What's up fellas. Well I have been posting here and on Thundersplace and I just got banned from Thundersplace over some bullshit. I was set up by another member decussing personal matters through a PM and he sent it to Thunderss himself. Straight up sting operation. It's all good though because DLD's website blows Thundersplace out of the water anyday. The rules there are to strict and you can't even post any sexual pics there. Total crap. The moderators and administrators there need to stop hating and get there thumbs out of there asses. The communitiy there is cool but the admins suck as well as the rules.

Hey DLD. I can relate with you on the bullshit setup of Thundersplace which is not the member's fault. The admins and moderators there at fault with there lame ass rules. I will miss the Thundersplace community but Thunderss himself can suck my dick. All nbpel 9.3 inches of it. The Thundersplace admins and the member there that set me up can also suck on my nut sack. Keep in mind I'm talking about Thunderplace. Not matterofsize.

I will now only post on Matterofsize and share my knowledge with the brotherhood here. Hey DLD. You did the right thing by leaving Thundersplace because them motherfuckers be tripping. Also DLD. If you are still interested in that busniness we discussed hit me back with a PM.


Just had to get that off my chest.
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kingsnake;457402 said:
ONLY THE SNAKE MAN REMAINS. STANDING TALL AND PROUD AND REPPING FOR [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MATTERS OF SIZE[/words].

WOW, where have you been? I figured this out years ago:) DLD Says Goodbye to Thundersplace There is no better Penis Enlargement forum online! I have worked very har to become everything Thunders was not and this is why we stand as the World's Biggest Penis Enlargement Forum and Site. You are in the right place Snake, you are innovative and creative and we allow this to happen here. At t's place, conformity is king and ideas are not encouraged.
keepingitbig;457469 said:
thank god man. They're jealous of [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]mos[/words]' cocks.

big time!
The nerve of one of the members telling you to slow down, or you'll get hurt. Sorry if this makes me a hater, but I've been to Thunders before, none of them grew as intense as us. Because we know intensity counts. just like lifting weights. You add more intensity, you reap growth. Same concept applies to Penis Enlargement. You do more, you get a bit more out of it. Although, you can do less with more intensity and STIll reap the benefits.
keepingitbig;457479 said:
I've seen the thread where they banned you. Guess Bib hates competition. :(

Right on point!

Anyone have the link? If it is in the private section please post text.
Hey thanks for the kind words DLD and keepingitbig. Yeah man. The moderators and admins at Thundersplace were straight up jealous of my size from the start and when I throw some fresh ideas out there to help out the community, I get knocked for it.

A lot of members were feeling my snake hanger more so then the bib and were reporting excellent gains from it. Unlike most of the mods over at Thundersplace that claimed big gains, There's guys like me, DLD, and others that actually show proof of our gains from start to finish. I have measured photo proof of my starting size all the way to my current size in my pic threads through out my Penis Enlargement journey and it's this well documented proof that had members wanting my snake hanger over the bib. Once word got out Thunderss himself gives me the boot. Well Thunderss himself can lick my big hairy ball sac along with the punk ass member that set me up.

Not to mention that the members loved it when I talked about my weekend pussy hunting nights with my two friends Mike and Brian but the admins hated it because they ain't packing what the snake man is packing nor are they using it on muliple women like the snake man.

Like i said before. Thunderss himself and the admins and mods there can suck all 9.3 inches of my shaft. But on a more positive note. I am glad that a great Penis Enlargement website like DLD's exist where we can all develope new ideas to help each other reach are Penis Enlargement goals and also fellowship as brothers in the quest to achieave greatness.
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nothing against you and I really like you and everything, but do you really think Bib does have anything to do with this?
He barely posts at thunders anymore, does he?
Ok i just saw this. You were joking about the 200$ Snake Hanger, right?
I mean, I remember when you offered to send me Cable Clamps to Germany for 50$ each when I pm'ed you.
kingsnake;457489 said:
Hey thanks for the kind words DLD and keepingitbig. Yeah man. The moderators and admins at Thundersplace were straight up jealous of my size from the start and when I throw some fresh ideas out there to help out the community, I get knocked for it.

