dragonbirde;372816 said:
They checked my testosterone, if any tissue damage, checked if i got diabetes or not, nothing, NADA!!! I came up clear and no it's no psychological stuff.
well, these tests you mentioned above do not even clarify 25% of the things that could have an influence on your situation. i know what i'm talking about, i had a completely lifeless lower part of the body 2yrs ago. if you want to check your cavernous body (corpus cavernosum penis/corpus spongiosum penis) you'll have to see an experienced urologist in a hospital of your choice. ask him if he can do (some can't) a cavernous body test, they will inject your penis with an medicament called skat/skit to improve blood circulation. afterwards they will inject your cavernous body (left/right) with an contrast medium to see possible leaks. vascular problems can be excluded by doing this. next thing is your pelvic floor, a cramped pelvic floor can also have a very negative effect on your errections and the whole blood circulation in your lower body. how long you are sitting a day? is your sitting position wrong? is there any nervous disease, maybe caused of some kind of malposition or even a herniated disk in your backbone? there are like a hundred things (urological, neurological, orthopedical) that should be checked first if you experience these kind of problems in a young age, reflect yourself and stay focused on your goal to find out the truth. i've met someone whilst my journey who just had a trapped nerve that caused his errection problems. another one had an inflammation on his pubic bone that caused an atony of musculus ischiocavernosus that caused an abnormal bending of his penis. he had this shit for about 3yrs until someone found it out and gave him antibiotics, the muscle went back to normal and the abnormal bending was gone. good luck mate ;]
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Some guys are just very quick to blame ED on the penis enlargement because it can be SEEN VISIALLY and as its dealing with the dick, it must be the cause right? I'm not saying it doesnt happen when someone engages with penis enlargement and gets an injury, but its quite rare from what I've seen over the years and sure you get red spots and sili stuff like that but they aint an injury as such, just ''growing pains'' as I call them, adjustments if you will.

Dragonbirde I think you have overdone your Penis Enlargement as many amateurs do at first and than you've lost faith & confidence in it all , leading to stress and whatever else in your life which all translates to ED. The mind is very powerful and I cant belive how pig headed some people are about that, it can make you literally ... example I FOCUS my mind on the treadmill past the pain barrier, imagineing infront of me is a tunnell with just me going down and everyone else is blocked out around me ... I slow my breathing right down and hence my heart rate stabalzes, than I feel and focus on each foot as it hits the treadmill ... if I was to just have raceing thoughts about how hard it was and people looking at me, the pain etc it would end fast but no ... I go on for ages ... its the mind.

Also the title of this thread is rather fucked up ''So this site ruined my penis'' no YOU RUINED YOUR Penis EnlargementNIS and its upto you to UNRUIN it or always have a limp dick because of your lazy ass mind and lack of will power ... sorry but I dont have time for lazy jerks who just want handouts on here, too much of it been going on and about time something was said ... you can lead a horse to water but you cant make it drink it
Dragonsize, you have my solidarity, same symptoms same story for me, same problems with the doctors, It happen 3 years ago, completely shocked my life. I've got some improvements overtime but still a pathological condition. Who's gonna pay for this damage, only me. I'll write soon for details if you want. They way I made this damage is the same... curiosity, 2 weeks circa degeneration and so on, what happened later is very tough... I needed to be very strong to overcome the bad moments...
Now I have sort of erection, but: my penis has changed shape, ispainful, sex is discomfortable, sports etc are hard to conceive. I used to be a sporty person and this is bad or me
The sili thing is that I needn't any enlargement , my penis was above average 7'' and very very healthy.
good look mate
ED is a mental issue, not a physical one. In the extremely rare case when a man has physical ED it has little to do with the penis and a lot to do with general health.
DRAGON! what's the update?

I know it's been a year since you've looked at this, but I've had almost the EXACT same symptoms as you did (and I was 22 when it started), although with ED problems the same symptoms can have a multitude of causes. I had symptoms similar to yours for over a year, and sometimes they would go away, and sometimes it would come back.

At first I blamed it on Penis Enlargement too and I would take breaks for months (at the point that this happened I had already been doing Penis Enlargement for 6 months maybe). Then I thought I might have prostatitis or BPH or something, but I got tested and they looked at my prostate through an ultra-sound and it wasn't enlarged or anything.

ANYWAY, THIS IS THE IMPORTANT PART, I noticed in a post back on like the first page you said you took this shake for your muscles for working out. I'm also a gym rat, and when I told my doctor all the supplements I was taking, he said the combination of an extended use of creatine and protein shakes (without any breaks to let your body get rid of the build up), and doing too many kegels could cause the prostate to spasm, blocking blood flow to the penis, making it difficult to get erections, feeling a loss of sensation especially in the head, frequent urination, or even just feeling like you need to urinate more frequently.

So I stopped taking creatine and protein shakes and I stopped doing kegels for a while and I've been symptom free for 4 months, and thus have been going on a Penis Enlargement rampage =)

Maybe you can look into this as the cause? I'm gonna PM you this message just in case, but I'll post it on here too to see if anyone has any feedback
QUOTE "So this website ruined my penis "

All right, all right, bullshit time's over:
Show of hands, who went to this guys house and limped his dick up for him?
The human mind is by far the most complex and intricate function yet discovered in our universe. The most advanced scientific analysis may not be able to scratch the surface of your problem. If you want to truly hit the "reset button" on your brain so to speak, and perhaps alter your mental processes in an entirely new way I suggest some clean LSD or Psilocybin (mushrooms). Though I have seen people take these substances too far and have created irrevocable damage, I have personally had some of the most joyous and fulfilling experiences; spiritually, socially and sexually while hallucinating. Acquiring clean and safe forms of theses drugs is obviously difficult for most, but if accessible I highly recommend trying it at least once. I've had probably hundreds of theses experiences to date and am today a successful business owner, PHD (soon to be) and a scratch golfer, either because of or in lieu of these these drugs. Life's precious, brief and rare. Let the astonishing accomplishments of humanity inspire you to greatness. Focus on your problem and force a solution while accepting what you cannot change, and having the courage to change the things you can.
Don't let a limp dick get you down, and shit, if its gonna be limp might as well make it a big limp dick. Good luck.
(sorry for the bad english) Dragonbide i have the same problems as yours, and everyone says that is a mental issue, but i know that is not, what happens to me is exactly what happen to u...

i go to a cheap urologist once and he says that i'm normal, but i have weak erections, and my penis is deformed...i start Penis Enlargement in 2007 and this nightmare never ends to me, i just have 21 years old.
i was thinking if i had to go to a urologist again, please if u discover the solution of this problem tell to me.

thank u.
Ok this guy hasn't been here in a while but we are still posting asking questions. Kinda stupid when the user is probably long gone.

Anyways the human mind is by far the strongest feature we have. In certain types of extremely stressful situations the body can do things we could never imagine. Super human strength unusual high pain tolerance....anyways you get the point.

When you say my dick is dead. You really believe it. This guy believes 100% that pe "killed" his penis. If a guy can pick up 1000lbs to free a trapped friend or cut off his arm because its jammed between two rocks then why the Hell couldn't your mind keep your body from achieving an erection. Instead of pe killed my penis think i just haven't been sexually excited enough
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