Great exercise Red, sometimes we gotta just keep reminding them:)
Hey Red, when doing these should i be rolling the pin up the shaft or should i be doing something like sliding it up the shaft ?(with lots of lube obviously lol)
and i know that you say to go for 30-45 min , but typicaly how long should one set be like 15-20 mins staright ? longer or shorter time?
thanks for your help Red cant wait to start these!
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I used to slide it up my shaft towards the head rather then rolling and yes with lots of lube. Start with 10 minutes and work from that.
ok thanks red , will do!
Red what do you find creat more width , going up tthe shaft slowly over a period of lik 3-5 sec or going a bit faster over like 1-2 sec?
i know that i have to push down hard on the rolling pin but i was thinking since its sliding up the shaft couldnt i just get something else thats round , becaus rollin pin are really thick lick 7'' around so its not really working for me.
thanks for your help red !
Finally found this exercise! Every time someone asks about width this exercise always escapes me. I am glad it was bumped.
jekyllnhyde360;461321 said:
ok thanks red , will do!
Red what do you find creat more width , going up tthe shaft slowly over a period of lik 3-5 sec or going a bit faster over like 1-2 sec?
i know that i have to push down hard on the rolling pin but i was thinking since its sliding up the shaft couldnt i just get something else thats round , becaus rollin pin are really thick lick 7'' around so its not really working for me.
thanks for your help red !

I tried a mixture of different speeds and rhytHydromaxics, its best to mix-up. Also use a smaller rolling pin then the usual thicker ones.
Awsome thanks Red!
one last question when you clamp or (constrict) for the ats's , do you clamp behind the balls or on the shaft?
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hey Red whats the circumference of the rolling pin that you used, the reason im asking is becaus i used my drum stick and it was to thin when i would put pressure it really hurt even without being clamped!
and the only rolling pin i have is lik 6'' in circ, so i was just wondering how large a good rolling pin is for the clamped ats?
also are you using a rolling pin that actually rolls seperate from the part you hold on to or are you using one of those i believe their called french rolling pin were its bascialy just one long round piece of wood?
thanks for your time! Red
?,dont mean to seem so pushy its just that i have a limited time on the internet ,sorry! but i would really like to know those answers?
thanks for all your help Red!!!
REDZULU2003;461315 said:
I used to slide it up my shaft towards the head rather then rolling and yes with lots of lube. Start with 10 minutes and work from that.

I'd like to try this out too to gain more width. I haven't started clamping yet, but I guess with a good tight cockring, that may do the trick for a start :)

I was wondering : It seems that all of you are sliding the pin towards the head instead of rolling it, is this for some specific reason (easier this way ?), or just because it feels much better this way in terms of gain ?

I guess I'll find it out when I get the chance to try it :s

Thanks Red,

Ok, so I tried a "quickie" dry roll for 5 min tonight after my girth session coming out of the hot tub with a standard wooden pin on the wooden kitchen table and a tight cockring on (I'm lucky the kids or my wife did not catch me doing that, I could just imagine the looks and the comments then rofl)

Wow, that's ...weird at first :O

I must say that's definitely feeling a LOT different than all the girth exercises I've tried so far, but the vision of my meat being squashed as wide as it could was very promising !

The more I rolled it, the more my head was ballooning like it was going to explode (promising too !), but as I did it dry, that quickly started to be kinda painful and harsh on the skin

I had the feeling that it was also somehow a little bit painful "inside" afterwards (so I guess that'll feel the same with some lubricant too, and the penis will certainly get used to it afterwards)

Very interesting though, I'll integrate it in my routine (after the Girth session) coming monday, and see how it goes :)

Thanks again to the [words=]MoS[/words] R&D Department Experts for all these innovations !
Hey Red , do constricted ats rollers also increase girth ?
becaus these are very powerful and i can only clamp every two days usually becaus like you said you cant get hard for a bit afterwards , so i spend all of my clamp time doing them and im just asking my self although i am gettin wider is it just my regualr girth gettng wider or am i also getting thicker , i just want to now if these also aid in thickness in your experience! thanks
Usually you'll gain some in the other dept like with jelqing for example also helping with length as-well as girth. With these they will help with overall girth as its like a jelq your doing but applied from the top of the penis against a hard surface. Very good though for width and easier then my newer Frendo's. These by the way weren't made by me, but the late AfterTheShock (ATS).
Thanks Red ! also yes i i know that you didnt create them but you did bring them to a whole new level wich imho made them way better!
it may be using a rolling pin but its actually completly diffrent from the original that ats made , not to say his arent good , just that these are diffrent!
one last thing , how many days a week did you usually do them?
Not sure how many off the top of my head, it was several years ago but never one day after the other. Something like one on one off or one on two off but if you feel better doing it more regular, give it a shot.
Gonna try this defo,
and what's with warming up, do or don't ?
Some say no you want to damage the tissue, others say No you have to warm up etc.
Warm up is optional. I never warm up now but then again I have been doing it for years. If you find red spots quite allot after a session, bruising, fluid or anything else then try warming up. It certainly wont do any harm.
tryingtogetbig;536617 said:
It seems like this exercise would flatten the penis out..Has that been the case with anyone?