A lot of members were feeling my snake hanger more so then the bib and were reporting excellent gains from it. Unlike most of the mods over at Thundersplace that claimed big gains, There's guys like me, DLD, and others that actually show proof of our gains from start to finish. I have measured photo proof of my starting size all the way to my current size in my pic threads through out my Penis Enlargement journey and it's this well documented proof that had members wanting my snake hanger over the bib. Once word got out Thunderss himself gives me the boot. Well Thunderss himself can like my big hairy ball sac along with the punk ass member that set me up.

Not to mention that the members loved it when I talked about my weekend pussy hunting nights with my two friends Mike and Brian but the admins hated it because they ain't packing what the snake man is packing nor are they using it on muliple women like the snake man.

Like i said before. Thunderss himself and the admins and mods there can suck all 9.3 inches of my shaft. But on a more positive note. I am glad that a great Penis Enlargement website like DLD's exist where we can all develope new ideas to help each other reach are Penis Enlargement goals and also fellowship as brothers in the quest to achieave greatness.

You know what? I want to help you. Send me a PM and we can work on putting the hanger together here, on [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words] and since the only competition to the Snake Choker would be the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?83577-Length-master-official-order-thread-now-shipping-06-16-2014!!!]LengthMaster[/words] I am game. We could put out a nice product, make a little bit of paper and hit T's where it counts.
Hey Sirkyle. You misunderstood me. I don't blame bib at all. I think Bib is cool as hell and is one of the pioneers of Penis Enlargement. It's Thunderss himself, the adiministrators and the mods at Thundersplace that I have a problem with. I got nothing against bib at all. The admins at Thundersplace were worried that my popularity over there was getting out of hand causing a lot of members to stay glued to my threads over other threads. My sex life thread and Penis Enlargement pic progress thread had more views and replies then any other thread on there website.

With so much attention on my threads, Thunderss and the admins were shitting bricks in there pants. The buttom line is, the admins and mods were worried and threatened by my popularity over there. So they looked for a bullshit reason to banned me and there you have it. Straight up haterade was poured in there kornflakes this morning but it's all good because I get much more love and respect here at [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words] and as a Moderator here, I plan on helping in anyway I can in the quest for all of us in reaching our Penis Enlargement goals.

Hey DLD. I'm hitting you with a PM right now bro.
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LOL. Thanks higherone. I've been posting here on [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words] for years but It does feel like I'm new again. Feels like I've been reborn. The saiyan22 persona is history but your boy kingsnake aka the snake man has always been here and plans on staying full time baby.
Thanks Dash. I appreciate it bro. Glad to be active again. Going to be incorperating your hardcore hanging method soon while lowering the amount of hanging sets I do a day. Still trying to hit nbpel 10 inches. Still got .7 to go to hit my goal.
Wait, Kingsnake are you the young guy from Britian? I swear you were like 7 inches and now you have returned with a 9.3 inch? What on earth have you been doing?

My mistake, that was Simyan. But welcome back nonetheless :)
So do you actually sell the Snake Hanger or was that a joke?
I mean you posted pretty clearly how it can be put together for like 30$ and I don't see how anyone could get that construction wrong. Did you improve it furhter?
Hey thanks for the warm welcome back yall. Hey SirKyle. Believe it or not but a lot of members where crying to me that they can't find the resources and neccassary parts to construct my hanger. As a resulst they all begged me to send them one. NO JOKE bro.
And they were willing to pay more for it than for the Bibhanger?
Sounds unbelievable to me, but given your popularity on Thunders, it might very well be true.
Not very well true. It was and is completely true. Members were hitting me with PMs right and left for my hanger like hotcakes. It's just me so with all the materials needed to make the hangers and ship them out to other states and over seas, that shit cost me money bro, thus the reason for the price. It was just a matter of time before Thunderss and the mods gave me the boot with my popularity there. My picture progress thread alone greatly surpassed any other thread in that section reaching over 2,000 to 3000 replies and over 200,000 to 300,000 views. My sex life thread was in a whole league of it's own surpassing anything known to man over at Thundersplace. Once Thunderss and the Admins realized this, they looked for a dumb reason to ban me and booted me out of there because Thunderss feared that his website would soon be called Saiyansplace. That weak ass motherfucker and his Admins aka minions saw that I had become the people's champ over there so he took the easy ass pussy way out and banned me.

