I don't know what you mean here runningignus, but I will sure keep you posted on my Penis Enlargement experience. All of us have valuable experience to share in all aspects of life.


runningignus;470759 said:
Give it a try some time and post it for us to see. All of us can only learn and grow from yur experience and I'd be the first to thank you. Gotta keep the heart even if someone else has more power to push on. Appreciate it.
Yes, definitely will do that! You keep us updated as well.


runningignus;470763 said:
yeah just want you to post your results and keep us updated as you go
Thanks runningignus! I appreciate it. Good idea to start a thread, it sure helps everyone stay motivated and supported. Best of luck to you as well.


runningignus;470774 said:
Yes I will make my own thread to keep myself and others in the know. Good luck.
I have been reading this thread. So am I to understand that you get gains from mini sets as opposed to long sets. It seems as though doing smaller sets like 5 minutes sets take a quick break then going back in for that time and doing that over and over again brings about better results. I suppose it is like lifting weights. You do a set take a break then go back into it. So is this the same concept? Please advise
Hi megzobo, yes doing the six minute sets was for me what brought about quick initial gains. I have no way of knowing whether in the long run, the short sets are better or not. I now do longer sets 20 to 30 minutes and am getting good results from them as well. Everyone is different and you just have to experiment to see what works best for your body.

Yes, its pretty much the same idea as with bodybuilding. I found that the short sets worked well not only in minimizing fluid build up, but just in overall expansion as well. Good luck!


megzobo;470823 said:
I have been reading this thread. So am I to understand that you get gains from mini sets as opposed to long sets. It seems as though doing smaller sets like 5 minutes sets take a quick break then going back in for that time and doing that over and over again brings about better results. I suppose it is like lifting weights. You do a set take a break then go back into it. So is this the same concept? Please advise
Hi Dan

I've been trying to use your initial routine for some 3 weeks now, and I'm very happy about one aspect that I'd like to confirm.

I do the 6x6 sets (sometimes 6 x 5 min only depending on the FR I get) +10 min (min) to 20 min of Jelqs (I do slow ones), totalizing about 300 to 500 Jelqs per session. And when I can, on the evening or at night, I do a session of 10 min (minimum) to 20 min (max) straight in the Bathmate, then 10 to 20 min of Jelqs again. I also make some Ulis if my erection becomes too hard (thus being a problem for jelqing), and once I've lost enough EQ, I start Jelqing again.

My surprise came from the fact that as you described from your own experience, I get a good expansion and some fluid retention during the 6x6 (very manageable), BUT almost NO Fluid Retention for the evening session after 20 min straight in the Bathmate !

That's amazing ! Especially since I enter the Bathmate with some temp expansion from the morning.

I don't really understand it (could be the penis or tunica getting used after such a hard session in the morning, no idea ?), but that's great, so I don't really care why it's happening :)

Thanks for sharing your secrets !

Hope I'll see some nice gains when I'll check for perm gains in 2 months. I'll let you know if that's a success for me too.

Quick question from your last post : You're now using long sets of 20 to 30 min, several sets by session (would be impressive) or like several sessions of 20 to 30 min per day ?

Thank you
Hi Captain.Thick!

Thank you, I appreciate the respect and the compliments. I'm happy to share what has worked for me and I don't have any secrets. I'm an open book quite literally. I'm very happy the short sets are working for you, that's awesome!
Cool also, that you are noticing that same reduction of fluid in the later sessions. I don't understand either why it happens, just glad we discovered it. Sounds like things are going good for you.

Yeah, please keep us updated! As to your question about longer sets in succession, I have tried it twice in the last two months I think and the problem I'm having is pain. After I get to about 25 minutes, I've maxed the tube to the 130 mark and the gator is cutting into my entire base about 1/8". So, that second session is very painful. I get massive expansion no question, but I now need a tube with an opening of 3.5" in order to keep going in longer sessions. I don't think Bathmate is going to make me one unless I shell out the 50 or 60 grand for the plastic injection mold :))


Captain.Thick;471563 said:
Hi Dan

I've been trying to use your initial routine for some 3 weeks now, and I'm very happy about one aspect that I'd like to confirm.

I do the 6x6 sets (sometimes 6 x 5 min only depending on the FR I get) +10 min (min) to 20 min of Jelqs (I do slow ones), totalizing about 300 to 500 Jelqs per session. And when I can, on the evening or at night, I do a session of 10 min (minimum) to 20 min (max) straight in the Bathmate, then 10 to 20 min of Jelqs again. I also make some Ulis if my erection becomes too hard (thus being a problem for jelqing), and once I've lost enough EQ, I start Jelqing again.

