Hello everybody! I'm semi-kinda-not-new

For some cialis works and then there is viagra that usually works for those who cialis does not work. Cialis does nothing for me but viagra kicks ass for me
Last question for now:
Has anyone had any experience using the silisleeve overnight? I May be able to do workouts easier at. Night but concerned that it may. Be too restrictive since we all get erections through the night.
So basically never do PE while sleeping, makes sense logically but just like your arm can fall asleep we never want that for the D. Do all your training when you are awake, let your body relax and heal at night. Give your D a break man! It's being a sport at this, give it some alone time.
Plenty of time during the day then to take risk of injury at night.
Let your penis be during sleep. Let it have a rest. Rest your body and penis completely.
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