are doing everything in our power to create growth. I had this problem for the first 2 months of Penis Enlargement, then I upgraded my system to create a specific context before, during & after my workouts to keep me feeling powerful and in control.

If you want some help setting this up, I'm happy to share the tools.

What I find totally absurd is that we should suffer while we are taking bold action towards creating what we value.

I accepted that I want a bigger dick
I'm doing everything that I can to create it
= Why should I suffer?

I argue that this is all context - context creates feelings/narrations/thoughts etc... and they become reality. Shift the context - and the feelings/narrations/thoughts change to support the new context - OR the context becomes so powerful that the feelings/narrations/thoughts simlpy don't matter anymore.

I want to honour you for getting back on the horse man. It would have been so much easier to just give up and walk away - but you didnt.. you faced your problems and your back. still standing.

Hi Benefit

Thanks for chiming in on my thread. Yes I enjoyed the break thanks. Needed to sort my head out but I'm now in a much better place. As for if I'm excited, yes I am, very excited. Looking forward to the gains!

This can really do more harm than good if it enters the mind and makes us suffer for being small

This is basically what happened to me, I was concentrating on my penis so much that it just burned confirmation into my mind that I wasn't big enough instead of empowering me that I was doing something about it. I've sorted these demons now so thanks for the offer but my mind is settled and at peace.

I'm going to check out your progress thread and maybe we could help each other with motivation now and again.

Thanks again for looking in.

All the best.

Friday 30th November

Warm up

3 sets of the following stretches:

straight down centre [words= ]x 30[/words] secs
straight down left [words= ]x 30[/words] secs
straight down right [words= ]x 30[/words] secs
rotary cranks 360 degs [words=]x 20[/words]

3 sets of the following stretches:

straight out centre [words= ]x 30[/words] secs
straight out left [words= ]x 30[/words] secs
straight out right [words= ]x 30[/words] secs
rotary cranks 360 degs [words=]x 20[/words]

250 wet jelqs (no kegels before jelqs and not squeezed as hard during the jelqs. Used overhand and underhand grip.)

5 mins Warm down

No kegels today

I've found that I can feel the lig burn on the straight out stretch if I use 2 hands to pull so I'm incorporating those aswell.

I've also decided that on the days I kegel throughout the day I'm going to kegel before every jelq and squeeze medium to hard during the jelqs but on the next day there will be no kegels throughout the day or before the jelqs and I will only squeeze the jelq at light to medium strength.

Basically I'm having 1 day on with kegels and jelqing strength and 1 day off with kegels and jelqing strength, therefore giving me a kind of rest day from heavy girth work whilst still exercising. This is also because when I did the jelqs with kegels and more squeeze strength every day I lost my erection strength after a couple of weeks due to over training.

I've messed around a bit and found this is good for me. Let's see how it goes.

I did measure my BPFSL tonight and it's up by 3/8" from when I started again this year. Yipee!​
Saturday 1st December

Rest day - only did kegels throughout the day

Sunday 2nd December

Warm up

3 sets of the following stretches:

straight down centre [words= ]x 30[/words] secs
straight down left [words= ]x 30[/words] secs
straight down right [words= ]x 30[/words] secs
rotary cranks 360 degs [words=]x 20[/words]

3 sets of the following stretches:

straight out centre [words= ]x 30[/words] secs
straight out left [words= ]x 30[/words] secs
straight out right [words= ]x 30[/words] secs
rotary cranks 360 degs [words=]x 20[/words]

250 wet jelqs (Kegeled before jelqs and squeezed medium - hard during the jelqs. Used overhand and underhand grip.)

12 Horizontal movements

5 mins Warm down

Kegels throughout the day

My glans is getting dry and some skin is coming off during the stretches. I think it's because I warm up with warm water and the skin's still soft when I start the stretches. I think I'm going to try the rice sock method for warm ups next time, see if that helps at all.

I've also noticed that with the stretching I'm making my frenulum quite sore and sensitive. I've tried changing how I grip but it's not working out properly yet. I'll keep at it until I find the best method for me.

