Well-known member
Okay this is my new routine aimed at just length.
I want this more than anything and have now decided to go for it and really put the time and effort in like I did with my girth work and I should see myself gain to 9 1/2 inches in erect length.
I'm setting myself till late 2007 to reach 9 1/2 inches and that to me is realistic and not out of reach with this routine.
I'll be simply hanging using the Vacu-Hanger from everyday for 6 days with 1 day off.
I will hang for between 20 and 30 minutes eachtime using 10lbs of weight and every 2 1/2 months move up 2 1/2 pounds in weight so every 4 months I will be going up 5lbs in weight which means by the 12th month I should be hanging 25lbs.
Will try to get a 2nd set of 20 minutes in when I can.
I shall also measure once per month and currently I'm nearly spot on 8 inches EBP.
I'm also going from the LOT theory to base my hanging angle on, and my LOT is just short of 7 which means that straight out or Over the shoulder 'OTS' hanging suits me best ... I have opted for OTS so I can target more inner penis and I get a better stretch.
I sit in the wardrobe, isnt uncomfortable as its MASSIVE and I hang the rope over the bar going across the wardrobe where the clothes are hung upon ... this gives me a fantastic stretch and I can also chill out in their while I'm doing that, much better than hanging it over your shoulder.
My routine is based allot of Dashdemings hardcore hanging routine as his worked wonders for him, and he targetted his LOT angle also, although his was 11 and mainly lig gains, myn is mainly for tunicae gains but they is ALLOT of that to be brought out from inside the penis and IMHO better to start their than the ligaments.
Below is my current log of events.
Monday July 3rd - 30 mins of straight down hanging with 10lbs
Tuesday July 4th - 20 mins of OTS hanging with 10lbs after finding out my LOT was 6-7
Wednesday July 5th - Wasnt feeling well and skipped session
Thursday July 6th - 30 mins of OTS hanging with 10lbs
Friday July 7th - 20 mins of OTS hanging with 10lbs
Saturday July 8th - Skipped Session
Sunday July 9th - 50 mins of OTS hanging with 10lbs
I have already noticed my penis seems to hang slightly lower when flaccid and feels more spongy to the touch.
This will be a long battle but thistime I think I will finally get my length and when the Vacu-extender comes out I shall also be hitting that and when I get chance will start using the [words=]ADS[/words] system from and that works well.
I want this more than anything and have now decided to go for it and really put the time and effort in like I did with my girth work and I should see myself gain to 9 1/2 inches in erect length.
I'm setting myself till late 2007 to reach 9 1/2 inches and that to me is realistic and not out of reach with this routine.
I'll be simply hanging using the Vacu-Hanger from everyday for 6 days with 1 day off.
I will hang for between 20 and 30 minutes eachtime using 10lbs of weight and every 2 1/2 months move up 2 1/2 pounds in weight so every 4 months I will be going up 5lbs in weight which means by the 12th month I should be hanging 25lbs.
Will try to get a 2nd set of 20 minutes in when I can.
I shall also measure once per month and currently I'm nearly spot on 8 inches EBP.
I'm also going from the LOT theory to base my hanging angle on, and my LOT is just short of 7 which means that straight out or Over the shoulder 'OTS' hanging suits me best ... I have opted for OTS so I can target more inner penis and I get a better stretch.
I sit in the wardrobe, isnt uncomfortable as its MASSIVE and I hang the rope over the bar going across the wardrobe where the clothes are hung upon ... this gives me a fantastic stretch and I can also chill out in their while I'm doing that, much better than hanging it over your shoulder.
My routine is based allot of Dashdemings hardcore hanging routine as his worked wonders for him, and he targetted his LOT angle also, although his was 11 and mainly lig gains, myn is mainly for tunicae gains but they is ALLOT of that to be brought out from inside the penis and IMHO better to start their than the ligaments.
Below is my current log of events.
Monday July 3rd - 30 mins of straight down hanging with 10lbs
Tuesday July 4th - 20 mins of OTS hanging with 10lbs after finding out my LOT was 6-7
Wednesday July 5th - Wasnt feeling well and skipped session
Thursday July 6th - 30 mins of OTS hanging with 10lbs
Friday July 7th - 20 mins of OTS hanging with 10lbs
Saturday July 8th - Skipped Session
Sunday July 9th - 50 mins of OTS hanging with 10lbs
I have already noticed my penis seems to hang slightly lower when flaccid and feels more spongy to the touch.
This will be a long battle but thistime I think I will finally get my length and when the Vacu-extender comes out I shall also be hitting that and when I get chance will start using the [words=]ADS[/words] system from and that works well.