Not at all, expansion is a 360 degree matter. When training for width a specific effort definitely contributes to a wider penis and depth is not sacrificed as long as normal girth work is also pursued.
So did Red do like jelqs or [words=]ssj[/words] or any kind of girth work on his inbetween days?
Also how many days a week did he used to take off back when he first developed them in 04'?
Yeah Zambro! You're right to bump this. This exercise is close to the Frendos. I see the paint roller thread nearby too.

This I can do with just a dough roller? " Um yeah honey I was gonna make biscuits..." mmmm Hydromaxmm.
LoveHerDeeply;563114 said:
Yeah Zambro! You're right to bump this. This exercise is close to the Frendos. I see the paint roller thread nearby too.

This I can do with just a dough roller? " Um yeah honey I was gonna make biscuits..." mmmm Hydromaxmm.

rofl, those are gonna be one hell of biscuits! She'll eat them with pleasure. Next time she says "Can't we make it thicker" is gonna be after you make a size reduction surgery rofl!

Yeah, and if you haven't read RED's way to do this exercise- it is to just put your cock on a hard object (maybe table) and lube i very well. The purpose of this is to slide the roller, not to roll it. Sound amazing, too bad I am not experienced enough to do this shit. :)
ok, did it the first time today, though not clamped, but only manually constricted. The problem with that method is, that I was only able to keep an adequate erection level for about 45-60 seconds. After that time span my dick always slides to the side while performing the exercise (also due to my very prominent spongiosum). Then I had to make it hard again (which didn't take long) to go for another minute. My first impression is an overall increased blood pressure during the session. When I threw an [words=]SSJ[/words] in between the Rollers it seemed to induce greater expansion than in the last sessions (which is really good thing). I'm not sure if I can state any direct effects: visually it seemed somewhat enlarged in width, but when I measured it were the usual 2". I guess I gotta buy clamps or at least a better cock ring.
Satyr;564119 said:
I measured it were the usual 2".

2'' as 2 inches or as '2 as 0,2 inches of girth expansion? Because 2 inches of girth expansion would be MOSTROUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh, and yeah- buy something tighter- something that lets a very small to no blood to escape from your shaft. The intensity of the exercise will increase as you push harder and harder. :)
So you had 0,2 in expansion last time you did it? Or you measured 2 in width? If it is the second one- what was your starting width like (the width before the exercise) :)
No, Zam, you got it wrong. 2" is my regular width and that's what I also measured during the session. Thus I couldn't measure any temporary expansion in width at all, only better overall expansion while doing [words=]SSJ[/words]
REDZULU2003;42466 said:
Okay I have used this GREAT exercise for a few weeks now by my late freind, but this time with a twist.
Myn is done constrited and slghtly different.

To do the Constrictorized ATS rollers simply make sure ya got some good adult entertainment pix at hand on the PC.
Next kick it up into a slide show, get ya best pix up that make ya HARD.
Now lube up, get a rollin pin ... lube that up as-well.

Simply get real hard, get ya cable clamp and attach at the base pretty tight so that 3 clicks are remaining [showing]and kegel as usual to get tons of blood in.

Now slap the meat on the desk or other surface.
Get the rolling pin and simply roll across the penis, push down HARD, and move from the base right to the head [below] and keep doing this over and over.
Do them fast and slow, push real hard sometimes and not so on others.
You dont ROLL the pin, like ya do with pastry ... the lube makes it slide across, which is better.

Keep at it for 5/7 minutes than watch ya pix again and get solid once more, than back to work.
Do this for 30/45 minutes and ya done.

Afterwards wear ya ROP or wear the cable clamp around the whole package including the testicles, have it tight but with say 4 clicks showing.....leave that on for 30 minutes or more, this will help keep the chambers open for a nice long period after the intense session.

I belive this exercise is the bees knees with width, I have gone from 2.2 to 3 inches with this in a session, its awesome.

You will FEEL THIS exercise, the chambers you WILL FEEL them for the first time inside stretch out and get the workout of their fucking life, I was sore afterwards .... its great.
I got NO spots or marks either.

Dont be scared to apply hard pressure, keep pushing the pin hard and with a purpose, you will see the width expand and be bigger infront of you eyes.

I would also suggest doing 1 on 1 off with this as you will need the rest day.

Just thought I would post this quickie as its doing GREAT for me right now.


All I can say is WOW! I'm 47 and I've been doing Penis Enlargement off and on for over 10 years. The most consistent effort was never more than 6 months. During that time I've gone from 5.5" bpel to over 7". I'm not positive about original girth but I think it was close to 4".

I recently "got back on the horse" about 3 months ago. I try to get in at least 30 minutes a day and sometimes an hour with occasional days off. I currently measure about 4.75" EG.