Gainers never quit and quitters never gain! (I love this saying)​
Monday 3rd December

Rest day - only did kegels throughout the day

Tuesday 4th December

Warm up

3 sets of the following stretches:

straight down centre [words= ]x 30[/words] secs
straight down left [words= ]x 30[/words] secs
straight down right [words= ]x 30[/words] secs
rotary cranks 360 degs [words=]x 20[/words]

3 sets of the following stretches:

straight out centre [words= ]x 30[/words] secs
straight out left [words= ]x 30[/words] secs
straight out right [words= ]x 30[/words] secs
rotary cranks 360 degs [words=]x 20[/words]

300 wet jelqs (Kegeled before jelqs and squeezed medium - hard during the jelqs. Used overhand and underhand grip.)

12 Horizontal movements

5 mins Warm down

Kegels throughout the day

I warmed up in the bath today and I found that I didn't get any bruising on my glans whilst stretching and the skin didn't go dry and flake off. So the lesson to be learnt from this is I should use the bath and not a jug of water for the warm up. I think it might be because I'm in the bath longer than when I soak my penis in a jug only.

Gainers never quit and quitters never gain! (I love this saying)​
keep up the good work a newbie i just started day before yesterday...but reading this forum and your dedication it is inspiration...good luck man!:)
Hi Bordua

Thanks for the comments. I'm glad you've started the exercises, it's the first step to a new you.

My advise to you, for what it's worth as I'm still a newbie myself, is take things slowly and don't over do it. I used to wonder what all the big deal was when the veterans said, "feel the exercises" and "listen to your penis".

Well now I know what they mean. DLD's [words=]newbie routine[/words] is an example only, you don't have to stick to it. Just try it and then change it to suit yourself as I have done (I don't mean start the advanced exercises but adjust the basic ones).

Go slowly, this isn't a race. Too much too soon and you will lose your erections! Concentrate on each stretch, feel the lig burn. Concentrate on each jelq, don't squeeze too much but make sure you squeeze enough. This is something you will find out yourself. Too much and your dick won't get hard when you want it to and you might get swelling on your foreskin (if you have any), not enough and you won't get any benefit from the exercises.

You will only find this out by concentrating on the exercises and not watching the TV or thinking about something else, listen and feel - you will find the way Skywalker!

Hope that all makes sense and if you need any more advise then feel free to ask here.

All the best my friend.

Manimal;286975 said:
Hi Bordua

Thanks for the comments. I'm glad you've started the exercises, it's the first step to a new you.

My advise to you, for what it's worth as I'm still a newbie myself, is take things slowly and don't over do it. I used to wonder what all the big deal was when the veterans said, "feel the exercises" and "listen to your penis".

Well now I know what they mean. DLD's [words=]newbie routine[/words] is an example only, you don't have to stick to it. Just try it and then change it to suit yourself as I have done (I don't mean start the advanced exercises but adjust the basic ones).

Go slowly, this isn't a race. Too much too soon and you will lose your erections! Concentrate on each stretch, feel the lig burn. Concentrate on each jelq, don't squeeze too much but make sure you squeeze enough. This is something you will find out yourself. Too much and your dick won't get hard when you want it to and you might get swelling on your foreskin (if you have any), not enough and you won't get any benefit from the exercises.

You will only find this out by concentrating on the exercises and not watching the TV or thinking about something else, listen and feel - you will find the way Skywalker!

Hope that all makes sense and if you need any more advise then feel free to ask here.

All the best my friend.


yeh thanks man!
Watsup dude...

good to hear your still tugging on your dick! keep it going

I suggest that with warming up get the water HOT - almost hot enough to burn your skin - but not quite, it should feel uncomfortable... warm water just wont do the job.

Also im not sure if you do, but if not get yourself some baby powder to improve grip for strethces. They have gone wanders for grip for me.

I cant believe your doing 20 rotary cranks, thats crazy! Your cock must be so dead after that. How wide do you go on them?
Well I've had another short break due to my Crohn's disease but I've started again so here is my log upto date:

Wednesday 5th December

Rest day - kegels only

Thursday 6th December - Wednesday 12th December

Illness - Crohn's disease

This disease is a real pain in the arse (pun intended) but I will fight it to the end!

