what a difference 24 hours makes, i just love when you have a breakthrough with pe equipment, i have tried cloths, sponges, foam, t-shirt material, and nothing was working for me with ads, kept getting sore glans and not much grip up front, now iam back with what i originally started with the silicone sleeve, only difference is i found another one in cupboard and i can double it up, getting great pain free stretch now, i hardly no its on, plus i have learned to start the strap further back away from glans, i hope this can help anyone in future thats uncut and is looking for ways to stretch comfortably. now this is where the quest begins for the 8" iam going to kick on and put some serious hours in with this ads, i feel its got great potential to give length gains alone, iam under no illusion that this is going to take along time to achieve my goal, i think it will take me one and a half years to cement a one inch gain, iam in for the long haul anyway. i will finish every night with Bathmate sessions balls in and out, and in a couple of weeks i will introduce the LengthMaster back into the equation. cant wait to see these gains come, positive, mental, attitude.
Good stuff! Necessity is the Mother of Invention!
Fonic, I'm from the UK aswell. Your girth is a killer. I am JEALOUS of it hehe. As for length, it's your personal choice, but with your killer girth. 1" longer won't make the girls scream any louder :)
Simyan;399253 said:
Fonic, I'm from the UK aswell. Your girth is a killer. I am JEALOUS of it hehe. As for length, it's your personal choice, but with your killer girth. 1" longer won't make the girls scream any louder :)

hey simyan, nice to hear from a fellow brit!!! your girth will come m8, you sound as dedicated as me and nothing will stop you in your quest for victory, admittedly iam proud of my girth, at times when iam really excited i can barely clasp my hand round it, and i cant thank Bathmate enough for it because thats nearly all i do for girth, plus jelq, no clamping nothing like that, keep it simple, as for the length issue i hate my length, its to short, and i will never be comfortable with myself till i get this 8", iam very self conscious about it.
hey fonic,

I live in london, UK. Just wanted an alternative since gumtree aint working any more. You can PM me if u dont want to share the info in public. Thanks
badd;399299 said:
hey fonic,

I live in london, UK. Just wanted an alternative since gumtree aint working any more. You can PM me if u dont want to share the info in public. Thanks

hey badd, alls good i just wanted to know the general area you were from so i could be more specific, because iam at the opposite end of the country from you, and the one iam using just now would be no use to you, hit up fling this is a great website, easy to navigate and lots of tasty snatch round your way, also hit meetlocals for you as-well great website minge heaven!!!! and try sexsearchcom crap website, very slow but because your in what i call goldmine country there is still plenty to had on there, slightly older women on this one, from my experience in england manchester is my fave place there is so many hot girls there per population i cant believe it, bristol is good dont know what there putting in the water, and london rocks also, happy hunting, get a gameplan, get your gameface on , supersize your dick, and watch out for std"s
Thx fonic, much appreciated.
Mate I think you should really consider hanging. You could ask around and create a fresh, new length routine, such as several hours hanign and such. :)
fonic;399257 said:
hey simyan, nice to hear from a fellow brit!!! your girth will come m8, you sound as dedicated as me and nothing will stop you in your quest for victory, admittedly iam proud of my girth, at times when iam really excited i can barely clasp my hand round it, and i cant thank Bathmate enough for it because thats nearly all i do for girth, plus jelq, no clamping nothing like that, keep it simple, as for the length issue i hate my length, its to short, and i will never be comfortable with myself till i get this 8", iam very self conscious about it.
Simyan;399375 said:
Mate I think you should really consider hanging. You could ask around and create a fresh, new length routine, such as several hours hanign and such. :)

