doublelongdaddy;389001 said:
There are some medications for your numerous conditions, you should see a psychologist. Ask him about Paranoid Schizophrenia, obsessive lying and closet homosexuality. If you take care of these things you might be able to survive in a social system. I can see far beyond your jealousy of my penis and your envy of my success to a deeper level of a scared little boy with penis size issues and no friends. Get on meds and start to be a productive member.

You also need to understand that I am what they refer to as untouchable, meaning when anyone tries to attack me on any level they are met with a gang of motherfuckers down for whatever. Smarten up. When you talk to the boss do so with caution and respect.

LOL at closet homosexuality. I actually feel pity for him and all the men out there with less than average penises that haven't given Penis Enlargement an honest try because of skepticism. Same with religion. Many dismiss all religion without at least investigating and giving it an honest try. How can you conclude that which you have no experience with? How can people say for instance, that the Quran is bullshit when they haven't ever read a fucking page of it! Jesus and Mary and so many Bible figures are in the Holy Quran as well! But we don't know that, do we, because we aren't supposed to. Anyway, so they troll to make themselves feel better in some fucked up, self-destructive way that doesn't really help them at all. Well, in the scheme of things, better than being told college would guarantee you success and then end up disappointed and dredged in debt.

I'm lying down on my bed right now with my laptop on my chest, waterpumping, using a backscratcher to hold up the [words= ]Bathmate[/words]. 20 minutes. Man I love that plump. 5.75 post-pump girth easy. And I'm 5.125. Great to use before sex. Good luck to you 'whysobiased'.

Oh, and go sell crazy someplace else; we're all stocked up here.
What I like about religion is most have a ''my way or the highway'' path to righteousness. In other words, they are right, ONLY they are right, and you are damned if you believe otherwise. The flawed logic in that of course, being that nobody will get to heaven or wherever your religion says you go if you are ''good'' in this life, because and in fact, everyone is wrong according to each religion. ;) LOL, it's all quite ludicrous really. Sigh, I can only imagine the disappointment that will ensue when the Catholics die and find out the Buddhists were right, or the Muslims die and find out the Christians were right, or the Christians die and find out the Latter Days were right, or they all die and find out nobody was right. LOL.

Ah, but this is not a religious thread.

IF you are having technical issues SEND DLD A PM OR EMAIL, do not reply to an already busy thread hoping for help.
stillwantmore2;389188 said:
What I like about religion is most have a ''my way or the highway'' path to righteousness. In other words, they are right, ONLY they are right, and you are damned if you believe otherwise. The flawed logic in that of course, being that nobody will get to heaven or wherever your religion says you go if you are ''good'' in this life, because and in fact, everyone is wrong according to each religion. ;) LOL, it's all quite ludicrous really. Sigh, I can only imagine the disappointment that will ensue when the Catholics die and find out the Buddhists were right, or the Muslims die and find out the Christians were right, or the Christians die and find out the Latter Days were right, or they all die and find out nobody was right. LOL.

Ah, but this is not a religious thread.

IF you are having technical issues SEND DLD A PM OR EMAIL, do not reply to an already busy thread hoping for help.

What an ignorant thing to say. Like a fifth grader saying, "IF GOD IS REAL, WHY DOES BAD THINGS HAPPenis EnlargementN TO GOOD Penis EnlargementOPLE?!?" Oh, it is "quite ludicrous", isn't it? Come back to me after you've spent years researching religion and Freemasonry and the New Age bullshit agenda and all the bullshit inbetween. I was a hardcore atheist for years, thanks to the propaganda film "Zeitgeist". Took it hook, line, and sinker. Find the truth. It's hidden in plain fucking sight as 'they' say. Order out of chaos. They can blow up two fucking buildings in front of your fucking eyes and you still worship the fucking newscasters, don't you, you stupid fucking cattle pricks. Fuck yourselves and your gullibility. I'm drunk.
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Sorry, I shouldn't be casting pearls before swine. And I know my tone has been negative. But if even one might wake up to the truth, it'd be worth the stigmatization that I might face. And that's what important. Finding God inbetween the particles. And for those who say that religion and science are irreconcilable, I suggest they shut the fuck up about shit they don't know fuck about. You want to know who your fucking gods are? Look at the fucking television.
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Most fucking Christians haven't even read the fucking bible. Most fucking Christians still believe in Christmas and Easter and all the bullshit holidays. Most fucking Christians still believe the Sabbath day is Sunday, when it's fucking Saturday. Who changed it? The fucking Catholic church. Couple thousand molested kids and sure, they're still men of God, aren't they? And they love drinking the blood of Christ and eating his flesh don't they? Upside down crosses and secret mocking gestures and all the bullshit inbetween.
I have known men who have urinated on the Bible, blasphemed the name of God and His Son. I have known men who have done despicable, unspeakable things. And I have known of the same men who eventually found GOD. After knowing of the Mysteries. After knowing of the Occult (which means 'hidden'). If you don't think the truth is worth spending a fucking hour a week trying to find the truth, then fuck yourselves. And how dare you judge when you haven't even bothered to try and find the truth. How dare you dismiss all of it because Science hasn't given you an answer. How dare you dismiss the religions when you haven't read a single fucking page. But your logic is, if it were true, why haven't you heard of it? Where are the millions involved that haven't spoken out? And it's so much easier living, doing whatever you want without fear of a god, isn't it? Why should you be fucking bothered when all you want is to experience this temporary existence.