Thursday 13th December

Warm up (Rice sock - 45 secs in microwave)

3 sets of the following stretches:

straight down centre [words= ]x 30[/words] secs
straight down left [words= ]x 30[/words] secs
straight down right [words= ]x 30[/words] secs
rotary cranks 360 degs x 10

200 wet jelqs (Kegeled before jelqs and squeezed medium - hard during the jelqs for 3 -5 secs. Used overhand and underhand grip.)

Warm down (Rice sock 45 secs in microwave)

Kegels throughout the day

Friday 14th December

Warm up (Rice sock)

3 sets of the following stretches:

straight down centre [words= ]x 30[/words] secs
straight down left [words= ]x 30[/words] secs
straight down right [words= ]x 30[/words] secs

200 wet jelqs (Kegeled before jelqs and squeezed medium - hard during the jelqs for 3 - 5 secs. Used overhand and underhand grip.)

Warm down (Rice sock)

Kegels throughout the day - half amount of yesterdays

I've decided not to do the rotary cranks because whenever I do them they seem to make my frenulum very sensitive which has caused a couple of premature ejaculations recently. Since stopping them I've not had that problem.​
Saturday 15th December

Didn't have a lot of time today but managed the following:

Warm up (Rice sock)

300 wet jelqs (Kegeled before jelqs and squeezed medium - hard during the jelqs for 3 -5 secs. Used overhand and underhand grip.)

5 squeezes at full erection, clamping at base with my hand until maximum engorgement. Held each one for 5 secs.

Warm down (Rice sock)

Kegeled during the day

Had a small amount of donuting (fluid build up) at tip of foreskin after workout. This is due to jumping straight from 200 jelqs to 300 jelqs and I squeezed quite hard whilst jelqing. I'll have to calm down a little for tomorrow's exercises.

Gainers never quit and quitters never gain! (I love this saying)​

Im very glad to see that you are still with it man.

I read up a little bit about your disease. I have no pity for you.

You wouldn't want that from me.

One think that you do have - whether you want it or not is my respect.

I honour you for what you are taking on in this world.

I honour you for the extra challenges and feelings that you stand every day - in the face of, so that you can see your vision come alive.

You routine sounds brutal. Keep flowing man.
Monday 17th December

Missed my usual time slot for the exercises today (family stuff) which pissed me right off. Told myself I'd have to do the exercises later in the evening. Well when it came to evening time, did I feel like doing the exercises, did I bollocks with a capital 'B'. Had a couple of minutes sulking to myself and then thought the following:

Why am I doing the exercises?
What will I benefit from them?
Are the exercises worth it?
How will I feel tomorrow about not doing the exercises?

After thinking about these questions and my answers I had re-newed energy to complete the exercises. All I can say is that I think reading your progress log has spured me on Benefit. Cheers mate.

So anyway he's what I did:

Warm up (hot bath)

3 sets of the following stretches:

straight down centre [words= ]x 30[/words] secs
straight down left [words= ]x 30[/words] secs
straight down right [words= ]x 30[/words] secs

3 sets of the following stretches:

straight out centre [words= ]x 30[/words] secs
straight out left [words= ]x 30[/words] secs
straight out right [words= ]x 30[/words] secs

300 wet jelqs (Kegeled before each jelq and squeezed medium - hard during the jelqs for 3 -5 secs. Used overhand and underhand grip.)

Warm down (Rice sock 45 secs in microwave)

Kegels throughout the day

Gainers never quit and quitters never gain! (I love this saying)​
Hi Benefit

Thanks for taking the time to read up on my disease, that means a lot. Yeah it's a really bad disease to have to live with, I've had 3 operations already to remove parts of my bowel. It affects every part of my life due to pain, diarrhoea, arthritis, depression and other stuff. At least I don't have anything too serious like cancer or the like but I must be honest that's small consolation when I'm in agony!

If you've read my previous post you'll notice that some of your 'mental kung fu' seems to be rubbing off on me so thanks for that.