My surprise came from the fact that as you described from your own experience, I get a good expansion and some fluid retention during the 6x6 (very manageable), BUT almost NO Fluid Retention for the evening session after 20 min straight in the Bathmate !

That's amazing ! Especially since I enter the Bathmate with some temp expansion from the morning.

I don't really understand it (could be the penis or tunica getting used after such a hard session in the morning, no idea ?), but that's great, so I don't really care why it's happening :)

Thanks for sharing your secrets !

Hope I'll see some nice gains when I'll check for perm gains in 2 months. I'll let you know if that's a success for me too.

Quick question from your last post : You're now using long sets of 20 to 30 min, several sets by session (would be impressive) or like several sessions of 20 to 30 min per day ?

Thank you
Wow, this is what I would call "getting stuck". Yeah, you could still try to plead your cause to the user Bathmate_helps on the forum, but I don't think that men with a BEG of 8" would seem like a wide interesting market for them :)

Honestly, with all the results you got including the Bathmate into your girth session with Jelqs, if I was the Bathmate company, I would become your sponsor, make and offer you one unique model of XXL Bathmate. Just as a tribute to the living proof of Bathmate efficiency you are LMAO

If the Bathmate is now too small to help you max the X-40, have you ever tried clamping to see if you'd get even more girth with it ?
Yeah, that's okay. I'm not one to plead my case about much of anything, unless its extremely important :)) Its a very, very GOOD problem to have and I realize just how blessed I am, I can assure you.

I have indeed considered clamping. I've actually had a bit of experience with it as well a few years back (with slight success) and I think this time around I would probably use a Uli thing instead. I am considering using that to help cement in the girth I want, so I'll let you know what happens with that.


Captain.Thick;471605 said:
Wow, this is what I would call "getting stuck". Yeah, you could still try to plead your cause to the user Bathmate_helps on the forum, but I don't think that men with a BEG of 8" would seem like a wide interesting market for them :)

Honestly, with all the results you got including the Bathmate into your girth session with Jelqs, if I was the Bathmate company, I would become your sponsor, make and offer you one unique model of XXL Bathmate. Just as a tribute to the living proof of Bathmate efficiency you are LMAO

If the Bathmate is now too small to help you max the X-40, have you ever tried clamping to see if you'd get even more girth with it ?
are u too thick to even fit an extender? what girth is too thick to fit an extender?

Dan_Clizer;469181 said:
No, I'm at about 205 (if I hold it down) and 195 if I just let it hang on its own. The problem I have is I've got a 2.25" fatpad. So, even when I'm pressing the gator all the way in, I've still got about 1" of fatpad underneath. So, my goal is to lose at least half of my fatpad and gain at least 1" and then I would be right at the 250 mark. The problem being just as KingD has stated here, its really hard to gain length when your base fills the gator area. I'm working on a difficult modification of the Size Genetics device and hopefully I can use that to gain a bit of length.

Hi iGottaGetBigger,

Yes, way too big. I bought a Size Genetics extender with the intent of modifying it to work. I'm in the process of modifying it now, but I need a few more supplies I'm going to pick up tomorrow. I have the plastic base about half done and have not started yet on the part that holds the penis head. Would guess that anything over 5" flaccid base girth would be pushing the maximum on the SG. Other guys using it would be able to tell you, but I can barely get the thing past my head before it gets stuck.


iGottaGetBigger;471632 said:
are u too thick to even fit an extender? what girth is too thick to fit an extender?
Yea that probably about right becuz I have a vimax extender and sometimes a get erect when strapping the extender on and penis basically fills the extender up almost all the way. I'm 4.75 by the way. Do u no if u can get an extender with a wider base for extenders? I mean I no your 8 and they probably don't have that size but do u think they have base connectors that can accommodate a 6 inch girth becuz I plan 2 increase girth and my small 4.75 girth is already filling my extended. (4.75 while erect by the way) I get stimulated really easy when I first go into the extended sometimes I get erect. And thats y it's hard 4 me 2 do manual stretching because as long as I'm touching my penis I can be erect. I have 2 watch for a few seconds or walk around for bout 10 seconds n think of somethin else to help me get back to my flaccid state. I no I kinds went off subject but I was jus wondering if u knew if newbies could jelq w/lotion or Vaseline with 90-100% erect and I was wondering if I become about 50-60 erect while manual strectching will I still see gains because I can't stay flaccid while strecthing?