A man with power always fears another man that has the potential to have more power. That's what that whole situation was all about. POWER. Big mistake because now I'm gonna give my boy DLD my full attention with the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words] community and show Thundersplace as well as any other Penis Enlargement forum that we are not to be fucked with.
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Good that you're back kingsnake!
[words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words] is the most innovative Penis Enlargement forum and is backed up by the best experts... you should be part of this.
Hey man I'm a member her and there and I was a regular reader and replyer to your exploits thread. I agree with you being popular and respected there. I also wish things worked out better between you and thunderss.

It appears to me that he has set rules for selling things and no one is above the rules. as far as hating on your anatomy my brother I hope it's not the case dog. That's not cool.

I hope you start a new pussy hunting thread here man. I think you should open an ebay store and sell your snake hanger but for much cheaper than $200. maybe $80-$100. Just saying.

I liked the way you seemed to view thunders members as part of a brotherhood and I'm sad to see you leave it. I'm glad this site exists too and still consider you my Penis Enlargement homey. Be easy man.
Thanks kingcobra. I appreciate it man. [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]Mos[/words] is definitely the central head quarters of Penis Enlargement period. Freedom here is unlimited and one can express themselves without fear of getting knocked for it. Not to mention one can share ideas and create new ways to acheave plastic deformation without fear of playa haters trying to fuck you over.

Hey wordsthought. Thanks bro for the kind words. The only reason why they were 190.00 is because it was expensive to buy the pipe repair clamps greater in size then 1 x 3. Not to mention it cost hella money to mail them out to other states and over seas. I was constructing this whole thing by myself since I invented it so I had to get some return profit some how while buying all of the equipment my self and mailing them out to help my fellow members that couldn't make there own hangers.

With DLD's help I'm sure we can make some magic happen. Thunderss is just a punk ass hater and he did me a favor by banning me. What doesn't kIll the snake man makes him stronger. It also makes his dick bigger too. LOL.
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JohnMac;457595 said:
Hey Snake,

You sounded humble when you posted at thunders, now you sound arrogant....why so???


Snake is arrogant? LOL. I've seen worst. I'm not taking up for Snake's ego trip, but everyone has one once in a while, Including myself.
Hey Medicating. Yeah that was me that fucked Tamie from the gym and posted pics of my dick in her mouth. That pic is in my picture thread along with the pics of the other women that I've posted my dick violating.

I am normally a humble guy. I sound arrogant because of built up aggression at the fact that I got banned. I have spent a lot of time in the pursuit of enlarging my penis to epic proportions and when I discovered new ways to do this, I share it with others only to have some idiot that goes by the name of Thunderss, ban me because he's a hater. So I'm sure you can understand my temporary arrogants and aggression. It's all good though because I'm amongst a better group of Penis Enlargement brothers here at [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words].
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I go by the same nick here and at Thunders so there is no confusion.

I don't see any hating going on over there. What I saw from all of this is that you broke the rules and finally got caught. It is kind of important to be labelled as a Commercial Account if you are selling stuff so people know when you give advice that it comes from someone who is profiting from it. I'm a little shocked at your outbursts here about it. Just man up and admit you were wrong and move on. I have nothing against you or anyone else for that matter. You did provide info about your hanger and that was great but all you had to do was to create a free Commercial Account with Thunderss and it would have been a done deal.

Lots of folks are going to get in your way through life. If you play by the rules you'll get further than not playing by the rules. I like both sites as they each their own benefits and drawbacks.

Be the man folks over there have come to know and respect and just admit you were wrong and got caught. It happens to all of us at some point.
Hey Snake i will probably buy one of your hangers when i head up to my college dorms in the summer. I just hope you continue your sex life thread on here because it was one of the reason's i continue to do Penis Enlargement.
perulz;457613 said:
I go by the same nick here and at Thunders so there is no confusion.

