Yeeahhh....about that... :D

I do some, but I'm really good at making excuses not to run. I can't do it outside because of some nagging injuries, and I don't like treadmills. I know, I know...I need to just bite the bullet and go. And to think I used to consider myself a runner. lol
Yeah, I've run a grand total of two miles this week (two one mile sessions), and I can honestly say that I am better for it and will be ending my non-leg sessions with a mile jog. I actually think I am going to like running, at least I use to. If you have injuries then you should take a break, but if you can run some distance on the treadmill then you should at a moderate to easy pace and get back into it.
Yeah I'll be doing the treadmill on days I don't work out (since I'm doing a full body routine), I just have to force myself to do it.
Did I mention I don't like bench presses? I don't know if I was just tired today or if benching twice in a week is too much for me, but I couldn't even get 2 sets of 5 with the same weight I used Monday. The second rep I couldn't lift it, so I'm there with the bar laying on my chest trying to get the guy's attention on the bench next to me. He was reading a magazine.

Me (embarrassed): Hey man, can you help me?

Him: (no response)

Me (louder): Hey man, can you help me?!?

Him: (still nothing)

Me (pretty loud): Can someone help me!?!?!

So that guy and another guy both jumped up and got the bar off of me. I was done. Here's my workout:


20x245 easy, I'll do 255 next time


0x0 :s

Bent Rows


One-arm DB snatches


Swiss ball crunches (weight straight out, parallel to floor)


Side bends


I might end up scrapping this schedule and trying something else, but I'll give week 2 a try next week before I decide.
CYC you could have a light and a heavy day. Use maybe 60-75% of your workload on your heavy day and do sets of 6-12 depending on how you feel that day. I have to work my chest usually twice in a week, but sometimes I'm a bit sore from my heavy days and I skip on a second day, which I usually add three sets at the end of my back/bi/ab day since it doesn't cause much trauma or use much energy to rep out a bit with a light weight to aid with fiber recuritment and explosion off the chest.
Thanks mil, I'm going to be doing something similar to that. I've split it into 4 days, 2 upper body and 2 lower body. One lift each day that I go very hard on (say, 8x3), and a few other lifts I go lighter on (3x8 or so). Yesterday I did:

Military press


Incline bench


Bent row




Decline Sit-ups


Side Bends


And today was:


8x3x295 (20 lb PR)



Seated Calf Raises


Swiss Ball Crunches and Russian Twists

2x8x35 (both exercises)

And let me say, I'm glad I'll be sitting for the rest of the evening. :D

Thursday will focus on power cleans (8x3). I know it's kind of a "total body" lift, not just upper body, but they really hit my back, traps and biceps pretty hard. Also 8x3 pull-ups, 3x8 DB shoulder press, and abs. Friday will be 20 rep squats, 3x8 reverse hypers and Romanian deadlift, and abs. I might change the reverse hypers and RDL though, depending on how I feel after the PCs on Thursday. We'll see.

A bit. Nothing very serious though, mainly just trying to keep my dick in shape. It may be a few weeks before I have time to get back into it seriously.
Ok, I know it's been a while, but I took a week off from the gym and also didn't do much Penis Enlargement during that time. Today is the start of my last .5" EG gain that I need to reach my final goal girth. This will put me at 7.5x6, and after that I'll probably hang until I get my last .5" BPenis EnlargementL. I won't have time to do both girth work and hanging so I'll have to focus on cementing one thing at a time. I can't believe I've been so lazy when I only have .5x.5 to go! In a little while I'm going to do my first serious girth workout (complete with generic V) in months. I'll report back, with pics, afterwards.

Here's my gym workout today:

Military Presses



5x5xBW next week I'll finally be able to add some weight since I did all 5 sets with a wide grip (has been a short-term goal of mine)

Incline bench

7x135 oh well

BB curls (30 lb bar)

5x80 reverse curl (just to try it)

Decline sit-ups


Side bends


I'm tweaking my routine as I go along, but overall I'm really liking it. I've switched the 3x8 bent rows with 5x5 pull-ups, and I'm adding flat bench on Power Clean day (not sure of sets/reps yet). I need to start doing some cardio/GPP.
Had a pretty good session last night, but my camera battery was dead. It's charged now so I'll start back with the pics tonight. Felt good to do girth work again.
Pics today! I had a really good session tonight, got to slightly above 5.75" by the end of 35 minutes. I'm BAAAAACCCKKK!!!!!

