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Okay this is my new routine aimed at just length.

I want this more than anything and have now decided to go for it and really put the time and effort in like I did with my girth work and I should see myself gain to 9 1/2 inches in erect length.

I'm setting myself till late 2007 to reach 9 1/2 inches and that to me is realistic and not out of reach with this routine.

I'll be simply hanging using the Vacu-Hanger from everyday for 6 days with 1 day off.

I will hang for between 20 and 30 minutes eachtime using 10lbs of weight and every 2 1/2 months move up 2 1/2 pounds in weight so every 4 months I will be going up 5lbs in weight which means by the 12th month I should be hanging 25lbs.

Will try to get a 2nd set of 20 minutes in when I can.

I shall also measure once per month and currently I'm nearly spot on 8 inches EBP.

I'm also going from the LOT theory to base my hanging angle on, and my LOT is just short of 7 which means that straight out or Over the shoulder 'OTS' hanging suits me best ... I have opted for OTS so I can target more inner penis and I get a better stretch.

I sit in the wardrobe, isnt uncomfortable as its MASSIVE and I hang the rope over the bar going across the wardrobe where the clothes are hung upon ... this gives me a fantastic stretch and I can also chill out in their while I'm doing that, much better than hanging it over your shoulder.

My routine is based allot of Dashdemings hardcore hanging routine as his worked wonders for him, and he targetted his LOT angle also, although his was 11 and mainly lig gains, myn is mainly for tunicae gains but they is ALLOT of that to be brought out from inside the penis and IMHO better to start their than the ligaments.

Below is my current log of events.

Monday July 3rd - 30 mins of straight down hanging with 10lbs
Tuesday July 4th - 20 mins of OTS hanging with 10lbs after finding out my LOT was 6-7
Wednesday July 5th - Wasnt feeling well and skipped session
Thursday July 6th - 30 mins of OTS hanging with 10lbs
Friday July 7th - 20 mins of OTS hanging with 10lbs
Saturday July 8th - Skipped Session
Sunday July 9th - 50 mins of OTS hanging with 10lbs

I have already noticed my penis seems to hang slightly lower when flaccid and feels more spongy to the touch.

This will be a long battle but thistime I think I will finally get my length and when the Vacu-extender comes out I shall also be hitting that and when I get chance will start using the [words=]ADS[/words] system from and that works well.
This is great Red. Keep it up and it'll happen for you. I've also got back into my routine using 7.5 lbs right now but am going to move up soon.

Good luck with this. :)
The vacuum hangers are amazing. At least the Max-Vac I can speak for...It will make your hanging seem a lot easier than the Bib Hanger did, with much less pain!

1.5" in 15 months will be tough, but if you are as motivated and dedicated as you were when you fattened your dick to the size of a cucumber, then you should be able to reach 9.5" before 2007 passes.

Best of luck.
Hey Red i have a question for u but first i would like to say good luck on reaching 9.5in length (we have the same goal), and that im impressed with your girth (7.4in that right there is a beast) which brings me to my question which is a little off topic. I heard that u were the one to talk to about the girth, and as you can see mines only 5in (from when i last measured, 6/30) it's getting a little bit bigger i've started to notice the increase in my flacid girth whenever i go take a piss, but all i do for my girth is the jelq. What other exercises would u recommend i do, that has worked for u, in order to gain girth size in the shortest time? (around 1 to 2 months)

thanks for the help in advance, looking forward to hearing from u
CDR421 said:
Hey Red i have a question for u but first i would like to say good luck on reaching 9.5in length (we have the same goal), and that im impressed with your girth (7.4in that right there is a beast) which brings me to my question which is a little off topic. I heard that u were the one to talk to about the girth, and as you can see mines only 5in (from when i last measured, 6/30) it's getting a little bit bigger i've started to notice the increase in my flacid girth whenever i go take a piss, but all i do for my girth is the jelq. What other exercises would u recommend i do, that has worked for u, in order to gain girth size in the shortest time? (around 1 to 2 months)

thanks for the help in advance, looking forward to hearing from u

Hello, I would say horse squeezes and uli's worked very well for me.
Also constriction methods worked very well ... combine it all with pumping if you have one and maybe even wear a light constriction cock ring 24/7.

I can vouch for the horse squeezes/ulis/pumping when combined plus the constriction methods.

