OK mate. Its a shame what has happened to you and I hope that it sorts out soon and I think it will so dont stress. I work in the medical field and to me I would listen to what the Doctor told you that night i.e. the Uretha being torn. Possible that maybe some tissue has gone down and blocked your bladder and it got clogged with shit like it did?
Secondly, it is NOT MY FAULT. I saw a line in your post ''red do you hear me'' well yes I do. I hear your in pain and I'm sorry for that but you will get better .. think positive.
Clamping, well Constrictors as I call it .. have worked safely for many men incl me ... I CRINGE when I read the shit on here in the injuries such as guys pissing blood and getting this and that cos it should not happen. I have done INTENSE I N T E N S E ... I did clamped
hanging on my penis ... my cock has BUILT TO THIS like powerlifters can powerlift massive poundages as they built strength gradually, not just deadlifted 700lbs.
You say you've been doing this years ... I belive you and remember the name you postted but you always MUST REMEMBER the thin line we cannot cross ... I always keep aware of that when I do anything in life and especially with Penis Enlargement.
Mate I feel bad for you, but it is not anyones fault except your own for pushing your body too far that session ... you must have pushed too hard that night and something gave, sadly it gave in. Could happen to anyone of us god forbid.
Its your choice to spread the word that clamping is bad, do that ... doesnt hurt me its your choice and maybe in the future we can stop injuries like this.
Like I have said and always will ... you must be aware of your own bodies limitations, if you push it too far it will break ... doesnt matter if you have 100 years Penis Enlargement experience, you can still get very hurt if you ignore the symptons.
I hope it goes well for you mate.
If I were you I would stay away from all Penis Enlargement from now on.
Listen to what your Urologist says.
Finally read my guide, at the end it says you try it all at your own risk and read the guide at your own risk ... in otherwords, you have a mind and decide what to do with it and hence you took it upon yourself to do clamping .... you gained but on that night something went wrong .... now you must deal with it.