Jun 3, 2003
I think a lot of men tend to ignore the Kegel and Reverse Kegel as they see it as an internal mechanism that matters little to physical gains but this is a very misunderstood concept and I think it needs exemplification to help men see where these simple, muscular movements are so vital to gaining length.

Ten years ago, when I first started Penis Enlargement, and made such fast gains inside of a very small amount of time, many wanted to know what I was doing that they were not doing that helped me gain 2" in length in six months. I had to look at my routine and really examine what I was doing that other war not, one thing was how I used kegels and my comprehension of this movement and how it effected making length gains.

I studied much about penis enlargement surgery and I came to a revelation that explained something that made my length routine better than what was being used by anyone at the time. It was what I was calling a Blaster, because when I did it it would blast my ligaments and shaft to the point that I would see a gain of more than .25" in a single session, as temporary as that may have been, it soon became permanent and quarter inches stacked up. DLD Blasters were born and needed to be explained, but how?

This is where it is so important to read and understand. DLD Blasters, allowed the proper muscle movement that allowed men to circumvent the normal muscle response that prevented them from gaining to begin with. You see, we have lower brain function, a primal instinct to protect ourselves. This happens when you slip on ice, or fall down stairs, or get in an accident, or any other primal threat to the well being of the body and it's wellness. Stretching the penis, in most cases, brings an unconscious response to protect it. As deeply rooted, and unrecognized as it may go, the normal response of the body, when the penis is being stretched with intensity is for the pelvic floor muscles to protect the penis from injury, hence we Kegel. That sharp, reflex to a penis injury is that sudden squeeze you make between your legs, the reflex of this large group of muscles that stem from the abdominal walls trough the sphincter, the Kegel.

Why is this important to Penis Enlargement? What does a muscle reaction have to do with the penis enlargement? Most importantly it gives us the information that brings us to a second, contradictory conclusion, if these muscles protect the penis from injury through a flex (kegel), that prevents the penis, the shaft, the ligaments from being injured (essentially stretched), then there has to be an opposite movement that would cause these muscles to un-flex...The Reverse Kegel was Born!

A Reverse Kegel, when done correctly, allowed the penis to be stretched with no resistance from these muscles. I knew that fatigue was important to length but I was not sure why up to this point. Now, with a muscle movement, that forced these muscles to release and allow me to stretch the ligaments, the shaft and even internal components, nothing stood in the way of me making very quick length gains.

A Kegel is best understood when you are urinating. It is the squeeze that stops the flow of urine. It is also the muscle movement that makes an erection bounce on its own. A Reverse Kegel is best understood as the muscle movement you use when you force, or push the flow of urine, when you are pushing as hard as you can, essentially pushing pee out, you are doing a RK. This is when the muscles are totally un-flexed, and there is nothing standing between you and your ligaments!

I want men to understand the importance of this not only in length gains as used in DLD Blasters but also how they effect all exercise as a whole. Do you realize that when you are pumping in your Bathmate if you Kegel, your penis will expand much more than if you did not? Do you know that the way to control premature ejaculation and male, repetitive orgasms is through the use of Kegels and RK's? Do you know that when you do a Reverse Kegel your penis can be up to a 1/2" longer? Do you know that with a strong set of PFM you will have much harder erections and shoot loads much farther? Did you know that if you rhytHydromaxically use Kegels when you jelq your expansion will be much greater? These are all true facts and reasons for you to see the importance of such a simple, muscle movement.

If you are wearing a SizeGenetics all day, please practice the Kegel and Reverse Kegel to make better length gains. How? Well, when you Kegel, over and over your penis eventually will become fatigued. So tired that it will allow the SizeGenetics to stretch a bit further. When you go to set up your next set, blast a Reverse Kegel and add a bar! WOW! Nothing stopping you from making length gains!

If you are in your Bathmate or Air Pump, flex those muscles, pump a Kegel as you pump your penis and your expansion will be bursting at the seems! I don't Clamp, but I can imagine how much intensity this simple muscle flex would give to someone while clamping.

Please, I invite you to explore how and why Kegels and Reverse Kegels are essential to your program.
Great post! Reverse Kegels have also helped me maintain an erection.

While playing with the wife sometimes I'd get insecure and lose my erection and I always felt like I had to have constant stimulation to stay erect.