Thank you to Tom and Gold for your support :)
Hey Red, Alot has been said about [words=]extenders[/words] increasing girth. Won't [words=]ads[/words] do the same? I mean it's prolonged tension over time just like using the [words=]extender[/words], right?
Hi Red,

I read more then once your constrictor guide. Your girth is fantastic, perhaps the best of all the Penis Enlargement world. You have the genetic to equal Shane Diesel.

If I can, I have a question for you.

May you describe how do you perform Ulis?

Compliments and thanks in advanced.
REDZULU2003 said:
Okay this is my new routine aimed at just length.

I want this more than anything and have now decided to go for it and really put the time and effort in like I did with my girth work and I should see myself gain to 9 1/2 inches in erect length.

I'm setting myself till late 2007 to reach 9 1/2 inches and that to me is realistic and not out of reach with this routine.

I'll be simply hanging using the Vacu-Hanger from everyday for 6 days with 1 day off.

I will hang for between 20 and 30 minutes eachtime using 10lbs of weight and every 2 1/2 months move up 2 1/2 pounds in weight so every 4 months I will be going up 5lbs in weight which means by the 12th month I should be hanging 25lbs.

Will try to get a 2nd set of 20 minutes in when I can.

I shall also measure once per month and currently I'm nearly spot on 8 inches EBP.

I'm also going from the LOT theory to base my hanging angle on, and my LOT is just short of 7 which means that straight out or Over the shoulder 'OTS' hanging suits me best ... I have opted for OTS so I can target more inner penis and I get a better stretch.

I sit in the wardrobe, isnt uncomfortable as its MASSIVE and I hang the rope over the bar going across the wardrobe where the clothes are hung upon ... this gives me a fantastic stretch and I can also chill out in their while I'm doing that, much better than hanging it over your shoulder.

My routine is based allot of Dashdemings hardcore hanging routine as his worked wonders for him, and he targetted his LOT angle also, although his was 11 and mainly lig gains, myn is mainly for tunicae gains but they is ALLOT of that to be brought out from inside the penis and IMHO better to start their than the ligaments.

Below is my current log of events.

Monday July 3rd - 30 mins of straight down hanging with 10lbs
Tuesday July 4th - 20 mins of OTS hanging with 10lbs after finding out my LOT was 6-7
Wednesday July 5th - Wasnt feeling well and skipped session
Thursday July 6th - 30 mins of OTS hanging with 10lbs
Friday July 7th - 20 mins of OTS hanging with 10lbs
Saturday July 8th - Skipped Session
Sunday July 9th - 50 mins of OTS hanging with 10lbs

I have already noticed my penis seems to hang slightly lower when flaccid and feels more spongy to the touch.

This will be a long battle but thistime I think I will finally get my length and when the Vacu-extender comes out I shall also be hitting that and when I get chance will start using the [words=]ADS[/words] system from and that works well.

Hows it hanging Red.
All Penis Enlargement for me has been dead in the water. Too much work and stress over the months and I couldnt be arsed to be honest.

Really be consistent with my body building.

I will be starting a girth routine sometime in the next three weeks and concentrate just on that as I think girth is more important to me than length.
:O lol any more girth and you would need to advertise for partners rofl

so whats your final goal red? i mean the one YOU WOULD NOT go over?
Hi EVO, to be frank I dont know what my goal is rofl it was 9.5 inches in length but I cant be arsed with length at the moment and want to hammer girth as that was easy for me to gain and I like it being thick.

I'm only 22 and I suppose my goal will change as I age.

At the moment its as big as it can get ... aiming for the late 7 inch region for my mid shaft girth and really want to get my glans into that region also.

Head size has also took my fancy more than usual as the head is what the woman sucks and if its bigger than thats more pleasure.

My length will be hit early nextyear, think I will do my pe in seasons from now on if I can, like girth in the winter/autumn and length in the spring/summer but dont hold me to that :)

New routine is being made soon and it involves pumping, both the conventional and water pumping plus head pumping. Constrictors will be used in their normal fashion i.e clamp on and exercise, plus constricted pump sessions and jelqs, double jelqs etc.

Want to target width more also and will re-visit the ATS rollors which made my width what it is today.

Cock rings for holding the extra size during the day and night so essentially doing All night clamp and All day clamps 'ANC' and 'ADC'.

