Jun 3, 2003
These are extreme ideas and should not be done by a newbie.

I have always had a very simple way of looking at penis enlargement and making gains. I will try to explain the way I think and I would love to hear your thoughts.

When I train for girth at lets say 70% and during this session I am able to create a 10% expansion my penis would be at 80% potential. This is definitely breaking down tissue and creating growth but I do not think it is the most effective route. Especially for someone who is struggling to get through a plateau.

When training the same exercise at 100% making the same 10% expansion I am now working beyond my threshold. I think that this extra 10% is where gains take place the most effectively. If I train my dick at 110% for the same amount of time I am creating faster growth. This may mean more rest but ultimately the gains will materialize quicker.

I agree with this theory.
There's so much more to say about it; I will try to post later.
I sure hope its the case, I have a hard time not being 100% when jelquing. Unfortunately no girth gains but then again I'm only on my 2nd month.
Originally posted by ImustBeBigger
I sure hope its the case, I have a hard time not being 100% when jelquing. Unfortunately no girth gains but then again I'm only on my 2nd month.

What is your routine? You should be seeing gains by now. Maybe I can help you make some changes to jump start your gains.
5-10 minute warmup with heating pad

30-40 min 3 sec dry jelqs dont count too lazy

15-30 min dld blasters i love those ive been ok with length gains gaining about 1/4th an inch.

I have tried dldbends but keeping 100% erect and doing those seem pretty tough for me but maybe i should look into it more?

Thanks DLD so happy to see you doing well here, great forums.
DLD, the gains I get are when I push and go beyond where I am at. You are correct. The problem is, or maybe it is a safeguard, we can't get that 100 plus percent every time. Example, sometimes when jelqing, I really get tough and can feel the push and the tearing of cells or whatever it is and then soon after see the growth. Other times, I am just doing normal jelqs that are not "feeling" like the time described above. You can't always be breaking down tissue, you have to just do the normal thing. My opinion. BTW, I am seeing steady growth and more constant remaining size. Don't go back so far...does that make sense. GS
One thing I would be wondering about with erect jelqing, is that RB was talking about how he could pump his girth up with a tourniquet at 70% to a dimension larger than his EG, as if when erect the tunica 'hardened' and wouldn't allow further expansion.

Thoughts on that?

However I think erect jelqing is the way to go, but only with months of conditioning, otherwise injury could occur. A couple of years ago when I was doing Penis Enlargement with relatively little information, I did erect jelqing and was lucky not to hurt myself. I think I came through because I listened to my body.

It was an interesting point German Stallion made, which I have always gone by, and that is that you can only sometimes feel the tissue breakdown. Perhaps some days we are just going through the motions, but I think it is very important to concentrate 100% for your entire routine, and 'listen' to what the jelq stroke or stretch you are doing is doing to your body.
Originally posted by ICM
I think it is very important to concentrate 100% for your entire routine, and 'listen' to what the jelq stroke or stretch you are doing is doing to your body.

I agree; as in weight training: 'no sloppy sets.'

I also believe in the benefits of visualization.
What if you varied the percentage of erection while jelqing.
For instance if you Jelq everyday start Monday at very minimal erection, and then by Sunday 100% erection. Just a thought.Also
I measured today after a few days of restarting the program, and I don't know if its because of the stretches, or what, but I have gained .25 in length. I wasn't going to measure but some guy IM'd me today who was re-actualizing the Kinsey Penis Size Survey. Any ways You will be seeing a lot of me posting. I absolutely want 8X6, and I will have it.
Originally posted by Iwant8X6
What if you varied the percentage of erection while jelqing.
For instance if you Jelq everyday start Monday at very minimal erection, and then by Sunday 100% erection. Just a thought.Also
I measured today after a few days of restarting the program, and I don't know if its because of the stretches, or what, but I have gained .25 in length. I wasn't going to measure but some guy IM'd me today who was re-actualizing the Kinsey Penis Size Survey. Any ways You will be seeing a lot of me posting. I absolutely want 8X6, and I will have it.

This is a very interesting concept. I think I end up doing something like this anyway because the quality of my erection is not consistant unless I take Viagra. I like your atitude and I think you will have no problem making your goal. Congrats on the half inch.
I WOULD also train at 100%+ erect if I COULD, but since I do 2 or 3 fourty minute girth workouts 4-6 days a week nowadays, I find that the quality of my erections has started to decline. The best I can muster up is usually around 85%, and it only lasts a short time before re-stimulation becomes necessary. I have an extremely hard time gaining, though, so doing anything less is pretty much out of the question.

Too bad I can't get my hands on some viagra... <:(
might help me bust through my current plateu if I had better bloodflow...
Damn, who remembers the shit I used to get talking about erect exercise?
I have only just started jelqing at 100% and last night when I was jelqing I noticed my glans was hurting just a litlle bit when I got towards the top of the jelq, is this normal because you are forcing a lot of blood into it (it was more of an extreme throbbing-type sensation).
doublelongdaddy said:
Damn, who remembers the shit I used to get talking about erect exercise?

The only people that say that are the ones that never gain!!
Supra said:
The only people that say that are the ones that never gain!!

Nah, but seriously...I used to get flamed at peforum and �other PE site� for talking about these.
Oh ya I know, Erect is the only way to exercise, or else you are not going to get full engorgment, which is what you need to do, to gain
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