Dapper Dan

May 14, 2012
Hi all
I've been doing PE (intermittently) for nearly 4 years now. The whole time I've basically alternated between jelqing and stretching routines. I have gained some (not that much) size but now I feel my routines do not have the same effect they once had. (Pretty predict able after a few years)
I take cialis daily to increase blood flow to my penis, reduce shrinkage l, and maximize erections. I think this had definitely contributed to some girth (and length) gains that I've gotten. So my question is. What's next?
I feel like I've squeezed (pun intended?) most that I can out of jelqing (and stretching) and feel it's time to up the intensity a bit. What are some suggestions you guys have if I want to add about an inch of girth still and maybe an inch of length (I already have a long dick that is more for vanity but still consider important)
Appreciate the input guys
You can get into slow squash jelqs, srt size blasters and the dld duel double stretch.
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I haventt used mine for the last two weeks or something :p
With everything you have done and the gains you have already made I would say you are ready to make major gains now that you know this stuff works. I really suggest you get involved with the SRT Routine, it really is the best out there and you will never find yourself saying "What's Next" you will be able to gain what you desire with the SRT Workout.
Hey guys appreciate the replies. I am incorporating some aspects of SRT such as not letting my cock turtle but I do not have access to devices at the moment. I'm looking for simple(ish) excercises that are easy to keep in a routine but are more powerful than basic stretches and jelqs. I also have a bit of stubborn scar tissue in the right side of my penis that I would like to get rid of (or minimalize) if possible.
Length : DLD blasters , Expressive stretches ( for the iner penis ) , __________ stretch ( a kind of expressive stretch too ) , the DLD Duel Double Stretch

Girth : Slow squash jelqs , super sets ( meaning you do one exercise over another , for exemple : 5 minutes of jelqing followed immediately by 5 minutes of slow squash jelqs , take a short break , do it again ) .
Dapper Dan;654889 said:
...looking for simple(ish) excercises that are easy to keep in a routine but are more powerful than basic stretches and jelqs. I also have a bit of stubborn scar tissue in the right side of my penis that I would like to get rid of (or minimalize) if possible.
Hey Dan,
what is the scarring ? What led to it, how long is the scar and how deep?
I'm not entirely sure what started it. Could be a variety of things. My scar is almost and inch and a half long. Not sure how deep it is but it takes a chunk out of my girth tbh. It's not hard but a kind of rubbery and dead feeling part of my shaft. Sometimes it's more prominent than others
Ulis, ssj, and isolated compression squeezes while wearing a cockring. Actually any girth work while wearing a cockring is really effective.
Dapper Dan;654951 said:
I'm not entirely sure what started it. Could be a variety of things. My scar is almost and inch and a half long. Not sure how deep it is but it takes a chunk out of my girth tbh. It's not hard but a kind of rubbery and dead feeling part of my shaft. Sometimes it's more prominent than others

That reminds me of plaque from peyronies disease. Have you ever broken your dick?
No. I have injured it though and in think the scar tissue that's there set in more apparently due to periods of bad blood flow. I used to have poor blood flow to my penis
Squeezes are good but I have slightly injured the head of my penis doing them. However my shaft got somewhat thicker. Now that I think of it I am somewhat injury prone. Regardless. I enjoy PE and find it highly beneficial I just want some more advanced excercides and I think if I can break down the plaque in my penis it might contribute to some size gains as I find it restricts my size a fair amount
Our peyronies guy German stallion says that jelqs help with breaking up plaque. Do firm jelqs with good amount of blood, if it hurts then back off a bit I wouldn't want you to injure.

If you have a question feel free to ask:blush:
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Dapper, what is your length and girth presently?

I ask because randomly adding 'round numbers' like an inch can be going overboard if you're really already big but don't realize it.

I also have a bit of stubborn scar tissue in the right side of my penis that I would like to get rid of (or minimalize) if possible.

Look up DMSO. Get a highquality like 99% pure. They make higher purities such as 99.9 and 99.98, and they're great, but the 'regular' 99% is just fine so don't overpay.

You'll need to thin it out 50/50 or more with very pure water or it will cause wallclimbing itching on skin as sensitive as the penis, back of the neck, etc. Thin it out enough and there will be no itching. Mix/stir it and the water together for several minutes so it binds fully, during this the mixture will become warm and then cool back off to normal. Try not to use plastics or metals to store or stir DMSO. Think glass.

You can use it just like this with the water and, over several weeks of ongoing use, it should break up that scarring and facilitate its repair. If the skin starts looking 'old' or 'like you've been in the swimming pool too long' then you're doing it too often. Either thin your mixture with more water, or use it less often.

If you want to supercharge the healing even more, after the DMSO/water mixture binds you can add/stir in some Iodine as well to make the whole thing work even better. Most sources would say Lugol's iodine for that, it's OK, I'd recommend Xodine at Cedar Bear. It's the top kind of thing on the planet (from underneath it, technically) and they don't overcharge for theirs like most people. Take the Iodine internally as well, that's what it's made for, typical dose is 3 drops per day under the tongue .. but products like Iodoral are some 4x more than that, so you might experiment with how many drops really revs your metabolism.

While non-toxic and body-safe, DMSO is also a powerful solvent/carrier, so be mindful of whatever might be on the area being treated .. anything that could be considered contamination on the skin, bacteria, lotions, soap fragrances, whatever. If you don't want it inside your bloodstream .. don't have it on or around the area being treated.

Scar tissue doesn't have normal cellular signaling, so it can't achieve the trigger voltages required to initiate cellular repair. What this stuff does is allow signaling, and cellular respiration, to occur despite the damaged tissues.

And of course the Iodine, if you have enough, will be present in every cell in the body for metabolism, and present at levels 30x higher than that in mucous tissues which encounter the outside world ... first line of defense vs infection if you have enough of it.