The cock rings I wear during the 'ANC' and 'ADC' will be coated with magnets as these DO help growth of cells and repair ... recently done a course on magnet thearapy and its the way to go.

New cable clamp, my THIRD one as I broke the last two clamping :) no bullshit ... will also use cable ties, cheap and can go TIGHTER.

Lots of ideas in my head floating about ... been out the game too long man, want to experiment with constricted erections of over 30 mins to 60 mins non-stop and see how that works ... will tweak where needed.

All in all it'll be horse squeezes, ulis, neck breakers, ATS rollors, wet jelqs, double wet jelqs [all done constricted] and than theirs normal constrictors, constricted and normal pumping both in and out of water ... head pumping also.

Will follow a kegel plan of 3 [words=]x 50[/words] kegels daily ... helps already, not too much or too little.

I have also sent some pix in to a site in the UK that has swingers going to it and this sexy Indian babe is like the owner and star of the show and encourages viewers to send pix in and apply to join them in movies etc so I have gone for that .... see how it goes, not be a adult entertainment star but split her Indian pussy open as she goes on and on about black cocks ... wonna show her a huge white boy :)

Will get the new routine up here soon and start once I get my pumps, rings, clamps etc etc in the comming weeks.

Thanks for the support and if anyone wants to donate in regard to the constrictor guide I wrote than please PM me and I will send you my paypal address for any such donations.

A revision should be started HOPenis EnlargementFULLY in a few months.
Hey Red, how long you been doing pe man? Are you an advocate of after acheving length, go for girth, or do you suggest attacking them both simeltaneously?
@ Blackice, my size is the same when the pix were took in picture proof section nearly one year ago.

@ Kal-El ... Been doing it since 2001 on and off, so thats five years but I aint been reguler with it but in the GAME that long and reckon I have opened many mens eyes to the great positive benefits of constrictor [wrongly named IMHO clamping] methods. I got banned from site for talking about my early experiments with constrictor methods because of safety concerns and some info censored from for the same reasons.

I aint blowing my trumpet, but I have been tweaking, testing OPenis EnlargementNLY with poroper logs about constrictor methods way before anyone else and like I said made many SIT UP AND BELIVE its possible to gain with the once laughed at elastic band-type torniqueit techniques.

Dont be fooled and be sucked into some who claim they have been doing it longer with ACCURATE data and logs like me.... 'clamping' has been around for 1000's of years, its merely a elastic band around your cock if you want to break it down to the bere minimum but I went further, this is what I try to get across ... made routines from it, made new exercises, explained how it worked, stuck with it and proved it worked ..... many have jumped on the bandwagon and make money from such exercises that really sucks in my eyes....dont pay for it, download my guude for F R E E

It was my aim to get it to the mass'ess and it has come true, Thunders seems to love it now and many gain well from it and gurus are everywhere in that field now .... Here many have gained from it and we see Stillwantmore makeing cash from such methods.

Just remember the guy who nearly lost his dick [me] testing these methods way before the others would LOOK OR THINK about doing what I did ... many shivered in their boots thinking about clamping.

Okay that a side .... I prefer to attack girth and length seperate, havent gained great in length [erect] and find it hard to gain in that region.
Red. you said that your girth is the same as in the pics of a year ago, how much exactly is the girth. Does this mean in a year you didn't gain anything. If thats so were you on and off and not consistant? If thats so, I guess that proves even with many years of steady girth, if you don't do it consistantly, every day, you won't see gains. Important question, since you did make so much gains, and you didn't gain in the last year, would you say that the gains that you did make stayed, and are upmost their for "ever"??? or for good? what r ur thoughts??
I haven't lost or gained anything since my last pictures on here.
Remember I havent been doing any pe for like one year now, just the odd weight hung from it now and again with the odd jelq or clamp every 3 months ... so no pe at all really so its natural I gain zero ... but I kept EVERYTHING.

Stats are 6.5 to 6.7 inches girth below the head and 7 inches mid shaft with late 7 inche range at the base, o and thats EXCLUDING the skin [for the purist's!]

Soon will be smashing a new routine once I get some more gains on my body which takes number one at the minute.

