Malagabecher;526162 said:
I'm not saying
hanging doesn't work or that he has no idea of Penis Enlargement at all, but his gains are as fake as the claim "our product is the best because ..." from Company X and Y.
At first like 2 or 3 years ago I thought bibs claims weren't real, also trying to off his product on men that don't feel good about themselves. Then for years knowing about the bib
hanger I finally took the plunge and bought the bib
hanger in late july 2012. WHy ? Because nothing worked for me and my slight peyronies disease, would have also like some extra length. started to hang august 2012, before I go into what I have gained and my road of tribulations I'll go into why bib's gains are real and if they weren't they are now.
Bibs theory of men that are over 6 feet or taller than average have more hidden penis, with exceptions of men in 5 feet range.
I'm guessing bib is over 6 feet
The taller you are the better quality your erections are. Why ? Because blood is made in the bones taller men have more bone and couple that with thicker bones if they are more robust men so even more chances of developing a bigger penis.
The way bib go's on about this I would put him at 6'2 to 6'4, which a 6 and half inch erected penis would look I would'nt say tiny but quite small and unproportion
He's from texas, I was skeptical sending my penis pictures to bib but I was having very bad headswell issues with severe pain and admitted I needed help outside of my knowledge
Bib has no reason to post pictures of his penis online to other men he is married with children and I would imagine an older southern gentlemen with old age charm that doesn't give into new age crap or showing off his penis to feel in or treating it as a science experiment.
His claim of gains even if not real which i beleive 100% are real. Motivate men to do the max amount of hours they can to be something they currently are not.
BIb has been in the game since 2003 or before on thunders so if he wasn't 10 inches then He is now...
I thought
hanging was bullshit I built my snake
hanger from kingsnakes instruction bought everything he had down to the nba sleeves at walmart, Didn't gain shit not because it was his
hanger or design I didn't have enough
weight giving credit where credit is due kingsnake inspired me to do
hanging cause of the gains he was making. Manual stretching didn't do shit for me and I don't believe ever will why ? Because if you look in my thread on bibforum bib even sais I'm already long so it will take alot more pressure for x amount of minutes to bring out the 2 and half inches of inner penis I have in my body as I always had alot bigger than average penis my Lot is 9 to 9 and half at best. I used a cheap silicone [words=http://www.]ads[/words] from ebay thought it did something, but alas did not, THe one thing about the [words=http://www.]ads[/words] from ebay the 4 inch long silicone ones I was taking gaba for a long time and i constnatly clinched down and kegeled with it on, It was the gaba coupled with doing weighted kegels with the [words=http://www.]ads[/words] I produced the biggest ejaculation ive seen in my life on adult entertainment or off didn't masturbate for a week mind you did kegels with the [words=http://www.]ads[/words] on and took atleast 5 grams of gaba. Pumping brought me minimal amount of gains I did get some but it was very small and I got more edema than anything and the worst that came from it I pumped to a pressure I exposed a lymphnode to the skin and if it was squeezed Roped yellow shit would come out not good healthwise for my penis but did manage to help my peyronies disease tremendously. Then finally to
Hanging I never saw any gains at 5 lbs, 7.5 lbs and very minimal bpfsl gains that would go away at 10 pounds. I kept asking bib why havn't I gained anything with the months and months of doing it probabgly 5 and half to 6 at that point of devoted time with very few days off more so in the beggining and still nothing . Answer Again "long" already will take more pressure for x amounts of minutes to see anything. Once i hit 12.5 pounds I saw permanent length gains and changes in my penis. My road to this point I'm at 15 pounds and it took a very long time to get here and next week I start to hang 17 and half pounds I don't do any ride the fatigue shit where if i think the
weight is too heavy i drop down and ride the fatigue i continue at that
weight wether I like it or not 6 to 12 sets and now cause of time consumption t varys from 6 to 12 sets but working my way back up to 12 sets at 15 lbs. Ive had thrombosed veins that looked bubbled and disgusting. But it was worth it and from me
hanging I regulated my lymphnode that was exposed and it went away completely.