Gym stuff:

I feel like my deadlift is finally where it should be compared to my squat. I pulled 315 for 8 sets of 3 today, and felt like maybe I had another set in me. Good stuff! rofl





Seated Calf Raise


Swiss Ball Crunches supersetted with Russian Twists

Decent girth session tonight. I'm tired though so I couldn't give it the intensity I wanted. Hopefully soon I'll be seeing 6" EG post-workout again. I'm still doing my girth "Big 3," which is [words=]SSJ[/words]'s, Isolated Compression Squeezes, and Still's Neckbreakers. In between (because I'm easing back into the intense stuff once again), I do BTB jelqing and Horse Squeezes. Did some ADC today, and I'll start doing that regularly tomorrow.

Rest day from gym.
Look for a very large post tonight in the Product Reviews forum. I'll be outlining all the Penis Enlargement products I've used and can recommend. This will include girth aides, hangers, BE devices, FR devices, lubes, etc. I'll also have links to the products or to instructions to make them. This should be a monster of a post. I'll put a link to it in my sig.
Too late to edit: I will also include pics of as many of the products as possible, and if you're lucky :D , I'll have some pics of them in use.
NO IN USE PICS!!! I'm tired of seeing your penis....I mean gosh, you idiot (in best Napoleon Dynamite voice)....

Sounds like a good idea. It's going to be a big post though, and I hope you have the time and are willing to sacrifice an evening...LOL. Looking forward to it, but please keep the dick pics to a minimum.

POST #900 Bizlitch....look at me now!!! LOL
Not feeling lucky tonight, sandwich boy? :D

Off to the gym I go, then I'll sit down and write it.
From Friday:

Bench Press


Power Cleans

8x3x155 - 10 lb PR

DB Bent Rows

3x8x70 each hand

Weighted Dips (instead of DB shoulder press)


Decline Situps


DB Side Bends

2x8x100 each side

Decent workout, but I was very hungry so it wasn't as good as it could have been. My schedule just didn't work out today as far as food. Oh well.

I swear, there's this one guy in my gym that's going to get his teeth knocked out by a barbell. He likes to walk as close as he can to me on the way to the water fountain, while I'm doing power cleans, and then go around. In the middle of a frickin' rep! He scares the shit out of me every time he does it, I nearly dropped the weight today. Next time it happens he's going to get his ass chewed out.

From yesterday:

So close! I did one set of 3 with 300 lbs because I wanted so badly to break that wall down, but I could tell I wouldn't make 8 sets with that much weight, so I backed it down by 5 lbs. Even that was a battle, let me tell you. I almost wish I had left it at 300 because after a few sets 295 started to feel easier, I guess because I was getting back in the groove of using heavy weight and low reps. It's been over a month since I did less than 8 reps on squats. Next week, 300 will be mine. Or else.



Seated Calf Raises


Reverse Hypers


I wanted to drag a weight plate over to the reverse hyper, but I got fussed at by an employee who told me that's why the medicine balls are there. Next time I'll make sure she isn't looking. Kinda pissed me off, but oh well. I didn't have time to do abs because the gym was closing.

From today:

I went to Gold's today just to take a look around. I liked what I saw! Here are a few comparisons:

Gold's had about 20 different stations with a barbell. My current gym has 4.

Gold's had dumbbells that looked to go up to 200 (!!!). My gym only goes up to 120.

Gold's had about 10 BB bench stations, including flat, incline, decline, and adjustable. My gym has 2 flat and one incline.

Gold's had a ton of adjustable benches for whatever purpose. My gym has 5.

Gold's had several dip/chin stations. My gym has 2 of each.

Gold's had at least 1 power rack. Mine does not.

Gold's had more free weight space than machine space. Mine is the opposite.

Gold's has flat plates that I can work on pinch grip with. My gym has strange plates with holes in them and a ridge all the way around either side. And they're hexagonal.

Gold's had some very large guys working out, and they were doing the money lifts. My gym has only a few guys with any decent size, and only one of them that I've seen has a decent routine. And he doesn't train legs. :s

And, to top it all off, the most expensive monthly rate at Gold's is $10 cheaper than the cheapest monthly rate at my gym.