I don't see any hating going on over there. What I saw from all of this is that you broke the rules and finally got caught. It is kind of important to be labelled as a Commercial Account if you are selling stuff so people know when you give advice that it comes from someone who is profiting from it. I'm a little shocked at your outbursts here about it. Just man up and admit you were wrong and move on. I have nothing against you or anyone else for that matter. You did provide info about your hanger and that was great but all you had to do was to create a free Commercial Account with Thunderss and it would have been a done deal.

Lots of folks are going to get in your way through life. If you play by the rules you'll get further than not playing by the rules. I like both sites as they each their own benefits and drawbacks.

Be the man folks over there have come to know and respect and just admit you were wrong and got caught. It happens to all of us at some point.

I honestly think it was the smarter thing to, both pe forums are very good because of all the positivity but he would not have made as much with a commercial account because of his price. People need to realize that there are guys like me and others who don't care about paying hundreds of dollars as long as there dick grows.
I don't believe a Commercial Account costs anything. Thunderss just holds them to a higher standard when they post stuff. I didn't see anything about having to pay a percentage or anything but why not donate if you are profiting from the membership anyway.

Now I guess he could charge each member whatever he though of charging them at the time but then that isn't right either. IMHO, had he gone that route and made it reasonably priced(I'm not saying giving it away as your time to get the stuff and make it should be paid for) he could have made a killing over there.

I really enjoyed his entertaining posts but know that I can see them here.
Hey KingSnake/Saiyan, this is Doctor Hose.

Dude, we all loved you there in TP as a brother and friend. Sure there are bound to be jealous people, but in all seriousness I doubt that Thunder or any other mods hated or disliked you man... You were helpful to the community and could only bring more attention to the site, which is a good thing. Banning you out of spite would be a shoot on the Thunder's own foot man.

Many mods there have had more than their fair share of gains, and also pussy. Some people just prefer to keep it to themselves. I myself have gained a good amount of size through Penis Enlargement, I just don't fancy posting pics of my dick on the internet, or talking about it all the time, I just don't have the excitement to do it. Also I have picked up tons of women in the past, and been more on stable relationships now after a few years. I now am single and going back to the pick up scene but I wouldn't post all about it there, I just don't have the time or energy to dedicate myself to it. I have friends who can't fuck all the women they get, it just takes too much time and energy to do it and people have to work and study in their lives...

So you know it's not hard to get gains or get pussy, they probably enjoyed reading your stories as much as I and many others did, and you will be sorely missed. I don't see anyone hating you there, just sadness over all of this, no one would have wished on this man.

The real reason was that you were doing something against the rules... And shit happened as it could happen on any other place. It is just the type of thing that happens to all of us, to me, to you, to our friends sometimes... And we learn and grow with it, we avoid the same mistakes in the future and become better persons because of shit like this... So let's just leave this behind, no one wanted this to happen, it just happened.

Don't be mad at this, just move on, your a great guy and you are bound to make friends wherever you go and decide to stay. It's totally understandable to be mad about this, I'm not trying to be an ass by saying this, we all have bad times in life. But I wanted to say these things because I'm sorry for all of this and I think it sucks... But such is life, unfortunately shit happens sometimes.

DLD too was a great guy there but people's lives just take separate ways sometimes and who knows, maybe it's for the best. He created this awesome forum here with lots of information and a different philosophy than Thunder's and it will work better for some people who like it better here than there. Everyone profits from this, more options, there is plenty of room for everyone to grow their dicks and help others do it. It's not like a fight for limited resources. Many people go to both places and will contribute more to the place they feel more comfortable with. It's good.

I just want to wish you best from the bottom of my heart Saiyan, I was shocked when I saw what happened. Many others probably felt the same way, but now it's past and done. I wish you many gains, on girth more than length as you already have tons of length, and that you are happy and successful in all you your future ventures.

Cheers and best wishes,
André/Dr Hose
Big Tree;457636 said:
Hey KingSnake/Saiyan, this is Doctor Hose.