Keep pulling my friend.

Tuesday 18th December

Warm up (rice sock)

3 sets of the following stretches:

straight down centre [words= ]x 30[/words] secs
straight down left [words= ]x 30[/words] secs
straight down right [words= ]x 30[/words] secs

3 sets of the following stretches:

straight out centre [words= ]x 30[/words] secs
straight out left [words= ]x 30[/words] secs
straight out right [words= ]x 30[/words] secs

300 wet jelqs (Kegeled before each jelq and squeezed medium - hard during the jelqs for 3 -5 secs. Used overhand and underhand grip.)

5 x 10 sec squeezes (At 100% erect clamp at base with hand while kegeling in blood)

Warm down (Rice sock 45 secs in microwave)

Kegels throughout the day

Gainers never quit and quitters never gain! (I love this saying)​
Hey Manimal,

Just checking in to see how things are going?

I felt really inspired reading your post when your family stuff was happening.

Noticed how by asking yourself those few simple questions you changed your context - and action naturally flowed.

What self reflection do you get when you think about who you were that day? When you reflect on taking responsibility for your happiness in this world, and taking inspired action - despite how you felt?

That is the warrior hungry to be unleashed. Keep nurturing him.

I took the knowledge of you and used it with my workout today. You take on so much - and you keep moving.

I ask myself - what kind of a person does that?

A mad man?

A lunatic?

NO. Well.. maybe :p

A warrior. A brave human being committed to getting everything that he ever wanted from life - keep moving forward.
Wednesday 19th December

Rest day - forced on me though as I have a bad cold and felt really shitty.

Thursday 20th December

Warm up (rice sock 1 minute in microwave)

4 sets of the following stretches:

straight down centre [words= ]x 30[/words] secs
straight down left [words= ]x 30[/words] secs
straight down right [words= ]x 30[/words] secs

3 sets of the following stretches:

straight out centre [words= ]x 30[/words] secs
straight out left [words= ]x 30[/words] secs
straight out right [words= ]x 30[/words] secs

400 wet jelqs (Kegeled before each jelq and squeezed medium - hard during the jelqs for 3 -5 secs. Used overhand and underhand grip.)

10 x 10 sec squeezes (At 100% erect clamp at base with hand while kegeling in blood. I don't actual squeeze my penis but just hold the hand clamp.)

Warm down (Rice sock 45 secs in microwave)

Kegels throughout the day

Gainers never quit and quitters never gain! (I love this saying)​
Hi Benefit

I have been struggling with depression for a few years now due to my illness and often find simple tasks a struggle to complete. By using your questioning technique I managed to complete something that otherwise I probably would not have done that day. I will be trying to implement this technique into my daily life.

Noticed how by asking yourself those few simple questions you changed your context - and action naturally flowed.

Yes I did notice and it's actual quite a simple yet very powerful technique to get things accomplished not only in Penis Enlargement but also in life aswell.

When I look back at the situation I feel proud that I managed to change something and turn it into a positive. I really have a problem with being positive but I think you've found something that is going to work for me and indirectly help with my depression.

You have given me a valuable life skill here my friend. Thanks for that, I salute you.


Just dropping in to see how your workouts are going?

Things are good on my end, the usual stuff. I'm doing some lazy ass stretches while I write this, I don't want to stop tonight.

I'm glad to see you taking control of your context! Context is everything!

If you can completely own it and take responsbility for it - the future that you want will be yours.

Go deeper with this tool, like you have been. It can change everything!

Pull hard during the festive season!

Think.. if you work out 5 x a week until next christmas - you will have made massive gains! Furthermore - if the year is spent in FULL integrity with this value - you do your absoulte best, you utilize every resouce you can find - what do you see happening then?

If you take a stand for being THE ONE to create this incredible change in your life - you can blow 'average gains, and average size' out of the fucking water -

I'll be here, standing with you.

Have a great Xmas Man!
Yo Manimal??

Where have you been man?

Taking a long ass break over the new year or something?

No matter.

I hope everything is well on your end - drop me a line when you get a change and let me know what's up.