The only drawback is that they don't have an OLY lifting platform, but there are places that I can do my power cleans without any idiots getting in my way.

A no brainer? I think so. rofl
And don't worry, I've been doing girth sessions, although a little differently. I've just been keeping as strong of an erection as possible for an hour or so 1 or 2 times per day while in a cockring. I kinda like it. It isn't as intense as my normal sessions, but I still get decent expansion and can still get very hard erections right afterwards. I think I'm going to throw this type of session in every once in a while.

Tonight will be a regular girth session.
Last night's girth session didn't happen and tonight isn't looking too promising either. Tomorrow should be just fine.

So I joined Gold's today and had my first workout there. It was GREAT. A lot more testosterone in the air. I actually saw a couple guys using the squat racks for SQUATS! And one guy was deadlifting. I saw maybe 2 people squat the whole 3 months I was at the other gym. Anyway:

Military Press



5x5xBW need to get a dipping/chinning belt

Incline Bench


BB Curl


Pretty much the same as last week, but I wasn't expecting a whole lot because I didn't get much rest over the weekend. Deadlifts tomorrow.

Started KTA for grippers tonight. This will be a TOUGH program, especially near the end of each phase. My RH goal gripper is the Heavy Grip 300, so I'll be using the HG200 for overcrushes/strapholds and my Ironmind #3 for negatives. For LH my goal is the HG250, so I'm using my IM #1 for overcrushes/strapholds and my HG300 for negatives. I have a feeling my hands will be screaming by the end of the week!
Had a decent girth session last night but didn't get a pic.





Seated Calf Raise


Swiss Ball Crunches/Russian Twist Superset

CYC, you suck. You can only DL 315, you would so get your tail handed to you in a head up meet with me or Philladelph.

I really need to get you the program I've been working on pronto. JK, I'm taking my time on it at the moment. I'm playing around with a few of the exercises at the moment. Mainly upper back and posterior chain exercises, but I'm also looking at some of the chest movements utilized for size and functionality. I'm learning quite a bit about true pectoral function, as it is primarily meant to adduction of the arms towards the midline of the body, but also utilized for pressing movements and stabilization of the shoulder girdle in over head pressing motions. Me having torn my pectoralis major has been a struggle to rebound from, but my numbers are starting to imporve and I'm hoping to break the 300# barrier sometime in the next 4-6 months. That's why I'm focusing on the different functions of the pectorals. It should be interesting when I'm done. I'm trying to overload certain fiber types, but also working to keep the shoulder girdle injury free while steeling myself for the tremendous loads that I hopefully will work up to. I'm going to look into westside methods again, and hopefully mine some gold from the mind of Louis Simmons. I'll keep you up to date on what I've got going on. It's good to be back in the game though, and I'm looking forward to training people again. It's been a while with me just being patient and waiting for Yahweh to provide but it's been worth it so far as I've learned a tremednous amount about myself and about character. Most importantly, and you know me, I've learned how to walk in Faith without seeing what is in the future but just living it out and DOING what I'm suppose to regardless of what I may see in the here and now. I hope that I can help you with your workouts, and maybe help you get ready for your big day in another year or so. I might just have to fly you into the HAM for a week or so just to make sure you're doing everything right. PANSY!!!
Yeah, yeah. There's mil, talking out his ass about me again. lol

I had a girth session last night, but I had the cockring too low so I got a lot of fluid buildup and not much expansion. So no pics.

Mil, I've been noticing a few minor form issues I have. There's a coach at my gym who I can tell really knows a thing or two about lifting, so I'm going to talk to him. I think he does a free week for new members, so maybe he can help my with form.

When I was doing squats, I noticed I wasn't getting quite to parallel, maybe an inch or two above. When I made myself go all the way, my hips started hurting. Bah. So I dropped the weight a little bit so I can work on form for a while.



Reverse Hyper

3x8x25 weight extended overhead

Standing Calf Raise


Swiss Ball Crunch/Russian Twist Superset

I have some turkey neck, so some of the sack was in the ring too. That's the only time I ever get any serious amount of fluid buildup.
You are now both officially pansies. I AM THE ALPHA MALE!!! LOL, I had to say it.