I choose to remain willfully ignorant. I find comfort in having the majority opinion. Why should I be bothered to take a weekend to read a fucking book when ___ is on television.

If you've got decades of life left and can't be bothered to even sort of attempt to try and unravel the TRUTH, then FUCK yourself you lazy pricks.
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You want hard proof and not just a leap of faith? What if I told you there was hard proof. Hundreds of examples at least. You'd ask me to list them. But how would you believe of heavenly (other worldly) things when you do not believe of the earthly things I have told you? I wouldn't even know where to tell you to start. 9/11 is a blaring example, and if by then you don't believe explosives took down those buildings exactly like a controlled demolition, verified by hundreds of your fucking god-scientists and engineers that you worship, then you are absolutely fucking hopeless. Too far gone and indoctrinated. You might as well drool all day while watching the television.
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Here's a level I shouldn't even say because you fucks won't even understand and again, if you do not believe of the earthly things, how could you believe of the heavenly? At the end of it will be the religious and the atheists. And they both will be taken for a ride for a new religion. It is not a mistake that you are an atheist. It was designed to be that way through all the social conditioning tools that they have. Almost nothing is coincidental. But you will fall hook, line, and sinker for the counterfeit. The shill. The poser. The antichrist, which means in place of or counterfeit, not against. Wolf in sheep's clothing. But again, more pearls before swine. You will laugh and go on about your lives and fine. In time. Oh ye, of little faith.
Correction: 3 buildings, including WTC7 which is so conveniently never mentioned. Wasn't even in the Commission Report. But I'm sure your gods in Washington have a good reason, right?
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Holy shit. This thread just turned into one crazy rant. Can we get back to the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] please?
I dont think many guys come to this forum for anything but penis related issues.
Anyway, Im thinking of ordering the [words= ]Bathmate[/words], but Im not sure if I wanna use a credit card. Anyone know what the charge comes up as?
Sorry I lost it last night. It's just something I'm passionate about. Any chance I can delete like.. the last dozen posts I just made? Lol. Seriously though, sorry, and if possible I'd like to delete those heh..
Back on [words= ]Bathmate[/words]...Get one if you don't have one, if you have one do my routines!
I think I am gaining again but don't wanna check,,,,I can't put my fucking [words= ]Bathmate[/words] down
Ok guys used it RELIOUSLY for six months everyday and gained about 1/4 inch girth, stopped and 8MO later, still got it ask my wife! lol But yes Penis EnlargementRMANENT GUYS! But you have to put the time in... but sadly im still sitting at &7inches bpel, not 1mm of length as the website promised.Guess i'll go back to hanging for length...that shit hurts though!
Consistency with the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] is the key guys who start crying after two days and do not have a Mandingo dick really deserve to be laughed at!
Alex78;422496 said:
Consistency with the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] is the key guys who start crying after two days and do not have a Mandingo dick really deserve to be laughed at!

That always throws me for a loop too, if pe was this easy there would be nothing special about a big dick.
Thank you for the reassurance!!! I kept losing my gains after a couple hours, I was worried they would remain temporary. How much time would you suggest should be allowed for healing in between [words= ]Bathmate[/words] sessions? and should I use it before or after my [words=]sizegenetics[/words] sessions?
Wow, this debate will never end will it ? My personal xp if that helps after 2 years of Penis Enlargement and 1 year and a half of [words= ]Bathmate[/words] :

- Gained a little in 7 months of Jelqing/stretching only (about +0,5" length/girth)
- Started using the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] only with the recommended standard usage for 6 months (20 min max, once a day, days off, entering flaccid). Did not see more gains from it(see below my opinion on that)
- Mixed [words= ]Bathmate[/words] and other techniques (clamping / [words=]SSJ[/words], Jelqs) after that and started getting a little bit more gain.