Dan_Clizer;471634 said:
Hi iGottaGetBigger,

Yes, way too big. I bought a Size Genetics extender with the intent of modifying it to work. I'm in the process of modifying it now, but I need a few more supplies I'm going to pick up tomorrow. I have the plastic base about half done and have not started yet on the part that holds the penis head. Would guess that anything over 5" flaccid base girth would be pushing the maximum on the SG. Other guys using it would be able to tell you, but I can barely get the thing past my head before it gets stuck.

Yes, I think 4X makes bases for extenders that go up to 6.50" girth. I would ask others in the regular forum about stretching. I simply don't yet have a lot of experience with it.
I hope that helps.


iGottaGetBigger;471635 said:
Yea that probably about right becuz I have a vimax extender and sometimes a get erect when strapping the extender on and penis basically fills the extender up almost all the way. I'm 4.75 by the way. Do u no if u can get an extender with a wider base for extenders? I mean I no your 8 and they probably don't have that size but do u think they have base connectors that can accommodate a 6 inch girth becuz I plan 2 increase girth and my small 4.75 girth is already filling my extended. (4.75 while erect by the way) I get stimulated really easy when I first go into the extended sometimes I get erect. And thats y it's hard 4 me 2 do manual stretching because as long as I'm touching my penis I can be erect. I have 2 watch for a few seconds or walk around for bout 10 seconds n think of somethin else to help me get back to my flaccid state. I no I kinds went off subject but I was jus wondering if u knew if newbies could jelq w/lotion or Vaseline with 90-100% erect and I was wondering if I become about 50-60 erect while manual strectching will I still see gains because I can't stay flaccid while strecthing?
That manual pump is really starting to look good about now yeah. Hah just bugging you. How many hands are you gonna need to do clamping because your gonna need the big sea clamp and a towel to clamp that monster. Glad to see your gonna try something else instead of just pumping.
Thanks runningignus. Yeah, it is a LOAD to handle for sure. I have 9" long hands and when I wrap my fingers around it, I come up about 1" shy of encircling it at the base.
It will be fun to experiment with clamps and a dry pump, I look forward to it!


runningignus;472037 said:
That manual pump is really starting to look good about now yeah. Hah just bugging you. How many hands are you gonna need to do clamping because your gonna need the big sea clamp and a towel to clamp that monster. Glad to see your gonna try something else instead of just pumping.
Dan_Clizer;470686 said:
Hi ryan. Yes I sure can. Yeah......the thing is starting to resemble an elephant trunk :))


Here's the link:http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/...wo-months&highlight=Bathmate+after+two+months

It seems you did 6 min sets x 12 =72 mins and sometimes repeated this twice a day or more, 4 hours apart, and then introduced the 6x6 sets later on.
Hence, you were using the Bathmate in excess of 2 hours a day to gain the initial gains? Thats is amazing, didnt you fear you would damage your penis?
why did you switch to 6x6 sets?
Hi Mr. Slinger,

Most of the time it was 36 minutes per session, so about 72 to 108 minutes per day. I did some longer sessions, but looking back at my log I averaged under 120 minutes per day. I was not too concerned about hurting myself. I knew that several people on MOS had done real well with multiple sessions per day, so I did not see why I could not do the same.

I also have a LOT of confidence in my ability to know intuitively when to take days off and when to cut back my time. Its worked much better than I had dreamed it would.

I switched to 6X6 because that was what gave me the best expansion with the least amount of fluid. Now, fluid is not much of an issue, but it was for the first 6 months or so.


Dick_Slinger;472139 said:
It seems you did 6 min sets x 12 =72 mins and sometimes repeated this twice a day or more, 4 hours apart, and then introduced the 6x6 sets later on.
Hence, you were using the Bathmate in excess of 2 hours a day to gain the initial gains? Thats is amazing, didnt you fear you would damage your penis?
why did you switch to 6x6 sets?
Dan_Clizer;469168 said:
This is in reply to Captain.Thick who was asking what kind of girth it takes to max the X-40. I'm currently at 8.00 - 8.25" at the base and 7.50 - 7.75" at midshaft.

Hi Dan,

Just measured, the few cans I have in the fridge, here's how you compare in Girth/Circumference :

Beer Can / Monster Energy Can : 21 cm / 8,26" (So yes, at the base you're as large as a Beer/Coke Can)
RedBull Can (355 ml / large size) : 18,3 cm / 7,2" (that would be close to your girth midshaft)
(For reference: 7" = 17,78 cm, in between these two cans)
Redbull Can (normal "thin" size) : 17 cm / 6,69" (top shaft maybe ?)

At least, if you meet a girl who likes fisting, you're already well equiped :)

Congratulations again on your gains, they're really an inspiration to me (even if my current goal is to "just" reach 7" at the base)

Captain Thick
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