My thoughts on growth are ... endless, who knows the limits ... surely as the penis fills with blood its possible your health that limits it by how much blood can be pumped to the penis to fill it .... my aim is getting as thick as I can, woman love it and can take it ... my length to me is fine ... wouldnt mind 9 inches but I'm only 22 and have years to focus on that ... for now though its my body than in a few more months a new chapter will start and 8 inches girth will be the mission.

If I can help you on anything dont hesitate to Message me.
vacum hangers can hang as much weight as you can handle, I did have a hanger at one piont which was good, wasn't the hanger but the attachment on it which held the weights snapped and almost took my foot off. That was easily fixed, just went into the shop and picked up a steardy keyring and a good hook.
Red thats very ill, keeping that girth through out the year probably boosted your confidence 10fold. I am not even gonna comment on your new girth goal, as I would think that would be putting chicks in labor.
What would be like an ill girth, one that puts you on top with the average woman looking to get stuffed.... Would you say 6.5 would cover it minimum, or would you say they would like 7 better? At what piont would you say abit more really wouldn't make a difference, your goals set aside?
Thanks for comments.

@ Blackice, I feel that many woman would love 6 inches girth and I found during my time as a 6 1/2 incher [girth] that they did go wild for that.

Dont have problems now though with 7 inches girth but as I get bigger its natural that certain woman wont wonna take it.

My job than to persuade them that its going to be okay and they get the express train to orgasmatron with redzulu in the drivers seat ROAARARARAA rofl
Is the limiting factor with the vac hanger and weight just not getting blisters? Over 10 lbs, I get blisters on the tip of my gland. I use an insert sleeve also but still have the problem. Can you wrape the glands with something to prevent the blisters while hanging? Thanks for you advise...
I still dont actually engage in a full time Penis Enlargement routine but do about one or two sessions p/w and have done for about 6 weeks now. Clamping [Did you guess?] at full erection with the Sea Clamp [Like cable clamp but stronger] and during the clamp time I perform stretches to the 9,3,12 and 6 O'clock positions and feel a GREAT stretch in the external tunicae and the base ... no pain like when I do this flaccid and its more skin stretch.

I perform wet jelqs, horse squeezes, triple horse squeezes, ATS rollors, engorge the head and do the odd bend. I do this for anywhere from 20-45 minutes non-stop with shaking of the penis inbetween. I get no bruises or spots ... my cock must be so used to the trauma hahaha When I hold the squeezes I hold them for aslong as I can until the pain is too much and I let go ... around 10-15 seconds usually but the girth swells up like mad.

In the months ahead I want to get a new pump and I have one in mind plus start OTS hanging which my LOT indicates is the best angle for me at the moment. Also want to start stretching my scrotum and enable my balls to hang lower.

Was thinking of doing this semi erect as I think that possibly more length gains could be possible at the semi erection state VS flaccid as your stretching penile tissue with some blood in so maybe it can equal a better stretch internally as your working with something already and not just soft hard tissue with nothing inside ... dont know if that makes sense.

I look slightly thicker in my erection ... cant be that much but it does look bigger.

Heres a link to my old routine thread .. 14 pages in size.
REDZULU2003;236445 said:
The cock rings I wear during the 'ANC' and 'ADC' will be coated with magnets as these DO help growth of cells and repair ... recently done a course on magnet thearapy and its the way to go.


Can you let me know what polarity on the magnets you use. I have been using the magnets for some time (I put them in the tubing for the RoP) and align the polarity so the positive is facing the penis.

Is this correct, or should the polarity alternate for maximum effect?

Diverdown;303896 said:

Can you let me know what polarity on the magnets you use. I have been using the magnets for some time (I put them in the tubing for the RoP) and align the polarity so the positive is facing the penis.

Is this correct, or should the polarity alternate for maximum effect?


Sorry mate I havent ever used these, just read positive things about magnet therapy and their usage inside certain cock rings.
Just a quick update. Lastnight I did a 40 minute session which was the usual mixture .. clamping with stretches, horse squeezes etc. Did a few ATS rollors aswell and noticed the width go much wider. The mainthing that grabbed me is when I did the stretches while clamped but not quite fully erect, just short of this and the stretch was brilliant .. no pain at all, not even in the base area where I usually feel it doing the samething flaccid. I noticed that the whole penis had a great stretch to it and I feel if I do these reguler, nextime will try the [words=]power assist[/words] with it, than I can gain in length.
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