My conclusions so far :
1) With the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] you can easily get some permanent +0,5" temp gains if you use it everyday some 15-20 min (your dick gets expanded just because you keep on pumping, which is already nice) + GREAT before sex, period. For me it's already worth its price.
2) I personally think that in order to get actual perm gains with it you need to : a) Enter erect or at least semi erect, NOT flaccid. b) Do harder sessions than the safe recommended ones (i.e : Longer than 20 min a day, in sets of 5-10 min, Harder than just pumping every 5 min). Do it very regularly with some days off, and do it more than once a day if you can. hint : Check Dan_Clizer's results and his threads.
3) I would not stop doing other techniques along (clamping, [words=]SSJ[/words], Jelqs), as synergy will help make better gains as RED says (it did for me)
4) There are NO miracles. Penis Enlargement permanent gains are HARD and SLOW to get (they take months/years), but by mixing/adding many things you give yourself the best chance.

Warning : If you're like me, one "result" you're bound to get however, is a dark discolored dick. Mine was half dark with the [words= ]herc[/words] (weird), but I'm thankful it's better with the [words= ]X-40[/words] now (only a slight clear circle at the base now)

RED, did you post your recent [words= ]Bathmate[/words] exclusive progress somewhere already ? I'm very interested in that.
Captain.Thick;481035 said:
Wow, this debate will never end will it ? My personal xp if that helps after 2 years of Penis Enlargement and 1 year and a half of [words= ]Bathmate[/words] :

- Gained a little in 7 months of Jelqing/stretching only (about +0,5" length/girth)
- Started using the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] only with the recommended standard usage for 6 months (20 min max, once a day, days off, entering flaccid). Did not see more gains from it(see below my opinion on that)
- Mixed [words= ]Bathmate[/words] and other techniques (clamping / [words=]SSJ[/words], Jelqs) after that and started getting a little bit more gain.

My conclusions so far :
1) With the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] you can easily get some permanent +0,5" temp gains if you use it everyday some 15-20 min (your dick gets expanded just because you keep on pumping, which is already nice) + GREAT before sex, period. For me it's already worth its price.
2) I personally think that in order to get actual perm gains with it you need to : a) Enter erect or at least semi erect, NOT flaccid. b) Do harder sessions than the safe recommended ones (i.e : Longer than 20 min a day, in sets of 5-10 min, Harder than just pumping every 5 min). Do it very regularly with some days off, and do it more than once a day if you can. hint : Check Dan_Clizer's results and his threads.
3) I would not stop doing other techniques along (clamping, [words=]SSJ[/words], Jelqs), as synergy will help make better gains as RED says (it did for me)
4) There are NO miracles. Penis Enlargement permanent gains are HARD and SLOW to get (they take months/years), but by mixing/adding many things you give yourself the best chance.

Warning : If you're like me, one "result" you're bound to get however, is a dark discolored dick. Mine was half dark with the [words= ]herc[/words] (weird), but I'm thankful it's better with the [words= ]X-40[/words] now (only a slight clear circle at the base now)

RED, did you post your recent [words= ]Bathmate[/words] exclusive progress somewhere already ? I'm very interested in that.

I have found, in my old, old age, that combinations and supersets are the fastest way to gain. Healing also plays a critical part in this process and the time off Penis Enlargement can be just as beneficial as the time on. If you have the time look through my newest workout, it has some incredible tips and exercises: DLD's Ultimate Routine: Massive Penis and a Perfect Body through [words=]SRT[/words]
This back and forth between you guys both advocating that people buy [words= ]Bathmate[/words] along with your massive advertisement signatures make this seem like poorly disguised affiliate marketing.
Jelqinator;513983 said:
This back and forth between you guys both advocating that people buy [words= ]Bathmate[/words] along with your massive advertisement signatures make this seem like poorly disguised affiliate marketing.

Disguised? I don't need to disguise anything. The products we sell pays for my work here, the website and all the various costs. Do you want to donate $500 a month? Do you think it would be classier if I did what Thunders does and pretend like I have no money while I secretly make affiliate money and swindle my users out of cash for fake donations? I guess I could do that my friend, that would be a much better idea.

