Girth Hammer dude...right on the money dawg. You are a realistic dude with a very down to earth reasoning, an example to follow for sure. You're a cool cat bro, from what i've read from ya.
Salvini just keep on getting wiser and wiser don't you
Damn like i've told you before, you've out grown jen's past dudes in MANY ways, remember i've been following your story for quite sometime now and i'm happy to say you've outgrown them not only in size...but in maturity bro, talk about rising from the dirt only to taste the clowds in the sky. This myth thing does take a toll on many a dude's ego more often than not, so i keep hearing from my black bros. I was bourne in Angola Africa but alas...i am white...on the outside only, on the inside i am only Human.
This myth gets my bros some ladies in the sac but THEN...bruised egos from the crap BS put in all our faces from the adult entertainment big leagers, the all mighty liers that care only about MONEY and POWER. No room in there for thinking of all the damage it causes so many people.
Since i realized sometime ago that MANY girls are FORCED into adult entertainment, many being enslaved or kidnnaped from their home countries to be taken abroad where they are kept in some 'prison' only to be left out to make them bastards MORE and MORE money... i do not enjoy it anymore people. You never know when a girl in a flick is just THAT girl that should not be there.
This may seem off topic to most of you but it is only ONE more example of how skewd we've all become. Truth entertainment is just plain BS all around.