WIth the reverse kegels I use those same muscles and it just makes it stand up by itself; which turns on the wife immensly and helps me emotionally and mentally.
It's purely aethestics but it's quite beneficial.
Reverse Kegel with DLD Blasters is one of if not my favorite exercises..very intense and worth it
I think awareness is important, especially with Newbies. Learning to use this muscle group properly will allow users not only to gain more size but to use in erection quality and lasting longer in bed. I hope others will gain a better understanding of this and it fuels their gains.
hepcat;505799 said:
Thanks for posting this DLD! I usually forget to do kegels and reverse kegels or I'll remember late at night and just say fuck it. Is it better do the kegels and reverse kegels before length work or after you've completed the exercises? I find it is more intense to do them with an erection and then masturbate right after. Is it bad to masterbate right after?

Thanks in advance.

You will want to do Kegels at every opportunity you can. It is great to do them during girth work, with an erection because the ballooning effect is amazing upon the squeeze. The Reverse Kegel is saved for a more important task while your are stretching. When you flex into a RK, this is when your body is mimicking fatigue and you will get the most our of each stretch. The other occasion where the RK is very useful is when you are about to cum, a flex or unflex in a certain order may help guys master lasting longer and multiple orgasm without loss of erection.
Completely true. I reverse kegeled when I took a measurement today and I was like .2 inches longer. I try to do kegels all the way through my English class...
Tahir Aqbar;505827 said:
Completely true. I reverse kegeled when I took a measurement today and I was like .2 inches longer. I try to do kegels all the way through my English class...

You see! I am a fart smeller! I mean a smart fellow.
I kegel with every jelq I do. I couldn't imagine doing girth work without kegels.

The reverse kegel is something I am going to have to practice a bit. I have found it useful to prevent orgasms though.

DLD, I'll try some length exercises with the RK whilst I have a break from girth.
hepcat;505861 said:
I've been kegeling after I finish my routine (the newbie stretch) and warmdown. Is that not a good way to go about things??:(

That is just fine. There is no wrong time but there are times that will make a difference, like when using the Bathmate or doing Girth Exercises. But, it is just smart to get a session in just for endurance and strength of eq.

kitfisto;505862 said:
I kegel with every jelq I do. I couldn't imagine doing girth work without kegels.

The reverse kegel is something I am going to have to practice a bit. I have found it useful to prevent orgasms though.

DLD, I'll try some length exercises with the RK whilst I have a break from girth.

That is exactly what I was saying above, the Kegel is very evident when used to expand in girth. The Reverse Kegel is where it is at when you are stretching, this will allow so much more of the stretch to go to the penis and not wasted on muscle tug back.
hepcat;505869 said:
Alright, last one sensei! Does the testicle health effect size? I don't mean the hanging balls because I don't want that and I know it helps with flaccid length. I want to know if it effects BPenis EnlargementL or even NBPenis EnlargementL.

Thanks for the last reply and thanks in advance for this one.:)

I wish I would have named the exercise something more catchy, I know it would have been part of everyones routine, but let me explain why it is so important. The skin that attaches, under the shaft, at the scrotum can be tight or this bridge of skin could be short and if this be the case a man will sort of stick straight out when flaccid loosing much of his length inside his body. When he practicers this exercise he will be stretching this skin, this, bridge as I call it, once lengthened, allows the penis to drop and hang along the vertical path of the scrotum. This allows much more length and much less turtling.

Next, the actual massage stimulates blood flow in the scrotum and the central area of sperm production which lends credence to the idea that testosterone is increased and the increased blood flow will also enlarge the testicles themselves. This can not be proven as easily as penis length or girth, it is difficult to measure but I do know my testicle size has increased by about .25" since I started Penis Enlargement and the Testicle Health Stretch and Massage. This 'increase' in size also effected that actual size of my scrotum, it hung much lower due to not only the increaser in size but the actual stretching of the structure described in the first paragraph.

I do not think any increase in testicle or scrotum size would effect erect length, bone-pressed or not. It would only effect the size of the penis whilst flaccid. Does this make sense?
hepcat;505894 said:
Yeah that makes sense. Thanks for the in-depth post! One problem is that having bigger balls will make your dick look smaller. No??:(

I do not think enlargement to that level would even be possible. My experience, and that of other who have taken note is that the Testicle Health Massage and Stretch does increase testicle size. How much is very difficult to say, as I said, not enough data or measurements have been taken. I mean, could you imagine trying to prove this? It would be impossible but the increase would in no way dwarf the penis.