Send me a donation to

I will be waiting
Jelqinator;513983 said:
This back and forth between you guys both advocating that people buy [words= ]Bathmate[/words]

Cute remark, your not as clever as you think and you have just insulted every user that predates this post! It's guys like you that BELONG at Thunders.
Jelqinator;513983 said:
This back and forth between you guys both advocating that people buy [words= ]Bathmate[/words] along with your massive advertisement signatures make this seem like poorly disguised affiliate marketing.

Hell I recommend people buy [words= ]Bathmate[/words] and I get nothing out of it ! But why shouldn't dld get some bucks for his hard work.
doublelongdaddy;514044 said:
Cute remark, your not as clever as you think and you have just insulted every user that predates this post! It's guys like you that BELONG at Thunders.

What was cute about it? You're both advocating it, right?
How have I insulted anyone?
doublelongdaddy;514043 said:
Disguised? I don't need to disguise anything. The products we sell pays for my work here, the website and all the various costs. Do you want to donate $500 a month? Do you think it would be classier if I did what Thunders does and pretend like I have no money while I secretly make affiliate money and swindle my users out of cash for fake donations? I guess I could do that my friend, that would be a much better idea.

Send me a donation to

I will be waiting

I wasn't criticizing making a buck off of other people's purchases, affiliate marketing is great for making cash.
I was just saying that a signature full of [words=]ads[/words] that's about the same size as 3/4 posts, 3 times in the one page - Isn't very subtle.
Jelqinator;514324 said:
What was cute about it? You're both advocating it, right?
How have I insulted anyone?

You said:

Jelqinator;514324 said:
This back and forth between you guys both advocating that people buy [words= ]Bathmate[/words] along with your massive advertisement signatures make this seem like poorly disguised affiliate marketing.

This is insinuating that our conversations between each other is an attempt to sell a product that I am secretly hiding (or poorly disguised affiliation) as you said. No?
Jelqinator;514325 said:
I wasn't criticizing making a buck off of other people's purchases, affiliate marketing is great for making cash.
I was just saying that a signature full of [words=]ads[/words] that's about the same size as 3/4 posts, 3 times in the one page - Isn't very subtle.

If you have followed the forum changes coming up you would know what my signature is as it is and how signatures will be in the future. The products in my signature are those we use here at [words=]MOS[/words], ones that men CONSTANTLY ask questions about, items that are used by most men on the forums and, in addition, at very low prices because I forfeit a LARGE part of my affiliate fee. Meaning, when you buy a [words=]SizeGenetics[/words] and save all that money, it is money that I should be getting in affiliate payments. Basically, I am putting our products in the face of every man so he knows the fastest way to enlarge his penis.

Getting back to forum changes. I am off to Florida tonight and one of the big items on the agenda is Forum Advertising and organizing the messy, spammy or obsolete styles of the past. The new look will be much more clean and streamline.

So understand all, my signature saves me at least 3 hours a day in answering the same questions that are contained in my signature. questions like, how can I gain the fastest?, Where do I find the discount for the [words=]SizeGenetics[/words]?, What routine is the best routine?, DLD, do you have pictures?, Where does a newbie start? How do you do Expressive Stretching?, What is [words=]SRT[/words]?,..,,,getting my drift?
doublelongdaddy;514371 said:
You said:

This is insinuating that our conversations between each other is an attempt to sell a product that I am secretly hiding (or poorly disguised affiliation) as you said. No?

Yeah that's what I was getting at. But that at most insults you, if that wasn't what you were doing. You said my post was an insult to everyone in this thread.
I won't make another post just to quote you. But does that mean that the huge signatures are on their way out?
Also, wouldn't stickies cover all the commonly asked questions. You know, a FAQ thread.
Jelqinator - Dude, this is a penis enlargement forum. DLD Makes forums specific to what is popular, so people have a place to discuss it. He does not create the marketplace, its a popular product because it works. He doesnt need to promote the [words= ]Bathmate[/words], it sells itself. So he offered a forum for enthusiasts to discuss it, and because he personally uses it as well and believes in it - he promotes it to raise awareness.

If you told me you love jelqing, I would not attack you for trying to sell me on the merits of the exercise. If you posted saying I love this new Jelq Instruction [words=]DVD[/words], I wouldn't insult you and tell you that you are only posting that information to advertise something. The [words=]Matters of Size[/words] forums offers its members huge discounts on a lot of Penis Enlargement products- discounts only available here. Most people here are forever grateful that he has taken the time to negotiate these deals.