hey simyan its a good thought but i was hanging for the first 9 months or so with a bib, its not something i enjoyed, i hated been stuck in a chair all those hours hanging, and the only way i made gains was breaking the pain barrier, that shit broke me mentally, i'm positive about my new approach, and i will make gains now that i'm using proper technique, that i'm sure. the key to succses for me is ads, LengthMaster, and Bathmate.
i have been staying true to my word the last week and put in some serious hours with the ads, approximately 6hrs a day, not easy, although i have found a comfort zone i can only manage forty mins tops before i have to take the strap off, its a circulation thing, my dick tells me when its time to take that strap of, and go for a break, its very time consuming but safety first. between that and Bathmate i'm having great feelings that i'm growing, this morning proved that to me, there is definitely light at the end of tunnel, i took my usual performer5 vit5 combo, which i absolutely love, best pe pills i ever take, and i have had my fare share, the erection i get after taking these about 20 mins later amazing, i know its working because you start to feel your member throbbing, lol. i mixed it up slightly this morning and done some more Bathmate work, i'm particularly interested in the Bathmate stretches, targeting them alot lately, if i go in just right i can do alot of these stretches with little to no head pain, i hit 15 solid mins of hardcore Bathmate stretches, i only pull straight out and straight down. when i came out i done 10 mins jelq, watched some �naked people movies� and brought myself back up to maximum erection, to say i'm astounded is an understatement, i was hitting almost seven and a half inches in length and the girth was nasty looking. i really cant put into words the feeling of euphoria, even though this is temp lengths, it really hits home to me how much inner penis you are really pulling out, you really are the king dld, this is my personal fave excersive you made, genious. i really dont no now whether just to do these constantly and just see how it plays out, whatever i do its a win win.
well i'm back with length gains, i haven't done a proper tape measure, but i know i'm gaining my previous personal best in Bathmate is 190, i'm now smashing that with 197 woo hoo hip hip hooray!!!! my routines have been kind of changing like the weather, i'm kind of adapting on a daily basis seeing what works best for me, i have added new weapons to the armoury, and taken some out, the old out goes the size genetics, sorry guys i couldn't work this tool long term, too risky was to painfull and my circulation to the head was always an issue, kudos to the peeps that work that fine. in comes the heavy duty static stretcher, this toy has rocked my world, being an uncut guy its always harder to find that balance, this is the bizzle, its easy to setup roll skin back apply dome pull back sleeve and away you go, no more skin stretch, pure internal pull, i can manage max stretch with this for as many hours as i like its that good for me, another plus is if i take the device off and leave the dome on, i do also the newbie routine, fantastic manual grip this way no slippage skin issues, this tool pleases me very much, because its all about the pain free work thats the only way to gain long term. not to forget Bathmate the super dooper tool, still doing the hardcore stretches only now i crank it up a bit to 5 minute pulls, this is not for the faint hearted or noobs, if you ever want to see what your unit could look like in the future, build up your tolerance and do these pulls for that long, the internal penis sticks out for some time after you do these looks real nice, and you get a real thick dick with all the added pressure you put on, i look forward to coming back with some cemented gains in the near future.
Hello, you have made some impressive gains so far. Well done. What do you think has contributed most to your length gains? Manual exercises or stretchers? Was your erection quality in any way affected by stretching? I am only asking because my erections are weaker after stretching and my penis feels a bit lifeless.
And what is a static stretcher?
CuntRipper;401538 said:
Hello, you have made some impressive gains so far. Well done. What do you think has contributed most to your length gains? Manual exercises or stretchers? Was your erection quality in any way affected by stretching? I am only asking because my erections are weaker after stretching and my penis feels a bit lifeless.
And what is a static stretcher?

hey, that is some screename provokes many a thought, planning on doing some damage in the near future. thanks for the big up, to answer your questions, by far i gained most length from hanging, the type of hanging i done was the type that would bring a tear to your eye, i was such a dumbass in the early days, hadn't discovered mos in those dark days of yesteryear, i'm more level headed now, and have a more thoughtful approach in everything i do, safety is paramount. i now only stretch and pump and jelq, the static stretcher i caught wind of from a dedicated post on this site, i liked the idea of the comfort everyone was banging on about, and it hasn't dissapointed, its just another stretcher really that works for me may not work for others, and i'm going to tell you Bathmate works for length gains also, its the multi tool of the pe world, just go easy till you get conditioned, as for your unit feeling lifeless, to me thats part and parcel of the job your undertaking, just roll with the punches it will comeback even stronger, stay positive and try and visualise things more it certainly helps, everyone is the same we all suffer shorterm, but the rewards are always just round the corner.
fonic;398828 said:
simyan m8, i must be the unluckiest dude on the planet because the size queens i meet can spot a 7 from an 8 a mile away, you would not believe the disgusted looks i get, obviously i tell them iam bringing a big dick to the party, you get there and they look at you like you have tricked them, bitches.