I saw a post today on Redz Frendos and the ATS rollers. Since I was too lazy to go out and get the items needed for the Frendos I decided to try the rollers. I did these today for the first time clamped for 3 x 5 minutes. Afterwards my girth was 5"! I was stoked!!! I'm not even sure of my dick's width, but I had never seen 5" girth. Hell yeah! These rock! Thanks Red!
tg4423;572071 said:
All I can say is WOW! I'm 47 and I've been doing Penis Enlargement off and on for over 10 years. The most consistent effort was never more than 6 months. During that time I've gone from 5.5" bpel to over 7". I'm not positive about original girth but I think it was close to 4".

I recently "got back on the horse" about 3 months ago. I try to get in at least 30 minutes a day and sometimes an hour with occasional days off. I currently measure about 4.75" EG.

I saw a post today on Redz Frendos and the ATS rollers. Since I was too lazy to go out and get the items needed for the Frendos I decided to try the rollers. I did these today for the first time clamped for 3 x 5 minutes. Afterwards my girth was 5"! I was stoked!!! I'm not even sure of my dick's width, but I had never seen 5" girth. Hell yeah! These rock! Thanks Red!

I agree with you, I love these ATS rollers too (been able to cement my gains using them) and actually since I couldn't keep a really hard erection with Frendos, I have been able to work around that with these. Keep it up!

And I know Zam is going to ask me what I have gained ... well Zam it looks like I have gone from about 5.25 to 5.5 since 11/8/13 (when I first started using this exercise)... But other things were at play too like I only do Penis Enlargement 3 times a week now (more rest days) as opposed to my original 5 days on 2 days off and I have been having a lot of frequent erections (which I believe helps growth).
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I agree with you, I love these ATS rollers too (been able to cement my gains using them) and actually since I couldn't keep a really hard erection with Frendos, I have been able to work around that with these. Keep it up!

And I know Zam is going to ask me what I have gained ... well Zam it looks like I have gone from about 5.25 to 5.5 since 11/8/13 (when I first started using this exercise)... But other things were at play too like I only do Penis Enlargement 3 times a week now (more rest days) as opposed to my original 5 days on 2 days off and I have been having a lot of frequent erections (which I believe helps growth).
Hey Superman, if you don't mind me asking, how long is each set?
and how many sets do you do per session/day or what ever?
I've made significant gains using these inconsistently, so I'm wondering what type of routine you have set up!
Thanks man!
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jekyllnhyde360;572500 said:
Hey Superman, if you don't mind me asking, how long is each set?
and how many sets do you do per session/day or what ever?
I've made significant gains using these inconsistently, so I'm wondering what type of routine you have set up!
Thanks man!

Each set I do is ten minutes. I superset it with [words=]Penomet[/words] clamped and condom pumping (i.e. I wear a condom and a cock ring). My workout looks like this:

11/8/13 [words=]Penomet[/words] condom pumping 10 minutes (first set is 20 minutes) x ATS rolls 10 (supersetted) x 2 this is done every other day (Monday, Wednesday and Friday with the weekends off)

I used to do girth five days a week; however, since I have dropped down to just 3 times a week, I feel like I am making some gains.
Nice thanks!
I actually do mine pretty inconsistently 1-2 a week if lucky and im still gaining!
Ya, the reason your finaly gaining is the rest period for sure, the tissues deffinetly need time to rebuild.
I'm not even going to lie I only do about three sets of 5 min on days I decide to do them so about 15 min in actual expansion, and i get huge expansion from just that short period of intense ATS rollers, it stays for almost three days post workout!
Actually you probably know what im talking about because, you only spend about 20 min doing the actual ATS rollers in you routine! lol
The only reason i haven't stepped it up is due to lack of personal time!
how much expansion do you get after a session?
jekyllnhyde360;572633 said:
Nice thanks!
I actually do mine pretty inconsistently 1-2 a week if lucky and im still gaining!
Ya, the reason your finaly gaining is the rest period for sure, the tissues deffinetly need time to rebuild.
I'm not even going to lie I only do about three sets of 5 min on days I decide to do them so about 15 min in actual expansion, and i get huge expansion from just that short period of intense ATS rollers, it stays for almost three days post workout!
Actually you probably know what im talking about because, you only spend about 20 min doing the actual ATS rollers in you routine! lol
The only reason i haven't stepped it up is due to lack of personal time!
how much expansion do you get after a session?

I am normally like 5.5 inches and after my girth workout I am about 6 inches
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Oe13it;574209 said:
I've been doing a hands only modification of these... Using a countertop. It was me taking dld's toilette boil compressions to the countertop... To fully masterbatory full hand press.

Pegging 2" plus in width afterwards and just bought a roller tonight. If I can libido up a second iteration with the roller today I will.

I love them with the hands though.

it seems that with these u dont have to have a full erection. Like a full erection is good but if you refer to the first couple posts in this thread it mentions doing them in various stages of erect. i guess it is kinda like jelqing in that regard because u can have a variety of erection strengths and still jelq. I have never tried this exercise witth lube and just one rolling pin (Red's way) but i might have to give it a try.