I've heard of mixing baking-soda into 3% hydrogen peroxide and using that on the scarring. It seems to make sense because that would have a high alkalinity .. and have an oxidizer.

High alkalinities (high pH) allows high cellular voltages .. and you want that, not just on the scarring but also throughout the body as well for health, .. raw vegetables, pH water drops, etc.

3% hydrogen peroxide (the normal stuff at most stores) has stabilizers in it that aren't quite pure. If you want to up the purity, you can start out with Food Grade hydrogen peroxide in 17.5% or 35% strengths and thin it down to 3% with water .. but your math needs to be serviceable to get pretty close. Hydrogen peroxide is a non-selective oxidizer and above certain strength level is wildly caustic, ie -- it'll burn you like acid if you get splashed and don't wash it off.

In any event, I haven't tried the baking-soda / 3% hydrogen peroxide process but it makes sense and it's supposed to be quick .. so ... all of the above is probably on YouTube, check it out.

For an oil suggestion to use between the other treatments, look into Emu Oil, or Virgin Coconut oil. They both stimulate collagen production and they won't be harmful if carried into the cells by the DMSO.

For complete healing, the scar area doesn't just need to be broken up .. the new cells need to also have a re-proliferation of their blood support as well, the whole thing can take a year or two under normal circumstances. Getting this down to a few months or even a few weeks is a a big change.
Bundled stretches might help break up plaque.
Asanon;654971 said:
Dapper, what is your length and girth presently?

I ask because randomly adding 'round numbers' like an inch can be going overboard if you're really already big but don't realize it.

Look up DMSO. Get a highquality like 99% pure. They make higher purities such as 99.9 and 99.98, and they're great, but the 'regular' 99% is just fine so don't overpay.

You'll need to thin it out 50/50 or more with very pure water or it will cause wallclimbing itching on skin as sensitive as the penis, back of the neck, etc. Thin it out enough and there will be no itching. Mix/stir it and the water together for several minutes so it binds fully, during this the mixture will become warm and then cool back off to normal. Try not to use plastics or metals to store or stir DMSO. Think glass.

You can use it just like this with the water and, over several weeks of ongoing use, it should break up that scarring and facilitate its repair. If the skin starts looking 'old' or 'like you've been in the swimming pool too long' then you're doing it too often. Either thin your mixture with more water, or use it less often.

If you want to supercharge the healing even more, after the DMSO/water mixture binds you can add/stir in some Iodine as well to make the whole thing work even better. Most sources would say Lugol's iodine for that, it's OK, I'd recommend Xodine at Cedar Bear. It's the top kind of thing on the planet (from underneath it, technically) and they don't overcharge for theirs like most people. Take the Iodine internally as well, that's what it's made for, typical dose is 3 drops per day under the tongue .. but products like Iodoral are some 4x more than that, so you might experiment with how many drops really revs your metabolism.

While non-toxic and body-safe, DMSO is also a powerful solvent/carrier, so be mindful of whatever might be on the area being treated .. anything that could be considered contamination on the skin, bacteria, lotions, soap fragrances, whatever. If you don't want it inside your bloodstream .. don't have it on or around the area being treated.

Scar tissue doesn't have normal cellular signaling, so it can't achieve the trigger voltages required to initiate cellular repair. What this stuff does is allow signaling, and cellular respiration, to occur despite the damaged tissues.

And of course the Iodine, if you have enough, will be present in every cell in the body for metabolism, and present at levels 30x higher than that in mucous tissues which encounter the outside world ... first line of defense vs infection if you have enough of it.


I've heard of mixing baking-soda into 3% hydrogen peroxide and using that on the scarring. It seems to make sense because that would have a high alkalinity .. and have an oxidizer.

High alkalinities (high pH) allows high cellular voltages .. and you want that, not just on the scarring but also throughout the body as well for health, .. raw vegetables, pH water drops, etc.

3% hydrogen peroxide (the normal stuff at most stores) has stabilizers in it that aren't quite pure. If you want to up the purity, you can start out with Food Grade hydrogen peroxide in 17.5% or 35% strengths and thin it down to 3% with water .. but your math needs to be serviceable to get pretty close. Hydrogen peroxide is a non-selective oxidizer and above certain strength level is wildly caustic, ie -- it'll burn you like acid if you get splashed and don't wash it off.

In any event, I haven't tried the baking-soda / 3% hydrogen peroxide process but it makes sense and it's supposed to be quick .. so ... all of the above is probably on YouTube, check it out.

For an oil suggestion to use between the other treatments, look into Emu Oil, or Virgin Coconut oil. They both stimulate collagen production and they won't be harmful if carried into the cells by the DMSO.

For complete healing, the scar area doesn't just need to be broken up .. the new cells need to also have a re-proliferation of their blood support as well, the whole thing can take a year or two under normal circumstances. Getting this down to a few months or even a few weeks is a a big change.

I'm not going to use Chem PE but this is by far the most detailed post I've read on applying DMSO. Thanks for helping the bros
Wow. Thanks for the wealth of knowledge. so DMSO on it's own should be enough to weaken the scar tissue. Do you know if it can be found in local stores or only online?
I was thinking DMSO combined with the stretching I already to would be really good for breakin up scar tissue. Jelqing makes my dock considerably thicker but I find it bring out the scar tissue more. Whereas stretching my dick isn't as thick but it's way straighter and longer. I want it all. Straight and at it's longest and thickest potential
My size fluctuates greatly can range from 6.5 to 7 length and 4,6 to 5.1 girth. My girth is what needs the most work but I'm hooked on length for vanity reasons I don't need to gain an inch but I just want to be as big as I can be
Apparently DMSO is highly regulated in Canada
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