dude what? you gotta be kidding. it's time to find new girls cause i've had girls say they think i'm 10" when i'm 7 lol. you're size is already huge. i'd kill for that girth. that's probably what makes it look short. it's so fat the length just looks average in comparison
Glad to hear you have had such great results. I hope that I get that length too.
I had read what you said about having trouble attaching the stretchers due to being uncut.
While I am actually cut, I can share a technique that we use in the hospital on uncut patients
that are difficult to cath and such. It always works better when you have more than 2 hands, but
I have done on my own as well.
I lay a rubber venous tourniquet down on their pubis, so that I can lay their penis down on top of it
when I am ready to.
I grab the glans with 1 hand, and the foreskin with the other, and retract it back as far as I can.
Maintaining my pull on the glans, I use a couple of fingers of my other hand (the one around the foreskin / shaft) to
take the rubber venous tourniquet, and wrap it around the member, so that there is only
1 loop, and the long ends of the tourniquet are both laid out on the same side.
Try to do that with just a couple of fingers, so that you are not loosing any of the backwards traction you have
on the foreskin.
Now, you should have the tourniquet snug around the member.
Once more, pull the glans one way and the foreskin the opposite way.
Hold the tourniquet tightly, and clamp it with some hemostats.
Don't clamp skin with the hemostats, clamp the tourniquet.

I know you don't have that stuff around the house, but I can see you using maybe a large balloon or
part of a latex glove and maybe a bulldog paper clip.
The patients never seem to really complain that it hurts them or anything either.

Anyway, just thought I would throw that out there.

Good Luck.
dmoney101;401555 said:
dude what? you gotta be kidding. it's time to find new girls cause i've had girls say they think i'm 10" when i'm 7 lol. you're size is already huge. i'd kill for that girth. that's probably what makes it look short. it's so fat the length just looks average in comparison

i'm definitely not kidding, i have had girls wanting proof prior to meeting, that i'm packing an 8 incher, fair play to you bro, what a feeling that must be chicks telling you your swinging a 10 at them, thats a home-run in my book!!! good luck in getting the girth you want, work dat shit!!!!!
tester8888;401557 said:
Glad to hear you have had such great results. I hope that I get that length too.
I had read what you said about having trouble attaching the stretchers due to being uncut.
While I am actually cut, I can share a technique that we use in the hospital on uncut patients
that are difficult to cath and such. It always works better when you have more than 2 hands, but
I have done on my own as well.
I lay a rubber venous tourniquet down on their pubis, so that I can lay their penis down on top of it
when I am ready to.
I grab the glans with 1 hand, and the foreskin with the other, and retract it back as far as I can.
Maintaining my pull on the glans, I use a couple of fingers of my other hand (the one around the foreskin / shaft) to
take the rubber venous tourniquet, and wrap it around the member, so that there is only
1 loop, and the long ends of the tourniquet are both laid out on the same side.
Try to do that with just a couple of fingers, so that you are not loosing any of the backwards traction you have
on the foreskin.
Now, you should have the tourniquet snug around the member.
Once more, pull the glans one way and the foreskin the opposite way.
Hold the tourniquet tightly, and clamp it with some hemostats.
Don't clamp skin with the hemostats, clamp the tourniquet.

I know you don't have that stuff around the house, but I can see you using maybe a large balloon or
part of a latex glove and maybe a bulldog paper clip.
The patients never seem to really complain that it hurts them or anything either.

Anyway, just thought I would throw that out there.

Good Luck.

hey, thanks for the info, knowledge is power!!! i'm fortunate enough now that i have found my dream device in the static stretcher, life has never been easier putting a device on, no pain, no circulation lost, internal stretch easy, el rancho relaxo!!!! and i hope you reach your goals also, by the sounds of things with your skills should be a piece of cake, good luck lets grow!!!!!
fonic;401572 said:
i'm definitely not kidding, i have had girls wanting proof prior to meeting, that i'm packing an 8 incher, fair play to you bro, what a feeling that must be chicks telling you your swinging a 10 at them, thats a home-run in my book!!! good luck in getting the girth you want, work dat shit!!!!!

lol damn! maybe you should ask for picture proof that their pussies don't look like roast beef. and never forget, it's all about how you fuck em, not the size. the size is just for us so we can stroke our egos haha
dmoney101;401585 said:
lol damn! maybe you should ask for picture proof that their pussies don't look like roast beef. and never forget, it's all about how you fuck em, not the size. the size is just for us so we can stroke our egos haha

LMAO. man you've got balls, love the attitude.
fonic;401606 said:
LMAO. man you've got balls, love the attitude.

haha i guess. idk, i'm just a natural asshole. i made some girl at my university hold the door for me today and said "wow, so courteous. thank you" with a sarcastic tone. i didn't even mean to come off jerk-ish, i just do. i can't explain it, but girls are always attracted to it. they don't make any sense lol
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