So what do you think is better... a wrap like Ace bandage or something like the extenders? I really dont want to shell out $150 for one of those things, but if they work better than a wrap... What I have been doing here lately is jelqing and stretching. Just started trying the bundled stretches and lazy ass stretches when I think about it. How long does it take to get good solid flaccid gains? Damn, I want that big floppy flaccid so bad.

Maybe I can borrow yours, 11x7 to see how its going to look. I will give it back in one piece. lol
And Crazy, you have nothing to worry about. You have a pretty thick snake. I am sure the ladies drool when they see that thing.
I didn't start the stretches until I was into my third month of P.E. I eased into those very slowly because I didn't want to injure myself.

I'm doing the bundled stretches now that I'm into my 32nd month of P.E.

And Arkie, I didn't get flaccid gains that fast. It has taken me over two and a half years to get where I am.

So think in terms of months or years and not in terms of weeks. You're much better off that way. It's a long-term commitment.

Otherwise you may end up injuring yourself--seriously.
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