Red: One could argue that the penis extends off of the body therefore it can be manipulated to a much larger degree. you cant seperate your bicep from your arm without severely injuring yourself. For groups of muscles attached to the body this seems logical. The penis can go outwards though and can be stressed to move out more so than say a normal muscle group that is in a fixed position on the body.
seeking8.5x6;303917 said:
Red: One could argue that the penis extends off of the body therefore it can be manipulated to a much larger degree. you cant seperate your bicep from your arm without severely injuring yourself. For groups of muscles attached to the body this seems logical. The penis can go outwards though and can be stressed to move out more so than say a normal muscle group that is in a fixed position on the body.

Thats a good point but could their still be limits emposed by genetics [if this is the case with the penis size thing] once we start pushing growth externally ... by this I mean where does it end? A limit must exist to some extent.
A limit is possibly there, certainly if not genetically then hopefully mentally. I definately would not want my penis dragging the ground when i walked. I keep getting distracted by the bouncing ass and titties on your messages to think straight.
Hey red? not to get off topic , but are you done making your dvd? and how do i order one? take care man :)
remiii, no I havent even started anything with the dvd if it ever does get into planning stages. I did have a model lined up to pose for me but I have sacked it all until another day ... or year. At the moment I have far too many other commitments to consider.
That sucks :( anyways i have fully healed from my injury , and was hoping to see a video from you
I think the mind plays a lot more important role than genetics. More people will limit themselves mentally a lot more than their genetics ever will.
If there aren't genetics, there's the purely physiological. Like seeking's dick dragging on the ground. Like a dick wider than your hips. Like a dick with so much volume you pass out from blood loss at the sight of some hot ass. Like a dick so big you can't get your hands around it enough to continue jelqing or clamping.

Red I don't know what to do with your sig, vomit or rub one out.
homelesswombat;304037 said:
If there aren't genetics, there's the purely physiological. Like seeking's dick dragging on the ground. Like a dick wider than your hips. Like a dick with so much volume you pass out from blood loss at the sight of some hot ass. Like a dick so big you can't get your hands around it enough to continue jelqing or clamping.

Red I don't know what to do with your sig, vomit or rub one out.

Yeah seriously, it's fucked up but with some hot shit on there too.
I believe I have good genetics.

I'm been pe'ing for 7 months and have not got any impressive gains.
Glad you like the sig ... I'm going to remove the dog ad the lass with the large rack.
I like that US gouvernment dude with the roll up ... ace.
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