Dude, we all loved you there in TP as a brother and friend. Sure there are bound to be jealous people, but in all seriousness I doubt that Thunder or any other mods hated or disliked you man... You were helpful to the community and could only bring more attention to the site, which is a good thing. Banning you out of spite would be a shoot on the Thunder's own foot man.

Many mods there have had more than their fair share of gains, and also pussy. Some people just prefer to keep it to themselves. I myself have gained a good amount of size through Penis Enlargement, I just don't fancy posting pics of my dick on the internet, or talking about it all the time, I just don't have the excitement to do it. Also I have picked up tons of women in the past, and been more on stable relationships now after a few years. I now am single and going back to the pick up scene but I wouldn't post all about it there, I just don't have the time or energy to dedicate myself to it. I have friends who can't fuck all the women they get, it just takes too much time and energy to do it and people have to work and study in their lives...

So you know it's not hard to get gains or get pussy, they probably enjoyed reading your stories as much as I and many others did, and you will be sorely missed. I don't see anyone hating you there, just sadness over all of this, no one would have wished on this man.

The real reason was that you were doing something against the rules... And shit happened as it could happen on any other place. It is just the type of thing that happens to all of us, to me, to you, to our friends sometimes... And we learn and grow with it, we avoid the same mistakes in the future and become better persons because of shit like this... So let's just leave this behind, no one wanted this to happen, it just happened.

Don't be mad at this, just move on, your a great guy and you are bound to make friends wherever you go and decide to stay. It's totally understandable to be mad about this, I'm not trying to be an ass by saying this, we all have bad times in life. But I wanted to say these things because I'm sorry for all of this and I think it sucks... But such is life, unfortunately shit happens sometimes.

DLD too was a great guy there but people's lives just take separate ways sometimes and who knows, maybe it's for the best. He created this awesome forum here with lots of information and a different philosophy than Thunder's and it will work better for some people who like it better here than there. Everyone profits from this, more options, there is plenty of room for everyone to grow their dicks and help others do it. It's not like a fight for limited resources. Many people go to both places and will contribute more to the place they feel more comfortable with. It's good.

I just want to wish you best from the bottom of my heart Saiyan, I was shocked when I saw what happened. Many others probably felt the same way, but now it's past and done. I wish you many gains, on girth more than length as you already have tons of length, and that you are happy and successful in all you your future ventures.

Cheers and best wishes,
André/Dr Hose

Don't play Thunder off as an innocent dove or his moderators. If I need to I will post all the mod logs from the time they planned on getting rid of me. Total jealousy, envy and fear that I would take money away from Thunder. I was the best thing to happen to his forum and today, you are right, it was for the best because now [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words] is here. Thunders would have a much easier time if he was honest about his affiliations and stopped banning based on personal, monetary fear.
I see nothing wrong with Kingsnake acting the way he did. Seen both DlD's threads and Kings over at other discussion site. None of them expressed arrogance, but were helpful to guys other there. Thunder could've just warned you for not having a commercial account. It's not professional at all to just ban someone for secretly marketing a product. Plus you have a job as well. It takes time to do one business opportunity when you're working full time somewhere else. Something tells me it's more than," breaking the rules." More like jealousy to get your ass out of there. Fear of being de-throned, or either challenged?
Thanks for the support yall but I agree with DLD and keepingitbig. What I did was wrong but Thunderss could have given me a warning. Instead I try to log on to Thundersplace one day and my username and password doesn't work anymore. The guy bans me without hearing my side of the story or even giving me a change to defend myself. No warning or temporary suspension or anything. Just instant banned with no questions asked or any mercy. Even though I had helped a shit ton of members there with advise and encouragement.

All I have to say to that is Thunderss can lick every hair on my nut sac. I know that's not like me to say that to some one but for him to just ban me after all the people I helped there over the years and the contributions and knowledge I shared, Mr Thunderss and his Admins can go fuck them selves.

I promise you guys, I don't act like this all the time. I'm normally a nice guy but I'm sure you guys understand where I'm coming from. Like I said before though. It's all good because here at [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words] I can be who I am and enjoy myself in a place where the rules aren't as strict. I like how Dld doesn't act like he's better then everyone else even though this is his website.