With that said, the exercise is still excellent for flaccid hang, making a clear separation of scrotum and penis to prevent a penis that sticks straight out, and early detection of any testicular issues. On top of it, feedback points to enlargement of testis is possible to a certain degree.
hepcat;506137 said:
Thanks again for showing me the light!:cool:

and thanks for, well you know, thanks:)
Great article. Thanks a lot. :) I keep forgetting about the damned keggels, but I do need to incorporate them in my day. :)
savageblue;506185 said:
Great article. Thanks a lot.

Never a problem. I hope it helps you guys out in using them effectively to gain.
doublelongdaddy;506308 said:
Never a problem. I hope it helps you guys out in using them effectively to gain.

I think this is the biggest problem in my routine and why I don't make gains as fast as I should and main reason for my Penis Enlargement problems.

For the kegel its when you bounce your erect penis right? how much can you actually move it and do you hold it there at the top? for me i can bounce it a little but can't hold it for very long. Is it best to do these flaccid?

And is the reverse kegel kinda of like your pushing your ass and penis out?
jackedfibres;552752 said:
I think this is the biggest problem in my routine and why I don't make gains as fast as I should and main reason for my Penis Enlargement problems.

For the kegel its when you bounce your erect penis right? how much can you actually move it and do you hold it there at the top? for me i can bounce it a little but can't hold it for very long. Is it best to do these flaccid?

And is the reverse kegel kinda of like your pushing your ass and penis out?

You can totally do them flaccid . Dont worry about the length of time per kegel yet. It's litterally no different than stepping into a gym for the first time and lifting a muscle you have never worked out before. I had the same concern when i started. Although it's not impressive, i can do up to 40 second holds on good days now. You can do what you want, and ol'veterans that know way more than me will possibly tell you something different. For the first 2 weeks just focus on what i call jab kegels. just a quick pop like popping your pectoral muscles. build up to 1000 jabs a day. I get the bulk of my kegels in driving to and from work. Then start trying to do 3 second holds for a week, maybe 5 second holds the next week.

There is no exact answer that covers everyone, but my EQ is better at 33 than when i was a teen. It's from jelqs and kegels. Not saying that you need EQ help, i'm just saying how effective the routine i'm about to mention is: I alternate everyday with jabs then long holds. (1 rule, I shoot for 1000 a day...weather it's 1000 jabs or 1000 cumulative seconds of long holds from 3 seconds to as high as you can go). for instance, today i am doing 1000 seconds of 5 second to 40 second holds.....tomorrow will be 1000+ jab kegels. I keep alternating every day.

I'm sure there is a better description on how kegels feel. A regular kegel I can clearly feel it in my taint region. as far as a reverse kegel, start holding your piss til you have to go really bad.....go to a stand up stall and let her rip with vengence. that feeling you have when you blast a major piss is a reverse kegel. you will be able to hone in your skills shortly. I feel RKs slightly in my anus and my lower abs.

* On a side note....i could be doing everything wrong =)
Hope i was remotely helpful man.
grapeape;552772 said:
You can totally do them flaccid . Dont worry about the length of time per kegel yet. It's litterally no different than stepping into a gym for the first time and lifting a muscle you have never worked out before. I had the same concern when i started. Although it's not impressive, i can do up to 40 second holds on good days now. You can do what you want, and ol'veterans that know way more than me will possibly tell you something different. For the first 2 weeks just focus on what i call jab kegels. just a quick pop like popping your pectoral muscles. build up to 1000 jabs a day. I get the bulk of my kegels in driving to and from work. Then start trying to do 3 second holds for a week, maybe 5 second holds the next week.

There is no exact answer that covers everyone, but my EQ is better at 33 than when i was a teen. It's from jelqs and kegels. Not saying that you need EQ help, i'm just saying how effective the routine i'm about to mention is: I alternate everyday with jabs then long holds. (1 rule, I shoot for 1000 a day...weather it's 1000 jabs or 1000 cumulative seconds of long holds from 3 seconds to as high as you can go). for instance, today i am doing 1000 seconds of 5 second to 40 second holds.....tomorrow will be 1000+ jab kegels. I keep alternating every day.

I'm sure there is a better description on how kegels feel. A regular kegel I can clearly feel it in my taint region. as far as a reverse kegel, start holding your piss til you have to go really bad.....go to a stand up stall and let her rip with vengence. that feeling you have when you blast a major piss is a reverse kegel. you will be able to hone in your skills shortly. I feel RKs slightly in my anus and my lower abs.

* On a side note....i could be doing everything wrong =)
Hope i was remotely helpful man.

This is why i love this forum, thank you for taking your time with a detailed explanation:)
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