If you offered a solution to thousands of men who all share the same goals, I think you would realize pretty fast that people come to you for advice. They want to know what you think. DLD is a good guy, he runs a forum where we all can share our ideas, and he promotes the same products everyone on this forum is already buying.

This is like screaming at your television for showing you [words=]ads[/words] during your favorite tv show. You didnt have to pay for the TV Show, its free to you and if you dont want it thats fine too. But since you like it, all they ask is that you watch a commercial to help support their efforts. The difference is these arent TV [words=]ads[/words], this is stuff we already want and are discussing and reviewing. I dont think its fair or justifiable for you to attack anyone here.
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well double long daddy. all i can say is that you are a not a very cool guy.

At least someone noticed...................He's actually not a very cool guy, he's DA FUCKIN MAN. Im not on his jock, but I know for a fact dat not a single man in this forum perhaps is willing to do what he has done for all of us with da help of other members as well in cluding Redzulu, Supra, Kingsnake, and many others. We have gained knowledge of Penis Enlargement through forums like this one and must b greatful to have access to find info on such a debateable subject. If we were to leave it up to doctors and science we would not be Penis Enlargementing and gaining at all. Be greatful that we have DLD, our Penis Enlargement team(members), and other Penis Enlargement forums.
All2Real;543470 said:
At least someone noticed...................He's actually not a very cool guy, he's DA FUCKIN MAN. Im not on his jock, but I know for a fact dat not a single man in this forum perhaps is willing to do what he has done for all of us with da help of other members as well in cluding Redzulu, Supra, Kingsnake, and many others. We have gained knowledge of Penis Enlargement through forums like this one and must b greatful to have access to find info on such a debateable subject. If we were to leave it up to doctors and science we would not be Penis Enlargementing and gaining at all. Be greatful that we have DLD, our Penis Enlargement team(members), and other Penis Enlargement forums.

I never need to fight a battle as the Brotherhood knows and believes in my intensions at all times. We are one voice and mind and have a true understanding of the work we do here. There will always be people Jesus said, they hated me before they hated you! Keep the word true and keep the message abundant. Our work in male correction and betterment is of the purest intensions with only love and inspiration at it's core.

Judge me as you will, I have been more harshly judged by much greater adversaries. In battle, I have never been beaten, no challenger has been able to step up to me and win, I, Us, the Brotherhood has many feathers in our cap of battles and wars of the past! My Brothers wear badges of honor and carry words of complete understanding with completely comprehension of the shield that protects them, the very shield that has protected me for the past decade and allowed me to remain number one in the Penis Enlargement world, allowed my Brotherhood to become the strongest and allow us this great event that is soon coming...Our Own Equipment!

So, if anyone chooses to battle me, understand I will win, I never loose. Never misread my kindness as weakness, if the boundaries are crossed you will awaken a man ready to destroy anything in his way.
doublelongdaddy;543512 said:
I never need to fight a battle as the Brotherhood knows and believes in my intensions at all times. We are one voice and mind and have a true understanding of the work we do here. There will always be people Jesus said, they hated me before they hated you! Keep the word true and keep the message abundant. Our work in male correction and betterment is of the purest intensions with only love and inspiration at it's core.

Judge me as you will, I have been more harshly judged by much greater adversaries. In battle, I have never been beaten, no challenger has been able to step up to me and win, I, Us, the Brotherhood has many feathers in our cap of battles and wars of the past! My Brothers wear badges of honor and carry words of complete understanding with completely comprehension of the shield that protects them, the very shield that has protected me for the past decade and allowed me to remain number one in the Penis Enlargement world, allowed my Brotherhood to become the strongest and allow us this great event that is soon coming...Our Own Equipment!

So, if anyone chooses to battle me, understand I will win, I never loose. Never misread my kindness as weakness, if the boundaries are crossed you will awaken a man ready to destroy anything in his way.

Thanks brotha, like I said before, U R DA FUCKIN MAN. I don't understand how anyone could sit there and hate on someone that is putting so much effort for others to b happy.
doublelongdaddy;543951 said:
160 posts? You are a truly dedicated Brother! So proud of you and I still have something coming your way, waiting for the final models first.

I try to be helpful. Surprises surprises! I can't wait!:)
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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