Well-known member
Jun 3, 2003
TOTAL thus far

Flaccid Length BPenis EnlargementL 6-8"
Flaccid Girth BASE 5-5.25
Erect Length BPenis EnlargementL 10.70
Erect Girth BASE 7+

My gains are as follows;

Flaccid BP length approx 3 inches
Flaccid Girth BASE Unknown
Erect BP length 1.7 inches
Erect Girth BASE 2.2 inches
Also please dont ask things such as ''What was your starting size'' and ''What is your mid-shaft size'' this thread is SPenis EnlargementCIFICALLY just for collecting data and ideas on that data. If you have other questions simply please make a new thread for that. Thanks for understanding because this is a special project I wish to complete for the community.
1.05" in BPenis EnlargementL and .625 in Erect girth. Even got a comment from my wife !
My gains are as follows:

Flaccid BP length: 1.0"
Flaccid base girth: 0.2"
Erect BP length: 1.0"
Erect base girth: 0.2"
Current stats:
BPFSL - 19,2 cm / 7.56" (2,7 cm/1.06" ABOVE INITIAL STATS)
BPenis EnlargementL - 18,3 cm / 7.2" (2,3 cm / 0.9" ABOVE INITIAL STATS)
EGB - 14,5 cm /5.71" (0,5 cm / 0.19" ABOVE INITIAL STATS)

And an even happier girlfriend :)
I always find this tough to answer as i've gained and lost a lot.

I started at 6 inches in length and i'm now 7.75, but before I got to 8 inches and then dropped back down to 7 inches. So all in all with the ups and the downs I think I gained about 3 inches in length, but obviously i'm only 1.75 inches bigger than when I started in terms of length.

Girth is simpler. I started at 5 and i'm now 5.75.
last measure 6 months ago 3/4in bpel 3/4in girth hoping for 1/4in increase in bpel next measure in january
You guys havent stated how long youve been in it, what you found most effective, or anything that is actually practical.
My Gains in about 1 year and a half (with highs and lows depending of the routines I was using, and the dedication I was putting into it) :

Flaccid BP length Unknown (sorry did not see the point about flaccid stats at that time)
Flaccid Girth BASE Unknown
Erect BP length 0.8 inches (about 2 cm)
Erect Girth BASE 0.6 inches (about 1,5 cm)

Exercises used :

Length : Newbie routine exercises for first 6 months, then the last 6 months started adding DLD Blasters, some "PA like" V-Stretches (with some pvc stick instead of the real PA), "__________/BlueWhale stretches" (not sure about the real name of this exercise where you completely twist your penis in your fist towards you). I personally think, the latest 6 months is when it really "kicked out" for length gains for me.

Girth : Started with some 200-300 jelqs/day, then added some Ulis, Horses, some very tight/intense and very slow Jelqs, then got the X-40 Bathmate+X-40 Bathmate and used them alone (by the book, once a day for 20 min straight) for 2-3 months, then came back 3 months ago to a routine combining everything, using Bathmate for 5 min, then a set of exercises (SSJ, Ulis, etc..), then Bathmate 5 min, then exercises again, then Bathmate 5 min, then wearing cockring (tight one for some 30 min for edgeing, then a stretchy elastomer one that I used to wear some hours during the day, and that I now use night and days with a few breaks/jelqs to let my penis handle it)

Actually started march 2010, but did 2 breaks for 1-2 months each time for different reasons (injuries for the first one, work and lack of time/privacy for the second...). Even though I've initially started it for length, I noticed I've worked more on girth after all (did more girth sessions, girth exercises than length ones).

Hope this helped your study, let me know if you need more data ;)
robertsg1;461377 said:
You guys havent stated how long youve been in it, what you found most effective, or anything that is actually practical.

Thats not the point of THIS thread. All this thread is for is gathering data so we can see exactly how much mos members have gained as a community added into one.
I hope to someday hit 11" :)
It was hilarious when I was watching DLD's VBLOG, he said he got upset because the strippers couldn't find his dick lol.
Red, it may be worth looking in the poll section as people seem to have posted their gains there.
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