Now My Bpfsl is 10 inches my non bonepressed flaccid length at its worst turtling effect is 6 inches no less, I bought couple months ago a [words= ]X-40[/words] [words= ]
Bathmate[/words] from a person ion this board but havn't used it once while
hanging cause inside of your penis walls will mesh and mend while doing hardcore length work with a
hanger as what bib sais. which would make my peyronies disease worse. My palpatation test results still have not changed that means I didn't expose any inner penis it means I grew something else cause bib sais 20 to even 30 pounds is needed to expose inner penis at the level im at and he's absolutely right cause lot didn't change nor my palpatation test.
Bib has about 15 more years of knowledge on me and the anatomy of the penis. At first I felt hopeless buying a 130 dollar product not getting shit from it for almost 6 months because I didn't understand the basics of the anatomy of the human penis, now I have an Idea but would not say an understanding just yet. In a years time given 12 sets a day at 20 minutes maybe even little more sets a 12 inch penis is attainable for myself in someway shape or fashion as I have 2 to 2 andhalf inches of inner penis at the very worst case scenario 1.5 inner penis that can be exposed but I'll be a smidget under 12 and I'll be happy.
There is absolutely no way from 2003 if bib was not the claimed 10.5 inches then He is for sure now, Ive seen it for myself with my own penis. #2 he pioneerd
hanging wouldnt say he invented it so he had prior knowledge of the penis before posintg what he knew on forums
As for Chem Pe I bought the DMSO and PABA months ago never got around to using it or mixing. Now that i think of it I'm just going to buy a miligram
scale and take 400 mg daily of paba I forgot what a eprson said in this thread that paba will just make the penis heal faster, I don't think it works that way I believe it breaks down scar tissue not make your body heal or regenerate faster.
Currently I'm not taking these things for penis growth or lengthening but I would imagine would not hurt them. The only proven substance in the world that can increase Endogenous human growth hormone is called Alpha GPC i've been on that for a few days now and I can see a vascularity difference in my body already I think GAba is good for nueral transmitters in your brain and even has receptors int he penis and balls that gaba effects thus me having hugest ejaculate in my life, But not hgh that italian study I believe is bullshit no other doctor or scientist has been able to recreate it. The only thing related to gaba that can increase hgh in my opinion is GHB aka the date rape drug but good luck finding that and if you do find it it was manufactured crudely your better off trying to get a prescription for it and yes they do have prescriptions for GHB but under different name. So I don't suggest for you to go down the illegal route of getting ghb. The 2nd nootropic I'm on is Piracetam this actually converts to GABA somewhat when you injest it but does other things makes your brain fire off at a more rapid speed I can recall things faster I couldn't before retain more information like I'm a kid again and makes me pay attention I battle light adhd and severe insomnia have always it got rid of some of my depression and when you take it you get more social and happy like you just smoked a joint but without being high or dopey but wouldnt call it euphoric . This I can go to sleep for 2 hours I wake up I feel completely rested. The alpha gpc I believe is going to make the biggest difference unlike gaba doctors are able to recreate the Endogenous human growth hormone effcet time and time over its the only product on the market that can make you produce 2 times the amount of HGH you are secreting now the only other thing you are left to do is get hgh from china nad inject it yourself. Which I don't trust many sources on the net the only legit shit form china in that reguards is riptropin and or a legit keifii dealer. Gaba is only good in my opinion if you take enough of it to have huge thick loads the hgh aspect to me is a myth. I believe Nootropics and Penis Enlargement are going to go hand in hand with eachother the hgh receptors in my penis will react having 2 more time the hgh I have in my body now resulting in a bigger robust penis prob even thicker bones fromn the alpha gpc
Well thats my 2 cents on bib and Chem Pe for now. I will post again in distant future