DLD is so cool and layed back and treats everyone with the same respect. Thunderss on the other hand is always quick to threaten members of being banned. Instead of acting like a friend and helper to the members there he would only post in the event of confrontations to throw out threats and show his superiority, even though he didn't even throw me a threat. Instead he just banned me no questions asked.
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What's up Saiyan, or Kingsnake now should I say?

Sorry, I have not been on here in a very long time as I have had my time occupied by businesses that I am opening up soon. I have not had any time to log in on a computer, and mostly I am on the computer working with programs such as Excel and Access. I'll try to find more time as I like reading the posts for learning purposes, adding my own comments, and helping everyone better understand Penis Enlargement such as others are doing.

Yea, thunders had banned me a long time ago, but I found [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words] which is just as a helpful of a website to me. I wouldn't sweat it dude no worries.

I have had no time to Penis Enlargement at all due to ongoing time with two businesses that I am setting up along with loans, so I have been on a decon break for the past 4 months, or maybe more if I'm not mistaken. I plan on hanging weight again soon starting back to 5 [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98]x 20[/words] minute sets with 10 min rest time in between sets. I have been clamping off and on with good gains, but I have not been consistent with my Penis Enlargementing.

I plan on getting back into the forum discussions soon, take care bro's
Congrats on the businesses by the way. It's really good owning your own business. Most people are scared. I'm heading that path too.
keepingitbig;457677 said:
I see nothing wrong with Kingsnake acting the way he did. Seen both DlD's threads and Kings over at other discussion site. None of them expressed arrogance, but were helpful to guys other there. Thunder could've just warned you for not having a commercial account. It's not professional at all to just ban someone for secretly marketing a product. Plus you have a job as well. It takes time to do one business opportunity when you're working full time somewhere else. Something tells me it's more than," breaking the rules." More like jealousy to get your ass out of there. Fear of being de-throned, or either challenged?

Maybe I should explain myself a bit more. Thunder did not warm me in PM's, he encouraged me to go forward with my plans for [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words] paysite (not forum). I still have the PM's as well as the complete Thunders MOD forum posts for 2 months before my ban and another month after my ban (yes Thunder, you have moles). No where in the Mod forum was I warned or threatened in any way. Every mod, including Thunder, encouraged me to create [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words]. About 5 days after the announcement I received a message from Thunder saying I was demodded. No explanation, only a change of status. Curious, I had a few of the mods at Thunders send me all correspondence in MOD forum and Private Messages (yes, I am that G) these messages all were plots to A.) Ban me, B.) Discredit Me C.) Plans on how to eliminate [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words], aside from that it was a bunch of bitches whining about me in every envious way known to man....sad really. Once I knew what they were planning I decided to change [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]Matters of Size[/words] from being a website to becoming a full out forum and website! I made my final post at Thunders and never, ever posted again.

The creation of the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]Matters of Size[/words] Forums was something they never expected:) They never expected me to become what I have. From what I read in their mod forum, they wanted to discredit me and they thought it would be easy with their influence. They must have been smoking crack because the biggest mistake Thunder ever made in his entire life was fucking with me. My face, my cock, my words, my exercises, my routines, my endless posts helping men change their lives lives on and on and on and on!!!! They can't hide that history and it does not tell His Story either! It tells the real deal! I was tossed into the streets by that prick and his goonies and they left me to die. Today, I OWN Penis Enlargement! Big mistake mister thunder.

The future so bright I gotta wear shades! [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words] rules.
In addition, Thunder is a straight out liar and it is in the faces of the few visitors they have at their ghost forums. If you go to T's at any given time there are like 800 people online. WIth this average of 800 users they get an average of 12 active threads a day. Does this make sense? Let me help you understand this. [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words] has 150 active users and we have an average of 75 active threads. If the money don't add up it's wrong, right? This is a hack that they use. The hack allows them to add members (with posts) to their membership. It also allows them to add as many members to the total membership number. If they wanted to they could make it reflect 1,000,000,000 members and 10 Million active users...it is a simple hack. I could instal it here but wouldn't that be lying? I mean that is dishonest, right?