CYC the numbers are looking pretty good. Keep working hard.

CYC, for girth why don't you try jelqing for 15-30 minutes straight and see where it gets you. I did that a few times this week and the engorgement was huge and the erections were like rock right after. Once I get my t-vein problem subdued I'll be going back into hanging and jelqing for the last little bit I want to gain. I changed my overall goal though, I'm going to work for 5.75" girth and possibly 8" in length, but 7.5" is perfect and that's my current BP number so I gain maybe a little bit more than .25" and I'm done, but we'll see how the t-vein heals and go from there.

CYC, do you want to read the program when I'm done?
Of course I do man. PM it to me if I don't see you on AIM soon.

I might give the jelqing a go. I think it may be time to change my girth routine up since I've been doing the same thing for so long. We'll see.
Today I jelqued for about 30 minutes around 2:00, then I did a 30 minute clamping session 11 hours later. I got a huge pump compared to what I've been getting, just under 6" EG midshaft. I might start doing this kind of thing more often. I'm going to sleep in the cockring tonight and see how that goes.

No pics because I let a friend borrow my camera. Don't worry, I made sure all the pics were erased. :D
Unlike my buddy who let me borrow his camera and there was a pic of him getting head from his wife. I was like OHHHHH dude, please shut it off. My eyes, my eyes. That sort of thing.

Good looking out on the jelqing though. I have gotten back to thinking that jelqing may still be the best way to gain girth, that is if you can do it for a block of time. I think the set number of reps really takes focus off of what you are doing, similar to keeping a rep cadence in your head when lifting and it distracts from the work being done. When my t-vein is goin I'll be starting back with the hanger, and using a block of 15 minutes to jelq in the evenings. I'm probably going to be getting some Penis Enlargement weights for after my hanging sessions. Of course if I get so crammed from time I may have to hang early early early in the morning for an hour or so and wear the weights or [words=]VLC[/words] [words=]tugger[/words] for the rest of the day if time is an issue. We'll see though.

Keep up the good work in the gym bro. I'll hit you up this evening with my program. It's not so different as I thought it may be, but I think it's quite solid since I've got an OLY lifting day in rotation with day #3 which I think you'll enjoy.
Well after talking with you last night I decided to go ahead and start ABBH today. I only have 3 weeks before I go home for the semester break, so I decided to start it so I could get through it by then. I added some shoulder work on the upper body days. I've asked Chad Waterbury if this is ok to do, so I'm waiting for him to respond. It looks like this so far (depending on his answer):

Day 1

10x3 Bench/Cable Row
3-5x3 Military Press
5x3 Preacher Curl/Triceps Pushdown

Day 2

5x10 Front Squat/Standing Calf Raise
5x10 Swiss Ball Crunches

Day 3

cardio or GPP

Day 4

5x10 DB Shoulder Press/Pull-ups
3x10 Dips
3x10 Incline Hammer Curl/Triceps Pushdown

Day 5

10x3 Deadlift/Seated Calf Raises
10x3 Decline Sit-ups

Today was:

10x3 Bench Press (185) and Low Cable Row (160)
3x3 Military Press (145)
5x3 Preacher Curl (75) and Triceps Pressdown (130? it said "13" so I assume it's 130)
cyclops killer thread you got going - and i hate to clutter it

but im a rookie at pe and here is my question about wearing a cawk ring

1. do you wear a cock ring - get an erection and then what?
2. do you flex your pc muscle while your wearing it ? aka kegels?
3. when you guys say squeeze, do you mean squeeze with your hands?
4. if so? where? above the cock ring?

man you have a good thread going , and if you want me to delete
my post . all you have to do is ask :)
lol Why would I need you to delete your post? It's an old thread anyway, haven't posted in it since July.

I use a 1.25" ring for during the day. It stays on even when I'm fully soft, and it gives me a good constriction when I get hard. When I'm doing a girth session, I use a slightly larger one to allow for the expansion I get. I do kegels to keep it hard while it's constricted, and yes, I squeeze with my hands. I do different exercises like Ulis, horse squeezes, isolated compression squeezes, slow squash jelqs, etc. while I'm in the ring. The ring is all the way at the base, so yes, I squeeze above the ring.