Also, why not be honest about the affiliations he holds. I am. I am VERY OPenis EnlargementN with every business dealing that happens at [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words]. Why? Because [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words] is transparent, I have ABSOLUTELY nothing to hide. WTF is he hiding? I picture a lonely man in a small office, creating multiple accounts and hacking his forums, creating a life and friends he does not have in reality and feeding off the 12 visitors he gets a day. Perhaps he should join [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words], I can help him with some of these issues.
May be interested in one of these hangers around december since it looks like [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Bathmate[/words] isnt gonna come through with a mid sized model. Keep us up to date if you get a deal going on here.
Hey Ironwill84. That Thunderss asshole banned you to ha. Yeah I remember our conversations in my pic thread over there. How have you been bro. It's good to hear from you. I remember your dick size was or is fucking huge in the 8 to 9 plus inch catogory and the gains you were making were excellent.

Notice how most of the well endowed guys that have made huge gains like me, DLD and Ironwill84 get banned for whatever reason. Coincidence?? I think not!! Watch out fellas. If you guys reach a size of 9 inches or over with thick girth, prepare to get banned by Thunderss and his admins since attention will be taken away from them and on the guy that possess the 9 inch plus happy stick.

Hey Ironwill84. When you have more time we'll be here to fellowship with you brother.

Hey DLD. You hit the nail on the head bro. I wouldn't be suprised if Thunderss himself and his punk ass admins have signed up to [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words] just to spy on us and perpetrate. Wouldn't be suprised at all.

Come to think of it, I wouldn't be surprised if the member that set me up was Thunderss or one of his admins in disguised setting up that sting operation. Totally a bitch move on there part and I'm gonna make them pay for it. I'm going to help elevate DLD's website to the fullest and have Thunders's members navigate primarily over to DLD's where real folks hang.

Haterade was definitely going on there. Especially when I had Admins hitting me with PMs telling me to keep the posting of my Penis Enlargement progress pics to a minimum to not discourage members that were less endowed and not making gains. If that ain't a bunch of haterade from Thunderss and the Admins, I don't know what is. Totally a big croc of shit for them to tell me to stop posting my Penis Enlargement gains so much and just keep it to myself if I gain more size.

If anything my Penis Enlargement journey and progress pics motivated members to keep on pushing through with there Penis Enlargement training. My sex life thread over there also motivated members to keep on pushing since I posted my weekend nights with the ladies as the rewards from all of the man hours I put in with hanging, clamping and pumping.

Hey DLD. I totally agree with you. The normal members at Thundersplace are good people but Thunderss himself, the admins and the mods are a bunch of haters that have some kind of lame ass system of control. When a guy like me comes around that brings massive attention and influence, they shit bricks in fear that saiyan22 may rock the house to much and they banned me. Well the may have silenced saiyan22 but they can't touch the man within. The snake man, that is. LOL.

Hey TRBDONG. Once me and DLD get shit rolling we got you bro.
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kingsnake, we at [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words] would love to see your weekend hunting nights thread here on [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words] :blush:

+ I cannot understand the admins at T. I think inovation is the only way in Penis Enlargement (and life), so they should try to keep members like you. It's their lose.

Kingsnake dont let the hate consume you.Dont degrade yourself.
This ban is the biggest compliment you could get.

Remember Thunders doesnt hate you,he hates himself cause you are representing everything that he wants to be.

Blue Whale over and out.
Hey Faber. I will definitely be posting my weekend nights here for now on. What I'm going to do is post some of the updates from this year that were big events in my life. I wil be posting my past events with my friend Reeko in his sex parties that happened to me this year. My man crue that I role with on pussy hunting night are my friends Mike and Brian. So look out for those yall. I'm posting these events that have already happened to me this year to catch everybody up on what's been going on in my life. This way when I start posting new updates of my weekend nights, everyone will know what's going on and who's who.

Hey bluewhale. Thanks for the positive words bro. Yeah I'm over it now and you're right. Thunderss did do me a favor because now I'm amongst a better group of guys to fellowship and share Penis Enlargement knowledge with.
Well at least you found out who is the real. Stick around Snake, many of us really look forward to your contributions!